Home Categories contemporary fiction Teacher Yu's Love Times

Chapter 38 Chapter 38

Teacher Yu's Love Times 范小青 928Words 2018-03-19
Yue'er in the yard heard Teacher Yu say inside: "Yue'er, the water is ready, let's move the bathtub to the house to wash." No, Yue'er said loudly, the room was suffocated. There was no sound from Teacher Yu, and Teacher Yu continued to scoop water silently, and the bucket was almost full... After a while, Teacher Yu came out. In the courtyard at dusk, a slightly hunchbacked Teacher Yu was carrying a bucket of steaming water and pouring it into the bathtub. There was a small stool beside the bathtub with soap and water on it. Yue'er changed into clean clothes, filled up the water, put the bucket on the ground, and walked to the classroom at the teacher's feet.Yue'er's feet were immersed in the water.

Teacher Yu pushed open the door of the classroom. The classroom was empty. After thinking about it, Teacher Yu went to the blackboard, picked up the chalk and started writing. Practice makes perfect, Teacher Yu wrote these four words, looked at them, felt dissatisfied, erased them, and then re-wrote them, practice makes perfect, looked again, still dissatisfied, wiped them again, Teacher Yu went to the podium to pick them up A copybook, I simply wrote it in comparison, wrote it several times, and finally looked back, finally nodded and put down the chalk. The four big characters "Practice makes perfect" stand on the blackboard very forcefully.

Now that Mr. Yu had nothing to do again, he looked around, and finally went to the rear window and looked out. Outside the rear window was a field. The field in summer evening was full of fireworks. There were a few chickens looking for food. The dog lay on the side and looked at the chickens tenderly.The sound of rushing water in Yue'er's bath. Teacher Yu began to sing: beside the small river in the field, cranberry flowers bloom... The chickens stopped looking for food and tilted their heads to listen to Teacher Yu's singing. There was something inexplicable in the dog's eyes... …

Lao Pang once asked me repeatedly if Mr. Yu had any habitual movements, that is, what he likes to do frequently.I thought and thought, and shook my head. Lao Pang thought that I didn't understand what he meant, and he said, for example, like the captain of the guard in the movie "Lenin in October", he likes to comb his hair with a small comb. No, I finally said with certainty that Mr. Yu doesn't have any habitual movements.As for the mantra, Lao Pang said, it is often said, often said, is there such a word? Before I could answer, Lao Pang suddenly came to his senses, yes, yes, he said, practice makes perfect.

Later, when Lao Pang was writing the movie script, the habitual action he designed for Teacher Yu was to sing.Teacher Yu in real life can't sing. Not only can he not recite the lyrics of any song, but he is also tone deaf. Lao Pang’s movie went through several twists and turns, and finally it was successfully filmed. I was moved over and over again while watching Lao Pang’s movie, especially the music by the field and small river throughout the whole play, which kept me in my heart time and time again. Make waves.But despite this, when I tell our own stories, I still can't use movies to replace or fill in the things we experienced personally. Lao Pang's movies can move me and move me, but after all, they just pass from my heart. However, only our own life experience is always stuck in the deepest part of my heart.

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