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i am the sun

i am the sun


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 361345

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Chapter 1 Engagement in the Northeast (1946-1948)

i am the sun 邓一光 15187Words 2018-03-19
1 engagement Guan Shanlin's and Wu Yun's marriage, if you want to talk about it, can be regarded as a matchmaker made by Fang Qiang, the commander of the Hejiang Provincial Military Region. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese devils announced their unconditional surrender, and the Anti-Japanese War won an all-round victory. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a decisive decision and dispatched nearly one-third of the members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, including Peng Zhen, Chen Yun, Zhang Wentian, Gao Gang, Lin Biao, and Luo Ronghuan. Together with nearly 20 members of the Central Committee and alternate members of the Central Committee, he mobilized 100,000 troops and 20,000 cadres into the Northeast to seize territory. It was at that time that Guan Shanlin brought a cadre team composed of his old 48th regiment company and platoon leader from western Hebei. To the Northeast.Guan Shanlin was originally the head of the 48th Regiment. After leaving the customs, the cadres he led collected troops as they walked. The Police Headquarters, a civilian anti-Japanese (sometimes also engaged in robbing houses, kidnapping tickets and smashing kilns) thieves and cavalry brigade, the troops became more and more abundant, and when the Hejiang Provincial Military Region was reorganized in 1946, Guan Shanlin became an independent brigade brigadier.

Guan Shanlin was very fierce in the fight, so he didn't want to die.Jin Ke, political commissar of the Independent Brigade, said that Guan Shanlin couldn't hear the gunshots, and he went crazy when he heard the gunshots.Jin Ke was Guan Shanlin's old partner, and he was a political commissar for Guan Shanlin in the 48th Regiment. He definitely had a reason for saying this.For example, that year the 48th Regiment fought a Japanese army in Zhangbei, western Hebei. The 48th Regiment attacked and the Japanese army defended.There is a section of the Great Wall in Zhangbei, and the Japanese army used that section of the Great Wall as a defense against the 48th Regiment.Guan Shanlin saw that he could not attack the Japanese army, so he ran to the front and scolded the battalion commander who was in charge of the main attacking battalion.Guan Shanlin said, the Great Wall is the Great Wall of the Chinese people, and you are so stupid that you let the little Japanese lie on the Great Wall and beat us, so you are not angry? !After scolding, he took off his arms, hooked up a machine gun with a crooked handle, turned around and shouted at the communication director with red eyes: pass on my order, order the whole regiment not to stay, and follow me!As soon as the charge horn sounded, the 48th regiment was dispatched, and the hornets rushed towards the Japanese positions like a nest, screaming and climbing up the Great Wall one by one.That battle was fought heroically, it was obviously a draw, but Guan Shanlin was forced to win.Although the 48th Regiment suffered heavy casualties, it killed more than 400 Japanese soldiers, captured more than 50 people alive, killed a regiment leader, and seized a lot of guns and ammunition.For this reason, the military region specially held a celebration meeting to put red and flowers on Guan Shanlin.Guan Shanlin was sitting on the rostrum with a smug smile on his copper-like face.So Jin Ke said to Guan Shanlin, Tiger, it’s fine if you become deaf. If you become a deaf mule, you won’t be able to hear the gunshots. If you can’t hear the gunshots, you won’t go crazy.Guan Shanlin was never annoyed when the spring breeze was in full swing. He only knew how to raise his head to the sky and laugh out loud after hearing Jin Ke's words.

The Guanshan forest battle is well fought, and it is the main team everywhere.With fame, you can't help being a little proud, and you don't have a size when you talk and do things.After the troops left the customs, they picked up a lot of foreign goods from the Kwantung Army, weapons and clothes, etc., which were urgently needed during the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.In the past, it was enough to fight shabby wars, and sometimes we had to fight a little thicker towers, and we had to go everywhere to borrow guns.Once Guan Shanlin borrowed a mountain cannon and two shells from other troops, and when the battle was over, the regimental commander who borrowed the cannon forced Guan Shanlin to take half of the spoils.Guan Shanlin said, I am fighting a war, and you charge usury, aren't you the same as a rich landlord?The head of the regiment said, without my cannon, what do you use to fight?You use human flesh as shells?Who told you that you have no guns!In a word, Guan Shanlin choked there and couldn't speak.The situation has changed now. Guan Shanlin was the first to enter the Northeast. At that time, the Northeast was full of gold. The Kwantung Army’s barracks, warehouses, and even caves in the wild were full of weapons and equipment, and boxes of unopened machine guns Well, no one cares about the field artillery piles there. The common people only know that the wheels of the artillery carts are dismantled to make the wheels of the carts. When the troops go, they can open the warehouse and fish with all their heart.Although the headquarters of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army issued an order later that weapons and equipment should be distributed uniformly, but the order is an order. If there are more children, who can guarantee that the next three melons will not be hidden?Guan Shanlin is still a rich man.Guan Shanlin watched the army's equipment change with each passing day, and when he felt happy, he said that if it kept going like this, it wouldn't hurt to fight the War of Resistance for another eight years.Guan Shanlin’s words happened to be heard by Zhang Ruping, director of the political department of the military region. Zhang Ruping pointed to Guan Shanlin’s nose and said, “Tiger, what are you talking about? Little Japan has invaded us for eight years, and the common people are in dire straits. You don't think it's enough, and you want to live another eight years. What you say is against the principle.Guan Shanlin stared at a pair of protruding leopard eyes and said, pee!What principle is violated? I'm talking about equipment, not encroachment. This is completely a lazy woman sleeping on a hot kang, with her son in one arm and a man in the other, two different things!Zhang Ruping and Guan Shanlin are fellow villagers, and they usually have a good relationship. When the rain is heavy and the wind is blowing, Zhang Ruping also likes to go to the independent brigade to find Guan Shanlin to have a drink of Baogu shochu. Argue with him and laugh it off.

