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Chapter 12 twelve

lesbian 范小青 2302Words 2018-03-19
Later, Izudou also ran to Wanli's table. The main leader of this table was Director Liu of the government office. Izudou ran directly behind Director Liu, leaned on him, put his hand on Director Liu's shoulder, He hooked his face to Director Liu's and said, Director Liu, have you handed over our report to Mayor Ma?Director Liu smiled and said, do I dare not to do the work Izudo assigned me?Izudou said, Director Liu doesn't take care of me, who will take care of me.Director Liu said, don't have too many people who take care of you.Everyone at the table was smiling at them.Director Liu said again, by the way, have you sent a copy of your report to the Finance Bureau? Even if Mayor Ma approves this matter, the Finance Bureau will have to pay for it.Izudo patted her cheek lightly, and said, Oh, I only have Director Liu and Mayor Ma in my eyes, and there is no one else.The tone of Izudou's voice when talking to Director Liu is not the same as usual in the work unit. The voice is light and soft, the tone is soft and sweet, and the speed of speech is much slower, dragging Long tail.

Idou Dou came to Wanli's side after socializing with Director Liu, squeezed her buttocks and Wanli's on a stool, put her arms around Wanli's waist, motioned Wanli to look at Yu Jianfang who was on the table behind, and said, you Looking at Yu Jianfang, his little face turned pale with anger.Wan Li knew that Izudou was talking about the matter that Sister Xu dragged her to the main table to introduce to the leader. She couldn't answer, so she just smiled.Izudo also said "hey" and ran away. After a while, she came with her own teacup and said to Wan Li, "Pick up your teacup."Wan Li said, what are you doing?Izuzu said, communication.Wan Li said, it's not wine.Izudou said, the tea party will replace wine with tea.

The performance on the front stage continued, and Izudou was going to hold Wan Li and hold the teacup to offer tea to others.Wan Li felt that doing this was too unreasonable, too ostentatious, and too pretentious. If she wanted to attract attention, she shouldn't do this. Maybe Izudou could do this, and it matched her aura, but Wan Li couldn't. , she felt inappropriate.He refused to leave, and said, go by yourself, I don't even know him, so what's the deal.Izudou said, if you don't know people, you have to socialize.Wan Li still didn't go, and Lai said, you can go as long as you want, why are you dragging me.Izudou said, you think I'm Miss Xu, and I want to launch you grandly?No, I'm pulling you to strengthen my courage. If I have the courage to attack alone, I won't take you with me.With you, we are Shuangfeiyan, no matter how beautiful things are, we have an equal share, without you, I am the only one in the thriving.Don't look at the bright smile on my face, but my heart is still a little trembling.

Wan Li had nothing to do with Izudou, so she couldn't help laughing and said, you also have times of timidity?Izudou said, I have enough courage to offer a toast, but this toast to tea is a bit nondescript and weird, isn't it?Wan Li said, if you know it's weird, don't go there.Izuzu said, don't you understand that this is an opportunity?If you know it, you should grab it.Wan Li said, seeing someone drop their wallet on the ground with no one around, is it a chance?Would you pick it up and put it in your pocket?Izudo said, you also take this matter too much.Paused, then said, but if you look at it this way, I can't go, otherwise, doesn't it mean that I picked up someone else's wallet and put it in my pocket?When Izudo said this, Wan Li felt that she was being too serious. Not only did she not seize the opportunity, but she also disturbed the opportunity that Izudo wanted to seize. She felt soft-hearted and wanted to say, otherwise, I would go with you.But when it came to his mouth, he just didn't say it.

Izudo didn't take it seriously either, and returned to her table with a teacup in her hand. Once she sat down, she chatted and laughed happily again, but Wan Li's heart felt lumpy for a long time. After a while, she felt that Izudo was right when she said to seize the opportunity, especially like her Such newly arrived comrades, if they don’t use this occasion to impress others, they will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey if they want to get to know so many people and relationships in the future.But thinking of walking around the venue and feeling uncomfortable under the eyes of everyone, it is very uncomfortable.Thinking about it this way, thinking about the past, hesitating and hesitating, I feel very annoyed, thinking that I have only been in the agency for a few days, how come I have become so worried about gains and losses, and have small stomachs.

It will also bloom, but it is not fresh and vivid, because it is not cultivated by the sun and rain in nature, but grows by breathing the special air in the organ. It seems to have withered just after it blooms.Wan Li didn't expect that not long after she arrived, she would already start to feel covered. seven Not long after the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the city held a city-wide publicity work meeting. It was a large-scale meeting, and the discipline was relatively strict. Even if the representatives at the meeting lived in the city, they had to eat and live together.The women's federation should be Yu Jianfang, and Yu Jianfang has also made some preparations. She plans to speak during the group discussion. The content of her speech has also been reported to Sister Xu. Sister Xu raised a few points on the premise of her basic approval. It is suggested that Yu Jianfang come back and reorganize it to form a complete speech material.But the day before the meeting, Ms. Xu received an invitation from the Women's Federation of Qiaozhou City. Qiaozhou City held a new women's congress. Ms. Xu was going to congratulate her and asked Yu Jianfang to accompany her. Yu Jianfang was taken aback and said, tomorrow It is a publicity work meeting in the city.Sister Xu said

, It was a big meeting, it was held all the way to the village level, and all the propaganda committee members of the village participated, do you think it will be a big meeting?Let Xiao Wan go.Yu Jianfang can't say anything more. She is a comrade with strong organizational discipline. She has never said anything to the leader, and she has never bargained for the tasks assigned by the leader. This afternoon, Yu Jianfang was immersed in writing congratulatory speeches. Wan Li was making preparations for the meeting, but she was a little unsure. Fortunately, Yu Jianfang had written a speech material seriously before, and Wan Li asked Yu Jianfang to come and take a look. Learn about the situation of the meeting.When Yu Jianfang heard that Wan Li asked her for speech materials, she raised her head from the manuscript, her eyes were a little confused because she was so absorbed in the writing, she seemed not to understand at first, she stared blankly at Wan Li, Wan Li said again, Chief Yu, I want to borrow your speech——Yu Jianfang understood now, opened the drawer, looked through it, with a strange expression on his face, and said, Hey, why is it missing?Wan Li knew that Yu Jianfang didn't want to give it to her, and she still played such a cheap little trick. At first Wan Li almost laughed, but seeing Yu Jianfang pretending to be stupid, she felt useless in her heart. Although Yu Jianfang was honest and even a little stupid, but He is really the kind of selfish person who enters in but does not come out. He is too narrow-minded and too small-minded. It is really boring to guard such a person to work every day. Thinking about it this way, not only can't laugh, but his face can't help but fall to the ground. After getting up, Yu Jianfang noticed it, and said, Xiao Wan, I'm rushing to write this congratulatory speech right now, and I'll look for it for you later when I have free time.

Just as I was talking, Izudou came in, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and said, Section Chief Yu, this is a congratulatory message. Sister Xu has already read it, do you want to take a look again?Yu Jianfang opened his mouth and was stunned for a while, before saying, "Sister Xu has seen it, so I won't watch it."Wan Li thought, Yu Jianfang doesn't need to write a congratulatory speech. She promised to find the speech for me just now, and she certainly won't find it for me. I don't know what kind of nonsense will be used to deal with me next time. I didn't want to hear it, so I ran out to the toilet.

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