Home Categories contemporary fiction the wind passes by

Chapter 7 Section VII

the wind passes by 邓一光 3795Words 2018-03-19
Everyone in the Reclamation Army knew that the young Shi Samandu Gul had snatched a beautiful woman from an official of the Reclamation Bureau.They all ran to see.When they saw it, their legs went limp, and they were all dumbfounded, unable to walk anymore. Mandugule put his aunt in his felt bag.He found a change of clothes for his aunt, and took her to the river to take a good bath.When my aunt went down to the river, Mandugule walked up and down the bank anxiously, his boots trampled the jade bell grass and green mushrooms to the ground.My aunt was happily washing in the river. She let her hair spread out and draped it wet on her shoulders, swimming around in the water like an otter with shiny fur.Sometimes she is gone, and her figure disappears on the river surface, only the ripples shining under the moonlight, and the occasional slender fish jumping up from the water with silvery light.When Mandugule was about to scream in anxiety, she appeared there again, giggling like silver bells.Mandugule couldn't wait any longer, he strode into the river with ape arms like oars, and swam towards his aunt with spray.Auntie dodged Mandugule and swam deftly to one side.Mandu Gule caught up with Auntie and grabbed her.The auntie screamed and beat Mandugule's shoulder with her fist, trying to break free.My aunt's fist looked like a flower bud containing pollen, Mandu Gule didn't care at all, he carried my aunt on his shoulders as if he was carrying a prey, and strode back to the shore, kicking the water all the way, walking back to him felt bag.

Mandugule threw his aunt on the ground and let her lie on the soft and white lambskin blanket.Now my aunt is no longer a fish, but a beautiful lily of the valley.She lay there quietly, her eyes were sparkling, filled with two pools of autumn water, and she looked at him affectionately and eagerly.Mandukul closed his eyes.For a while he couldn't keep his eyes open.He knew that it was his prey, the prey of his invincible arrow of heart; he found her in the flowers and grass of Aomori grassland, he rode his horse to help her, drew his bow and arrow, and drove towards her, shooting him arrow, let it pierce her heart.Now she was completely in his possession, and he could do with her what he wanted to do with her.

Mandugule let out a rough breath as he walked towards his prey. My aunt treats the brothers of her beloved man very well.She entertained them very warmly.She made smooth daigo (daigo: pure ghee), made fragrant milk tea, boiled hot fingerlings, and entertained them with fine wine.She also sang to the soldiers.The men were all drunk, terribly drunk.They were not drunk by wine, they were drunk by auntie's singing. Mandu Gule often went out.He is going to connect with revolutionaries and mobilize people who want to raise righteousness. It is impossible for him to sit on the grass all day long, play the three-stringed harp, sing about his steed, and then sing about my aunt, who rolls on the grass hand in hand with my aunt, lying on the grass. Talk about love under the blue sky and white clouds.

Mandu Gule said to his aunt, a man, he should be a man with a big heart, he should do a great job, he can't just guard his woman, even if this woman is the best treasure in the world, he wants to be like that To do is to be a worthless calf. My aunt couldn't figure out what the big thing Mandugule was talking about, but he was her god, and she was his slave, she was willing to listen to him, and she would not say no to everything he said. My aunt looked at her lover affectionately, and said, go, put on your beautiful boots, pull on the strong reins, and take my heart with you. Wherever you go, I will be there.

Mandugule said, I put on my beautiful boots, I put on my strong reins, I take your heart with me, wherever I go, you will be there. My aunt said, remember to come back, remember that I am waiting for you at home. Mandu Gule said, how could I not come back?How can I not remember that you are waiting for me at home? Mandu Gule stepped on his steed and walked away in a hurry. When Didu Gul went out, some young officers often came to see my aunt.They tease her with frivolous words, hoping that my aunt will favor them, and further, have some touching romantic stories with them, such as the one that happened to Mandugule.My aunt likes those young officers very much. They are handsome and strong, full of vitality, full of human touch, and very brave. They fought desperately with the bearded men from Tongliao. They are all outstanding men.But my aunt has the hero Mandu Gule, and Mandu Gule is full in her mind, without any gaps. She has no gaps at all, just like white clouds floating high in the sky, making her so beautiful. It's a mess, and the people below can only watch helplessly. Whether it's gearing up to jump to a high place, or turning around with a mouth full of foam, it's impossible to do anything.

When Mandugule rode out on his steed, my aunt was waiting for him calmly at home.She sewed his robes, made his favorite milk cream, cleaned his steel guns and long knives, and missed him.She also sometimes sang to the brothers who were in a panic.My aunt's song made all the young officers very sad. After the great sorrow, they all agreed that Mandugule should die on the battlefield. He is a hero with great strength, a sense of justice, and superb martial arts. It is simply not justified if people do not die in battle.The young officers thought with infinite melancholy that it would be great if that sweet little woman who ran like an antelope and laughed like flowing water became a little widow.

The final break between my aunt and the family was because of her blatant escape from marriage. A small official of the Land Reclamation Bureau lost his wife. He was afraid of Mandugule, so he didn't dare to go to him, and he didn't want to lose the fat sheep he got so cheaply, so he sued his grandfather. After all, the little official is a person who has read the book and knows how to say it to make grandpa tempted.He brought twenty rounds of bullets with red heads and green butts to his grandfather as a gift, and at the same time burst into tears of grievance.He didn't mention his aunt in front of his grandfather, he only talked about Mandugule, saying that he didn't care whose daughter his aunt was, no matter how heroic his father and brothers she had were, he forcibly took his aunt away.The little official also added embellishments, saying that Mandu Gule left a message saying, why should he care about whose daughter is my aunt?He is the king of wrestling on the grasslands of Aomori. He can easily knock down a black bear, and he can also carry a strong bull from one end of the river to the other. He can do whatever he wants. Go and compete with him.