The Kwantung Army surrendered to the Baikal Front Army of Marshal Malinovsky of the Soviet Army in the three eastern provinces.The main force of the Japanese Kwantung Army ignored the Anti-Japanese Alliance at all. They hated these civilian armed forces who had been entangled with them for eight years between the white mountains and the black waters. The Kwantung Army was still unconvinced and refused to hand over its guns to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.But the Anti-League is not easy to bully. I have been holding my breath and working with your little Japan for eight years. I was chased by you every day to drill into the old forest, sleep in the barren village, chew snow balls and bark. What I suffered is not a human crime. This time, he seized an opportunity to vent his anger, how could he let it go so easily!If you don’t hand in your gun, I’ll beat you. Anyway, you signed the surrender ceremony in front of people all over the world. It’s like beating someone whose arms are bound. Maybe you dare to fight back?In this way, the troops accepted the surrender of some Japanese troops more or less, including some Japanese reclamation regiments.The reclamation group is actually Japanese immigrant people, and there are many young women in it.Japanese women are all beautiful, white and clean, neatly groomed, they walk in lotus steps, their small waists are twisted like willow branches, and they see men.Standing far away, bowing their waists and lowering their heads respectfully, no matter what the man said, they would say "Hai Yi" softly, as docile as a kitten.Once, the head of the military region and the provincial leaders had a meal together. Fang Qiang, commander of the military region, Li Fanwu, political commissar and secretary of the provincial party committee, Li Tinglu, governor of the province, Liu Zhuanlian, brigade commander of the 359th Brigade, and political commissar Yan Fusheng were all present Although Guan Shanlin's independent brigade can't compare with the ace army like the 359th brigade, it is still the main force in the Hejiang Provincial Military Region, so he is usually there on such occasions.While eating, Guan Shanlin remembered, smiled and said to Tan Zhilin, deputy brigade commander of the 359th brigade beside him, "Damn it, Japanese girls are so soft and strong, they are born to be wives!"Tan Zhilin also laughed, and said, yes, yes, but who knows Japanese, asking for a wife is not like asking for a mute.Guan Shanlin said, who can't understand, the work of Bagyalu, Miximixi, Tongtong, Suoga, isn't it Japanese?Tan Zhilin said, what else?Live, you can't always say these two sentences, you have to say something else, right?Guan Shanlin held his chopsticks and stared at his eyes for a long time, but he didn't think of any new words, so he said with regret, "It's true, after fighting for eight years, and being enemies for eight years, all of them used guns to make up their mouths." Well, apart from these few sentences, I don't know anything else, you said this was a big deal.Everyone laughed after hearing this, saying that they had never thought of this.But it doesn't matter if you learn Japanese or not. Anyway, the battle with Little Japan is over, and the devils have completely surrendered. I'm afraid it will be impossible to fight the war in Japan in the future. , These words happened to be heard by Fang Qiang who was sitting at the next table.Fang Qiang didn't say anything at the time, but the military region held a cadre meeting the next day, and it was Fang Qiang's turn to speak. After Fang Qiang finished talking about the situation and tasks, he said he wanted to say a few more words.The two sentences that Fang Qiang said were as follows: Some of our comrades thought that the victory of the Eight-Year War of Resistance and the defeat of Little Japan meant that the revolution would be successful, and negative thoughts were also bred, and they began to have the idea of ​​putting down picks and enjoying themselves.Some of our regiment and brigade commanders who are usually brave in battle even want to ask a Japanese woman to be their wife. What kind of thinking is this?This kind of thinking is unacceptable!Guan Shanlin was sitting under the stage, holding the end of a pencil and gnashing his teeth, taking notes in a notebook horizontally and vertically.Guan Shanlin hadn't studied for a few years, so he didn't know much, and his handwriting was crooked like chicken chops, and some new words had to be replaced by symbols.Guan Shanlin was stunned when he heard what the commander said, thinking, I said this!What I said below, how did you bring it to the stage?Thinking this way in my heart, I couldn't hold back, stood up and said to Fang Qiang on the stage, Commander, I only said that Japanese girls are soft and strong, and they are born to be wives. I didn't say that I want to ask for one to do it. Wife.I just really want to, can I say it?The people in the audience were sitting there listening to the commander's speech seriously, but when Guan Shanlin yelled in such a thick and loud voice, everyone couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

After the cadre meeting was over, Guan Shanlin went to find Fang Qiang angrily.Guan Shanlin didn't sit down after entering the house, but said with a straight face, Commander, I have a problem with you!The joke I said below was originally not the case. You put it in front of me in public. You did this to make me ugly on purpose, so that I can't get off the stage!Fang Qiang made a report, was thirsty, was drinking water there, and was getting hot with every sip.At that time, Fang Qiang used Guan Shanlin's words as a reason, mainly because he wanted to find an example to illustrate some negative emotions among cadres and soldiers, and had no other meaning. He said it in front of the cadres of the entire military region. Of course, as a commander, he couldn't take it back.Fang Qiang put down the tea mug and said, I said that example, didn't I say that you Guan Huo said it, did I say you said it?Did I call your name?Guan Shanlin said angrily, the name is not ordered, but it is no different from ordering!Fang Qiang said, why is there no difference?Guan Shanlin said, didn't I stand up in front of others and admit it?Fang Qiang laughed and said, that's right, now it's clear, I didn't call your name, you stood up, you took