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Chapter 4 Northeast China (1946-1948) - Huazaipiaozi

i am the sun 邓一光 9282Words 2018-03-19
After the Battle of Diao Ling, most of the main bandits in North Manchuria were wiped out. The Independent Brigade was ordered to leave a battalion of troops plus a cavalry company to cooperate with the troops of the Nenjiang Military Region to continue to chase down the bandits Xie Wendong and others, and the rest of the troops returned to Jiang for renovation. As soon as he got back to the station, Zhang Ruping called and said, Tiger, what's the matter with you?Don't you go to see the dark clouds?You leave other girls there for more than half a year, what is that?Guan Shanlin said, why don't you watch it, of course I want to.I'm packing up now.I'm taking a shower and I'm covered in lice and I've got an inch of mud on me.I can't just go like this, can I?Zhang Ruping said with a smile on the phone, shave your beard, the most important thing is your beard, don't let the girl think it's a robber.Guan Shanlin said, I am a robber, so what if I am not a robber?The two chatted and laughed for a while, and each put down the phone.

Wu Yun was both surprised and delighted by the appearance of Guan Shanlin and Shao Yue. She was surprised that the head of the brigade would come to visit her in person after seeing her for a few months. She was happy that Shao Yue told her that the army had just won a big victory.Wu Yun took Shao Yue's hand and jumped up and down, very happy.Guan Shanlin and Shao Yue lived in a hotel in Mudanjiang City. Guan Shanlin didn't go to school in person, but sat in the hotel and asked Shao Yue to call Wu Yun out of school.Wu Yun didn't ask what they were here for, but asked the school to ask for leave. The school discipline is very strict, and students are generally not allowed to take leave. Knowing that the head of Wu Yun's army came to visit her, she was granted a half-day leave.Wu Yun still felt cramped when he saw Guan Shanlin. Anyway, he was the highest commander in the brigade. Besides, he kept his face straight, sat there with his back straight, and asked her some questions about the school in a drawn out voice. The things in the house are tense, and after asking, there is no more words, which makes people feel extremely nervous.On the contrary, he talked to Shao Yue. Shao Yue told Wu Yun where the troops had been recently, what battles they had fought, how many bandits they had eliminated, and how many guns they had paid.Wu Yun also told Shao Yue some new things in school, how to study, what activities are there after class, what are some anecdotes among classmates, what about the teacher, and he also stared at Shao Yue, which is very fresh.The two young men were talking and laughing, rushing to interrupt each other, talking about new things they knew, one sentence after another, leaving Guan Shanlin alone in the cold.Guan Shanlin felt a little sleepy, sat there and yawned several times in a row, but couldn't answer anything.Shao Yue saw it, and knew his mission in his heart, so he couldn't take the lead, so he stopped talking and said, Brigadier, didn't you say on the way that when we arrived in Mudanjiang, you wanted to treat me and Wu Yun to a good meal?You see it's already noon, should we have dinner?When Shao Yue said this, Guan Shanlin got excited, and immediately said, OK!I said invite you to dinner, I keep my word, what do you say to eat, you order!Shao Yue clamored to eat donkey meat dumplings, and Wu Yun clamored to eat small snacks. There are many traditional snacks in Northeast China, such as crispy and salty crock-fired pretzels, thin-skinned three-fresh pancakes, honey-sweet tendons and glutinous glutinous rice. The candied fruit, this kind of snack is usually greedy for the dark clouds, but you can't get it in your mouth. This time, there is a treat from the chief. In Shao Yue's words, the local tyrant who beat the chief just happened to enjoy a good meal.After talking, the three of them left the hotel, walked along the street, found a restaurant with the vermilion sign of Bazhenlinhe, and sat in.When the waiter saw a customer coming, he immediately came over and offered a seat at the match table to drink tea, greeted the guest to order food, and went in to cook the pot singing his name.Seeing that he had ordered four or five dishes at once, Wu Yun was startled and said, Xiao Shao, it must cost a lot of money to order so many dishes, right?Do we have that much money?Shao Yue said proudly, Wu