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Chapter 8 Section VIII

the wind passes by 邓一光 3767Words 2018-03-19
In the third year after the Battle of Zicheng, Mandu Gule heard that his missing aunt was still alive in Mudanjiang. In 1945, the Mongolian Cavalry Corps took down the Delin Correctional Institute. She and some captured comrades were rescued. An outstanding military grassroots cadre. Mandul Gul was overjoyed. He asked someone to bring a letter to his aunt, telling her that he was also alive, had been wounded several times, and almost died. person in charge.Mandugule thought that he and his aunt had been separated for three years, and no one knew the whereabouts of the other. Now that they knew, they should be reunited.He hoped that she would set off immediately after receiving his letter, rush to him as soon as possible without stopping, continue to be his peony, fight side by side with him, and welcome the dawn of new China together.Of course, Mandugule wrote at the end of the letter, this matter, you have to go through the organization, I believe the organization will take care of our situation, but we are all party cadres, we must abide by the party's principles, If there are certain difficulties in the organization and we cannot be reunited for a while, then we will wait patiently, and a bright day will come sooner or later.

My aunt didn't reply. The war was raging at that time, and the Communist army was rapidly expanding its territory. They had won unprecedented victories everywhere, and they were anxious to keep winning such victories and push them to the whole country.It was a fiery and hasty era, and in such an era, who would take care of one's private life? Mandugule understands this. As a veteran revolutionary, he understands the selflessness of revolution. He has no complaints about it, and he will keep the joy of finding out the whereabouts of his aunt until the end. Even so, after half a year, Mandu Gule still managed to find his aunt once.Taking advantage of the opportunity of going to Shijiazuo for a meeting, he detoured hundreds of miles to reach his aunt.

Mandu Gule did not see his aunt, but met her husband, Jiao Liu, the head of a certain military and civilian industry department in Siye. Jiao Liu was busy, directing a group of soldiers and migrant workers to load grain and grass into the car.Jiao Liu took off a dirty towel from his waist, wiped the sweat from his head vigorously, took a look at Mandu Gule, and said in a buzzing voice, step aside and talk.After finishing speaking, he left the loading place first, walked aside, and stopped until he reached a place where the soldiers and migrant workers could not hear him. Jiao Liu tucked the towel back into the belt around his waist, took out a cigarette pouch and matches from his pocket, tore off a corner of the paper, poured a pinch of shredded tobacco on the paper, rolled it with his thick fingers, and quickly rolled a trumpet , not letting Mandu Gule, lit the fire by himself, took a deep breath, then raised his head, looked Mandu Gule up and down, and said a little bluntly, are you the one Meiqin said?

Seeing that Jiao Liu refused to let him, Mandugule took out a pack of "Hardman" brand cigarettes, lit one, took a deep breath, and looked at Jiao Liu with an unkind look, saying: , what else did she say to you? Jiao Liu hummed, no.She said nothing but that she had had two men before.She doesn't seem to want to mention you very much. Mandu Gule was silent, buried his head and smoked.Jiao Liu was also silent, and buried her head in smoking.Two men stood there smoking cigarettes. There was an old locust tree behind them. The bird in Kazuki probably sensed something and flew away with a coaxing sound.

Mandugule found it incredible, he wondered why she didn't want to mention himself?And she compared him to that big smoker?How did she get married?How could she do that?He was holding a cigarette, squinting at Jiao Liu, he saw that Jiao Liu was a very outstanding man, with broad shoulders, strong, thick eyebrows, broad face, confident and powerful, this kind of man Standing among ten thousand men with copper heads and iron arms, even if you don't make a sound, you won't be drowned out, so it's worth marrying.Mandu Gule became angry when he thought of this, he took a deep puff of the cigarette, and continued to think about the worst, he thought, what if he beat Jiao Liu?What will happen then?They would give him a quick meal, knock him down on the ground and crawl to make his face bleed, and there is not a single tooth left in his mouth. What kind of situation would that be?But Mandu Gule thought so, but he didn't do it. He knew that if he did, a man like Jiao Liu would not just sit and wait for death, and he would retaliate with his hands. His face was covered with blood, and there was not a single tooth left in his mouth. Well, it's a lot of fun for two people to come and go. The problem is that they beat back and forth like this. The strength of both sides will not be able to stop for several days, which will take a long time.

At this time, a sweaty young officer came over, paid respects to Jiao Liu, and reported, "Commander, the food has been packed, should we hurry to the road before dark?" Jiao Liu and Mandu Gule threw the cigarette butts on the ground at the same time. Jiao Liu said to the young officer, notify the team and hurry on the road immediately, the county brigade goes ahead, the guards line up to escort the team, be careful on the road, no matter what, we will arrive at Huangzhuang in the middle of the night today. Jiao Liu slapped Mandu Gule apologetically, and said, look... Mandu Gule said reasonably, you are busy with your work, you don't have to worry about me.

Jiao Liu asked tentatively, then, how do you think we can solve this matter? Mandu Gule said, how can it be solved?You're on your way now, and there's not enough time to fight. The two men talked and walked towards the convoy. Afterwards they had a good talk.They used the short time before going on the road to communicate. Jiao Liu asked Mandu Gule, and I said, what's your name?You didn't tell me at first, did you? Mandukule said, my name is Mandukule, my guard didn't tell you? Jiao Liu didn't hear clearly, and asked, what's the matter? Mandu Gule said, Man-du-gu-le.