After hearing this, grandpa was furious, kicked a camel passing by, and kicked the camel to the ground.Grandpa picked up the bullets, but he didn't care about the little official. He looked down on this boneless guy from the bottom of his heart. Since he could exchange guns for women, and he had enough bullets, why didn't he use them to guard his women?But grandpa doesn't want people to know that he knows Mandu Gul, this person is a hero and is admired by others, but he shouldn't rob his daughter of the Sham Tengger family, he is robbing the daughter of the Sham Tengger family My daughter should always say hello beforehand. If he did, it would be a different matter. He didn't even say hello. It was obviously a challenge to the Sham Tengger family. Then he would fight with those snow wolves who were looking for trouble. What's the difference between the group, he should be revenged; he shouldn't mention the matter of his daughter, why should he mention the matter of his daughter?He mentioned the matter of whose family's daughter, and he said that he didn't care whose family's daughter she was, because he obviously looked down on this family, so he was just going to be revenged, and he was looking for death.

Grandpa immediately raised the gun, put on the knife, jumped on the horse, and took a few uncles to find Mandugule to settle the score. Mandugule was not around, so he went to the pastoral area to light his revolutionary fire. He went there for several days. He was quite busy and didn't know that someone was looking for him to settle the matter. Grandma was a little sorry, but he couldn't go to the pastoral area to find Mandugule, and beat him up when he found it.The pastoral area is very large, and it is impossible to find it. Besides, Mandugule is sitting in the herdsman's yurt, drinking milk tea, eating finger food, talking and laughing happily. That is his home. It would be impolite to help an exasperated son crash into it, give him an old punch, or even meet with a knife and a gun, and beat other people's families to pieces. That's not how the Shamu Tengger family does it.

Grandpa couldn't find Mandugule, but he found his aunt, who asked her to go home with him.He rode on the horse, looked at his daughter across the eye, and said coldly, let's go home.Grandpa said that, he wanted to take my aunt home, whip her severely with a whip, and hand her over to the little official.Of course, when he handed over his aunt to the little official, he would also let the little official whip him, but he didn't know how to use a whip. The aunt saw that there was only a piece of skin, and there would probably be some dry skin under the skin. It's hard to say whether there are bones or not. He won't be able to stand whipping the little official. Grandpa will just stare at him with disdain.

My aunt stood in front of the yellow mud wall with a dignified appearance.She looked at her father and brothers, raised her chin slightly, and said, no. Grandpa was a little surprised and was taken aback for a moment: What did you say? My aunt said very calmly, I said no.I said I won't go with you.Never will.You are not my home.My home is here.I'm not going anywhere, I'm waiting for Mandugule to come back. Grandpa is very angry.His horse didn't understand, stretched its neck to chew a bag of grass, and led him around.He brushed the tip of the horse's ears with the butt of the whip, reined in the horse's head, and said, who is that guy to you?Your man is Qin Daga, you should guard him obediently!If you don't guard him and come to find such a wild man, you will embarrass me everywhere!You have completely humiliated my Shamu Tengger family! My aunt sneered and said, Qin Daga was the man you chose for me, but now he is not.The man I chose is Mandul Gul, and I want to live with him. Grandpa was furious, he had never been contradicted by anyone, especially not by his own children.He knocked on the horse's belly, jumped forward, and released the whip in his hand like the sun. A green snake-like mark immediately climbed up my aunt's neck. My aunt was so staggered that she almost fell on the grass.She stood up slowly and looked up at Grandpa.Her beautiful eyes were full of hatred.She lifted her chin higher. Grandpa didn't want to see my aunt's beautiful eyes.There are too many beautiful eyes in the Sham Tengger family, but they shouldn't be like this, they should be another kind of kind, a kind of tenderness.He turned his head and said to his second uncle, get this bastard on a horse and take him back! The second uncle jumped off the horse and walked towards the aunt. Aunt turned around and ran into the house.When she came out again, she had an extra Mauser in her hand.It was Mandul Gul's gun. My aunt raised the muzzle of the gun, pulled the trigger, fired a shot into the sky, and then pushed another bullet into the chamber with a clatter. A pock-headed wild goose fluttered down from the sky and landed in front of grandpa's horse's hooves. The horse jumped in fright and almost knocked grandpa off the horse. The second uncle was taken aback, he took a step back, and exclaimed, old sister, what are you doing? ! The aunt put the gun flat on her waist, pointed it at the grandfather and the second uncle, and said, get out of here, or I will shoot! The gunfire alarmed the soldiers of the Reclamation Army. The soldiers of the Reclamation Army didn't know what happened, and ran out with their weapons.The soldiers of the Reclamation Army didn't know their grandfather and uncles. When they saw that their aunt was holding a gun and confronting a group of men, they decided that they were enemies, and they loaded the bullets one after another, and rushed forward. Grandpa's blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and he almost fell off the horse.Grandpa is not afraid of using force. In his eyes, the reclamation army is no more powerful than the snow wolves. They just have more people and more guns, occupying the morals of the world.But my grandfather didn't want outsiders to get involved in his affairs, and the ancestors of the Shamu Tengger family never let outsiders get involved, and outsiders didn't deserve it. Grandpa didn't even touch the steel gun slung under the saddle. He was on the horse, staring at my aunt with eagle eyes, and spat viciously on the ground. Then he took the reins and led the uncles to ride away. Grandpa spit like that, and he spit out my aunt from the family forever.
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