Yun, don't worry, I brought out all our chief's belongings this time, not to mention this table of food, even if we lie down in Mudanjiang City and eat for three days, we won't pay on credit.After all, he grabbed a handful of colorful banknotes from the cowhide bag he was carrying and showed it to Wu Yun.Wu Yun smiled and said, "Look how beautiful you are."After a while, the dishes came, and the three of them ate with open arms and a big basket of white flour pancakes.Both Guan Shanlin and Shao Yue rushed to pick up vegetables for Wu Yun.Guan Shanlin said, little bird eats vegetables, eat more vegetables.Wu Yun said, I was eating, and I didn't stop, this dish is so delicious.Guan Shanlin said, eat more if it tastes good, and you will gain weight if you eat more.Only when you gain weight can you have strength and strength to fight.Shao Yue said, Brigadier, you are wrong.Guan Shanlin said, was it wrong?How can I be wrong?Shao Yue said that dark clouds are learning, but dark clouds are not fighting.Guan Shanlin said, who said she wasn't studying?Did I say that she is not studying?Why is she studying?She studies to be able to fight, if not for fighting, what is she learning?Do you think this makes sense?You see what I said, am I wrong?Shao Yue said, of course you are right to say that, you are playing hide and seek.Guan Shanlin said, how can this be hide-and-seek? It's a detour. You didn't understand the detour. You followed me for three years in vain.After Guan Shanlin finished speaking, he blinked his leopard eyes and laughed.Wu Yun was infected, so she also laughed, almost dying of laughter, that smile removed a lot of guard and estrangement between her and Guan Shanlin.Wu Yun thought, it turns out that the chief not only has a straight face, but also smiles.The three of them were talking and eating, and swept away all the food on the table, including the cakes, so that the three of them shouted that their stomachs were full.After eating, Shao Yue called the waiter to settle the accounts, Shao Yue took out a handful of banknotes and counted the money to the waiter.The waiter said, boss, we don't accept border tickets, you can change them.Shao Yue changed to another one.The waiter said, we don't accept Huabei Gold Dollar Coupons either, so you can always exchange them.Shao Yue changed it again, this time it was Mongolian coins, the boss took it, and the waiter shook his head and said, Boss, let's not bother, you, if you have white and yellow ones, just take them out, if you don't have them, black ones It’s okay, except for these three things, we don’t accept anything else, it’s not like our family, you go out to inquire, the army is in chaos, the Central Army has already hit the other side of the Songhua River, who dares to accept those fancy tickets!Shao Yue scratched his head and said in embarrassment, the shopkeeper, we don't have any silver dollars, gold, smoke and dust, we only have this big pile of money, otherwise, can I give you all of them?The waiter shook his head like a drum, and said, "No, if you do this, boss, you will spill the blood of my people."Shao Yue was extremely embarrassed.Wu Yun was also embarrassed. After eating such a large table of food, he ate well and drank enough, but in the end he couldn't pay for the meal. Wu Yun complained to Shao Yue in a low voice, Xiao Shao, you are so true, you didn't ask in advance Asking whether these miscellaneous tickets can be spent, and saying that you can lie down and eat for three days without credit.Guan Shanlin first sat and waited for Shao Yue to pay the bill and leave, then he said, what are you talking about?Who said we eat shit?We members of the Democratic Alliance Army, can we eat the sky, the land, and the common people?We can't!As he spoke, he turned his head and asked the waiter: How much should you pay?The waiter had been paying attention to him before. Seeing that he was wearing a Japanese yellow woolen overcoat, he knew that he must be an official. He also saw that he had sword eyebrows, leopard eyes, tiger mouth and lion nose, and a black-shaven beard. It made people smell a faint smell of unwashed blood, and I felt a little apprehensive at first, and said with a smile on my face, sir, I dare not say that I deserve it. According to it, the third of you can come to the small shop to eat, so I think highly of it. Losing face, I dare not ask you for rewards all the time. It's just that the small shop has small capital and business is difficult, so I really can't afford it!Guan Shanlin said, you