Home Categories contemporary fiction the wind passes by

Chapter 18 Section 18

the wind passes by 邓一光 8786Words 2018-03-19
When the Anti-Rightist Struggle started, Ye Lingfeng became the first object of movement in the unit. Ye Lingfeng's problems are very complicated. He has a lot of reactionary remarks, and his insinuating scripts are all ironclad evidence; his relationship with the masses is very bad, and everyone has a lot of opinions on him; he also has historical problems—— Before liberation, he worked as a senior employee in the old government, and later worked as a reporter in a newspaper office. He wrote many articles praising the old era. He kept secret about that experience and never told others. It's just a one-liner, and there is clearly a concealment. Even if the previous crimes are not counted, the latter one is enough to put him to death.

At that time, after unremitting efforts, my aunt finally persuaded Ye Lingfeng to ask him to go to the hospital with her to see a doctor.The results of the doctor's examination proved that the problem was Ye Lingfeng. Because of Ye Lingfeng's poor health and weak sperm quality, it was difficult for them to conceive a child.Knowing the result, my aunt breathed a sigh of relief, and persuaded the frustrated Ye Lingfeng, saying, it doesn't matter, isn't it just a weak body?As long as we work hard, we can always make ourselves stronger. My aunt was eating that day when she suddenly felt a rush in her stomach. She couldn't hold back for a while, threw away the bowl, ran outside the house and vomited.She vomited violently, mouthful after mouthful, until her eyes were full of tears, and she even vomited out gall.

Ye Lingfeng didn't know what happened, he was a little surprised, holding the chopsticks in his hand, with half a mouthful of steamed bun in his mouth, sitting there, looking out of the house in a daze, seeing his aunt vomited hard, so he hurriedly threw away the bowl and chopsticks, I ran to show my aunt back, beat it for a while, then ran back into the house, took out a towel, and wiped my aunt's mouth. After the auntie finished wiping her mouth and stood up, Ye Lingfeng asked repeatedly, what's wrong?what happened?What happened? My aunt finished vomiting, closed her eyes, leaned against the threshold weakly, gasped for a while, then opened her eyes, smiled and said, Lingfeng, we have a baby.

Ye Lingfeng was a little confused, and said, what child?where is the childWhy didn't I see you? There were two blushes on the beautiful face of my aunt, she stretched out her hand, pulled Ye Lingfeng over to her side, leaned her head weakly on his shoulder, and said softly, you are so stupid, you are our child , of course you can't see him now, he's in my stomach, I'm pregnant. Ye Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized, he still refused to believe it at first, and kept asking his aunt, how could it be?Can't I?There is no movement at all, how can it work again?You can't make a mistake, can you?How can you judge that it must be?

My aunt said, don't judge, I know, I know he is there, and our child is there. Only then did Ye Lingfeng believe it, he jumped up, hugged his aunt into his arms, and shouted loudly, I have a baby!I have a baby!This time I really have a baby!He yelled like that, and looked at my aunt with his face close, as if he really wanted to see her in his eyes, and then he hugged his aunt again, tears welling up in his eyes. The little aunt smiled, and tears welled up in her eyes.At that moment, she was overwhelmed by a great happiness. On the day Ye Lingfeng was declared a rightist, my aunt was helping people rehearse a program in a school. After returning to the unit, all the colleagues in the unit saw her with twinkling eyes, as if they had something to say but dared not say it.

My aunt walked into the office, but there was no one in the office.Auntie packed up her things and was ready to go home.At this time, Comrade He passed by the door of my aunt's office and saw my aunt in the office alone.As soon as Comrade He saw Auntie, he walked in.My aunt greeted Comrade He, and Comrade He responded, but he didn't go out of the office. He looked at her face for a while, but didn't see any movement. My aunt was still as happy as usual, Walking around lightly, tidying up with his hands deftly, humming a tune, completely ignorant of anything.Comrade He couldn't bear it and asked, Mei Qin, didn't you attend the district meeting today?

My aunt finished packing her things, thinking that she hadn't recorded today's work diary, so she sat down and leaned over the table to write the day's work diary.When Comrade He asked her, she didn't look up and said, no, didn't I take Lao Liao and Xiao Cai to Yingcai Middle School to help the school arrange the program? Comrade He asked again, then, the bureau didn't notify you to attend the meeting in the district? My aunt said, no.My aunt became a little aware after she said no, she stopped taking notes, raised her head, looked at Comrade He and asked, what, what meeting is there in the district?Should I join?

