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Chapter 30 Sichuan (1964-1975) - father and son

i am the sun 邓一光 9663Words 2018-03-19
In the late autumn of 1969, Guan Luyang, wearing a set of cadre uniforms washed slightly whitish, suddenly returned home. Guan Luyang's return brought an unexpected festive atmosphere to this family that had been too dull for a long time. For a moment, Wu Yun didn't recognize this tall, handsome, majestic young officer with eyes full of alertness and confidence, he was almost unrecognizable to her.She yelled, and the spatula in her hand fell to the ground.She rushed over to hug her son, but the son who was a head and a half taller than her opened his arms and hugged her whole body.The mother and son were spinning happily like wind blades in the October sun.Wu Yun was very happy, she wiped the tears from her face, and coaxed away the children who came home one after another, telling them not to pester their eldest brother, and let their dusty elder brother sit down and catch his breath.In a hurry, she put a whole pool of water in the bathroom, found a new towel from the box, and found a set of Guan Shanlin's clean military uniform.She knew without looking that her eldest son was fully capable of wearing her husband's uniform.Lu Yang obeyed his mother's arrangements very filially, and he would do whatever she arranged. When she walked back and forth in front of him, his eyes were full of tenderness and meekness.When eating, he put the first chopsticks dish into Wu Yun's bowl, which made Wu Yun almost shed tears again.He hugged his mother affectionately and told her one joke after another, making her spill the soup from the spoon all over her body.When Wu Yun talked about his naughty things when he was a child, he laughed loudly and full of energy.Wu Yun found that he was too much like his father, his every look and frown was no different from his father, but he was more intelligent and wise than his father, and Wu Yun could also see this.During the whole day, Wu Yun hardly let herself take a step away from her son, and she asked him to do the same.He is hers, and she wants to make up for her mother's hunger and thirst.Lu Yang naturally understood, and he followed his mother every step of the way, like a young elk following closely behind a doe.Only one thing, he doesn't allow anyone to touch his pistol and a red ocher leather briefcase, including his mother, even when he goes to the bathroom to take a shower and goes to bed at night, he keeps them in his hand within reach.Guan Shanlin observed this inadvertently, and Guan Shanlin was very satisfied with it.His son is undoubtedly a qualified soldier, Guan Shanlin said to himself in his heart.

Guan Shanlin expressed his restrained joy at his son's sudden return. He didn't let the expression on his face reveal anything. He only looked away from the newspaper when his son stood in front of him and called him daddy. After moving away for a moment, he nodded at his son.His expression was even a little too indifferent.In fact, he had no chance to contact his son during the whole day. First, Wuyun, she held her eldest son in her arms like a baby and didn't let go. Son of man's kind of intense jealousy was.Then came the children, who surrounded their eldest brother like a swarm of ants, flocking him from room to room, even to the bathroom.They want to see his muscles, they want to see his gun, they want him to tell stories, they are not interested in the candy he brought them at all, they just want to know if he has fought in war, can he fly tanks and planes ?Guan Shanlin was left out in the cold, but this did not prevent him from observing his son. He was always observing his son. He found that his son had matured. Standing or sitting naturally maintains a military standard, the voice is not high but full of depth, and the reaction is quick and quick. When one hand lifts the little girl Xiangyue into the air to make her giggle, the other hand He was still able to quickly catch the dart thrown at him by Xiangyang who was hiding aside.He is sympathetic, and when he hugged every sibling, he did not forget his elder brother Huiyang who was hiding in the corner. He put the candy cubes that had been peeled off the wrappers into Huiyang's mouth for him to eat. This action made Guan Shanlin shudder. heartbeat.But what makes Guan Shanlin most satisfied is not these, but Lu Yang's attitude towards him.During dinner, Lu Yang picked food for Wu Yun, but he didn't pick it for Guan Shanlin. He knew that his father didn't need such tender gestures.At night, the father and son were sitting in Guan Shanlin's room talking. The red and blue pencils that Guan Shanlin had put in the book fell to the floor. After a while, he stretched out his arms, grabbed the pen in his hand, and straightened his waist. During this process, Lu Yang sat there without moving, and did not help his father. He seemed to have no idea about the details of his father picking up the pen. I don't care, because his father is not old enough to need someone to help. The father and son actually completed a spiritual communication in the act of picking up the pen.Guan Shanlin felt more grateful to his son.

