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Chapter 13 Section Thirteen

the wind passes by 邓一光 8335Words 2018-03-19
Jiao Liu is good.Jiao Liu is good in everything.Jiao Liu has only one problem, he likes lesbians, and no matter handsome or ugly, young or old, he likes all lesbians.This is one of the shortcomings of Jiaoliu's many advantages. During the war years, Jiao Liu was too busy fighting to take care of it. His love was suppressed and he had no chance to realize it. Now is the age of peace, and there will be no more wars, so Jiao Liu's hobbies will have a chance to be fully realized. Jiao Liu first met a security officer, then a member of the art troupe, and then he blocked a local female cadre in his office.

The organization knew about Jiao Liu's problems in this area.What the organization knows is not once, but several times.The organization was very annoyed by this matter, and made serious criticisms of Jiao Liu, and even punished him and demoted him.But Jiao Liu couldn't change it.It's not that Jiao Liu doesn't understand his own problem. He first made a serious promise to the organization that he would never make similar mistakes in the future. Later, he gave up the promise. He couldn't keep his promise. Myself, say, why the hell am I so unbelievable?I fucking can't wait to kill myself!

Like all similar situations, my aunt was the last person to know that Jiao Liu had this problem. At first, the organization didn't want my aunt to know about it.The organization believes that it is not good for anyone if my aunt knows about it.On the one hand, the organization has done a good job of appeasing those lesbians, and on the other hand, it has done a good job of strict confidentiality within the organization.After finishing the work in the organization, I still couldn’t hold back, and asked Jiao Liu during a conversation: Lao Jiao, we really can’t figure it out, Meiqin is so beautiful, and Meiqin is more than a hundred times more beautiful than your clients , you are busy day and night, you are so busy that you don't even have time to sleep, how could you do that kind of thing?

Facing the questioning from the organization, Jiao Liu couldn't say a word. This kind of thing couldn't be figured out from the organization, and neither could Jiao Liu himself. A colleague who is close to my aunt really doesn't want to see my aunt keep it in the dark. She thinks this kind of thing is unfair to her. Forgive me, now everyone knows about this matter, but my aunt is the only one who hides it from my aunt, and my aunt is so happy and happy all day long, she regards Jiao Liu as the biggest sweet potato in the world. What a fool.Colleagues couldn't stand it, and that day the two of them were in the office, and there was no one else in the office, so the colleague secretly told my aunt about Jiao Liu and those lesbians behind the back of the organization.

My aunt didn't believe it, so she smiled and said, what are you talking about, Lao Jiao is not that kind of person, you mean someone else, right? Colleagues said, why do I say others?I'm talking about Old Mayor Jiao. My aunt said that he was so busy all day long that he never even had a meal on time, and fell asleep right after he got home. How could he have time for that kind of thing?Someone must have disliked him and slandered him with gossip.This is the way it is now, no one who doesn’t do anything says anything, once you do something, you will be under the eyes of others, you will become the target of attack, you must be corrupted into something. Do this, don't be chilled!

The colleague got anxious and said, Mei Qin, why are you so stupid?Why do you trust him so much?This matter, that is, you don't know about it, has spread throughout the organization. My aunt was a little dubious when she saw her colleague's seriousness.The colleague told the story of Jiao Liu and those women in detail.Colleagues don't know the content of the story, so they can only give a rough idea, how is Jiao Liu and the female confidential staff, how is Jiao Liu and the female cultural staff, because it is also rumored by people, it is not true in my heart, and they are both women , and they are both good friends, some things are embarrassing to say, and they are hesitant when they say it, so my aunt feels suspicious when she hears it.

At that time, my aunt had just given birth to her and Jiao Liu's first child, a boy. In order to take care of her, the organization took her from the countryside back to the city. She usually lives at home, and Jiao Liuruo has no time to leave work. Then come home.After getting off work that day, after returning home, my aunt thought about it and said yes, she would never believe that Jiao Liu was that kind of person anyway, she would not fail to discover that he was that kind of person, she would not fail to feel it, Say you don’t believe it. My colleague has a head and a face, a nose and an eye, and she is a female secret agent and a member of the female labor union. If it is gossip or slander, it is too unreasonable.My aunt thought about it, but couldn't hold it back. After the meal was ready, Jiao Liu came back from the outside. At the dinner table, my aunt told Jiao Liu what her colleague had said, and asked Jiao Liu if it was true.