are so talkative, if you ask how much you should pay, you can just say it straight, why is it all nonsense?The waiter hurriedly laughed and said, the chief scolded me well, but the young one just had a bad mouth, and the young one stopped talking nonsense—ordinarily, five dishes, three meat and two vegetables, one basket of cakes, and two pots of tea, should be paid by the chief. Thirty cents, let's give up the boss, so I will give up this fraction, and you always pay two yuan.Guan Shanlin took out a gold-plated pocket watch from his coat pocket, put it on the dining table, and said, do you think it is worth it?The waiter didn't take the watch, looked sideways, and said, "This is a Swiss product, and I can't add twenty yuan to it."Shao Yue became anxious and said, Brigadier, this was sent to you by the commander, and you still expect it to fight!When the waiter heard that Guan Shanlin was the brigade commander, his face turned pale, and he said, brigade commander, please put away the treasure quickly, you are showing off your prestige, even if I starve to death, I dare not blackmail your old treasure!As he spoke, he picked up the watch from the table and put it in Guan Shanlin's hand.Guan Shanlin took the watch, grabbed the waiter's hand, slapped him, and stuffed it back for him in a daze, without saying a word, he dragged Shao Yue and Wu Yun out of the restaurant.The waiter chased them out, and the three of them walked fast, and they were gone before they could catch up.When Guan Shanlin left the restaurant, he strode forward. Shao Yue and Wu Yun had to trot to keep up. After walking two streets in one go, Guan Shanlin kept looking back and asked, did you come after me?Did you come after me?Shao Yue gasped and said, "If you give up the rotten beans and replace the key cows, who will chase after them?"Do you think they all look like you?It seems like a loss of heart to make a loss-making business!Guan Shanlin heard that he didn't chase after him, so he slowed down, wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and said with a smile, don't tell me, I really feel guilty. Fortunately, I have a watch. If I don't have that, I will think about it. Then put you in the restaurant first, and let you do coolies for others to pay for the meal.Shao Yue yelled, if you say that, you will lose the appearance of a chief executive at all!How can the head sell his guards for labor?I feel sorry for you, but you are thinking about plotting against me, and you are not doing the same to your livestock!Guan Shanlin saw Shao Yue yelling in the street like this, and everyone on the street turned their heads to look at them, so he quickly pulled Shao Yue's sleeve and said, can you keep your voice down?You let people see our Western view?Shao Yue was still angry and said, who told you to think bad ideas, I can't even shout if you think bad ideas?The animals are still barking when they are in a hurry!Guan Shanlin said, then I don't want to have a bad idea, can't it work?I just thought, haven't you been escorted out yet?The two were arguing, and Wu Yun was secretly laughing while covering his mouth.Wu Yun felt that these two people were really funny, they didn't look like the chief and the guards, but they looked like a pair of father and son who went to the city to sell firewood and compete to decide whether to buy candied melons or old wine.Thinking so happily, the three of them walked along the street for a long time.Wu Yun was in a good mood, so he said, Brigadier, it's not easy for you to come to the city, and I also took half a day off, so why not just let me accompany you and Xiao Shao for a stroll.Guan Shanlin said, where to go?This straight street is full of people, walking slowly, rushing and bumping into people.Wu Yun said, why don't you go to the theater to listen to the play?There are so many people there that if you don't move around, you won't be able to bump into them.Guan Shanlin waved his hand and said, I don't listen to the opera, my face is painted red and black, like a living ghost, yelling at the top of my voice, I can't understand a word, I don't want to go.Wu Yun said, how about I go to the park with you and Xiao Shao?Guan Shanlin said, park?What is there to do in the park, isn't it just flowers and trees, fake looks, how can the grass and flowers in the field be real, it depends on whether I can go to the field to see it?I watch it?Hearing what Guan Shanlin said, the smile on Wu Yun's face was a little dull, and he thought to himself, you don't like to go shopping