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Chapter 89 Eighty-nine

lesbian 范小青 3086Words 2018-03-19
A meal ended at three minutes to one hour, completely in line with the time stipulated in advance, serving food and wine, almost every minute and every second was pinched, and there would be no delay. It won't end early either, everything is strictly regulated.At the beginning, Wan Li saw that Secretary Zhou was so easy-going, informal, and interested, and thought that the chief would let go and have a drink and have a good time. Only then did she realize that the secretary of the provincial party committee is the secretary of the provincial party committee. , although he can let Jiang Xiaojuan add a seat, but he is still the secretary of the provincial party committee, not someone else, not the secretary of the city party committee, nor the secretary of the county party committee or the secretary of the township party committee.Wan Li couldn't help but think of how many years ago, when she first went to the countryside when she first joined the Women's Federation, how Secretary Chen of the township party committee drank and talked. The cashmere sweater that was processed and exported was the most fashionable and popular back then, but it has been eliminated now. That dress is no longer in her wardrobe, and she has even forgotten how to dispose of it and who it was given to , or sold second-hand goods, I don’t remember, I just remember the year, but when I took a cashmere sweater as a big event, I felt extremely heavy, and even Sister Xu was moved by it.Time flies so fast, everything has become a thing of the past.

During the whole meal, although it was well-organized and well-regulated, many people still seized the time to toast. Although the secretary was not at the main table, whenever there was a situation, he would appear next to Secretary Zhou, and he did not replace Secretary Zhou. For wine, but as long as he stands there, the person toasting can only make a symbolic toast. Whether Secretary Zhou drinks or not, the person toasting cannot have any thoughts, and even wants to tell Secretary Zhou more. A few words are also unlikely.During this process, the big secret still didn't speak, just smiled and communicated with everyone, and when it came to Wanli, he was still the same as before, never letting Wanli feel the slightest special treatment, even a little bit. No special gaze either.Until Wan Li and her classmates lined up to send Secretary Zhou away, and until they got into the car, the secretary never turned around to take another look at her.

On the second day after the graduation ceremony, the list of the remaining provinces was officially announced. It was quite different from what everyone had hoped and guessed at the beginning. There were only two people left in total among the sixty people, and Gao Hong from Nanzhou was one of them.Kang Jiping told Wan Li on the phone, are you disappointed?Wan Li said, no, I told you earlier, I don't want to stay here, I want to go back to Nanzhou, Nanzhou is where my roots are.Kang Jiping said that I am mainly in Nanzhou.Wan Li said, you feel good.Kang Jiping said, Wanli, it would be a lie to say that you are not lost, there is always a little bit, if you don't keep it, it's fine, if you keep two, but you are not there, it means that you are not the best.Wan Li said, whether it is top-notch or not depends on how you look at it.

Kang Jiping said, but if Gao Hong stays, you have nothing to say, but this time is also very dangerous. A while ago, Miss Nie was very active. If Miss Nie stays, you will overturn the vinegar bottle.Wan Li said, what about me?Kang Jiping said, well, to tell you the truth, it's not that you are not top-notch, but because you are too top-notch and outstanding, and Nanzhou wants to use you again, so it let you go back.Wan Li said, come on, what big secret did you introduce last time, and you even had dinner together, attended the graduation ceremony, and ignored me from beginning to end, pretending not to know, what a big air.Kang Jiping said, you are wrong, very wrong.Wan Li refused to accept it and said, what was wrong with me? I have seen it, I have seen it, and I have recognized it. If he doesn’t want to talk to me, he won’t come to me that day. Why meet him?What to eat?

Kang Jiping said, don't think about it for others. He is a secretary. Under the eyes of everyone, especially when the chief is around, how can he show a special relationship with you? If you are a gay man, maybe there is some possibility, but You are a lesbian, you are not only a lesbian, but also so young and beautiful, he came to say hello to you, isn't he just asking for comments?Officials pay great attention to details, how could he show his affection to you?If he was such a frivolous person, how could he be today?Can he do the big secret?Wan Li said, I don't want him to show affection to me, since I recognize him, shake hands and say hello, what's the point?Kang Jiping said, why should he tell everyone that he recognizes you?Wan Li said, what's wrong with me, did I make a mistake?I am a criminal?Anyway, I am also a student of the party school's youth cadre class.