Jiao Liu didn't hide anything, as soon as his aunt asked, he told the truth.He said that there was such a thing, that he had done that kind of wrong thing. After the incident, he confessed to the organization, and the organization criticized and educated him and punished him, and he accepted it. , which is roughly the case. My aunt was like a thunderclap, and the rice bowl in her hand fell to the ground with a thud, and it shattered. She froze there for a while, holding a pair of chopsticks, speechless for a long time. Seeing his aunt like that, Jiao Liu was so distressed and annoyed that he put down the bowls and chopsticks, picked his head with his hands, and said, haven't I already admitted my mistake?I promised to the organization that I will never do it again, and my surname is not Jiao if I do it again!

My aunt couldn't say anything, she stood up from the dining table, stood there for a while, then walked away to watch the sleeping child.After that until the evening, she didn't speak a word to Jiao Liu.She was speechless.She didn't expect such a thing to happen, and she didn't expect that what her colleague said was true.She had thought about everything but nothing like this.She thought that if Jiao Liu was killed on the battlefield, she would bury him with her own hands; if Jiao Liu was assassinated by a secret agent, she would be his widow; if Jiao Liu made a mistake, she would help him; She stayed by his side, serving him spoon by spoon... The only thing she never thought about would be what would happen to her if something like this happened to him, if something like this happened to him with a female confidential officer and a female art troupe member do it.

In the days that followed, there were unfamiliarity and obstacles.My aunt was unable to turn the corner for a while, and she first hit her head with a blow, smashing everything she trusted, smashing all her hopes, and in just one night, everything in front of her eyes changed. With such a change, my aunt herself also changed I became suspicious of everything, and refused to believe in anything; the next thing was disgust, it was unacceptable, and I refused to say anything, and I was in a trance, as if I had been killed serious illness.My aunt cried once, just once.My aunt is not a person who loves to cry, but it is impossible for my aunt not to cry about this kind of thing.My aunt first sat there, slowly rocking the baby in the swaddling basket, rocking him to sleep, shaking him, tears fell drop by drop, more and more urgent, more and more urgent, and then my aunt let go of the swaddling basket , covered his face, his shoulders twitched violently, and wept loudly.That time when Jiao Liu was away on a business trip and she was not at home, my aunt sat by the swaddle basket and cried all night. She basically cried to death once.

