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Chapter 5 Section five

the wind passes by 邓一光 5202Words 2018-03-19
The Snow Wolf family by the Suolu River finally succeeded in taking revenge on their grandfather after five years. After five years of reproduction and hard work, the Snow Wolf family on the banks of the Suolu River has not only greatly increased their population, but also possessed considerable combat effectiveness and strategy.During the five years, those snow wolves encountered Grandpa several times, and they all avoided them on their own initiative, without confronting Grandpa head-on.In those few encounters, my grandfather never forgot the hatred of his dead wife, and whenever he saw the pack of snow wolves, he rushed towards them with fire in his eyes, wishing he could skin them alive and eat their meat raw.The snow wolves are often defeated at the first touch, and there are still a few casualties, but they are not bloody at all. It seems that after the previous two contests, they have been conquered by grandpa, and they will never conflict with grandpa again.

One morning five years later, the snow wolves attacked grandpa. Before dawn, the grandfather's widowed sister was woken up by the barking of dogs outside the felt bag.She wondered if the cows were not being milked, and those who were eager to free themselves to go wild on the grasslands were hitting the fence.She got up, and called two young aunts and aunts, and led them to the stable to be milked. The women were stunned as soon as they came out of the felt bag—— On the grass outside the yurts, there are snow wolves in patches, and they surround several rugs tightly.Most of the snow wolves sat there with their front feet upright, their narrow chins raised high, their saber ears erect, their squinting eyes were cold, and their huge tails were dragged aside like copper sticks, quietly moving waiting.Only a few snow wolves have survived the initial fight. Their eyes flashed, their fur stood up, and they licked the blood from their wide mouths. They walked slowly beside the twitching shepherd dogs lying in a pool of blood. open.

The terrified cries of the women woke up Grandma Ling and the uncles.Grandpa and uncles came out of the felt leather sleeping bags almost naked, and then they rushed back into the felt bags and hurriedly put themselves into the fur robes, which took a lot of time, so that when they were fully dressed, Holding the weapon, when rushing out of the yurt, the most favorable opportunity to break through has been lost. In fact, grandpa and uncles never lost an opportunity at all.They had no chance at all, and had no chance to lose. The entire revenge plan of the snow wolves is very careful. They chose the season of banning slaughter to launch this attack. In this season, the wind on the grassland is clean and the river is crystal clear. Bloody dried meat and sweet and sour dairy products lack enough murderousness and loose muscles. The temptation of fat herds makes them feel refreshed and loses the restless desire to fight, which makes them already in a contest in terms of physical strength and concentration downwind.The snow wolves surrounded the yurt in the early hours of the morning, when they were least likely to appear, and thus let the opponents relax their vigilance.They first separated the grandfather from his mount, so that the grandfather had only a pair of hunchback legs and could not sit up on the grassland. Such a grandfather was equivalent to a grandfather who had lost his left arm.The snow wolves then disposed of the dozen or so shepherd dogs.Under the calm witness of more than 200 strong snow wolves, more than 20 young snow wolves acted as the initial killers. Shepherd's intestines, dumping them in a pool of blood, caused Grandpa to lose his right arm again.After the snow wolf finished all the preparatory work, it howled loudly to notify grandpa of their arrival.

Grandpa's first counterattack failed.He tried to take the males at home to rush out of the felt bag and snatch their mounts back, so that they could extend the power of their knives and arrows in hand-to-hand combat, extending to places beyond the reach of wolves.But Grandpa's attempt failed.The snow wolves were fully prepared. Not only did they successfully stop the grandfather before he approached his mount, they threw him back into the felt bag, and took advantage of the confusion to take away a newborn child of the uncle. The eldest aunt was crying hoarsely, trying to rush over to rescue her child, but the grandfather yelled at her and the uncle held him back.

The eldest aunt wanted to break away from the uncle who was holding her by the waist, but she bit the uncle's hand with her teeth, kicked him, and shouted loudly: "Let me go!"let me go!I want my baby! Grandpa kicked away the snow wolf that was rushing towards him, pushed the uncle away, pulled the aunt over, and slapped her hard with his hands. Grandpa's eyes are protruding, blue smoke is coming out of his nostrils, and his teeth are gnashing loudly. Grandpa shouted, no one is allowed to move!Whoever moves me will kick to death! Grandpa soon discovered that what he was facing was the entire Snow Wolf family. Of course, they were no longer the numbers or strength of five years ago.He immediately judged that it was not an accidental encounter, that the snow wolf wanted to put him to death because the good man did not come.Grandpa calmed down after that. He organized the men in the family, first used bullets to repel the snow wolves approaching the yurt, and took advantage of the chaos to connect the women and children in the other yurts into the strongest yurt. There, he had everyone armed and ready to break out.Then he began to wait quietly, waiting for the snow wolf to attack, so that he could find a chance to kill a bloody path and lead his family out of the snow wolf's encirclement.