In the fall of 1969, Guan Luyang had just been promoted from a platoon rank to a company post, and was transferred to work in an agency of the General Staff.Guan Shanlin has no doubts about his son's excellent military quality. He knows that his son is the best soldier, but he is still surprised by his son's rapid improvement in a short period of time.Guan Shanlin didn't show this kind of surprise in front of his son, and he didn't even ask about the department his son was transferred to and what kind of work his son was doing.Intuitively, he knew that the department where his son worked had a certain degree of secrecy.The son wears a guard-type 59-type repeating pistol, and he can't leave his body even when talking to himself; he doesn't talk about his work, he only tells him that he is now a glorious Communist Party member All this shows that the son is mature, and a mature son is being valued.

So in the evening of autumn, the father and son walked out of the room and took a walk in the yard.They were about the same height, equally bulky, and equally powerful in their stride.Rustica chrysanthemum and remnant osmanthus emit a dark fragrance at night, and large groups of cannas creep silently in the corners of the yard, like torches that are hot inside and cold outside, and can be ignited with a single breath. When Xing Liuying flew past their faces, they were all silent for a long time.Guan Luyang looked at his father in the dark, and he found that his father was old, which was incredible.In Guan Luyang's memory, father has never belonged to the word aging, how powerful and full of vitality he is!When he stands up, you will feel that the sky suddenly becomes low; when he strides forward, you will feel that the whole earth is shaking; when he laughs, you will feel that the whole world is shaking Infected, this is the father, this is his father!Guan Luyang worships his father, just like worshiping the sun, he is obsessed with his daily fresh light and heat, obsessed with the never-ending uplift, even, there is still a wish buried in Guan Luyang's heart, this The wish was born in his youth, Guan Luyang hoped that one day he could compete with his father in arm wrestling.They took each side, stretched out their hands to each other, and held them calmly. They stared into each other's eyes calmly. Without a password, they began to exert force, force, force, their knuckles cracked, and the bones of their whole body cracked. With a loud noise, the stone table supporting their two hands collapsed and turned into dust, but their hands were not loosened, their hands would not be loosened, they were still inseparably welded together, the struggle, the whole earth They are all rattling in their rivalry!This was a dream of the young Guan Luyang. He knew that at that time he was not qualified to reach out to his father, he was not qualified.Now he can do it, now he is a qualified soldier, he has this qualification, he can extend his hand to his father.However, the father is old.For Guan Luyang, who has been away from home for three years, this happened almost overnight, so unbelievable, so unreasonable, but it is a fact.The white hair on his father's temples made Guan Luyang deeply irritated and hurt. For a moment, Guan Luyang closed his eyes in pain.He didn't want to accept those damn gray hairs!He just wanted to reach out to his father without any obstacles!But father is old.Father hesitated when Zhu Ma's cat, Captain, scurried past their feet in the dark.When the servant Li Bu was behind them and asked the chief to answer the phone, his father hesitated again.What's wrong with father?Is he really old?

