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Chapter 9 Nine

lesbian 范小青 1815Words 2018-03-19
Izudo laughed, daughter, hehe, daughter.She raised the coat she was holding in her hand and said, Hey, Miss Wan, how about my dress?Wan Li's thinking didn't change as fast as hers, so she was a bit taken aback before saying, "It's quite tasteful."Izudou said, just now I said that you were going to train Yu Jianfang to be a writer, but in fact, you also trained me. Since you came, my clothes have changed, and everyone can see it, but you haven't.Wan Li was another surprise, saying, how come, your clothes are very individual.Izuzu said, there is personality, but no taste, and now I am starting to study taste.Wan Li let out a "ha", why is it related to me?Izuzu said, if you don’t come, I’m in the agency, even if I have a high grade, but once you come, I’m not a grade, you think, can I not study and not change?If you don’t research, change, or make progress, the world won’t be yours anymore.

Wan Li only thinks that Izudo can be straightforward, but she can't say that what she said is unreasonable.Wan Li suddenly remembered a sentence that Kang Jiping once said to her when she was in college: People are strong because of the strength of their opponents, and at this moment, I feel that Izudo's words are also true.It's just that she didn't expect that not long after she entered the agency, she would be regarded as an opponent by many people.Of course, this kind of competition consciousness between people is actually innate. Even if Izudou doesn't say it, Wanli will feel it, even if she doesn't feel it now, she will feel it sooner or later, but now Wan Li felt a little embarrassed when Izudou pointed her out early.The interpersonal relationship in the agency should be Tai Chi, and Izuzu's style is like a duel for Westerners. He threw away his white gloves and started doing it openly.And Yu Jianfang is still her immediate boss, even if she is an opponent, she is not an opponent at the same level, so she doesn't have to face a big enemy.Compared with Izu Dou, Yu Jianfang's competition is hidden, but it's just that she thinks it's hidden.

They climbed to the top of the mountain, and there was a photographer on the top of the mountain. They took a photo together, and the person who took the photo asked them if they wanted to write "take a picture of such and such a mountain", and Izudo said that the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak.Wan Li said that this was mentioned by Chairman Mao to Jiang Qing.Izudo said, how did Chairman Mao know Jiang Qing?Chairman Mao was giving a lecture on the stage, and Jiang Qing was sitting in the first row, taking notes and looking at Chairman Mao adoringly without blinking.Wan Li smiled and looked at it without blinking, how can you take notes?Izudo said, this is the skill.

Fives The hot water in each office in the organization is brought by the comrades in the office themselves from the water supply room.The office is a large compound. Many units of the municipal party committee and municipal government are in the same compound, but there are not many exchanges between units. There are many cadres who have worked in the compound for many years. I saw other people walking in the compound. The cadres of the department all knew their faces and nodded in greeting, but they didn't know the name of the other party, let alone other situations.But every day in the water supply room, there will be some small exchanges, because the hot water is boiled immediately, and when one pot is used up, it will wait for a long time for the second pot, and everyone is idle at this time It's okay, let's talk.Wan Li and some comrades from other departments gradually got to know each other like this

of. Because Wan Li is a newcomer, she has received some attention, not to mention that among the people fetching water, there are far more gay men than lesbians. In most departments of the government, gay men account for the majority, and in some units, lesbians are rare. , I heard that there are thirty or forty people in the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and there are only two lesbians in total, which is really a rare treasure.Unlike in the women's federation, all eyes are full of women, so there are poor-mouthed gay men in the organization saying, if I am transferred to the women's federation to work, I will die of happiness.But there are also gay men who say the other way around, alas, a female leader in the family can’t stand it, so many female comrades lead me, and I can’t live.People say, then you can lead them.He said, have you ever seen that the director of the Women's Federation is a man?

One day, after waiting for water for a long time, and the water supply room was steaming, Wanli was a little confused when she finally got the water. When she was just going out, she bumped into someone. It was shattered, luckily it wasn't burned, but Wan Li was frightened and stared at the fragments all over the place in a daze, but this person said repeatedly, don't blame me, don't blame me, it was you who bumped into it, it was you Hit it. Wan Li thought he would at least say sorry, but unexpectedly he was in a hurry to shirk her responsibility. Wan Li was very angry and said, I didn't ask you to pay, why are you so anxious?A poor-mouthed gay man next to him said, Sun Guohai, you might as well be a little late and let me hit you. I want to compensate her for not even having a thermos bottle.Only then did Wan Li know that this person was called Sun Guohai. Seeing that he was wearing a yellow military uniform, he probably came back from the army, but how could he look like a soldier in such a fearful manner?Sure enough, when Sun Guohai heard what the gay man said, he quickly explained that I didn't hit her, but she hit me.The gay man said, I have been planning to hit her for a long time.Sun Guohai said, I am not, I am not.Wan Li turned her head and left without looking at him again.

When she went out to fetch water in the morning, Wan Li found that Sun Guohai was always avoiding her. If they were on the road, and they were going to the water supply room together, Sun Guohai deliberately slowed down and rubbed back to avoid direct contact with her. When the ground hit the ground, Sun Guohai lowered his head to look at the road and insisted not to look at her.The first few times Wan Li was also very unhappy, it was just a hot water bottle, it shouldn't be like this.On the other hand, he is tall and burly, imposing, but he is so narrow-minded.But later Wan Li found out that when he walked past with his head down, his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

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