with you in the garden, you don't like to go shopping with you, you don't like to go to the park with you, you are the chief executive, It turned out to be so difficult to serve.Guan Shanlin also saw Wu Yun's embarrassment, and thought in his heart, the lesbians are good intentions, and this is also a class feeling, thinking about it this way, he felt a little sorry, and quickly said, I think so, you and Xiao Shao go together Park, you young people, you like flowers and grass, you like scenery, you are not wronged to go to the park, I will go back to sleep, I am exhausted from fighting in the past two months, I am sleepy enough, I will take this time to make up for it .Shao Yue said, how can that work, what will happen?Wu Yun was confused, and said, I think this is fine, the chief goes back to the hotel to sleep, Xiao Shao and the two of us go to the park, and both ends are good, I don't think there is anything wrong.Shao Yue still wanted to argue, but Guan Shanlin got angry and said, this is my idea, why not?I order you now, Shaoyue Wuyun, you two obey the order, run to the park immediately, and don't go back to the hotel to disturb me until dark!Whoever quarrels with me, I'll whip his ass with a horsewhip!Shao Yue saw that the brigade commander was serious, and he didn't dare to be stubborn again. A dark cloud came and pulled him away, and the two happily ran away to the park.After seeing them off, Guan Shanlin found his way back to the hotel contentedly, opened the door, took off his shoes, pulled back the quilt, and fell asleep with his head covered.

Sure enough, Shao Yue didn't return to the hotel until it was time to light up the lights.Before Shao Yue came back, he sent Wu Yun to school. Wu Yun only took half a day off and had to go back to school before lighting the lights.Shao Yue was sweating profusely from playing, and as soon as he returned to the hotel, he hugged the teapot and poured cold water in his mouth.Guan Shanlin was woken up by the noise, sat up in a daze with his overcoat on, and said, are you back?Shao Yue said, back.Guan Shanlin said, what about her?Shao Yue said, which one is she?Guan Shanlin said, who else is there?You bastard, don't pretend to be confused!Be careful I kick you!Shao Yue smiled and said, I sent her back to school, and the school only gave her half a day off, and she had to report back to school before lighting the lights.Guan Shanlin felt a little regretful, and said, why did he go back?Why did you give me half a day off?Shao Yue ignored him and was busy looking for something to wipe off his sweat.Guan Shanlin fumbled around, sat on the head of the bed, and kept staring at Shao Yue with his eyes. Seeing that Shao Yue didn't respond, he coughed a few more times, but Shao Yue still ignored him. Guan Shanlin got anxious and cursed, you are less than a bastard!Usually you can't sew with a quick mouth, why are you dumb today?Shao Yue laughed and said, "You are the chief, and only people dare to speak up if you let them talk about it. If you don't let them talk about it, who would dare to scold you?"Guan Shanlin said, I will scold you, can you say that I am not a warlord?If you want to claw me again, I will scold you!Shao Yue knew that he couldn't tease him anymore, so he sat down without wiping his sweat, and explained in detail how he played in the park, what he played, and what the two of them said from beginning to end.Guan Shanlin listened very carefully, and after listening, he asked angrily, that's it?That's all Shao Yue said.Guan Shanlin said, is this the end?Shao Yue said, what else can I do?Guan Shanlin said, you kid isn't hiding anything, is he?Shao Yue said, how dare I!If you really don't feel like it, I'll make up something for you now.Guan Shanlin glared at the leopard and said, how dare you!I will not stop you!Shao Yue quickly dodged, went to the side to wipe his back, and put on his clothes after wiping.Guan Shanlin slept for a long time and felt hungry, so he sent Shao Yue to get something to eat.Shao Yue had to go out at the restaurant at noon, so he didn't dare to take the risk again. He went out to talk to the shopkeeper of the hotel, and at least exchanged a handful of Mongolian coins and gold dollar coupons for two big cakes. I stole a handful of scallions, took the pancakes and scallions back to the room, asked the shopkeeper for some boiling water, and the two of them had a good meal with one mouthful of pancake and one mouthful of boiling water, then lay down and turned off the lights to continue sleeping.