Jiao Liu's punishment did not come down for a while, he was still in front of his mayor, he was still busy with work, he was running around all day, worrying about the government's and the people's affairs. My aunt is also busy. She has to go to work during the day and take care of the children. If she can’t finish her work at work, she has to take her home to work at night. Sometimes Jiao Liu is too busy and doesn’t come back at night. Sometimes when she comes back at night, she usually eats a makeshift meal outside. When she comes home, she just washes her face and feet, goes to bed, and leaves at dawn the next day. store.With that layer of estrangement between the two of them, they didn't have much to say. They kept a straight face when they met or not, like strangers, because they were not strangers before, not only not strangers, but also husband and wife. A hundred times. Jiao Liu didn't like this kind of atmosphere, and didn't like to see people's faces for the first time. His aunt kept silent. He endured it for a few days, and couldn't help it anymore, so he got angry at his aunt and said: What do you want from me?I've told you everything, and I'll be honest, I've finished talking about my heart, liver, stomach and lungs, and you still don't want to let me go, maybe you still want me to kneel down for you? ! After Jiao Liu got angry, she put on her coat, slammed the door and left, leaving her aunt at home alone.The child was woken up by Jiao Liu's slamming door, and was so frightened that he burst into tears.The aunt hurriedly went to coax the child. She lifted the child out of the basket and hugged her in her arms. While shaking the child, she thought to herself, why is he such a person, why is he such a person... It didn't take long for the incident to happen between Jiao Liu and that local female cadre who was not young and had a bad face.This time, the incident became a big commotion. Jiao Liu's correspondent broke in on the female cadres in that place halfway, and it was impossible to forgive Jiao Liu, so she decided to sue Jiao Liu to the higher authorities. .The higher-ups came to investigate, and the correspondent told the truth.Seeing that the organization refused to mend their ways after repeated admonitions, they became ruthless and gave Jiao Liu a serious warning within the party and administrative detention for probation. The matter spread quickly, and I couldn't cover it up even if I wanted to. My aunt soon found out about it. As soon as Jiao Liu came home that day, his aunt stopped him at the door and told him, you can't go back to this house. Jiao Liu was stunned for a moment, and said, what's going on?This home is mine, why can't I go back to my home? My aunt blocked the door and said coldly, what else do you need to do to understand. Jiao Liu suddenly realized, he took off his hat, scratched his head, and went back to look. The Dodge sedan that took him home hadn't left yet, and the driver was backing up there.Jiao Liu put the hat back on, and said to her aunt, go home first, let's go home and talk, what does it look like standing here? The aunt did not let go of the hand blocking the door, and said, if you feel wronged, you can say that you are wronged, if you really do it, you can leave, I don't want to hear anything else from you. Jiao Liu got angry and said furiously, what do you want to do?What on earth do you want to do?This is my home, my home, what can I do wrong?If I want to go in, I want to go, I don't need anyone to order me, bullshit! The auntie took a look at Jiao Liu and said, well, if you don't leave, I will. The aunt turned around and went into the house, packed two pieces of clothes, stuffed them into the suitcase, picked up the child sleeping in the swaddling basket, and turned her head out of the house. Jiao Liu stepped forward to stop the aunt, but the aunt turned around and waved away his outstretched arm.Jiao Liu was furious, and yelled behind her aunt with her hips on her hips, Mei Qin, let me tell you, don't do this to me!You still want to give me an ultimatum?You still want to threaten me?If you come to this set, I won't eat it at all!If you don't believe me, just give it a try! Auntie ignored Jiao Liu, hugged the child, carried the suitcase, and walked away without looking back. My aunt lived in the dormitory of the unit, and the next day, she handed in a divorce certificate to the organization. Jiao Liu disagreed with the divorce, he felt that my aunt shouldn't make such a fuss, she really made a fuss too much.It's not that Jiao Liu doesn't admit his problem, he really likes lesbians outside, he likes lesbians to a certain extent, but his problem is just a kind of problem, it's a temporary emotional impulsiveness, a temporary inability to control himself,他也痛心疾首地揍过自己了,也下过把自己劁了的决心了,他是真心爱小姨的。 