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Chapter 28 tease

Maqiao Dictionary 韩少功 1381Words 2018-03-19
I searched all the dictionaries at hand, including the "Modern Chinese Dialect Dictionary" published by Jiangsu Education Press in 1993, but I couldn't find the word I wanted to say.I only found this "嬲" to barely substitute. The meaning of "嬲" in the dictionary is "teasing, entanglement", which is closer to what I want to say.The pronunciation niao is slightly different from the nia I want to say, and I hope readers can remember it. In many cases, 嬲 is used as a dirty word.Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the dictionaries of honest men and gentlemen are to enter the hardcover dictionaries of campuses, libraries, and the reception rooms of great people. Based on a noble language ethics, it must be ignored, at least lightly, or vaguely generalized. thing.But in real life, among Maqiao people, 嬲 is a very frequently used word.It is common for a person to say dozens or even hundreds of words in a day-they do not live according to the commonly used dictionaries.

The word 嬲 has many usages in Maqiao: (1) 嬲, pronounced Yangping, means sticking together.For example, when the envelope is glued, they will say: "Squeeze the envelope." Regarding the properties of paste and glue, they will say that these things are "squeaky" or "squeaky".Magnetite, that is, "iron stone".Slug, that is, "slut". (2) 嬲, with a flat voice, expressing intimacy, intimacy, entanglement, and the state of sticking skin and hair together. "Fang Ni" means to get close and intimate with others, and it is active. "Fat 嬲" means to induce others to get close to and be intimate with oneself with a certain demeanor, which has a more or less passive meaning.These are also used in the relationship between children and parents, women and men - a girl in love is always "very jealous" towards her lover.Her tone of voice, gaze, movements, etc., can be reminiscent of the properties of paste and glue.

(3) 嬲, pronounced upper-sound, means teasing, teasing, paying attention to, interfering with, etc., and has a similar meaning to the word "provoking" in Mandarin.For example, "Don't complain about disasters", "Don't complain about right and wrong" and so on.Maqiao people also say "Three Mos", one is young, the other is old, and the third is beggars.It means that these three kinds of people are very difficult to deal with. It is best not to interact with them, let alone conflict with them. This is also the attitude of people towards paste and glue. They are afraid that once the clay is not easy to release, they will be in a mess.It can be seen that although the word "嬲" is used in a variety of ways, its inner meaning is still consistent, with a track of extension and transmission.

(4) 嬲, send out the sound, meaning sexual behavior.There are similar words in northern dialects, such as "沉", pronounced cao, but later it was often mistaken for "把" in many written works.Some people who served as soldiers or lived in the north brought this word to the south, to Maqiao. In fact, "扎" from the north seems to be somewhat different from "嬲".First of all, the shape of the word "沉" shows that this is a male action, and it is naturally very appropriate to supplement it with a crisp, hasty, and violent pronunciation. The pronunciation of "嬲" is soft, lingering, and soothing, implying a gentle process.Judging from the original meaning of "嬲", or at least from the above-mentioned meanings of the word, the state of "嬲" certainly refers to a state of adhesion, closeness, entanglement, intimacy, and teasing , that is, a somewhat paste-and-glue state, devoid of violent aggression.

So far, almost all physiological surveys have confirmed that women's sexual arousal is slower than men's, and they often need enough tenderness to be aroused.This is a process of 嬲 (Yin Ping Sheng), a process of 嬲 (Yang Ping Sheng), and a process of 嬲 (Shang Sheng), which requires the attention and cooperation of men.A bold speculation can be derived from this: "嬲" is more in line with women's physiological characteristics than "史", and can be more valued by women. If there is a female language in the world, the most used sexual words must be the former rather than the latter.

A kind of Nushu was once discovered in Jiangyong County, Hunan Province. It is a script that is only circulated and used among women, and has attracted great attention from feminists.Even so, I doubt very much that women can have an independent language.However, considering that there are still many remnants of matriarchal society in the south, and considering that the south entered the patriarchal society one step later than the north in history, it is possible that women's physiology and psychology are relatively more reflected in southern languages.I would like to regard the word "嬲" as one of the evidences of this bold speculation.

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