Wu Yun asked for a half-day leave, it is not good to ask for another leave, Guan Shanlin didn't have much meaning in staying in Mudanjiang City, so he and Shao Yue left for Hejiang station the next day.As soon as Jin Ke saw Guan Shanlin, he asked, "Old Guan, how's it going? Did you mark it this time?"Guan Shanlin pretended to be confused and said, how about what?What's on it?Jin Ke said, what else?Siege the city, fight to block it, the goal is clear, the strategy and tactics have already been set, maybe you hit the wrong target and you can't succeed?Guan Shanlin said, who said I was not clear?Who said I hit the wrong target?I am very clear, and I can't be wrong at all.Jin Ke said, then it's over, so tell me, have you marked it this time?Guan Shanlin took off his coat and his gun belt, and while looking for water to wash off the dust on his face, he said, is it as easy for you to be a woman as it is to fight a war?Even if you fight a war, let's fight it in divisions.Jin Ke stared at his face suspiciously, and said, Laoguan, you don't need to change your target, I think this time is more ominous than good, maybe you are not being snubbed by others, right?Guan Shanlin was splashing water on his face, when he heard this, he became anxious, regardless of the water on his face and neck, he yelled loudly, who was left out?Who am I snubbed by?Can I be left out?I didn’t have to tell you just now, lest you might be envious after hearing it. Let me tell you the truth, Wu Yun and I not only had dinner, we also went shopping together in the streets and parks until dark, and we made out. It's like something, but tell me, is there such a way to snub it?You have the ability, let me see if you ignore me like this!Hearing what Guan Shanlin said was so majestic, Jin Ke didn't believe it. He thought, just because of you, how could the dark clouds be as lively as you said? Shouted, Shao Yue, come in.Hearing the political commissar's call, Shao Yue quickly stopped laughing and entered the room.Jin Ke said, Shao Yue, tell me the truth, this time you are going to Mudanjiang with the brigade commander, how does Xiao Wu treat the brigade commander?With a sullen face, Shao Yue stood upright and reported to the political commissar, I don't know about this!Jin Ke said, how could you not know, didn't you see Xiao Wu?Shao Yue said, report to the political commissar, I saw it, but I only saw it once, and then the brigade commander took Xiao Wu away and didn't come back until dark. I just slept in the hotel, so I don't know!Guan Shanlin was sweating at first, and after hearing what Shao Yue said, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said triumphantly to Jin Ke, how about it, it's useless for me to say it, but it should be useful for others, right?Listen to what the people say, go out early in the morning and return after dark, just me and Xiaowu, you don't need to go into details, you will know whether the battle was won or not, and what it turned out to be. It's not me, I, Guan Shanlin, never brag!Jin Ke wrote back this time and said, good old Guan, Wu Yun is only eighteen years old, and you have been taking him to the park for a long time, and you are not afraid of doing evil.Guan Shanlin said, what am I afraid of?I'm not afraid of anything, I figured it was time to fight like this!Then he said, Shao Yue, why are you so stupid standing up?You won't go to help Jin Zhongren walk his horse?After hearing this, Shao Yue shrank his head and ran out of the house.At night, when Shao Yue was fetching water to scald Guan Shanlin's feet, Guan Shanlin thought of something and said, what you did today, uh, um, in front of the political commissar, you did the right thing and did it well.But I warn you, this is only once, and if I find out that you are playing this game in front of me, I will not be polite to you!Shao Yue handed the foot towel to Guan Shanlin, and said unconvinced, if this happens again next time, will I still play this game?Guan Shanlin glared at Shao Yue and said, do you think there will be a next time?Don't dream, next time, you just stay at home and I will go alone!