Kang Jiping said, you still don't know them, don't think about how cautious they are, anyway, let me tell you something, don't say that the secretary ignored you on the spot, even if he scolded you on the spot, he was still secretly Helped you a lot.Wan Li was taken aback, and said, that is to say, some things I said in the party school later, such as speeches and so on, really have something to do with him?Kang Jiping said, what do you think?Wan Li suddenly sighed and said, it's all over, what's the point, it's nothing.Kang Jiping said, no, the past is also interesting, it makes you feel good when you recall it, and it can greatly encourage your confidence.Also, the past may not be the past, but it will play an important role in the future. Tell me yourself, how did you perform during your study at the party school?Wan Li said, average, medium, this is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, and speaking from my conscience, I can't compare with them in many aspects.Kang Jiping said, you are very down-to-earth, but you don't know that the party school has a high opinion of you, and this comment has been sent back to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee in advance.Wan Li was stunned for a long time, and said, how do you know everything?The head of the organization is your father?Are you a secret agent of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee?Kang Jiping said, I told you earlier that I was sent by God to help you.

After talking on the phone with Kang Jiping, Miss Nie came back. She didn't attend the banquet, and she didn't know where she had gone. When she walked into the room, Wan Li was startled. Miss Nie, who was already very thin, became even thinner. Her face was as if it had been sliced ​​by a knife, and it became extremely hard and narrow. Wan Li wanted to say something to her, wanted to ask her where she had been, but she couldn't open her mouth. Little Sister Nie didn't intend to talk to Wan Li either, she started to fight as soon as she came in. Arranging the luggage, Wan Li’s luggage had already been packed, and the room seemed empty all of a sudden. Wan Li felt a little sad when she saw that people were about to go to the empty room, so she turned on the tape recorder. better than me".Nie Xiaomei didn't make a sound at first, but after a while, she pointed to the tape recorder and said, "Turn it off, I don't want to listen."Wan Li didn't dare to provoke her, so she turned off the tape recorder.Nie Xiaomei said, you are all happy.Before Wan Li could say anything, she twitched the corner of her mouth and said, it's human nature, understandable, understandable.Wan Li said, don't think of people so badly.Nie Xiaomei said, I have always been a firm materialist, and I don't think people are too bad, because people are too bad.Let’s just say that this statement was originally made by you, and this point of view was also inspired by you. You probably got the spirit of the provincial party committee temporarily, so you stopped posting it and didn’t tell me.

Wan Li interrupted her and said, "Miss Nie, you have to have a basis for what you say. It's not like you don't know that my daughter is sick, and you answered the phone!"Nie Xiaomei sneered, this is easy to handle, won't you make an agreement with your family Sun Guohai to lie to me?Wan Li shouted angrily, "Little sister Nie, how can you say such a thing?" !Feel your conscience, do you believe what you say? !Nie Xiaomei still wanted to say something to her, but when she opened her mouth, she suddenly froze, as if she had suffered a stroke, she couldn't move her opened mouth, she couldn't make a sound, but tears flowed down her face .

Wan Li wanted to persuade her, but she was still unable to open her mouth. Seeing Xiaomei Nie's tears rolling down like broken pearls, Wan Li was a little scared, because Xiaomei Nie's crying was silent. When she heard her cry, Wan Li was worried about what might happen, so she hurried to find Teacher Shen. Teacher Shen said, "It's hard for me too, maybe it's not suitable for me to persuade her. Now, your class has officially graduated. It's gone, it's not my business anymore, besides, what should I say about this kind of thing?What am I going to say?Wan Li said that she had been crying for almost half an hour, and I was a little worried, would something happen?Teacher Shen sighed and said, things will not happen. Nie Xiaomei is a lesbian with experience and experience. She has been in this circle much longer than you. She has seen and experienced much more than you. What's more, her heart is also relatively hard, unlike yours, I believe she will survive it.

Wan Li felt a little relieved when she heard what Teacher Shen said. Teacher Shen said, alas, she is also to blame. She was too eager to win. This speech is too important and too confident. Maybe I feel that my class teacher is not enough weight, not enough level to give her a check.Wan Li said, what if you check in on her?Teacher Shen said that the economy has never been an isolated economy, and has always been a manifestation of politics. Therefore, economic development has always been a relatively sensitive issue, and the controversy is also great. Either it will not be discussed. If you want to talk, you must hold the leadership in advance. The pulse on the Internet, we must understand the latest important information, Nie Xiaomei's point of view, if we talk about it at this time last year, there may be no problem, at least there is no big problem, but last year was last year, and this year is this year, not to mention, Secretary Zhou is just trying to Discussions are catching up on this issue.Wan Li said, it's not a coincidence, why did Secretary Zhou's article get published today?Teacher Shen said that this was a coincidence, and it was also related to Nie Xiaomei's speculative psychology. She said it too seriously and absolutely.Wan Li said, yes, I also think she is a bit sensational.Teacher Shen said that that was the effect she wanted. If she didn't make a sensational statement, no one would pay attention to it. It's just that Nie Xiaomei made the wrong bet.

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