Comrade He hesitated for a moment, wanted to say something, but stopped again. My aunt felt that something was wrong, she came out from behind the table, walked up to Comrade He, and said, Xiao He, what happened? Comrade He was about to say something. At this time, Party Secretary Yang pushed open the door of the office. When Comrade He saw Party Secretary Yang, he immediately shut up and stopped talking. Secretary Yang walked into the office, glanced at Comrade He, ignored her, turned to his aunt, and said with a straight face, Mei Qin, come to the branch meeting room, I have something to tell you.After all, Yang Zhishu left first.

My aunt didn't know what happened, so she put down her pen and said to Comrade He, I'll go there first, and I'll look for you when I come back.After finishing speaking, he left the office, caught up with Party Secretary Yang in the corridor, and followed Party Secretary Yang to the branch conference room.The meeting room of the branch was empty, and there was no one else. Yang Zhishu and his aunt entered the meeting room and closed the door. My aunt saw that Party Secretary Yang was very cautious, so she couldn't help becoming cautious herself, and said, what happened? Yang Zhishu said, you sit down first.

My aunt didn't sit down, and said, Secretary Yang, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly, is there something wrong with my work? Party Secretary Yang saw that his aunt was not sitting down, and it was difficult for him to sit down, so he stood there with a serious face, paused, and said, Comrade Mei Qin, this morning, the district committee organization department held an anti-rightist struggle meeting. The main content of the meeting They were the first group of rightists who were announced to be demarcated. Seven of them were demarcated in our bureau. To be honest, Ye Lingfeng was one of them.