off your pants in public, who's to blame?Fang Qiang walked Guan Shanlin in, laughed and said some wild cotton words, and sent Guan Shanlin away.As soon as Guan Shanlin left, Fang Qiang picked up the cold boiled water and drank it again. He thought to himself, Guan Shanlin was an old Red Army soldier who joined the army when they attacked Guangshan three times in 1928. In terms of military exploits, he fought hundreds of battles. , who is also thirty-five or six-year-old. These years, he has been busy fighting wars all day long, and his wife has never asked for one. No wonder he said some sarcastic remarks.Thinking about it this way, I sent someone to find Zhang Ruping, director of the Political Department.As soon as Zhang Ruping came in, Fang Qiang immediately asked, how many cadres in our military region are there who don't have wives like the head of the Independent Brigade?Zhang Ruping was stunned for a moment, and then realized what was going on.What Fang Qiang said was the same as Brigadier Guan. It was a standard for the army to solve family problems at that time. There were three criteria for this standard. At the regimental level, the so-called 268th regiment, if these three are not enough, you have a lot of white beards, and you are only worthy of watching others beg for wives.Zhang Ruping understood, and said, there are seven or eight people in our military region, such as Brigadier Guan; deputy chief of staff Zhang Kun, captain of the fourth detachment Li Youcai, and head of the security regiment Lin Fuxiang are mainly concentrated among the commanders of the combat troops. They have fewer chances to get involved, so the situation is more serious.Fang Qiang said, how can this work? These people are good comrades who have been tested by our party. They shed blood and sweat for the revolution and risked their lives. What leather head?Zhang Ruping thought to himself, Guan Shanlin only said that Japanese women are born to be wives, you just talk about their negative emotions, you are a commander, you say that there is no revolution without a wife, what kind of emotion are you talking about?I thought so in my heart, but I said, it’s not that we didn’t do the job, it’s that the job is hard to do. There are not many lesbians in the military area, everyone robs them, and the unmarried ones can be counted on their fingers. , what can I do?Fang Qiang said, we have few lesbians, so we can't find a place to do something?Zhang Ruping said that the local situation is the same as ours, female cadres have become gold in the sand.Besides, our requirements are higher than those of local governments. What we want are top talents.The current situation is that everyone is short of people, and Liu Zhuanlian of the 359th Brigade is still playing with us.When Fang Qiang heard this, his whole body became alert, and he said alertly, what?Liu Zhuanlian still wants to steal our people?no!Nothing can be said about this matter!The fat and water will not fall into the fields of outsiders!Listen, from now on, all the lesbians in our military region will be jailed by me, and they will not be allowed to leave for life or death. I will ask whoever wants to let one go!Zhang Ruping said that even so, there are too few porridge and more monks, and the few grains of rice in the pot can be counted clearly, which is not enough for the monks to share.Fang Qiang said, think about it again, don't you have a lot of ghost ideas?Zhang Ruping spread his hands and said, what can I do, this is not food and grass, it can hit big households, no matter how bad it is, grass roots and bark can resist for a while, eating meat is life, chewing chaff is life, anyway, you can get full.As for my wife, I have to be a living person, and I have to be a living person with suitable conditions in all aspects. What can I do to make do with it?Hearing what Zhang Ruping said was reasonable, Fang Qiang touched his forehead and walked around the room.After all, Fang Qiang is the commander, and he has a long-term vision, so after three rounds of rounds, he made him change his mind.Fang Qiang said, there is a solution, like this, we search in the homes of cadres and soldiers in the army, and anyone who has a sister or sister will provide them, all of them will be provided, and no one is allowed to hide them.We have tens of thousands of cadres and soldiers, if we search like this, can't we find a reinforcement regiment?What kind of master can't be found?However, there are two things to pay attention to in this matter. One is that you must not violate the policies of the masses. If the woman is in charge, or if she is unwilling, do not force it. Furthermore, the conditions in all aspects cannot be lowered. Let us find a partner for the cadres. If you want to make a fuss, you have to make the best of it, if you want people to look at it, you will be greedy!This matter is settled like this, and your political department will handle it, and the sooner you do it, the better!

Zhang Ruping took over the task, and when he went back, he began to investigate and understand the matter first. Once he learned about it, he really found out a lot of candidates. One of them was still in the independent brigade in Guan Shanlin. Of course it was not a woman. Comrade himself, the older brother of a lesbian.Guan Shanlin had a cavalry company commander named Ba Tuo Er, a Mongolian, his ancestral home was from Pingquan, Rehe Province, and he was a herder of cattle and horses.Ba Tuoer has a younger sister named Wu Yun, who is eighteen years old and has not yet mentioned her husband's family.Zhang Ruping sent people from the Political Department to investigate Ilan Bator's house on the spot. The people who went there reported that Wuyun was so handsome, compared to the beauties on New Year's paintings, and he could sing well. Like a lark, he has studied for three years. He is educated and his family is not complicated. Besides his parents, he has three older brothers. Bator is the eldest. The second brother pulls coal in the kiln. The fighters under Liang Xingchu are very reliable politically, and this kind of "enemy situation" is very beneficial to me.Zhang Ruping felt that the matter was plausible, so he reported the situation to Fang Qiang.After Fang Qiang listened to the report, he slapped his thigh and said, it was her!Let her be assigned to Guan Shanlin, and stop Gou Ri's mouth first!