The undertones of Rudrane and Remnant Osmanthus lend a mood of melancholy throughout the night.After Guan Shanlin answered the phone, the father and son continued their walk. This time they walked a long way, until they reached the fence.Where they are located is the heights of the city.The night view of the mountain city of Chongqing is ambiguous and unreal. In the autumn of 1969, most areas in Chongqing were still under blackout. The entire lower half of the city was dark and silent. Occasionally, vehicles with night running lights drove past them in panic, and the lights were blown by the mountain wind. The blowing flickered on and off, and there were sporadic gunshots in the distance, which also made people feel unreal.The Jialing River lay there gray and white, without the lights of the boats, you couldn't tell whether it was still flowing or dead.The father and son stood there, and for a moment they both saw a shooting star, which appeared from the darkest silence in the east, flew unsteadily above their heads, seemed to hesitate for a moment, then made up their minds, and flew across the night sky at high speed Fall to the west.Guan Shanlin opened his mouth to break the silence.Guan Shanlin said, the north has been in a tight spot?Guan Luyang said, yes.He did not ask his father where he had heard the news.Father is a soldier, even though he has lost his military post, he is still a soldier, a good soldier can smell the smoke of gunpowder even with his nose.Guan Shanlin said, how many troops do they have?Guan Luyang said that on the northern and western fronts, they have a total of 124 infantry divisions, all equipped with first-class equipment.Guan Shanlin said, what about us?Guan Luyang said that there are thirty-six field divisions on the front line, and some border guards, you know, our equipment is very bad.Guan Shanlin was silent for a while.Guan Luyang realized that he had slipped his tongue. He shouldn't have mentioned equipment. His father had worked in the military industry for eleven years. He and them had been partners and rivals. You are undoubtedly blaming him for mentioning the quality of each other's equipment.Guan Luyang glanced at his father in the dark, and he found that his father was looking to the north at this time. He couldn't see his eyes, but he felt that his appearance had a kind of desire and yearning like a hungry leopard.Guan Shanlin stood there silently watching for a while, then turned around, and asked his son, you said, if we fight, can we win?Guan Luyang hesitated for a moment and said, we will not lose.Guan Luyang carefully chose a word. As a soldier, he has no right to be blindly optimistic. As a son, he cannot hurt his father. This word is undoubtedly the most appropriate.Guan Shanlin didn't pay attention to his son's subtle psychological activities at all. He sighed and said softly, I have no hope in this battle.After saying this, he turned his body around again, facing the north, looking solemnly into the distance in the dark night.Guan Luyang suddenly felt a complicated feeling in his heart, he felt his nose sore, he stood there speechless.After a long time, he said softly, Dad, let's go back, it's cold.

Guan Luyang only stayed at home for ten days, and he returned to the army after ten days.Before leaving, Guan Luyang bid farewell to his younger brothers and sisters one by one. The way he bid farewell to them was to slap their faces, which reminded Wu Yun that his elder brother Bator treated her like this when she was a child.Guan Luyang thanked Zhu Ma as if he was treating his family. He said that the braised elbow cooked by Zhu Ma was very delicious, because he didn't want to leave because of this dish.He patted Li Bu on the shoulder as if he were another brother. He said that he would send back a large bag of garlic from Tai County, Shandong Province. He knew that the film coating of garlic was the best Dimo.He walked towards the dark cloud, he put his mother in his arms, and with a gentle effort, he lifted her up, and they stood there for a long time in this way.He whispered to her in her ear, Mom, you have to take care.Then he put her down and let go of his arms.Wu Yun concealed that he was going to arrange the discipline buckle for his son. This is a subconscious action, and almost all the mothers or wives of soldiers in ancient and modern China and abroad have done this action.Of course he didn't need her to tidy up, his clothes were neat and meticulous, but he didn't move, he just stood upright and let his mother grope him gently.Now, his farewell to everyone is complete.He turned around and faced Guan Shanlin.Guan Shanlin stood on the steps, his chin slightly raised, his eyes calm.Guan Luyang walked towards his father, and he stopped a few steps away from his father.He looked at his father.It was windy that day, and the branches and leaves of all the plants in the yard were swaying, appearing to be in a hurry, as if thousands of horses were running back and forth in a trance, which made the two soldiers who were looking at each other happy. A sense of sculpture, with a sense of eternal observation.I don't know how long it took, Guan Luyang said to his father like a soldier, I'm ready, can I go?Guan Shanlin was like a commander, he nodded and said seriously, work hard.Guan Luyang still wanted to say something, and he almost said it aloud, he wanted to say, I am ready, can I break your wrist with you? !The words were on his lips, but he didn't say them, he swallowed them.He