Jiao Liu heard clearly this time, she grinned, and then said what are your names, why are you so awkward?You are not Japanese, are you?no?I don’t think you look like you either. I’ve seen Japanese people, and I’ve seen quite a few. Japanese people don’t have your airs—or I’ll call you Old Man. Mandu Gule said, yes. Jiao Liu asked Mandu Gule, how are you alive? Mandugule said, why, she told you that I was dead? Jiao Liu said, she didn't say anything, I thought about it myself, isn't she not very willing to mention you?I thought, maybe you sacrificed, and she was sad, so she didn't want to mention you. Now I know, she is not sad, maybe she is really dissatisfied with you.

Jiao Liu laughed as soon as she said that, laughing loudly. Mandugule didn't smile, and said sternly, I didn't sacrifice, I just separated from her, you should know about the war.Our relationship is very good. Unlike what you said, she is not satisfied with me. For a person like me, it is impossible for her to be dissatisfied with me.I am also very satisfied with her, I am too satisfied with her, in the words of intellectuals, we love each other very much. Jiao Liu realized that she had gone too far, so she quickly stopped laughing, apologized to Mandu Gule, and said, look, this matter is done, if I know you are so good, and you two are so satisfied, I can't kill her even if I want to How about snatching a woman from a comrade's kang?How do I know this?

Hearing Jiao Liu's words, Mandu Gule didn't take it seriously, and said, how do you know?How capable do you think you are?Are you Sun Wukong?I said, you have to admit that there are some things you can't know, and you are not a god. For example, Little Japan, we only took eight years to beat him down. We thought our generation would not be able to beat him down. One generation continued to fight, how could it be known that it only took eight years to fight?Do you know?unknown. Jiao Liu disagreed with Mandu Gule's point of view, saying that a protracted war is of course right, but we won after all, is it true that we won?We haven't handed things over to the next generation, have we?If we win, we can free our hands to do other things, we can fight Lao Jiang, and we can liberate the whole of China. Is this a sudden incident? ——By the way, it's going too far, how do you think this matter can be solved?

Mandu Gule was talking excitedly, but he didn't understand for a while, and asked: What's the matter? Jiao Liu said, what else?What are you here for? Mandu Gule thought about it, and said, how can I solve it? It’s all like this, and the uncooked rice has been cooked into rice. It’s too late to regret it. There’s no time to fight. What can I do?Besides, you don't know, you think I sacrificed, you don't know, I can't blame you, can I? Jiao Liu heard Mandu Gule say this, and felt that Mandu Gule was a reasonable comrade, and his consciousness was not generally high.He thought that the other party was so reasonable, cheerful, and enlightened, and of course he couldn't be without style, so he said, "Old Man, I have to go right away. There is a pause ahead. I have to send food to the front. I can't sit down with you and slow down." Discuss slowly, I think this matter should be handled in this way, I quit, return the person to you, and you take the person on foot. Man Du Gu Le quit, stretched out his hand to hold Jiao Liu down, as if the other party had no way to give him anything back.Mandu Gule said, please don't, since you have become husband and wife, I am an outsider instead, and I have to talk about style and snatch women from comrades' kangs. Jiao Liu insisted on doing that, and said, this matter is settled like this, there is no need for mother-in-law and mother-in-law to discuss it, you don't have to argue with me, you can't take people away now, people are not here, go to the front line, you It's really difficult to take someone away immediately. Leave this matter to me. When I see her next time, I'll bring it up. I'll do it for you. Mandu Gule was angry, and Piping Jiaoliu said, what do you mean?You are wrong, it is as if you have already fought this battle, and you have already taken down the ground. I cannot snatch the fruits of victory from you. I want to fight and find another place to fight. I want to snatch it from you The fruit of victory, then am I not the same as Jiang damn who came down from Mount Lu?Mandu Gule said, taking ten thousand steps back, I lost this position. After all, it is still in our own hands, and it has not been taken away by outsiders. When Mandu Gule said this, Jiao Liu looked at Mandu Gule and said, Old Man, I didn’t expect you to be such a funny comrade. You have done political and ideological work in the past, right? Mandu Gule said lightly, not bragging, this is how he got started. Jiao Liu said, no wonder, or how can you say that your words are nice?Old man, if you say that, then I won't be polite, I can only say Brother Comrade, I'm sorry, I will stay here.To be honest, Lao Man, I really don't want to give you back. I started thinking how to kick you away. I thought this guy was not kind, should he use his fist or his gun?If I want to return the person to you, I have to die for the past three days? Mandu Gule laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face. When the two broke up, Mandu Gule suddenly asked Jiao Liu, what is she like now? Jiao Liu thought for a while, then scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you know the situation, now in the army, it's harder for couples to see each other than Chinese New Year, the last time we met was in Dongyue Actually, to be honest, I kind of forgot what she looks like, I just remember that she was going to the front line at that time, her face was flushed, she was plump, and there was a piece of yellow rice straw sticking to her hair, and I criticized her for not talking about the military. Feng Ji, to tell you the truth, I have been criticized, and when she left with a backpack on her back, I was really tickled by her appearance, and I wondered if I should let her go—for example, when she left It looks like freshly wrapped rice that has been peeled off. Mandu Gule nodded thoughtfully and said, oh. Jiao Liu jumped into a car and waved to Mandu Gule, and Mandu Gule also waved to him.One after another, the carts kicked up the dust and drove away, leaving Mandugule there alone, without showing his head from the dust for a long time. The matter was finished, Mandu Gule called his guards, and the two walked back without saying a word. On the way back, Mandu Gule kept thinking about his aunt.He thought of her flushed, plump and firm face, with a piece of yellow rice straw sticking to her hair, just like peeled fresh rice, what a mature and attractive woman she is!
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