My aunt was stunned like thunder, and was speechless for a long time.My aunt did not expect that Ye Lingfeng, who is not interested in any political movement and is not even a party member, would become a rightist and be included in the first batch.My aunt couldn't understand this matter, and she didn't even want to believe it was true, but after all, she had many years of experience in revolutionary struggles, so she calmed down quickly and asked Party Secretary Yang if the decision had already been made? Yang Zhishu stuttered again, and said, yes... yes, the decision has been made, and the bureau got the news yesterday.To be honest, I'm going to tell you first... I'll let you know that the organization will formally talk to you. My aunt stared at Zhishu Yang and said, how could he be a rightist?When he was a student, he sympathized with the revolution and worked as a peripheral member of the party's underground organization. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he actively participated in the intellectual transformation movement and socialist construction; he worked hard and wrote so many scripts that the people liked, whether it was In the troupe or in the bureau, he has always been the leader; although he is not a party member, he respects and supports the Communist Party, and he has never negotiated the price for what the party wants him to do; he loves our motherland and our people At the Polish Theater Festival last year, his play was a hit at the festival. Soviet experts specially invited him to the Soviet Union to write plays there. He replied that China has a rich and profound history and culture, and China has the best understanding of drama. The audience, why should I leave China and go to the Soviet Union to write plays?The organization knew about these things, but why did the organization conclude that he is a rightist? When Yang Zhishu was asked by his aunt, he couldn't respond. When he did, he said angrily, "To be honest, I... I still don't understand what's going on! My aunt looked at Branch Secretary Yang and knew that it was useless to talk to him, so she didn't want to continue talking, left the conference room, and hurried to find Ye Lingfeng. Auntie searched several places before finding Ye Lingfeng. Ye Lingfeng locked himself in the screenwriter's office and was immersed in writing his script.When my aunt opened the door and entered, the room was filled with smoke. Ye Lingfeng's hair was disheveled, his eyes were shining brightly, and his cheeks were flushed. He buried his head and continued to write his. My aunt entered the screenwriter's office, closed the door behind her back, and asked anxiously, Lingfeng, did they tell you, have you been classified as a rightist? ! Ye Lingfeng groaned, didn't look up, wrote another paragraph, and then answered, boring. The aunt became more and more anxious, and said, Lingfeng, can you put down the pen, let's talk? Ye Lingfeng put down the pen, turned around, put his arms on the back of the chair, and said with a look of indifference, what is there to talk about?I attended the meeting in the morning.Rightist?That is what they say, and what they say is based on their reasoning. Their reasoning is not mine, and I have my own reasoning. Seeing Ye Lingfeng's pedantic look, my aunt became even more anxious, and said, Lingfeng, don't take this kind of thing as a joke, it's a political issue, it's a matter of principle, once the rightists decide their nature, it will be a contradiction between the enemy and ourselves up! Ye Lingfeng smiled lightly and said, conflict between the enemy and ourselves?Who is the enemy?Who am I?For example, now I am a rightist, but you are not, you and I are in conflict with each other, right?If there are also conflicts between the husband and wife, are we still eating in the same pot?Are we still sleeping in the same bed?Can we still be husband and wife? Auntie couldn't laugh or cry, interrupted Ye Lingfeng and said, "Huangfeng, what time is it, you have to go to the higher-ups and explain the matter clearly." Ye Lingfeng said, what should be clarified?What can I say clearly?I just put forward a few opinions at the meeting, and I put them up in public, and all my opinions are facts. Ye Lingfeng turned around, picked up a pen from the table, and said to his aunt, okay, it's not a big deal, isn't it just a rightist? After Ye Lingfeng finished speaking, he ignored his aunt, bowed his head again, and continued writing his notebook.My aunt stood there, not knowing what to do for a moment.In fact, my aunt said that, she asked Ye Lingfeng to go to the higher-ups to explain the problem clearly, and my aunt herself didn't know what Ye Lingfeng could explain clearly, what he could explain clearly.My aunt didn't know how to deal with this matter, she stood there in a daze. What happened next was not as simple as Ye Lingfeng imagined. After the meeting in the district, the rightists in the unit began to be criticized. Of course Ye Lingfeng was also among those criticized and could not be spared. Those who were classified as rightists were initially quarantined for inspection, confessed their problems, and received help and education from the masses.Ye Lingfeng was stubborn from the beginning and refused to cooperate with the working group. He just sat or stood there, staring at people, crossing his arms and sneering.Later, he started to quarrel with others, blushing and quarreling thickly. When others talked to him, he had the same reasoning. When others exposed and criticized him, his voice was louder than others. Cow-like.His stubborn resistance naturally aroused more intense indignation, and his exposure and criticism became more and more serious. After Ye Lingfeng was classified as a rightist, the organization talked to my aunt.The purpose of the organizational conversation is to ask my aunt to expose Ye Lingfeng's anti-party crimes, and second to ask my aunt to draw a clear line between Ye Lingfeng and Ye Lingfeng. My aunt couldn't figure it out. She firmly didn't believe that Ye Lingfeng would oppose the party and the people. She admitted that Ye Lingfeng had a personality problem. It looks disheartened and depressed, but this has nothing to do with a person's character.My