Once Jiao Liu made up her mind, she had to organize someone to do the work of her aunt.After all, he is very busy and he is a leader. It is impossible for him to devote all his energy to this matter and beg his wife all day long. Organizationally, Jiao Liu hated iron and steel, and criticized him face to face and behind his back.The organization also gave Jiao Liu a severe punishment. For Jiao Liu, that kind of blow is by no means worse than being blown up by an 82 mortar shell on the battlefield.However, in terms of organization, Jiao Liu can neither be allowed to kill himself, nor can he be without a wife, especially a wife like my aunt who is excellent in all aspects. It's not something you can find casually. For such a wife, there are no conditions to ask. You must keep her, and you can't let her run away casually. Organizationally talk to my aunt.The conversation is basically an organizational discussion, and my aunt listens.Organizational conversations are gradual and methodical.In terms of organization, first talk about the basic situation of Comrade Jiao Liu, whose roots are upright and young, who have suffered greatly and have deep hatred, have a firm stand, and are loyal to the party. With such a historical situation, let’s talk about the reality that Comrade Jiao Liu needs patient and meticulous help, has to give a way, and cannot be beaten to death with a single stick. At the end of the conversation, the leader of the organization said to my aunt from the bottom of his heart, Comrade Mei Qin, to be honest, we also hate Comrade Jiao Liu, and we also want to slap him hard, so that he can wake up. Let’s not talk about the matter, let’s talk about it once, we once came up with the decision to beat him to death with a stick, we almost did it, but think about it, Comrade Jiao Liu is a rare revolutionary cadre, if he If you are beaten to death with a stick, where can you find such a talent?Besides, it's not that his kind of thing has never happened to others, and it's not that it happened less often. It's because everyone took a breath, forgave, took a closer look, looked at the general direction in the future, and let things gradually recover. To develop in a good way, don't be determined, right?When the organization agreed with Comrade Jiao Liu to marry you, it was based on the fact that you were in good condition in all aspects, and it also meant that you could take care of him and gradually change his problems in life and style. So, in this regard, all of us All are responsible. When the organization was talking, my aunt sat there without moving. She held the child in her arms. If the child woke up, she would gently shake him twice to coax him back to sleep. She looked very quiet and kept looking at the organization's face. , it seems that all the problems that have occurred are written on the face of the organization.For a while, she lowered her head, looking at the blue fir on the organization's body, and when she raised her head again, her face was already full of anger. The aunt said, what do you mean, I am solely responsible for what he did? Organizationally speaking, we don't mean that, at least to a point. My aunt said, how much do I take? The organization is a little embarrassed to say that this issue cannot be elaborated, and it is impossible to use statistics. In short, everyone is responsible for matters between husband and wife. The aunt stood up holding the child.She looked at the serious face of the organization and said, well, if the organization thinks that I am responsible, then I will accept any punishment. She raised her own chin to a place that was temporarily difficult in the organization.My aunt said, how others forgive, how to take a longer view, how to see a person's general direction, that is other people's business.I do not forgive.I don't want him anymore, that's what I think. After finishing those words, my aunt hugged the child in her arms tightly, and walked out without looking back. My aunt was not punished. In fact, my aunt was protected by the organization. The young and beautiful aunt proposed to divorce her husband who was several years older than her. Even though her husband and the organization disagreed, she still insisted on doing so. She didn't care what her husband thought or what the organization thought. It was impossible that she should be so determined to abandon her husband alive that she should not fail to arouse discussion. In people's eyes, the divorced aunt doesn't seem to have changed much, she still talks and laughs, she is not sad at all, she doesn't frown and sigh, she doesn't wipe her tears frequently with a handkerchief, unlike all the grievances. Go around complaining like a woman, seeking sympathy.She is often in a daze.Sometimes when she was walking on the street, she would stop suddenly and stand there, watching the horses passing by with their long manes swaying, or raising her head to see the birds flying by in the sky with their wings outstretched.When she looked at them, she looked in a daze, a layer of mist rose up from her eyes, froze there, and then spread out suddenly.Then she bowed her head and hurried away. The appearance of my aunt is very strange, a little abnormal, and a truly normal person would not do that.Because of this, people think that Auntie is pretending and covering up something. Her divorce has a complicated background, which is not as simple as the popular saying. There are also people who stand up to speak for my aunt, for example, the colleague who is close to my aunt, she stands up to speak for my aunt.She swore that people's guesses were wrong, and the actual situation was just the opposite of people's guesses. There was nothing wrong with my aunt.The colleague's defense won the approval of many people, and they all used their own views on the aunt in ordinary days to support the colleague's statement.But in an innocent age, most people don't like such things, and they don't like the thing of a woman abandoning her man. Such things seem a bit strange