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Chapter 88 eighty eight

lesbian 范小青 2440Words 2018-03-19
Secretary Zhou said, I am here to study today. There is no doubt about it. Minister Dong has already summed it up just now. Therefore, I will say a few words now, just to talk about my experience today. Since the Third Plenary Session of the First Central Committee, the central work of our party has shifted to economic construction. As the saying goes, development is the last word. This is the top priority of our party. Minister Dong just said that today’s newspaper has one of my This article is my initial experience, and I would like to invite all of you, the top students among our cadres, to give me more opinions and help me improve.Secretary Zhou's speech did not mention anything about Miss Nie's speech from the beginning to the end, but everyone present did not know that Minister Dong's speech was exactly what Secretary Zhou meant.At this time, the newspaper in Mrs. Shen's hand had already been uploaded in her seat, and when it reached Wan Li, she saw that it was indeed the provincial newspaper of the day, and indeed there was a long article by Secretary Zhou titled "Vigorously Developing Three Industry, take the broad road of enriching the people and strengthening the province", and Nie Xiaomei talked about the contribution of township enterprises in her speech, belittled and attacked the tertiary industry, which was exactly the opposite of Secretary Zhou's article.

Nie Xiaomei persisted until the end of the meeting and did not leave early, but as soon as the meeting ended, she walked out of the venue without saying a word, and no one dared to call her. There will be a banquet after the meeting. Secretary Zhou will have dinner with everyone to celebrate graduation. Nie Xiaomei also She didn't participate, and no one asked her where she was. Even Teacher Shen, who cared most about her classmates, pretended not to know. There are eight tables in the restaurant. The main table has a seat card, but the other tables do not. But when I sat down, I found that there was only one lesbian on the main table, and she was also from the provincial government who was invited to attend the graduation ceremony. A leader, Minister Wu of the Propaganda Department saw it and immediately said, Hey, why are there so few lesbians?When Principal Huang heard this, he quickly stood up, looked around, and said, how did you arrange it?Come here, Wan Li, Jiang Xiaojuan, sit down here.But the seat here has a seat card. Wan Li and Jiang Xiaojuan came over and there was no place to sit. Principal Huang said, Wan Li, you sit in my seat, and I will change it with you. Wan Li sat down on her own seat, but there was only Jiang Xiaojuan left, but no one else was willing to change with her. No wonder, how many years did these people wait until they got this opportunity to eat at the same table with the secretary of the provincial party committee? It's an easy job, so why give it up to the lesbians?Jiang Xiaojuan stood blankly, embarrassed, and was hesitating whether to go back to her original seat. Secretary Zhou pointed at her with a smile and said, this female classmate, please add a seat. Anyway, the table is big and it is not too crowded. Bar.Immediately, someone brought chairs and tableware, and Jiang Xiaojuan also sat down, her face flushed.

Minister Wu said, Secretary Zhou is a real civilian secretary and an approachable secretary. I have never seen an extra seat at the dining table of a provincial party secretary.Minister Dong said, yes.He looked at the people at the table and said with a smile, I'm afraid you didn't expect Secretary Zhou to be so easy-going, did you?Secretary Zhou said, you two, don't hurt me with the other. After you said that, I thought I was usually a villain in everyone's eyes.Everyone laughed happily, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed, but most of the people were still nervous, because they were so reserved when they ate at the same table with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Secretary Zhou said with a smile, today's situation reminds me of what happened when I was in college. At that time, I still liked to sit on girls' desks. Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Some people didn't even dare to see Secretary Zhou. His face turned pale, Secretary Zhou continued, why?Hungry, boys always think that girls have a small appetite, so they go to the girl's table to eat more, and it is true, every time they go over, they can take advantage of it, not to mention food, because they are There are no dishes to speak of, but there are quite a few big radishes, but the more you eat, the more hungry you become, not to mention oily water, and the corners of the stomach are scraped clean, but when we are at the girl's table, at least we can eat more Eat half a bowl.

After hearing this, everyone sighed. Everyone's face had a dignified expression of remembering the difficult past.Secretary Zhou also said, but one time when another boy and I approached, we found that the faces of the girls at that table were not right. One of the girls was about to say something, but the girl sitting opposite her got anxious and stood up quickly. , stretched out her hand, as if to block the girl from speaking, but when she stood up, she seemed to be dying, and suddenly rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.We later found out that every time we boys came over, the girls kept it from us and took turns saving food for us. After a long time, the girls couldn't bear it anymore. To persevere, it is the girl who fainted. In order not to disappoint us, she only fed a few grains of rice for several days. The other girls couldn't see it, so they decided to explain the situation to us. Anxious, dizzy.

The story of Secretary Zhou made everyone silent, and then Secretary Zhou adjusted the atmosphere himself. He let out a long sigh of relief and said, let’s look at the present, reform and opening up, why the people raised their hands in favor of reform and opening up, this reason, It goes without saying.Secretary Zhou smiled slightly, and said, but now, the lesbians are starting to starve themselves again—his eyes saw Wan Li, and he said with a smile, Xiao Wan, don’t you think so?If you are afraid of getting fat, if you want to be slim, you will starve yourself. It is said that some people fainted from hunger.

After Secretary Zhou said that, everyone relaxed, and some people looked at Wan Li and smiled. Minister Dong said, Xiao Wan, you are in such a good shape, you must be hungry, right?Wan Li blushed, not knowing how to answer.Minister Wu said, Xiaowan, let me introduce my experience. My old lady always complains to me, saying that drinking cold water also makes me fat, and I don’t lose weight no matter how hungry I am.Secretary Zhou said, don’t be hungry. If it were me, I wouldn’t starve myself. I was afraid of being hungry back then, and I never dared to let myself be hungry. I remember one time I accidentally looked in the mirror and found that my eyeballs They are all yellow-green and yellow-green, but I am very scared. I will never forget that kind of hunger in my life. So now, I have never been harsh on my stomach.Minister Dong said, but Secretary Zhou, you have not seen you gain weight in the past few years.Minister Wu said that she was born with a natural beauty.Secretary Zhou laughed out loud, how could I be a natural beauty? I did not describe it properly, Xiao Wan was a natural beauty.

Everyone looked at Wanli again, Wanli's face turned redder, and the happiness in her heart overflowed. She accidentally caught a glimpse of Jiang Xiaojuan's expression at the same table. Jiang Xiaojuan also smiled with everyone, but there was clearly a hint of embarrassment in the smile , which made Wan Li think of Little Sister Nie when she was almost carried away with excitement.The atmosphere at the table became more and more harmonious, but Wan Li's heart could not be calmed down. When Miss Nie walked out, everyone saw it, but no one pretended not to see it, and no one pretended not to care about it. At that moment, Nie Xiaomei's back was facing the venue, Wan Li couldn't see her face, but only saw her back from half side. Nie Xiaomei's back was like a stiff stone.This stone is now weighing heavily on Wan Li's heart, and the atmosphere of the banquet is very

Well, because of Secretary Zhou's attitude, Wanli has been sought after by everyone. This is undoubtedly the most glorious time for Wanli since she entered the agency and became a cadre. She was in Nanzhou before, when she was taken care of by the Secretary-General. Compared with being favored in front of Secretary Zhou today, it is incomparable. At this moment, almost everyone in the audience is sensitive and envious of Wanli's treatment.But in the depths of Wanli's heart, there was a chill and a kind of sadness. During the whole banquet, the stiff back of Nie Xiaomei was always shaking in front of her eyes, shaking her heart. .

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