aunt has no crimes to report to the organization, and she will not draw a line with her husband. She talks to the organization again and again about her husband's problems, but all she talks about is her husband's benefits, if he has no problems. The organization was very angry, thinking that my aunt's awareness was too low, and there was no big right and wrong at the critical moment, and she lost her position.Considering that she was not an intellectual, not the main target of the anti-rightist struggle, and an old comrade who participated in the revolution during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the organization gave her a slack and did not pursue her for the crime of covering up. With the in-depth development of the movement, Ye Lingfeng's mood began to sink.He still resists the anti-rightist struggle, but that attitude is no longer the original lofty and fierce resistance.After the movement entered the middle stage, some qualitative rightists in the district were successively sent to remote villages and industrial mines for labor reform, but Ye Lingfeng was retained, continued to explain the problem, and accepted the public's exposure and criticism.Ye Lingfeng was ordered to go to the unit to write inspections every day, supervised by the working group and the masses of the unit, and clean up his rightist issues.He finally realized that it was an inescapable disaster.He began to compromise, picked up his golden pen, and humiliatedly wrote down the confession materials on the manuscript paper where he should have written admirable scripts.He wrote in pain, his hair began to fall off one by one, he became fragile and sensitive, his pale face became thinner and thinner, his bright eyes turned out to have chaotic shadows, and he began to cough dryly. My aunt asked Ye Lingfeng to smoke less, but my aunt didn't want to see Ye Lingfeng write something against her will on those confession materials.When she saw Ye Lingfeng obediently taking back the confession materials and rewriting under the scolding of the working group, her heart was bleeding.She knew that it was something that could not be changed, but when she saw Ye Lingfeng racking his brains to make up some non-existent crimes for himself in the supplementary material, she couldn't help it any longer, and said twice. Then he tore up that confession material to shreds. Ye Lingfeng was stunned, he held his gold pen in his hand, raised his face to look at his aunt, his mouth opened into a surprised circle.The light shone on his face, and on the other side of the face where the light did not shine, there was the same surprise in the light and shadow. Ye Lingfeng said, you, what are you doing? My aunt said, this is not what you did, you didn't do these things, and if you didn't do it, you couldn't write. Ye Lingfeng's hand began to tremble, and when his hand trembled, the gold pen in his hand also trembled. Under the light, the trembling gold pen was like a tired pen that could no longer be held. short spear.Ye Lingfeng stared at his aunt and said, do you know that in order to write this damn material, I finished it in two months, I reworked it thirteen times, I was almost successful, but now you ruined it, Do you think they are not doing enough?Are you trying to help them, or are you trying to destroy me? My aunt stood there, not wanting to give Ye Lingfeng any hope, and said, you can settle in two years, you can rework a thousand times, you can never succeed, but you shouldn't say something against your will, say something against your will once, Then you can talk about it again and again, and you will never find yourself again, and you will die. What is the difference between that and being destroyed?Lingfeng, I want you to behave frankly and openly. If we have any mistakes, we will confess what we have done. If we have no mistakes, we will not say anything! Ye Lingfeng smashed the gold pen in his hand on the table, jumped up from the stool, and shouted, it's easy for you to say!Easy to say!You are standing and talking without fear of back pain!Try it yourself!Come and try it yourself! The gold pen jumped on the table, rolled to the cement floor, and stopped motionless at the foot of the table.My aunt said, Lingfeng, you broke this pen. Ye Lingfeng was still angry, and said loudly, if it breaks, it will break. What's the big deal if a pen breaks? ! My aunt said, how many admirable scripts have you written with this pen? "... Ye Lingfeng interrupted my aunt roughly, and said, you don't need to tell me, I wrote the book myself, I know it myself, I know it perfectly! My aunt didn't care at all, and said, you should know, you should know it clearly, that is what you are proud of, what you are worthy of respect, but now you are using the same pen to talk nonsense , to make up for it, to invent something that you didn't do, that you never would have done, that you destroyed its pride and respectability before you broke it. Ye Lingfeng froze, standing there gasping for breath.But he's already dropped that pen, and he doesn't want to surrender.He said angrily, "When I write a script, I also make up a story, and when I write this damn material, I also have the right to make up a story. How big of a difference does that make?" My aunt said that a touching story is a fantasy, and smearing yourself and others is a lie. This is the difference. Ye Lingfeng was hit, he looked very depressed, sat back on the stool, put his hands on the table, buried his head in it, and after a long time, he murmured, "You don't understand, you don't know anything I understand, Jiu Yumin was sent to Gansu, Hu Shijue was sent to Inner Mongolia, the next one should be me, they will definitely not let me go, they hate me, they will do it sooner or later, I'm done , I can no longer write... Auntie closed her eyes, opened them again, and walked towards Ye Lingfeng.She walked to his side, stretched out her arms, took his head into her arms, put his face against her belly, and hugged him tightly. Ye Lingfeng suddenly stopped talking.He is like a helpless child who is not understood, not needed, and his neck is stiff and stiff at first, but when my aunt's ten fingers fumbled up and inserted into his messy hair, he weakened