and not within the norm.People thought that Auntie looked very cute and full of vitality, like Ning Xin'er in a new world, but she was actually not, there was something ulterior in her heart.When people think this way, they will naturally become hostile to the aunt, and people will spread all kinds of stories about the aunt behind their backs in the form of speculation and imagination. And another thing contradicts people's understanding of aunt. After Jiao Liu and her aunt divorced, she was very depressed and frowning for a while, which is basically what people generally think of as pain.People felt that the respected Mayor Jiao was really hit this time, and he was treated undeservedly.What a good mayor he is, how many good things he has done for the common people, of course it is wrong for him to do what he shouldn't do, he has reason and right to win understanding and correct his mistakes, he let his wife abandon this matter It's so sympathetic.So two months later, when Jiao Liu married a 20-year-old female college student, everyone let out a long sigh of relief and made concerted efforts to feel grateful for Mayor Jiao, who was in dire straits, and felt sorry for that Liu Yemei. The innocent female college student with a melon-seeded face responded with admiration and gratitude.People think a little bit angrily, what's so great about being young?What's so great about being pretty?The key issue is awareness. If awareness is not high, young and beautiful people are poisonous snakes. People look down on them, avoid them, and spit on their backs. Besides, there is always a shortage of young and beautiful people in this world. These thoughts of people do not represent organizationally.After all, organization is organization, and it is much higher than the consciousness of the masses.The organization does not want this kind of silly gossip to spread everywhere. They are not good for Comrade Jiao Liu, nor for Comrade Mei Qin.The organization severely criticized those spreaders of rumors and asked them to promise not to do the same thing in the future.Of course, at the same time that we are conducting peaceful criticism of the masses, it is impossible not to consider some specific issues in the organization, for example, Comrade Jiao Liu’s trauma, for example, the spontaneous opinions of the masses, for example, whether my sister-in-law is suitable for waiting. In such an environment, for example, the problem of children.Once these issues have been comprehensively considered, the organization will make a decision to have a serious talk with Comrade Jiao Liu before he gets married, and ask him to make a promise that he will never repeat the same mistakes in the future. If he is a lesbian, then he will be punished more severely; the aunt who worked in the military control committee will be transferred out of the military control committee to work in a suburban county, so as to avoid Mayor Jiao's pain and people's discussions, so that this kind of unfavorable Things that are not conducive to progress in unity fade away as much as possible.Of course, when my aunt left, she left alone, and the child had to stay and not be taken away.Comrade Jiao Liu was consulted on this issue in the organization. My aunt has no opinion on the decision to transfer her to work in the suburban county. As an organizational person, as a party member, everything about her must obey the organizational arrangements, not to mention that after divorcing Jiao Liu, she doesn't want to stay in the In the city.But the auntie showed great anger at the decision to ask her to leave the child. When the organization announced the decision to the public, she stood up suddenly and said loudly, no, the child must follow me, he will go wherever I go Where, he can't leave me! In terms of organization, this is an organizational decision. Of course, the organizational decision is made according to your actual situation. My aunt said angrily, what is your actual situation?I gave birth to the child. Jiao Liu never took care of the child after it was born. He is busy working outside all day, how can he have time to take care of the child?The child is so young and he is still breastfeeding, how can you let him leave his mother? According to the organization, we have also considered these situations, and we attach great importance to them, so we hired a nurse for Comrade Jiao Liu. My aunt shouted loudly, if you want to invite a nanny, please invite Jiao Liu!My child doesn't want a nurse!I have tits!I can take the kids by myself! Organizationally speaking, Comrade Mei Qin, we can understand your feelings, but understanding does not mean correctness, and understanding must have a principle.I'm afraid this is the only way to do this matter, unless Comrade Jiao Liu agrees that the child will be with you. Auntie knew that she couldn't explain clearly with the organization, so she turned to look for Jiao Liu. Jiao Liu was busy.He reads documents in the office.There was a pile of papers on his desk.He frowned thickly and thickly, and used a red and blue pencil to quickly write down his opinions on the top of the document.Sometimes he was very happy, stood up and opened his clothes, and walked back and forth in the office. Sometimes he was very angry and slapped the table angrily, which made the secretary in the next office very nervous. Jiao Liu thought that Auntie came to him because of other things, for