straightened his chest, stood at attention with a snap, and saluted Guan Shanlin respectfully. Then he lowered his arms, turned around, left the steps with steady and powerful steps, and strode out of the yard.No one saw him off, and the whole family stood in the yard watching Guan Luyang's tall body disappear outside the gate.He never looked back, and they never moved.This is a kind of tacit understanding, a kind of tacit understanding of a professional military family, a kind of tacit understanding that is close to cruelty, Wu Yun is too familiar with this kind of tacit understanding. She still remembers the snow field in Shenyang when he returned from injury, and she still remembers the morning when he lost his temper in Wuhan.Soldiers treat parting with a stubborn prejudice. They dislike the way of seeing off, and they even dislike the way of family. Whether they set out or fight, whether they live or die, what they expect is a kind of calmness, a kind of conquest of the world. If you walk in the courtyard, all the exhortations and tears can only wrap lead clothes around their legs.For a while, Wu Yun wondered if it was a taboo unique to soldiers, but later she accepted this method. After she accepted this method, she experienced another feeling, which was self-confidence, firmness and full of confidence.As a family member who often travels for the expedition, she can believe in his triumphant return every time, as if he just went to the small river in the backyard to carry a bucket of water, or went to the blacksmith shop in the market town in front of the village. With a steel hoe, there is no need to panic. When he goes out with his front foot, he will come back with his back foot.Now, with such a mentality, Wu Yun watched her eldest son walk out of her sight.

Less than two months after the eldest Guan Luyang left, the winter conscription began. The fifteen-year-old third Guan Jingyang was picked up by the Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team of the 54th Army and recruited into the army as an art soldier. First, two soldiers, a man and a woman, came to the school. They assessed dozens of children recommended by the school, from singing and dancing to checking the muscles and bones. The assessment was very picky.When Guan Jingyang walked into the examination room, the two serious examiners couldn't help but smile knowingly at each other.This child was born so delicate and juicy, he looked like a pretty girl, even his face was blushing.First they asked him to dance.Jumping where the Red Guards on the prairie met Chairman Mao, or jumping on the Jinshan Mountain in Beijing, if you don’t know how to do these, you can do two random moves, for example, you know the move of Yakexi, right?Jingyang nodded lightly to show that he understood, and he said delicately, then I will dance the Red Detachment of Women, which is the part where Hong Changqing sacrificed himself!Can you hum a tune for me?He blushed when he said this.They nodded, of course they could, and one of them was the former Wu Qionghua.They started humming and he started dancing.He sucks his legs, stretches his arms, and stretches his legs.Once he started dancing they stopped laughing.He danced so well, his movements and expressions almost made people doubt whether he had received professional ballet training, and the most commendable thing was that when he finished that dance, they found that his big eyes were overflowing. tears.They were conquered by his dancing talent.So, can I sing another song?Can you sing us a song?He nodded and said softly, which song do you want to hear?This time they were shocked, look at what he said, which song do you want to hear?He can sing any song he wants to hear, that is to say, as long as he wants to hear it.Then sing a carol, the one sung by Hu Songhua, you can raise your voice.He nodded and began to sing.Aha hey yo ho hey, ah hey hey yo ho hey.He captivated them as soon as he opened his mouth.God!He has a great voice!He is the kind of charismatic lyric soprano. On High, he can let himself go straight into the sky like a lark, and let his singing voice surround there for a long, long time.They applauded him, applauding desperately, completely forgetting their identity as examiners.They asked him to sing Wusuli River boat songs, or Erlang Mountain.He sang, not one, but two.But they are not enough.Now they know what he can sing, and they want to know if he can sing Russian folk songs, not Soviet revisionist songs, but Russian folk songs.Of course, he can too.Then sing you a song about the Don, my dear mother.He stood there, Ding Bu turned sideways, slightly retracted his chin, and clasped his hands.Immediately, a gentle river breeze blew across their faces.He looked like a real son of the Don.They were intoxicated by his singing, by his lyricism, and it took a long time before they opened their eyes.Who taught you this song?My mother, she taught.what does your mother doIs she an artist?No, she's not an artist, but she can sing better than a singer.This time they really found the reason.A female lark gave birth to a little lark, and she told him what to use to express love of life, love of nature, love of life, and this is why.Well, now they don't need to continue the assessment.Instead of saying to him, you can go, as they did to other children, they said goodbye to him with a smile.When he walked out, they found his name on the list - Guan Jingyang.They drew three horizontal lines heavily with a red pen under those three words.