Once Fang Qiang said this, the matter was settled.That's why it is said that the marriage between Guan Shanlin and Wu Yun was a match made by Fang Qiang. Having said that, there are twists and turns in doing things, and there are many twists and turns in the process that others do not know. The first thing is to do work on Guan Shanlin.Fang Qiang settled the dark clouds, but it was not Fang Qiang who was going to be the bridegroom, but Guan Shanlin, so he had to go through Guan Shanlin himself.On behalf of the organization, Zhang Ruping told Guan Shanlin about this matter. After Guan Shanlin heard this, he stared at the leopard and said, nonsense!I, Guan Shanlin, can fight wars, so maybe I can't find a wife for myself, so why bother with the organization?What's more, I can't say who I'm talking about, but I can't talk about my subordinate's younger sister. Rabbits don't even eat grass by the side of their nests!Zhang Ruping smiled and said, "You don't have to speak harshly. As far as you are concerned, you look like a blind man. You are a lot older and don't know how to be gentle. It may not be difficult to be a daughter-in-law. To be a good wife is to be a man." said.You'd better take a look before you talk.Guan Shanlin slapped his hands and said, don't look at it!What to see?I've been a bachelor all my life, and I don't want this joke!Zhang Ruping said, what joke?What kind of joke is this?We revolutionary soldiers, if we can't get a wife, that's really a joke!Zhang Ruping pushes Guan Shanlin on the road of blind date.Boss Guan Shanlin went reluctantly, and he went slowly, talking about wrapping up the whip for a while, and changing the stirrups for a while. The more tired I was, the more I spit white foam.Guan Shanlin got off his horse in the courtyard of the Political Department, sneezing dryly regardless of the sweat on the horse, and ran into Zhang Ruping's room with a whip in his hand.Zhang Ruping was reading a book under the lamp, when Guan Shanlin bumped into it and said loudly, "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, what should we do?"Zhang Ruping put down the book, looked at the sweaty Guan Shanlin from above his glasses, and said, what's wrong?What are you doing?Guan Shanlin stomped his feet anxiously and said, what should I do?Why are you pretending to be confused!Married of course!When will I marry Wu Yun!Seeing Guan Shanlin's sweaty and anxious look, Zhang Ruping knew that he had caught someone. Thinking about what he said before, he deliberately teased him, so he said slowly, what are you talking about?Well, I have to think about it slowly.You said that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests.I thought, there is some truth to what you said. I didn’t think carefully before. If you say it like this, it’s correct. If you want to find wives among comrades, what will we call comrades in the army in the future?Uncle?Brother-in-law?It's not appropriate, it's out of order!When Guan Shanlin heard what Zhang Ruping said, he became anxious and said, fuck it!Not necessarily being a comrade, even my sister has become an enemy?Do you have to run backwards?Why don't you think that this is comrades plus relatives, class friendship, the more you love, the closer you are?Anyone who wants to say that, I will throw this brigade commander's inappropriateness and kill him immediately!Seeing that Guan Shanlin had lost his temper, Zhang Ruping didn't dare to joke anymore, so he quickly stood up and said, "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding, so take it seriously."Even so, you can't be too hasty. Marriage needs a process. The girl is only 18 years old, and she is still young. Besides, the object and object have to be right with each other. If you fancy her, she might not What about you?Guan Shanlin said with a straight face, I'm not happy when you say that!Zhang Ruping said, why are you unhappy?If you are not happy, you have to take it step by step, or our revolutionary army can still rob?That's not a bandit anymore!You have to bear with this matter first, keep the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, I will arrange everything.Guan Shanlin knew that he had been found out, and he hadn't planned to hide anything before, no matter how anxious he was now, he couldn't be more anxious than what the Director of the Political Department said, no matter how big his ideas were, he had no choice but to listen to his old master this time.

In fact, Zhang Ruping didn't intend to mess with Guan Shanlin. As he said, this matter really has to be done step by step. The enemy's situation has been clarified, the terrain reconnaissance has been completed, and firepower has to be contacted. As for the charge, any victory is not easy to come by, it has to be fought one after another, and the same is true for the target.Besides, Fang Qiang, as the commander, is like a high-ranking parent and adult, and he is her at the first word, and assigns her to Guan Shanlin!This is easy to say, and it doesn't waste words or shoe soles; Guan Shanlin cut wood and bumped into a fairy, and he was dizzy from the cold, eager to be a bridegroom. Just bite into a flatbread with stick porridge, and you can swallow it when you bring it to your mouth.Among other things, there was a certain natural gap between Guan Shanlin and Wu Yun.In terms of age, Guan Shanlin is thirty-five or sixteen, and Wu Yun is only eighteen, half the age difference; in terms of appearance, although Guan Shanlin is tall and big, with thick arms and waists, his beard is so hard that he can kill him Cow, if you don’t shave for two days, you’ll be like a grandfather. The skin is so thick that it can be used as a sieve to remove new wheat seeds. It’s okay if you don’t rush. As for Miss Wuyun, Zhang Ruping didn't see her. According to the people who went to investigate from the Political Department, she was as handsome as a lotus emerging from water, with long legs and a small waist, and fair skin. Hou Jiji after returning from the mountain forest also confirmed this point. With such a comparison of the military strength of the two sides in the war, it is still a question mark whether the girl can accept this marriage.Wu Yun is not a member of the army, he is not in the organization, an ordinary citizen, even if the army likes him, he can't force him, so this matter has to be done slowly.

After all, Zhang Ruping is an old political worker with experience, so he can do this kind of thing with ease.Zhang Ruping first asked someone to take the order from the army to go to Yilan to recruit troops. Of course, it was not a large number of recruits, but only one recruit was Wu Yun.At that time, most of the land in the three northeastern provinces was in the hands of the Communist Party. Yilan belonged to the liberated area. The common people suffered from the soldiers and bandits for decades. It was the Communist Party that turned them over. Among the armed organizations, the people love the Anti-Japanese League, they are close to the Death Squadron, and they respect Zhang Shuai's team. These three teams have one thing in common, that is, they not only fight against Japan but also suppress bandits, and they don't harass the people.Of course, among the three teams, the first one should belong to the Anti-Union League, and it is naturally a kind of pride to be able to recruit the Anti-Union Army.Besides, Wu Yun has two older brothers who served as soldiers in the Anti-Japanese League. As soon as the recruiters went, Wu Yun heard that he was able to be with his elder brother Bator. He didn't know how happy he was. people come.