and slowly Slowly stretched out his hand and put it around my aunt's waist. The light suddenly went out at that moment, and the room was dark. My aunt controlled herself in the dark and said, Lingfeng, no matter what the result is, no matter how they treat you, no matter where you go, I will always follow you.If you are really deported, I hope it is Inner Mongolia, go to my hometown, go there, we are going home.I will take you to see my hometown, I will make you happy, I will let you have no troubles now, and I will buy you a new gold pen... Starlight swarmed in from outside the house, first some mischievous starlight, and then more starlight, they came one after another, swimming around in the dark room, sticking to the table legs, sticking to the cabinet, a few Curious, a ray of starlight climbed onto my aunt's cheek, twinkling there. Auntie said, Lingfeng, I know you have suffered a lot, I know it’s unfair, and I know you’re under a lot of pressure, it might not be of any use to you, but I think I should say it, Lingfeng , if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, I am willing to bear all this for you, please believe me. Ye Ling's question quickly escalated and was finally arrested by the public security department. Under the instigation of his aunt, Ye Lingfeng, who was depressed, became excited again, regaining his arrogance and uncooperativeness.He collected the confession material that was torn up by his aunt from the ground, tore it up again carefully, and then threw it into the wastebasket.He found another pen, climbed on the table, and wrote a thick piece of new understanding materials with it.This time, he was clear-headed and full of ideas, and he didn't take a long time. Almost before the working group had time to urge him, he finished it in one go. Ye Lingfeng had a premonition some time before he was put in prison.His mood turned sour again, beyond control.It was almost a kind of despair. On the day of admission, a Soviet-style jeep parked in front of my aunt's house. Four police officers with wide belts, led by a member of the work team, got out of the car and strode into my aunt's house. Ye Lingfeng's face was pale, his mouth was tightly shut, and without saying a word, he signed the arrest warrant with the pen he used to write the materials later.He didn't panic or resist, but when the police came to handcuff him, he started to cry. My aunt was very calm at first, and when the police came in, she asked them what they were doing.After the police showed the arrest warrant, she asked them to wait. She went into the house to clean and change Ye Lingfeng's clothes, and then asked the leader of the working group: Where is he locked up? When can I see him again?When the novice raised his leg and kicked Ye Lingfeng, she refused and rushed over to the policeman and shouted, why did you kick him?Murder pays for his life, commits a crime and goes to jail, why should he be kicked by you?Then she turned her head and yelled at Ye Lingfeng, Lingfeng, you are a big man, your head is not as big as a bowl, why are you crying? ! Ye Lingfeng sobbed, raised his hands, blew his nose, and suppressed his tears. There were two police officers in front and two behind, with the handcuffed Ye Lingfeng sandwiched between them, they pushed open the door and walked out with a stern face. Aunt also followed out. People from the working group blocked the door and said, you can't follow. My aunt said calmly, I didn't follow, I just saw him off. The people in the working group looked around at the people watching and said, Comrade Mei Qin... The aunt interrupted him and said, "My husband is going out, and I will see him off. You haven't deprived me of this right, have you?" The people in the working group glanced at Auntie and let go of their hands. After Ye Lingfeng went to jail, my aunt eagerly wanted to visit him.She doesn't know his current situation, doesn't know what kind of punishment he will suffer in prison, doesn't know whether he will be depressed again, and most importantly, she doesn't know what kind of ending his affairs will be in the end .She decided that she should be with him now, even if he was in prison and she was not, she should let him know that she would not give up on him.But my aunt didn't know where Ye Lingfeng was being held, whether he was sentenced or not, and if he was sentenced, how many years?This is what she desperately wants to know. My aunt went to the organization.Of course the organization knows, but the organization cannot tell her.The organization feels that my aunt is going further and further away, and she no longer looks like an old revolution, or a conflict among the people.The organization talks to the aunt very seriously, educates the aunt, and wants to bring the aunt back to the people.My aunt listened carefully during the conversation, and took out a notebook to write it down. After the conversation was over, my aunt closed the notebook and said, "Now please tell me where he is locked up, whether he has been sentenced or not?" Finally one day, the organization decided to let my aunt go to Ye Lingfeng's prison. One day, two police officers from the County Cultural Bureau came to talk to my aunt together with Party Secretary Yang.They closed the door, asked the aunt to stand up, and then took out a piece of paper to read. My aunt stood there, not understanding at first, but later she understood that what they were reading was the decision to send her to prison.One sentence in that decision was as follows: According to the revelation and confession of the counter-revolutionary Ye Lingfeng, Mei Qin plotted, instigated and instructed him to engage in a large number of counter-revolutionary conspiracies. molecular. My aunt sneered and said, you are so naive, you think I will believe it?He could say anything in his life, but he couldn't say such things.Lie all you want, tell all you want. The two policemen also sneered and said, with your attitude here, at least there is no need to verify Ye Lingfeng's words. You are indeed a person who will not confess easily, and you are still stubborn when you are about to die. My aunt thought the words of the police were too ridiculous, she raised her chin, and said without compromise, if