Guan Shanlin was not at all interested in Jingyang being a literary soldier, and he made no secret of his disdain for the literary soldier.Why did you become a soldier?To be a soldier is to fight!What do you rely on to fight?Fighting depends on real swords and guns!I have been a soldier for so many years, and I have never seen a battle won by bouncing around, playing the huqin and singing!Guan Shanlin said this to the recruiting cadres who came to visit his home.It was Wu Yun who helped the recruiter speak.Wu Yun said that it was not without propaganda teams in the war years, there were always.During the battle of Liaoshen, did you forget?Those members of the propaganda team stood on the side of the road and sang allegro, comrades, go forward, Zhangjiakou is in front of you.Be a hero, be a hero, and watch the battle start.I still remember this, how could you forget?Guan Shanlin looked at the ceiling and said dryly, I forgot, I don't remember such a thing.Wu Yun said, it's not that you don't remember, it's that you don't admit it, if you don't admit it, you are not true materialism, not thorough materialism.Guan Shanlin said angrily, who said that I am not a true materialist, a thorough materialist?I am not a true materialist, a thorough materialist, maybe I am still an idealist?nonsense!Wu Yun didn't flinch and said, if you want to admit that you are materialist, you have to admit the facts, why don't you admit the facts?Guan Shanlin said, who said I don't admit the facts?You bring the facts!Wu Yun said that the truth is that the propaganda team is also a fighting team that boosts morale and attacks the enemy. If you have the ability, admit it.Guan Shanlin said, a fighting team is a fighting team, if you admit it, you admit it, what a big deal!Wu Yun said, since you admit it, you should let Jingyang go to the publicity team.Guan Shanlin said, just go!I'd like to see, he jumps and dances among the girls all day long, what tricks he can come up with!

Guan Jingyang put on his military uniform and left home the next day, becoming an art soldier. Although Guan Jingyang has left home, he is not far from home.The headquarters of the Fifty-fourth Army is on Eling Park Road, only three stops away from Daping Road where the cadres rest. He actually served as a soldier at the door of his house.Guan Jingyang was assigned to the cadet team, and he was recruited into the propaganda team with seventeen or eighteen soldiers, all of the same age. They had gone through a short period of recruit training, and then the army chief said, forget it, I don’t want them anymore Go forward, I want them to sing and dance, what are they doing with those stereotypes?In this way, they returned to the propaganda team and began formal artistic training.