People come, first report to the Political Department.When Zhang Ruping saw it, he really had a fairy-like personality and a very simple person, but he was a little shy and didn't dare to talk to others.Zhang Ruping laughed secretly in his heart, no wonder Guan Huhu, who was thinking about the dog days, was in a hurry. Can this kind of person make people not in a hurry?Zhang Ruping sat down and talked to Wu Yun in a soft voice for a while, nothing more than asking about the situation at home, what he thought about joining the revolutionary army, and then talking about the relevant principles and policies.After talking, he didn't keep anyone, so he assigned Wu Yun to the independent brigade of the military region as a soldier.

As soon as Wu Yun reported to the Independent Brigade, Guan Shanlin was introduced to her. Wu Yun saw that this big black man who had been to Yilan's house once was actually his brigade commander. He was quite surprised and blushed. Holding the big black and thick braids in his hands, he didn't know how to speak, so he just lowered his head.The daughter of a poor family, who grew up on the grassland, has never seen much of the world, including soldiers and bandits, but she has never seen such a big official. She just thinks this official is very fierce. When she sees her subordinates, she smiles. Neither, unlike the guard named Shao Yue behind him, with slender eyebrows, baby face, and mischievous smile.Just as he was thinking about it, Guan Shanlin over there had a serious face, and without looking at the new little female soldier, he said something, cut off her long braid, gave her a full set of clothes, and asked her to report to the health team!After saying this, the man left.Wu Yun was still in a daze, and Jin Ke, the political commissar beside him, said with a smile, Shao Yue, you go, take Xiao Wu to take care of personal hygiene, get a set of military uniforms at the logistics, and then notify the health team to come and pick up people.After hearing this, Shao Yue replied loudly: Hey!Lead the dark cloud out of the brigade. The independent brigade is a combat force, with two main regiments, a security detachment, a cavalry company, and a machine gun company. It has three or four thousand troops, all monks, and no women.The political commissar Jin Ke and the chief of staff have family members, but the family members are in the city of Hejiang Province and do not accompany the army. Suddenly a female soldier came to the army, and she was a beautiful young female soldier. The whole brigade was like a bag of black sesame seeds A moon fell into the sky, and the whole bag was illuminated.Wu Yun was assigned to work as a nurse in the health team. Her job was to wash the bandages and apply red syrup. Not long after she arrived, the cadres came to see her, and the soldiers came to see her. Hurry up, and some of them didn't enjoy watching it once, and found an excuse to watch it again after going back, making a health team look like a market.Wu Yunda grew up on the grasslands. Although he is shy, he has a cheerful personality. He always smiles sweetly when he sees everyone. Those cadres and soldiers are all When her brothers and sisters want to apply some red mercury or something, she will gently apply it on the wound, while puffing her small mouth and blowing in distress, no matter if the injury is on the arm or the stinky foot On the girl, she didn't dislike it at all, and kept blinking her big eyes and asked with concern, does it hurt? Does it hurt?It hurts, let me blow for you for a while.The soldiers blushed, quickly withdrew their feet, and put Austrian feet on the ground. The girl stuffed it into the shoe and said, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, it's good!I thought in my heart, this little female soldier looks like Guanyin, and her heart is also the heart of an empress.After thinking about it this way, he went to the company contentedly, and when he returned to the company, he naturally wanted to exaggerate his own story and provoke more people to go to the health team every day.In those days, there were a lot of sick patients