example, she regretted the matter of Gao's marriage. He impulsively apologized to him and asked his forgiveness for the hurt she had caused him.Jiao Liu was delighted by this, and he was even ready to stand up and meet his aunt.He thought, if that's the case, he can really think about it, maybe his consideration is beneficial to her, he doesn't want to hide it at all, she still has a strong temptation to him, no matter from which aspect, she is more attractive than him. The innocent female college student with willow-leaf eyebrows and melon-shaped face was much stronger, and he would admit it frankly and tell her his opinion. Jiao Liu didn't expect that my aunt didn't apologize to him at all, she didn't ask for his forgiveness, she came to his office and brought up the child's matter to him.Jiao Liu became angry all of a sudden, and he was a little disappointed.Jiao Liu thought angrily, how could she think of the child?How could she think about the child?Wouldn't she think about other things, about things that have a stake in her own interests?She just doesn't want to think about anything else, she doesn't want to do things that have a stake in her own interests, so she shouldn't be thinking about her children, right?Did she know that he was over forty years old, and the child was his only child, not to mention that it was a boy, the blood of his Jiao family, and he was absolutely not allowed to live with others?It's too outrageous for her to do this! Jiao Liu was not open to negotiation, and immediately rejected his aunt's request. He thought that the request made by his aunt was too much, and it exceeded the scope of negotiability. Jiao Liu sat back behind the desk again, looked up at the aunt standing in the middle of the office, and said coldly, don't forget that you asked for a divorce. Since you want a divorce, you just don't want children. What do you want children for? Auntie Yue said, I proposed the divorce, and you did it. If you say you don't want to live anymore, it's you who don't want to live anymore. Of course I want a child. Jiao Liu said, your thoughts are too chaotic, without any logic at all, how do you ask me to understand your words? My aunt said, there is no need to understand, I just want a child. Jiao Liu said, it's okay to have children, and I don't advocate children without mothers. What will people say if children don't have mothers?People will say that he is a child without a mother, but a child cannot live without a father. If a child has no father, people will say that he is a wild child, which is more serious than without a mother. Auntie said, what do you mean? Jiao Liu said, it's very clear, let's remarry. My aunt said, this is impossible. Jiao Liu said, then I can't help you, the child can only follow me. The aunt said, the child is still young, you can't take it with you at all, and when the child grows up, I will let him come back to you. Jiao Liu said, do you think I will believe your words?You take the child away, you take him away, you will take him under strict supervision, and you will tell the child that his father is dead, shot down by a gun, run over by a wheel, died of tuberculosis, You think I don't know what you mean? The aunt said, I can assure you that I will never do that, I will let the child come back to you, and I will do every word I say. Jiao Liu said, that is to say, are you sure you won't consider remarriage? My aunt said, yes. Jiao Liu said, then I have nothing to say. My aunt still wanted to argue with reason, but Jiao Liu reached out to stop her.He threw the red and blue lead in his hand on the table, saying that we don't need to talk about the children's affairs anymore. In the case of disagreement on this kind of principled issue, even if we discuss it in the sky, we will not get the result.It's the organization's decision to change your career. I have to explain to you that this is not my opinion, and I will never let the organization make such a decision.They did tell me that there will be some arrangements for you, they asked for my opinion, I said I have no opinion, your arrangement is your business, what opinion can I have!Didn't expect them to let you change jobs.To be honest, I don't like this arrangement, it doesn't make sense, you should give them your opinion.Have you given your opinion to them?I think you want to mention it, and you mention it for better work.You know that I never make any request to the organization on these issues. I only made a request to the organization once on the day I participated in the revolution. I asked for a white flour bun to eat. Since then, I have never No request was made to the organization.But I promise you, if you want me to do something to save you from changing jobs, and you want me to go to the organization, I can go. My aunt said, I only have one request. Jiao Liu stretched out her hand to grab the phone on the table, shook it vigorously, looked at her aunt, and said, "Come on, I'll ask them to do it right away." My aunt said, return the child to me. Jiao Liu put the phone receiver on the phone, leaned back in the chair, and said impatiently, "I've said it just now, don't mention this matter, it's useless if you mention it, I'll say it again, It didn't help at all. Auntie stared at Jiao Liu intently for a while, then raised her chin, turned around, and walked out of his office.
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