The snow wolves didn't attack, they waited confidently on the grass outside the yurt, howling one after another; they didn't even bother the livestock in the pen, and didn't care about the few horses that jumped out of the fence and fled restlessly on the grass. horses, which makes them much like a well-disciplined army. The herd in the livestock pen gradually calmed down, and they found that things were not as bad as they imagined—the snow wolves did not attack them at all, but surrounded their owners, which showed that the danger was not aimed at them Yes, but the matter between those snow wolves and their masters has nothing to do with themselves. After they understood this, they began to relax, no longer tense, and lowered their heads to lick the scattered hay that fell on the ground.

Two young yaks left the herd, walked to the pen, and looked curiously at the pack of snow wolves outside the pen. After watching for a while, they decided that they could not be a member of the vigorous army, so they walked away calmly. went aside. Grandpa didn't wait for the snow wolf's attack, which was a bit beyond his expectation.Grandpa decided not to wait any longer, and he began to try to break the siege of the wolves.He and his uncles shot the felt-packed snow wolf with a musket.They did knock down a few snow wolves, rolling them into the snow and not moving.But the snow wolves didn't panic, they dragged the fallen brother away, filled the vacant position, and continued to surround the felt bag.

Grandpa is a little worried.He doesn't have enough bullets.He knew that the snow wolves outside the felt bag had far more bullets than he had, and even with one gun, he couldn't knock them all down.Grandpa knew that he had to take his family to break out, and he had to break out before the snow wolves started to attack, otherwise, once the snow wolves attacked, he would not be able to take the initiative. Grandma told the uncles to stop shooting, and told the family to start preparing, he wanted to fight to the death. The one chosen to go to the livestock pen was my third uncle.He is the fastest runner among several uncles, he runs like a gust of wind, can chase clouds and moons, and when he is full of finger meat and tsampa, he can even race with the best Sanhe horses, Jumping from the small side to the other side of the creek, leaving the skylark far behind.

The third uncle lit the torch with a scythe. Grandpa walked towards the third uncle, without saying a word, and patted the third uncle on the shoulder vigorously. The third uncle handed the torch to the aunt beside him, tightened his belt empty-handed, and then took the torch from the aunt.After the third uncle finished all this, he turned around and grinned at his family, and the cat slipped out of the felt bag. Gunshots rang out. Grandpa and uncles have never fired guns so freely and without restraint in their life. They fired all the bullets without hesitation in the first bag of cigarettes, and their shoulders were shaken by the butts of the guns. numb.At least twenty or thirty were knocked out, jumped into the air, howled, and fell motionless into the snow.

There was a choking smell of gunpowder smoke in the felt bag, and my vision was blurred. Grandpa almost regarded my mother as an aunt.Grandpa pushed mother roughly, and shouted, where is that little thing? !Where is your sister? ! The third uncle rushed out of the felt bag when the gun rang out. Holding a burning torch in one hand and a long willow-leaf knife in the other, he jumped through the snow wolves that had been knocked down by the bullets, and headed towards the cattle pen. run away.He ran a little strangely, like a nervous mouse, running forward like a wind chaser, several times he was almost tripped by the snow wolf that was twitching desperately on the ground, and the wolf blood quickly climbed up his legs Robes, he and his robes were immediately soaked in wolf blood.