in the Independent Brigade, and Yishi had his hands and legs cut off. The health captain was so busy that he almost vomited blood, and the red mercury was used up quickly, and a small bucket was wiped out in three days.The health captain couldn't bear it any longer, so he went to Guan Shanlin and said, Brigadier, Wu Yun can't stay in the health team, you should hurry up and get rid of him. up!When Guan Shanlin asked about the situation, he couldn't help laughing, and said, won't you drive away those who pretend to be sick?The health captain said, who said they pretended to be sick?One of them cut a cut in his hand, and the other cut a piece of skin in his leg. The blood flowed like a slaughterhouse. Can you say they are pretending?You can say it, but you can't let them deal with it, right?Guan Shanlin thinks about it, yes, these soldiers, nothing else, are full of blood, and they are willing to shed this little blood just to see that beautiful little female soldier.For this kind of thing, it's not easy to issue an order in front of the whole brigade, ordering everyone not to visit the health center. You can block the sick patients, but you can't block the real sick ones.The reason for Wu Yun is a military secret. Apart from the five heads of the Independent Brigade, Guan Shanlin's guard Shao Yue and the horseman Jin Zhong knew about the inside story. Even Wu Yun himself was kept in the dark. What do people think?Besides, it is not a problem to put people in the independent brigade for a long time. At the beginning of the year, the troops attacked Guo Qingdian and Yang Yufan's northeast march in Dong'an, Mishan County, Lianzhushan, Heitai, and Banjiehezi in northern Manchuria, and captured Guo Qingdian's Aunt Wu had two guns, Black Butterfly, and was captured and closed. She planned to send her to Jiamusi after a while, but a platoon leader guarding the captives had an affair with the coquettish Black Butterfly, and the two hid in the cell in the middle of the night. Lihu got angry, and then plotted to escape. Fortunately, he was discovered by Cha Gang and arrested.When Guan Shanlin heard about this, he was furious, without further ado, he immediately tied up the platoon leader and Black Butterfly and killed them.Guan Shanlin remembered this at this moment.I have lingering fears, the relationship between Wu Yun and myself cannot be revealed at the moment, put them in the brigade, a brigade of three or four thousand bachelors who are like wolves and tigers, maybe something will happen at any time, and they will get beaten up, the old woman will fall down, and chicken soup will be poured on her Smashed the can. Guan Shanlin thought there was no solution to this matter, so he went to Zhang Ruping.Zhang Ruping seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and said with a smile, this matter is easy to handle, I have inquired about it a long time ago, the provincial party committee has set up a special school of pharmacy in Mudanjiang City, and there are two students in the local army. Let's send Wuyun there Go, first, you can avoid suspicion and hide in peace; second, you can let Wu Yun read some books and learn some culture.To be the wife of our Great Brigadier, is it okay if you don't have any ink?Come on three, your brigade headquarters is not too far from the city, so you can visit her often when you are free, have a private chat or something, and care about her.When Guan Shanlin heard this, his worries were relieved, and he grinned and said, "It's still you who has an idea, no wonder you are appointed as the director of the political department, you are good at politics!"This matter is going to be done, let me respect you first at the wedding!After finishing speaking, he slapped Zhang Ruping hard on the back.Guan Shanlin's strength, that slap made Zhang Ruping grin and gasp, he almost fell to the ground. Wu Yun was notified the next day to study at Mudanjiang Pharmaceutical School. Wuyun people are young, they don’t pretend to be anything in their hearts, they are as pure as a piece of white silk, in the old days at home, Helping parents with some housework, getting