Even though Guan Shanlin said so, it was not so pleasant to get things done.The next time I went alone, but the person who went was not Guan Shanlin, but Shao Yue. In the second half of 1946, the war situation in Northeast China was unpredictable. The Battle of Siping severely damaged the vitality of the KMT and the Communist Party. Troops encircled and suppressed the Third and Fourth Columns of the Democratic Alliance Army in South Manchuria. At the same time, Lin Biao, Secretary of the Northeast Bureau, Commander-in-Chief and Political Commissar of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, also organized large forces to encircle and suppress bandits in North Manchuria. .In the second half of the year, the Communist base in North Manchuria became more and more stable, while the Kuomintang-controlled areas in South Manchuria were harassed by the troops of the Democratic Alliance Army.The Hejiang military region where Guan Shanlin's independent brigade is located is responsible for the main task of suppressing the bandits in North Manchuria. Guan Shanlin leads the troops to drill into old forests, wading through wastelands, lying on ice and snow all day long, driving out the bandits without even a chance to breathe.After winter, the battle to suppress the bandits entered a critical stage. Under the encirclement and suppression of the large forces of the Democratic Alliance Army, the bandits were in a desperate situation. They were at the end of the road, their food sources were cut off, and they could only rely on killing horses to satisfy their hunger. Move the road. On November 20, Li Yuqing, deputy company commander of the 2nd Battalion and 5th Company of the 8th Regiment of the Independent Brigade, led more than a dozen soldiers after a month of tracking, and finally captured the bandit leader Xie Wendong alive in the Earth Temple on Magongjia Mountain beside the Mudan River in Boli County. On December 12, Li Huatang, commander of the First Northeast Advance Army, was captured alive for the first battalion and one battalion of the Eighth Regiment of the Independent Brigade in the northwest mountain of Diaoling.Half a month later, the Second Battalion of the Eighth Regiment captured Che Liyan, the deputy commander of the bandit lieutenant general, and killed Pan Jingyang, the chief of staff of the bandit, in Sidaohezi. There are five revolving guns, four automatic guns, forty-two light and heavy machine guns, nine grenadiers, one flat-fire gun, and four mortars.The Northeast Democratic Coalition Army Hejiang Military Command and the Political Department issued a notice: The bandits in Hejiang are mostly thanks to Li Sunzhang.Lao Xie Heizi was captured, and Li Bandit Huatang was captured alive.Lang Yabin was scattered and Wu Changjiang was annihilated.Our army will continue to mop up the bandits.Make sure to wipe it out completely, leaving no bandits or guns behind.If the bandits surrender, they will never blame the past.No beating, no cursing, no killing, it is good to send him home.If there is no land distribution, life will be guaranteed.If you persist in your obsession, you will not escape the iron wind of our army.I hereby sincerely inform you, so that you don’t hesitate any longer.The notice was drafted by Zhang Ruping, director of the political department. Guan Shanlin read the notice for a long time, and said to Jin Ke, good!Well written!Lao Zhang is worthy of being a scholar, and he uses this word well. It sounds catchy when he reads it, and every sentence is the same, no more, no less, exactly six, which is enough for him to make up!Jin Ke said, he was just making up rhetoric, you ask him to lead troops to fight?Guan Shanlin felt good after hearing this, but said in his mouth, you can't say that, you can't underestimate Lao Zhang's ink, his word is as powerful as a cannon, if you really try it, he is more uneducated than me The soldiers are much stronger!