Guan Jingyang's artistic talent is outstanding, and he was appointed as the vice-captain of the student team.But he's too shy, doesn't like being outstanding, and has a weak heart. The role of deputy captain is useless to him, and he can't help the captain at all.The team leader talked to him a few times, but he didn't say a word, just sat there with his head down. The team leader hated that iron can't make steel, so he had to remove him and replace him with another one.This helped him instead. He is a kid who likes to be quiet. Apart from practicing martial arts and studying political thought, he always likes to hide in the dormitory alone and read books.Most of what he read were literary books, and he wept silently while reading those books.He was too emotional, too fragile.He always put down the mosquito net, tucked it tightly, and lay in it alone, daydreaming blankly.The little female soldiers in the cadet team liked him very much, and they always came to talk to him, and they could always find a lot of excuses.When he was the vice-captain of the student team, they could ask him to report on their ideological activities and talk about their experience in studying Chairman Mao's works. Normally, he always sat or stood there and listened quietly, occasionally saying something. Words of agreement or disapproval.When he is not the vice-captain of the student team, they can also come to him and ask him to see if their waistlines are up to standard and whether their strokes are straight. Isn't he the best in the team? Of course he has Qualified to guide them.And he does try to do that, he always goes out of his way to satisfy their requests, he's always sweating profusely so that the pretty and innocent little girl soldiers can scramble to get him their own towels Wiping off his sweat, he brought his own cup for him to drink.They all liked him very much, not only because he was handsome and handsome, not only because he sang well and danced well, not only because he was as gentle and quiet as a rabbit, but also because he could tell stories and recite poems.He can tell a lot of stories, most of those stories are made up by himself, you can't find them in any book, he can let those stories develop freely according to his imagination, most of them have one or two beautiful things The characters are almost isolated from the world, and more often the story has a tragic ending.On evenings in spring or summer, those little female soldiers moved small benches and sat around him on the grass next to the dormitory of the propaganda team, listening to his stories.When he told the story, his eyes were dim, and his eyes flew over their heads to unknown places. All the beginnings, developments and endings were fascinated by a soul that was not in the body.They listened to his stories, their chins resting on their hands, and their big beautiful eyes stared obsessively at his face, his eyes, his mouth.What a beautiful mouth he had!Its lines are so soft, just like a delicate pomegranate, it moves like a petal, and the touching stories flow out, and they all shed maiden's tears for it and them.He can also recite poems, Goethe, Pushkin, and Mayakovsky.Helen, I, have been praised and slandered / I just landed here from the beach / I still feel the high arch of the water and the turbulence of the wind / The danger was saved thanks to the Sea God’s Siguang / Thanks to Dongfeng for helping me to sail / Back home on the Gulf from the plains of Foreki.He stood there with his hands behind his back and his chest straight, not loudly, but gently reciting their poems.His memory was so good that it seemed as if he had written the poems himself.At this time, his audience will applaud him enthusiastically, and the one who applauds the most is the little female soldier Ji Jie.Ji Jie is one year younger than Guan Jingyang. She has a cute baby face, a small nose and mouth, and a pair of braids, making her look like a child.Ji Jie’s father was a former string player of the Central Orchestra, and went home to recover from illness during the Cultural Revolution. Her mother was a violinist in the Chongqing Orchestra. Under the influence of her father and mother, she played the pipa well since she was a child. Band players were recruited into the publicity team.Ji Jie is happy and active by nature, and among the little female soldiers, she loves to come to Guan Jingyang the most.She bounced to the male soldiers' dormitory, but she couldn't reach her, so she stood on tiptoe and shouted into the window, Guan Jingyang!Guan Jingyang!Come quickly, they tell you to watch their poles!Once Guan Jingyang made a joke with Ji Jie.Guan Jingyang said, Ji Jie, what's the weather today?Ji Jie looked up at the sky and said hesitantly, I don't know, is it cloudy or sunny?Why didn't you listen to the morning forecast?Guan Jingyang said, aren't you called the season, you should know even if you didn't listen to the forecast!Ji Jie looked at him with her eyes open, and it took her a while to understand, and she cried after she understood.Guan Jingyang was terrified, and hurried up to coax her, but it took a lot of effort to coax her.Ji Jie gritted her teeth bitterly and said, who told you to make fun of others, if you make fun of them, they will cry for you!Guan Jingyang said with weak legs, I won't joke with you anymore, I don't dare anymore.A few days later, Ji Jie talked to Guan Jingyang, and Ji Jie invited Guan Jingyang to the piano room. There was no one else there, so Ji Jie cried before speaking.Guan Jingyang was taken aback again, and said, Ji Jie, what's the matter with you?I'm not kidding you this time!Ji Jie said while smoking, who told you not to make fun of others?If you don't make fun of others, they will cry for you!Only then did Guan Jingyang understand. He sighed and said, you are the one who won't make jokes, and you are the one who won't make jokes. What should I do with you like this?