together with the sisters in the village to be female celebrities, and cutting Window flower, although the days are dull, but also carefree, suddenly one day, two soldiers came Yes, I took her to the army and became a female soldier. The army is like a big family, all cadres and soldiers She doesn't even treat herself as an outsider, and kisses like a brother and brother. She also knows that those soldiers go Most of the health team applied potions when seeing a doctor to see her, and she was not annoyed, her face was so beautiful Jun looks ugly, all given by his parents, like flowers on the prairie, where you can grow Why don't people watch it?See what can be done, what can be missing?Nothing can be missing. After a few days of being so happy, I received a notice to study in a daze. I couldn't figure out what kind of arrangements there were. Whatever comes naturally is as it should be.She also went to see her brother Bator. Bator had just returned from a war with the 359th Brigade and was washing his tired horses. Hearing what my sister said, she was naturally happy for her sister and said, the superior wants you to study, you Just go, only those who are considered to be reused in the army are allowed to study. Don't disappoint the chief's hope, study hard, and come back to work hard in the army after learning.He also said that the army is different from the family. You can't be willful in everything. You have to learn to take care of yourself and don't make trouble for the organization.Wu Yun listened, nodded vigorously, then reluctantly said goodbye to her brother, returned to the team, packed her luggage, and waited for the brigade to send someone to take her to Mudanjiang. To send Wuyun to Mudanjiang, Jin Ke originally wanted the Japanese jeep in the brigade to go. It was captured by the Japanese army when Guan Shanlin left the customs.This car is said to be the car of brigade commander Guan Shanlin and political commissar Jin Ke, but Guan Shanlin doesn't like cars, he likes horses.Guan Shanlin grew up herding cattle and has a special affection for cattle.In Guan Shanlin's hometown, a family with cattle has to be a well-to-do household with land outside and food stockpiled, and a family with horses is not enough to have land and food, but also needs to be powerful.Guan Shanlin's family is a farm laborer, not to mention that the family does not even have a cow's leg, because they have no land, and there is no place to pick up cow dung. Usually, they lead the master's cows to the mountains to graze, and watch other people's horses pull rubber wheels. The big cart roared past majesticly, and I was very greedy.Later, he became a soldier and had a relationship with the horse. Since then, he has never let go of the horse's reins. When he was a soldier, he had his own mount. If he was tired from marching and fighting, he was only fit to lead the chief's horse. He walked with his tail wagging, and when he became the chief, he would not leave his mount for a whole day. When he was free, he would help the groom drink and groom the horse, and he also learned a set of horse training, such as good Horses pay attention to how wide and tight they are, how their hooves and claws are, how their arms are, how their fur is, how their eyes and ears are, and how their waists and belly are.When I was studying at the Yan’an Anti-University Second Branch School, it was fashionable to take pictures among the students. When others took pictures, it was enough to just stand in front of the camera with the clean-up person.Jin Ke was with Guan Shanlin during the Anti-Japanese War. But I don’t like to take pictures with Guan Shanlin the most. Everyone usually stands together, but he rides on the Tall and tall, he is much taller than a human.Jin Ke said dissatisfied, why are you and They are different, you must be a head taller than them, you are specializing.Guan Shanlin strikes back Dao, what a dick!A soldier and a horse are naturally a pair tied by a rope, who Cheaper than whose life? !No matter what people say, he still stays in the saddle all day, just barely He fell asleep with his arms around the horse.The soldiers of the old forty-eighth regiment all know one scene, that is their The head of the group rode his bay red horse roaring like the wind between the white mountains and the black waters. 