Guan Shanlin was busy leading troops to suppress the bandits, and he didn't forget Wu Yun who was studying in Mudanjiang. Sometimes he led troops to pass by Mudanjiang City, so he sent Shao Yue to see Wu Yun.After winter came, he asked Shao Yue to send Wu Yun a fur coat and a pair.The overcoat was bought from Lao Maozi. It is made of high-quality water dragon leather. The collar is made of silver fox fur. It gets hot when you put it on your face. [Gewu] [Gela] is made of high-quality cowhide. [Ge Wu] [Ge La] is very particular. The material has to be stripped from the live cow. When taking the skin, first cut the cow's four-hoof hide from the heel, then cut the cow's head from the mouth, and roll it up to the neck. Then twist it, pinch it hard, tie it to the stake with a wire, and hit the cow's butt with a wooden stick. The skin is hot, the skin is not congested, smooth, and the thickness is even and moderate. In this way, the whole piece of cowhide is removed from the limbs, neck and belly, and the rest is used to make [Gewu] [Gela]. This kind of upper and bottom are connected. , regardless of the left and right feet, you have to wear it barefoot, or you will feel your feet burning.Wu Yun was worrying about not being able to keep out the cold in winter, Shao Yue sent him a coat and [Ge Wu] [Ge La], as if he was happy with her, he immediately put on [Ge Wu] [Ge La] and his coat, and walked back and forth in the room After a few steps, he said, warm, really warm.She asked again, how did you know that I was in need of winter clothes?Shao Yue said, you are from the independent brigade, and the supply relationship is in the brigade, who else can buy winter clothes for you except our brigade?Wu Yun said, well, this coat, this [Gewu] [Gela], are all high-quality leather goods. In the past, landlords and old rich people would have to be ruthless to buy them. Why did they give them to me? I am an independent traveler. fighters.Shao Yue didn't dare to say that the brigade commander bought it specially to take care of her. He was afraid that she would be burdened, so she didn't want it, so he lied and said, didn't we take down Diao Ling and Bo Li? People have a share, that is, I just took one for you. If you want it, you take it off and I will take it back to cover the horse for the eldest son of Jin.Hearing what he said, Wu Yun quickly said, who said no?If everyone has a share, of course I want it. I have been too cold to get up at night these two days!Wu Yun happily took the fur coat and [Gewu] [Gela] back to the class, causing the class to scramble to touch the fur color.Bai Shufen widened her eyes and said, "He, where's the water dragon skin!"Wu Yun, you are so majestic this time, it won't kill you if you cover it at night.Demi, you are also in the army. You always watch the dark cloud troops send things. You don’t even see a single person in your army. What kind of army is your army?Demi smiled faintly, and looked down at her book without speaking.Seeing that De Mi didn't talk to her, Bai Shufen knew that it was De Mi's temper, so she didn't care about it. She turned her head and whispered to Wu Yun, "Wu Yun, I think this little Shao who comes every time treats you so well and is so affectionate. Don't be mean to me. What do you mean?Wu Yun stared at Bai Shufen in a daze, and said, what do you mean?What do you mean?Bai Shufen poked Wu Yun's forehead with her finger, and said, you girl, why are you pretending to be confused, what do you mean, what else can you mean, of course you have a crush on you!Wu Yun blushed and said, Bai Shufen, what are you talking about, she is a comrade in the army, there is no such thing at all!Bai Shufen said, what's wrong with the comrade-in-arms, the comrade-in-arms can't have sex?If everything is like this, won't our revolutionary ranks have no successors?Wu Yun was so ashamed that she said, "Bai Shufen, the more you talk, the more you lose your face. If you say that again, I will ignore you."Bai Shufen said, I'm also doing it for your own good, because I think Xiao Shao is a nice guy.Wu Yun said, of course he is good, but he is the brigade commander's bodyguard, and he is responsible for the relationship. If he has no awareness and ability, can he be the brigade commander's bodyguard?Bai Shufen smiled and said, "Look, look, I said it's okay, I didn't say anything, I praised it myself, the pretty sister praised my brother, this is not self-inflicted!"Wu Yun was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had fallen into Bai Shufen's trap, and let her hold it. When he couldn't find any words to resist, he rushed forward and scratched Bai Shufen's mouth. Bai Shufen resisted, and the two of them quarreled.

