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Chapter 109 one zero nine

lesbian 范小青 2018Words 2018-03-19
Sure enough, Tian Changli said bluntly, you must guarantee my 400,000 square meters of fixed-sale housing within three years.Wan Li thought she heard it wrong, so she couldn't help asking, how much?Tian Zhili said it again, 400,000.Wan Li gasped in her heart.Tian Ji said mercilessly, besides, I have nothing else to give you, I only have one thing for you, and that is this seat.You also know that the era of land allocation by the government is gone forever, not even land for fixed-sale housing. So, what I will give you, except this seat, is one inch of land, one penny, one brick, You have to earn it by yourself.After Tian Guangli said, seeing Wan Li's reaction, Wan Li wanted to nod her head, but she felt that her head was so heavy that she couldn't even think about it.And——Tian Jizhi said another "and", after each "and", it is to add a little more weight to Wanli's shoulders: the satisfaction of the three parties, the satisfaction of the demolished households, and I want to be satisfied, and you also want to be satisfied. Be satisfied.

While talking, Tian Chengli opened the drawer, took out a document from it, and put it in front of Wan Li. Wan Li saw that it was an internal reference with a title on it: "The quality of the first batch of fixed-sale houses in Nanzhou City has been compromised." The subtitle of "Doubts to Households" is: Reservation Housing = Problem Housing? The words "problem room" and the question mark are specially replaced with large and black fonts, which are very eye-catching.Tian Tong said that the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government had made great determination to sell these houses at the beginning, and they paid great attention to them. The plots were specially designated, and many preferential policies were given, but the results were not ideal. No wonder Zhou Hongfa He refused to accept it, and pushed it to the Weishou Group.Wan Li's heart moved, but Tian Ji had already seen her thoughts. He knew what sprouts were in her heart, but he couldn't allow even a little bit of sprouts to emerge. Tian Ji had to kill them in the bud. Before, he said that this is also the experience and lessons we should sum up. A government-owned enterprise enjoys many preferential policies that others cannot enjoy. When you make a contribution, you should make a contribution. Things like Zhou Hongfa will not be allowed to happen in the future.

What Tian Zhili said was too clear, but that meant that when Wan Li sat in this seat, Tian Zhili might indeed give her a lot of privileges, and she also believed that she would have a good environment that was beyond the reach of many people, but At the same time, there are many things she can't control, and she has to do whatever the routine asks her to do. In an instant, Wan Li felt aggrieved. Everyone knew about Zhou Hongfa's refusal to accept the sale of the house. Two forces are fighting, and they are all focused on waiting for the result of the confrontation. Zhou Hongfa seems to be fighting against the municipal party committee and government. Can he win?In the end, Zhou Hongfa won.The situation became complicated, and many people looked at the flowers in a fog, but after all, they had little to do with them. After a while, the fixed-sale houses had already started construction, and the discussions disappeared.Until recently, the listing of fixed-sale housing was questioned, and this topic was brought up again.

There are many things that Wanli can't figure out. How can Zhou Hongfa be allowed to do whatever he wants while sitting in this seat, but not someone else? Is it really because Zhou Hongfa is rich and powerful, and money can turn ghosts around, and even the rules of the field have to be given to him? Three points of face? But Wanli can't be wronged, she only has to accept unconditionally, there is no room for bargaining, even if she is a lesbian, even if she can cry, it doesn't help, she has to bear what she needs to bear just like a gay man everything. Wan Li finally spoke. This was the first real sentence she uttered after sitting in Tian Chang's office, and it was also the first sentence with content. She said, Secretary Tian, ​​I can afford a house.When Tian Ji heard this, he immediately laughed "hahaha" and said, of course you can raise a house with a house. Your real estate company doesn't use a house to raise a house, so why do you raise a house?Amid Tian Chenggong's laughter, Wan Li even felt a little embarrassed, because of the grievance she felt just now, Tian Ji would not let her be wronged, and if Wan Li didn't even have the confidence to do so, Tian would not let her be wronged. How could routine order her generals?Get out of Tian Chang's office and take the elevator down to the first floor.As the elevator descended steadily, Wan Li's eyes were fixed on the jumping numbers, but her mind was blank.

Everything happened too fast and too suddenly. The conversation between Tian Ji and her, where to ask for advice, and where to take preliminary considerations, in just over an hour, has quickly moved from a job transfer to a post-transfer. For her work, from the macro evaluation and grasp of the real estate industry to how to deal with the problems that Zhou Hongfa left behind, Ren Wanli's thinking is so sharp and adaptable. Such a quick empathy, for her, It was also like fighting a fierce hand-to-hand combat just now, and when he stopped, he had to take a breath. The elevator stopped, and when the elevator door opened with a "ding", Wan Li remembered to take out her mobile phone. Just before entering Secretary Tian's office, she had turned the ringer of her mobile phone to silent for fear of interference from the phone. When I called back, I saw two missed calls. I opened it and saw that one was still from Izudou, so you can ignore her, and the other was from Sun Guohai. Wan Li hesitated for a while, thinking whether to call her or not. Sun Guohai called back, and Sun Guohai's phone call came in again, saying that he was so happy to drink the wedding wine, and he couldn't hear the phone?

Wan Li didn't tell him anything, just said, I just saw your call and was about to call you back.Sun Guohai smiled and said, I encountered a troublesome matter and wanted to use your name.Wan Li frowned involuntarily, borrowing the name to use it, what is it called, Wan Li wanted to answer him, but swallowed the words again, she had already lost the desire to argue with Sun Guohai, so she changed her mind to discuss the matter asked, what's the matter?Sun Guohai said, I have a friend who is at the police station. I am going to hunt him down. It happens to be within your district, so I will report your name.Seeing that Wan Li didn't make a statement right away, he said, don't worry, it's nothing serious. If something really happened, I wouldn't dare to use your name. What's more, if something really happened, I'm afraid your name won't work, and neither will Tian Cheng's name. Use, right, I still have this level of policy. They just found a young lady and they were fined 10,000. Isn’t the rule all 5,000? The police station in your district is too dark.

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