Guan Jingyang stayed in the student team for half a year, that was a whole winter and a whole spring.In the summer, the cadet team was disbanded. Except for a few cadet soldiers who were sent away by the propaganda teams of several divisions, most of the male and female soldiers in the cadet team joined the military propaganda team. This is what Guan Jingyang has been looking forward to for a long time. No one noticed that the heart of the young Guan Jingyang secretly flew to the propaganda team long before the arrival of summer.There is a person Guan Jingyang admires and admires. Her name is Yu Xingwu, she is two years older than Guan Jingyang, and she is the heroine of the dance team. She is Xier when the promotion team plays "The White-haired Girl". If the promotion team plays (Red Detachment of Women) She is Wu Qionghua, in short, she is the pillar of the dance team.She was beautiful, slender, with a charming face and a sweet voice.Guan Jingyang watched her performance of "The White-haired Girl". He was fascinated by her in a white shirt and silver hair on the stage, and his heart was crushed by the image she played on the stage.In the days since then, he has been secretly watching her.She once tutored them in the basic dance training, she taught them hand in hand, she squatted on the side of the cushion to protect them from flipping, and she did a beautiful ballet movement of kicking the purple gold crown backwards for them to see, and she told them, Dance is a perfect combination of shape, meaning and emotion. For example, in Xi’er’s solo dance when she escaped from the mountain temple and returned to the cave, she demonstrated that there was a gloomy and sad look on her face, which is a kind of nobility. temperament.His heart was stung by her noble temperament and shrank into a ball. From then on, he could never forget her appearance.It's a pity that they can't meet often, the publicity team and the student team don't live together, there is a playground between them, and the publicity team has a lot of performance tasks, it will take a long time for him to see her once.For a while, he was very melancholy, and he didn't talk much, let alone tell stories. Even when Ji Jie came to him, he couldn't summon up energy to socialize.He lay under the mosquito net all day, flipping through Turgenev's "Hunter's Notebook" in a low mood.Later, when he heard that the propaganda team had returned from the performance, he got up from the bed and made up his mind to find her, maybe talk to her, maybe not at all, anyway, he wanted to see her.He really went.He saw her.She was doing laundry by the sink.She washes a military jacket, a pink denim shirt, and a white shirt.The white shirt was snow white, and he wondered why she washed it.She rolled her sleeves up to her elbows, her arms were smooth and round with a magnetic luster.She rubbed the clothes vigorously, until the soap bubbles overflowed a basin.He blushed, down to his neck.He mustered up the courage to go forward, he said, can I help you?When she heard someone talking, she stopped what she was doing and raised her face to look at him, a long mess of hair hanging down from between her eyebrows.Are you talking to me?she says.Her voice is very pleasant, clear and clear like a lark.he said yes.He was a little flustered and almost ran away.She said, who are you?Is it a recruit from the club?He froze.It's impossible for her not to know him. Didn't she teach them the basic dance skills?He said, my name is Guan Jingyang, and I belong to the student team.From the student team?There was confusion in her big beautiful eyes, I think, I seem to have seen you, I remembered, you are the little soldier who jumped into Hong Changqing, right?Her eyes lit up, she really remembered, she smiled brightly at him, but he was angry.She was so defiant, she only remembered the little soldier who danced Hong Changqing, but not him. Isn't he the best student in the dance group of the student team?Is he just a character in a play in her eyes?He turned and left without even turning his head, leaving her alone beside the rattling faucet, puzzled. Throughout the winter and spring, Guan Jingyang never crossed the playground to the station of the propaganda team.Of course he will go, but not as a soldier who wants to please the heroine, but as an official member of the propaganda team, he will let the female soldier named Yu Xingwu see that he is not who you are, not a club The new recruit, he is him, he is him. Now that he had waited for this opportunity in the coming days of summer, he would do it for her.
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