you say I am stubborn, I will be stubborn anyway, anyway, I will not believe your words, my own husband, myself Know what kind of person he is, so there is no need for you to play tricks here. The policeman said impatiently, "We don't want to talk to you too much, and we didn't come here to talk to you. If you press your fingerprints here, you press your fingerprints. When you go inside, you will naturally be shown Ye Criminal's confession materials. Naturally, someone will tell you slowly. At that time, let's see who is lying. My aunt looked calm, straightened her back, stroked her hair, and pressed her fingerprint on it without looking at the details of the arrest warrant handed over by the police. Two police officers came over to handcuff my aunt.Auntie didn't cry.But Branch Secretary Yang stood there with a sullen face and said nothing. The policeman told him to beat the door, but he gave the policeman a look and didn't move.The police knew that this branch secretary was not an ordinary branch secretary. He was an old revolutionary in the Red Army period. Not only were the old revolutionaries in the Red Army period not only qualified, but most of them were a bit stubborn. The past opened the door. Ten days later, my aunt saw the exposing material mentioned by the police in the prison.The interrogators felt that she was too difficult to deal with. She not only refused to admit her anti-Party crimes, but also asked why she was arrested, as if it was a big mistake to arrest her.When the interrogator encountered stubborn resistance during the interrogation, he threw a piece of exposing material in front of her majesticly. My aunt recognized the font right away.That was a font she was familiar with. With that kind of characters, Hugh had written many epic scripts, and she had read each script more than once, and shed tears for them more than once.My aunt picked up the materials and read them page by page.She stared at the three-character signature behind the exposing materials for a long time.Then, she put the materials back on the table, looked away, and looked at a tung tree covering the sky and sun outside the window. After that, she tightly shut her mouth and never said a word again. Three days later, my aunt filed an application for an abortion. The prison authorities studied my aunt's application for an abortion.They just put them in prison and don't care about handling the criminal's case, thinking that this is just an opportunity to let go of their burdens, otherwise if the criminal is sentenced severely in the future and stays in prison for a long time, it will be troublesome instead.The prison authorities therefore approved my aunt's application. Although my aunt has been pregnant for five months, for the prison authorities who are used to seeing bloody scenes, this is still a minor operation, far less complicated than handling bullets on the execution ground.A young prison doctor with a red nose was ordered to perform the operation.He performed the procedure using mifepristone, as taught in medical school. The young prison doctor wrapped a few pills in a piece of kraft paper, accompanied by the correctional staff, and sent them to the women's prison, ordered the aunt to take it, and told her to report to the correctional staff after the attack, and then went to the prison doctor's room to induce labor and perform clean-up techniques. After delivering the pills, the aged prison doctor returned to the prison doctor's room. A quarter of an hour later, he received a call from his girlfriend who invited him to watch the movie "Iron Warrior" at night.The young prison doctor put down the phone and thought about it. He remembered that he had seen the promotion of this movie in a pictorial. The photos of the actors in the pictorial were very beautiful, and he liked them very much.Thinking so, he took out the medicine bottle from the medicine cabinet, poured out the pills, went to the women's prison, and ordered his aunt to take a double dose of mifepristone again. Aunt soon had an attack.She was sent to the prison doctor's room.While preparing the equipment, the young prison doctor kept raising his wrist to look at his watch, estimating in his mind how long it would take to complete the operation in hand, and then changed his clothes to watch that wonderful movie with his girlfriend. The young prison doctor wore an Innag, which was a good watch and kept the right time.But the young prison doctor did not expect that the situation was worse than he had imagined—the fetus in the aunt's womb did not come out smoothly as written in the textbook, but died in the pregnant woman's womb.The young prison doctor spent an hour trying to get the damn fetus out. He tried everything he could, he even used scissors, but the fetus didn't listen to him at all, and clung tightly to the mother. In the uterine body, it just won't come down.The young prison doctor began to sweat.He is a little irritable.He scolded the pregnant woman who was lying there.He said, don't just lie there, put in some effort!The mother lay there without saying a word or moving.The young prison doctor didn't pay attention at first, thinking she was shy, so she didn't bark when she was shy.It wasn't until after the mother passed out that he discovered that the reason the mother didn't scream was because she didn't want to scream. She bit her lips to pieces, and she still bit her lips tightly after she passed out.The young prison doctor did not expect such a thing to happen. The situation was very urgent. The mother had already passed out of shock, her blood pressure dropped sharply, her heartbeat slowed down, and she was accompanied by symptoms of massive bleeding. The young prison doctor covered in blood was at a loss. He dropped the equipment, rushed out of the prison doctor's room, and called the prison leader and the old prison doctor in panic. The prison leader and the old prison doctor came in a hurry. After a minute of judgment, they decided that there was nothing they could do about the situation. After another 30 seconds of discussion, they made a decision to remove the palace. An hour later, my aunt was sent to the County People's Hospital.
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