Shao Yue had been to the school several times, and every time he came, he would bring something, sometimes some melon seeds, candied dates, or something to Wu Yun, as usual, everyone would get a share in a victorious battle.Wu Yun got used to it and didn't ask any further questions. He just took food and used it back to the class for sharing, and everyone enjoyed it together.I was so happy that everyone said, Wu Yun, you introduced us to serve as soldiers in the Independent Brigade. Wu Yun has been away from the Independent Brigade for several months, and she really misses the brigade in her heart. Although she has only served as a soldier in the Independent Brigade for a few days, in her heart, she has long regarded the Independent Brigade as her home, and the cadres and soldiers in the brigade as their own. As long as Shao Yue came, she would pester her to ask about the affairs of the brigade, and Shao Yue would happily tell her where the brigade was recently, what battles were fought, how many bandits were wiped out, and how many people were paid. How many guns and horses were bought, how many bandits were caught, who fell asleep on the horse, fell off during the march, and swollen his face, who didn't protect the gun, froze the bolt, and didn't pull the gun for a while in the encounter Bolt, let the bandit's bullet bite the buttocks.The one who talked the most was of course the brigade commander Guan Shanlin, talking about how he commanded the war, how he took the lead, how he didn't sleep for three days and nights, and led the troops to hunt down bandits in the deep mountains and old forests.As soon as Shao Yue mentioned the brigade commander, he became emotional, his eyeballs lit up, and his ears turned red.Wu Yun thought, our brigade commander is a hero!Tell Shao Yue this idea, Shao Yue said disapprovingly, look at what you said, our brigade commander is of course a hero, can he not be a hero?Our brigade commander was a company commander in the Red Army, climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands, suffering hardships and fighting a lot.When I was with him in Jixi during the Anti-Japanese War, he was surrounded by Japanese devils. He was shot in the leg and a grenade shrapnel was shot in the waist. Four little devils, let you talk about it, if you are not a hero, who can do this?Hearing this, Wu Yun's blood ran all over his body, pestering Shao Yue to ask him to tell her more stories about the brigade commander.Shao Yue didn't refuse, and chose some bloody ones he knew, and told Wu Yun vividly, which made Wu Yun feel terrified and unable to stop.When he got back to the class, Wu Yun told the stories to the students in the class, and the two nuns walked away quickly after hearing the sign of the sign of the cross.All the students in the class said, Wu Yun, you are so lucky to have such a brave brigade commander.Wu Yun didn't say anything, but naturally he felt a lot of pride in his heart. He thought that because he had a brave brigade commander, he had more honor than other students in the class!

Shao Yue returned to the brigade, and every time Guan Shanlin asked him to report Wu Yun's situation in detail, how it was in politics, how it was in life, how it was in study, every bit of it had to be said carefully.Shaoyue said that he was being stubborn, and sometimes he couldn't help being impatient, saying, "I don't think it's awkward to report like this every time, just, next time you can go by yourself, so that I don't have to come and go, like a cattle dealer."Guan Shanlin stared at the leopard and said, what did you say?Who is the livestock?You mean dark clouds?Are you saying that dark clouds are cattle?You boy is so bold!Shao Yue said, did I say that the dark clouds are animals?I said that?I didn't say it, you said it yourself, you can't blame others, and the chief has to look like a chief, and the chief is not like the chief if he relies on others.I mean, you can go and see the dark clouds by yourself; save me from being caught in the middle, and you can't say anything.Guan Shanlin knew that Shao Yue was also thinking of himself, so he sat there silently, and when he spoke again, his eyes straightened and his voice trembled. For the first time in his life, the man made of copper and iron let his guards see the glare in his eyes. mist.Guan Shanlin said in a low voice, Xiao Shao, what you said hit me.What do you think I am?Do you think I don't want to see the little bird?Of course I want to, I don't want to be raised by bastards!Not only did I think, but I also had a dream. In my dream, I was walking with Xiao Wu in the park. Don’t tell me, the fake flowers, grass, and scenery are really comfortable on that occasion.Why don't I think about it, but now the army is fighting, how can I leave!How can there be an army hiding in the old forest and fighting for life, but the brigade commander is strolling in the park with his partner in Mudanjiang!What do you let people say about me?I, Guan Shanlin, have been participating in the revolution for nearly twenty years, and I have never been pointed at the spine by anyone!Even if I think about it again, I have to endure it!I have to show the appearance of a Communist Party brigade commander!

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