The snow wolves found the third uncle, and they rushed towards him.The third uncle waved the long knife in his hand while running.The snow wolves didn't care at all, they blew over like snowflakes and knocked Sanjiu down to the ground.The long knife in the third uncle's hand fell into the grass, but he was holding on to the torch tightly, cursing in his mouth, kicking away the snow wolf that was jumping on him, trying to get up from the ground.He threw the snow wolf aside, and at the same time threw away the half of his robe, a piece of meat from his thigh, and a piece of meat from his waist that had fallen into the wolf's mouth.The third uncle finally got up from the ground. He found that many things were missing from his body. He felt that he was much lighter, which made him very angry.He shouted to those snow wolves, get out!Get out of here!He yelled like that, no matter what was missing from his body, he continued to run forward holding the torch.The snow wolves chased after him. They kept jumping up, biting off a piece of cloth or a piece of meat from a certain part of his body. They quickly stripped third uncle naked, and further stripped him to pieces. The third uncle, who had lost his bones, still didn't give up. He was really much lighter, and he really didn't have anything to worry about. With the last bit of strength, he staggered with the two wolves glued to his body with their teeth. He ran to the corral, stretched out the torch in his hand, burned the cowhide tethers of the corral, and smashed the corral open. Several snow wolves jumped up and covered the third uncle's body, stripping him into a skeleton in an instant.The skeleton first stood there, looked around strangely, then looked at the torch in his hand, then he threw the torch towards the herd, and then it creaked and collapsed on the ground. When the herd saw the fire, it exploded with a bang, first the yaks, then the horses, then the sheep, and finally the reindeer.The herd at the front trampled the fallen skeleton to pieces and knocked down several snow wolves. The herds behind swarmed up. They couldn't wait, so they simply knocked down the fence, and two yaks stepped on the circle. On the log, he couldn't stand firmly, and fell down with a bang, and the herd following them didn't stop, and rushed out of the pen by stepping on their bodies. Grandpa was the first to rush out of the felt bag in the confusion and rushed to the hitch post. He untied the reins and got on the horse. Several uncles also rushed out of the felt bag with the grandfather, and rushed to the hitching post. They lifted the elderly, women and children in the family onto the horse one by one, and jumped onto the horse's back themselves. Grandpa looked around in the crowd, knocked on the horse's belly, and rushed towards the felt bag. My aunt stood in front of the felt bag.She just stood there.When the snow wolves surrounded the yurt, everyone in the family was terrified, but she was sitting quietly in a corner of the yurt with her little red fur lynx in her arms, looking devastated again.When the family members rushed out of the yurt, she hesitated, stood up, and walked out of the yurt.Standing in front of the yurt, she watched the herd rush out of the pen and the family members scrambled onto the horses. Then she turned around and planned to walk back to the yurt. Grandpa's horse arrived like a whirlwind.Grandpa reined in the horse, leaned over, stretched out his ape arms, bent down and grabbed my aunt's braid, and pulled my aunt off the ground like a green onion, and put her on the horse's back. The long knife shouted, let's go!As soon as he lifted the reins, he rushed towards the snow wolves first. Several uncles covered the family and followed closely. They knocked on the horse's belly vigorously, and at the same time brandished the long knives in their hands, slashing desperately at the snow wolves that were crowded into a pile.They didn't gallop, but jostled and trampled, relying on the size of their horses to break through the pack of snow wolves and rush out with the grandpa at the front.The women and children grabbed the horse's mane tightly, pressed their bellies against the horse's back, screamed, kicked the snow wolves beside them, and drove the horses to squeeze out of the snow wolves together. After the initial rout, the snow wolves stabilized their position. They understood what had happened, and immediately surrounded them, filling the gap opened by the herd, closing the circle, and heading towards grandpa and him in droves. family rushed. Grandpa didn't rush far, and was soon blocked.The horse was stopped as soon as it started running, and the situation was even worse than before. The man and the horse were completely surrounded by snow wolves. That was exactly what the snow wolves wanted. right in front of you.They stopped howling, opened their bloody mouths, and formed a group of three or four, pounced on their opponents from all directions. It was at this time that my aunt began to cry. That was a cry that no one in my grandfather's family had ever heard. It was sharp, shrill, terrifying and mysterious, as if it came from another unknown world.That was my aunt's cry.My aunt climbed on the back of my grandfather's horse, and she was carried on the horse by my grandfather at the last moment.She screamed sharply, and the cry continued for a long time, never going away.Grandpa was startled by the sharp cry.He almost fell off the horse.But it was not grandpa who fell down, but a snow wolf.Before the auntie could scream, the snow wolf pounced and grabbed the throat of the grandpa's mount.Grandpa's mount couldn't bear the pain, and he struggled to get free.The snow wolf clung tightly to the mount's neck, refusing to let go, its claws had already sunk deeply into the mount's flesh and blood.When my aunt yelled, the snow wolf opened its teeth and claws like a piece of drunk meat, as if it had been whipped, and fell into the snow. The hoof, fell down, and the brains were splashed everywhere. My aunt was still screaming sharply, she seemed to be angry, because she didn't like this kind of scene, because she was unhappy with this kind of conflict between people and snow wolves; no one had heard her opinion beforehand, maybe she persuaded them And them, maybe she wanted to go away at first, but they and them were too confusing, too crowded, she didn't have the heart to listen to her, and it was too late for her to go away, so she had to get angry and screamed sharply. Amidst my aunt's sharp cry, all the snow wolves stopped attacking, as if they had heard a forbidden order, Zha Li's hair fell down, and his eyes showed confusion and awe.The fighting stopped, and there was a panting sound in the snow.The snow wolves were a little flustered, and they even became gentle. An incredible thing happened, those snow wolves, they are retreating... Grandpa came to his senses, sat up straight, raised the rein, and shouted: "Go!" Grandpa has always hated my aunt.For fourteen years he kept this hatred.Fourteen years later, he ended this hatred in the simplest way for a father—he married off his aunt. Grandpa married my aunt to a small official of the Land Reclamation Bureau. The dowry gift of the petty official was a Japanese-made rifle and forty rounds of ammunition. The little official of the Land Reclamation Bureau is a big smoker. He has been coveting his young and beautiful aunt for a long time. He keeps asking people to come to propose marriage, sending heavy gifts and carloads of hymns. , he followed behind in a bullock cart all the way, if he hadn't been afraid of a few burly uncles, he would have waited in front of his grandpa's rug every day. Grandpa didn't even look at the dowry that was raised above his head by the little official. He snorted and signaled an uncle to take the weapon. After that, he never looked at those guns and ammunition again. My aunt kowtowed at my grandma's grave before she got married. My aunt knelt in front of my grandma's grave, and said softly, Er Mo Niang, I'm leaving. Auntie's tears burst out at once - that was the most complete sentence she had heard from her aunt in fourteen years, or rather, it was the only sentence she had heard from her aunt in fourteen years. She understood the words. My fourteen-year-old aunt didn't even look at my grandpa when she left home.She walked out of the felt bag with her lynx and red-skinned harpoon in her arms, put them in the grass, and waved to them; No; she mounted a snow-white stallion, held her head high, and left the house without saying a word, without looking back.
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