到了独立旅,有了车,若不是军情需要,关山林说什么也不坐,只 骑他的马,所以几个旅部的首长中,只有他有马夫靳忠人,别的 首长都没有。条件不同了,有了车,省了。 乌云去牡丹江市学习,金可的意思要旅里那部吉普车送一下,没承想反对的却是关山林。关山林说,不能拿吉普车送,吉普车是旅首长的专车,她没这个资格。金可说,怎么就没有资格了?就算没有,还不能通融通融?关山林不容置疑地说,若是别人,通融也就通融了,偏偏她不行!金可问为什么。关山林一瞪豹子眼道,因为她是我老婆!金可笑道,瓜秧子没起蔓,八字还没一撇呢,就成你老婆了i你这人好没脸皮。关山林嘿嘿笑道,情况再清楚不过了,这个山头,我关山林要拿不下来,也就自打十八年仗了!她不是我老婆.还能是谁?关山林这么一说,金可也不好再说什么,只好吩咐下面,换一辆马车,送乌云去牡丹江。 送乌云去牡丹江的是关山林的警卫员邵越和马夫靳忠人。 1946年开春那会儿北满还很乱,虽说大部分城市和农村的地盘都在抗联手中,但土匪猖极,仅刁翎、小石头河、依兰、林口、勃利等地,拥有千人以上的土匪队伍就有谢文东、孙荣久、张雨新、李华堂、郎亚斌、吴长江等八九支之多,零星的散匪则更多了。关山林的本意是要靳忠人套辆车把乌云送去牡丹江就行了,金可坚决不同意,一定要邵越也跟着一块儿去。邵越是1943年在辽西就跟着关山林的,小伙子二十出头,鬼机灵似的,心眼多,手脚也快,打起仗来也是个不要命的,人说这点和关山林是一个模子套出来的。邵越想打仗,好几次缠着关山林要到下面去弄个连排长什么的干干,关山林鞍俞马后的用应了手,就是不放他走。小伙子心里有意见,但意见归意见,首长不放人,闹也不管用,只能当好自己的警卫。邵越和靳忠人俩人在旅部套好车,邵越胯上吊了支二十响德造盒子,怀里抱着一支苏式转盘机枪,屁股上还挎着四枚日式马尾手榴弹;靳忠人负责赶大车,也有三大件,除了手榴弹和盒子炮,腿弯上还夹了一支五连珠的捷克造马步枪。 两个人收拾停当,赶着车去卫生队接了乌云,启程上路直奔牡丹江。 乌云认识邵越,她对这个精精神神的旅长的警卫员很有好感。等靳忠人一甩响鞭,马车撒着欢上了官道,乌云就问,小邵, 你也去牡丹江?邵越坐在车辕边,晃荡着腿嗑着瓜子儿,说,那 yes.乌云说,你也去读书?邵越说,我不读书,我送你。乌云说, 送我干啥?邵越吐出一片瓜子壳,看着它落到车轮后的尘土中, 说,不让你被土匪抢了呗。乌云奇怪地问,为啥你送我?你是首 长的警卫,就送,也轮不到你来送呀?邵越发觉自己说漏了嘴, 灵机一动,改口道,这你就不懂了,你是咱们旅的独一个女兵,你 要出了问题,那咱们独立旅的女同志就全军覆灭了,我是旅长的 警卫,我送,才显出重要性来。乌云侧头想想,这话也对,就问, 这是你说的?邵越丢了一粒瓜子到嘴里,说,这你又不懂了,我 说了管什么用?这话得咱们旅长说了才算数。停了停,又说,独 立旅,也就旅长一个人能管住我,别人说话我还不爱听呢!靳忠 人在前面赶着车,听到邵越说这话,鼻孔里哼了一声。邵越听见了,扭过头去说,靳长子,你哼什么哼,你少阴阳怪气。靳忠人的绰号叫靳长子,因为人高,像根套马杆。邵越也有绰号,叫胯子,因为他老爱在胯上吊着两支匣子枪,走路晃晃荡荡的。邵越和靳忠人两人是一对轿子,平时老爱抬个杠逗个嘴,没事就寻着法捉弄对方一下。靳忠人也不回头,瓮声瓮气地说,我哼什么,我鼻眼里飞进只蜢子,我连哼都不能哼了?邵越说,是蜢子?怎么是蜢子?是头牛吧?靳忠人说,你才牛呢,你都快牛死了!邵越说,我牛死了管你什么事?难道你还想吃牛肉不成?靳忠人说,美的你,也不看看你是什么牛,醋缸里泡了三天,酸得碜牙!我呀,我只拿你的皮硝子做鼓,擂你!两个人你一句我一句地逗着。乌云瞪着一双明媚的大眼睛在一边捂着嘴可劲地乐,心想,他们这样多好啊,显得多亲热啊!这时就移过来,靠近邵越,说,小邵,你刚才说,是首长让你来送我的,这话可当真?邵越放过靳忠人,转过头来说,可不是当真,难道还是我编出来唬你的不成?乌云眨着大眼睛,由衷地说,没想到首长这么关心我,首长真好!邵越和靳忠人听了这话,心里都暗笑道,首长当然关心你,首长他能不关心你吗! 怕碰上土匪,路上还是遭遇了土匪。 天见傍黑的时候,人倦了,马乏了,靳忠人就和邵越商量,找个屯子歇歇脚,喂喂马,第二天再赶路。邵越不干,说也就几十里路了,又是官道,好走,不如乘着有点儿亮赶路,最多也就两个时辰便能赶到牡丹江,把乌云安排了,说不定还能赶上一场电影看,看完电影,再找个澡堂子泡上一宿,强胜过在野村里哈冷饼子。两个正争着,就听见远处浓浓的暮霭之中有嗒嗒的马蹄声传来,不一会儿,后面就出现了一二十匹马,马上的人,头戴瓜皮里缎帽头或巴拿马礼帽,也有扣八块瓦的,身穿对襟黑布夹袄,一排拴摸疙瘩布组一律敞着,怀里系着腰带,棉泡一角撩起来掖在腰带上,下身是紧腿马裤,打着绑腿,露一截腿刺子刀柄在外面。那些人跟着大车走了一阵子,然后慢慢分开,从左右两边抄了过来。 邵越发觉情况有些不对,说,长子,土匪跟上了! 靳忠人回头看看,扬手狠狠地甩了一串响鞭,将马车赶得狂跑。大车跑,那些骑在马上的人也跑,一气跑出几里地,愣是没能甩掉。靳忠人大喘着粗气说,胯子,咱们车重,跑不过人家! 邵越早看出来了,怀里的转盘机枪搂孩子似的搂紧了,咬牙切齿地道,跑不过就停下来,打他狗日的!日他妈,想劫咱们人,没那么便宜的事! 靳忠人就放慢了车速,回手将马枪操起来,顶上了火,匣枪也褪了盒子,捏在手上。乌云那时吓得不轻,连说,怎么办?怎么办? 邵越将自己的盒子枪掏出来给她,说,你拿着这个,等我们开火了你再开火。 乌云眼泪都快下来了,说,我不会使唤枪呀。 邵越傻眼了,没想到身边这个兵,竟是不会用枪的,情况紧急,来不及细说,把快慢机拨到连发上,打开保险,把枪塞到乌云手中,说,你趴下,别露出头来,等人靠近了,你只冲着人扣枪机就行了。要打不赢,不想让人捉了去,对着自己开火也行。 三个人准备停当,靳忠人让马慢慢拖着辕套走。那边二十几匹人马渐渐靠近了,其中有一个戴着土耳其式水獭绒帽的,看样子是大哥或四梁八柱的人物,在马背上欠了欠身子,开口道:报报迎头,什么蔓? 邵越和靳忠人部不是关外人,听不懂绺子的黑话,不知他说什么,两人大眼瞪小眼。倒是乌云听懂了,趴在那里打着颤说,他要咱们报个姓名,问咱们是于什么的。 邵越明白了,冲着那水獭绒帽说,老子是抗联的!What do you do? 水獭绒帽说,原来是抗联的。在下里倒歪蔓,砸窑子、放台子、接财神、吃臭,一满转。 邵越和靳忠人糊涂,看乌云。乌云翻译道,他说他姓谢,打大户、开赌局、绑票、盗墓,什么都干。 邵越冲那水獭绒帽说,你们跟着我们老半天了,你们要干什么? 水獭绒帽说,看两位掌柜的身板英雄,托底守铺,喷子亮,传正,不如挂了柱,靠窑咱们一块儿干。 邵越看乌云。乌云说,他说看你们两个人像是英雄,信得过,枪又漂亮,胆子也大,不如入了他们的伙,一块儿干土匪。 邵越冲水獭帽说,放你妈的屁!老子堂堂正正的抗联,老子能干土匪! 水獭绒帽说,拉你靠窑,我是海瞧,挂了柱,咱包你大碗搬姜子,大碟啃掐边,海草够你抽,红票尽你玩,兰头可着你花,爷抬你的。二位掌柜可以访一访,咱滚山东号亮、局红,向来不晃门子。 乌云翻译说,他说拉你们入伙,是看朋友面子,你们若是入了伙,包你们大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,大烟够你们抽,女人够你们玩,钱尽你们花,让你们享不完的神气,不信你们可以去问问,他的号叫滚山东,队伍兴旺,很有名气,从来不说假话。 邵越说,假话真话的,老子偏不吃他这一套! 水獭绒帽见三个人没有入伙的心思,又说,二位掌柜的不肯挂柱靠窑,也中,那就劳神二位留下喷子和压脚子,车上那位盘亮的斗花也得留下,二位掌柜的自己滑了吧。 乌云打着哆嗦说,他说你们要不肯入伙,就把枪和马留下,把我也留下,你们自己走人。 这话一说,别说邵越,连靳忠人也火了,说,狗日的,邪了,敢缴老子抗联的枪!扣抗联的人!也不打听打听马王爷长了几只眼! 那边,那二十几个土匪也不耐烦了,对水獭绒帽说,当家的,和他们胡掰什么,春点不开,瞎犊于,上几个弟兄,插了他们! 这几句话,邵越就算没懂,也大致知道意思,那是叫把自己解决了。邵越什么样的机灵人,轮得着人家的算计?邵越低声对前面的靳忠人说,长子,狗日的要动手了,咱们先下手为强,做了他们! 靳忠人早等不及了,说声打!手里的马枪砰地就搂了火,只一枪就把水獭绒帽从马上撂了下来。 说时迟,那时快,邵越身子一滑,屁股从车辕上滑了下来,双脚着地,后背抵着马车,怀里的转盘机枪咯咯咯地狂跳起来,子弹雨点似的泼洒出去,他那一边四五个土匪,连人带马都倒了下去,有一匹马没断气,还想挣扎着爬起来,一颗子弹飞去,将它漂亮的头颅击了个粉碎。靳忠人用马步枪连打了几发,嫌慢了,丢开马枪,甩手用匣子枪对着另一边的土匪扫出一梭子,二十发子弹接踵出膛,土匪离着有二十来公尺,匣枪准头不大,也被撩倒了两个,剩下的,马惊了,人乱了,都呼哨着跑开了。土匪的大多数人都跟在后面,枪一响,一蹬马肚都往前面跑,听见这边有人喊,狗日的管直,当家的烫了!几个土匪抢上前去救水獭绒帽,邵越怀里的机枪仍不停,继续狂扫着,眼见着又打倒两个。后面上来的土匪开始还击,子弹嗖嗖地飞过来,把大车板子打得白渣子直飞。邵越一边扫射,一边尖着嗓子喊,长子,快走人!靳忠人听邵越这么一喊,连忙掖了枪,回身操起马嚼绳,一甩鞭子,赶着车就跑。邵越退着身子又打了两个点射,扒着车板一个翻身滚进大车,正撞在乌云身上。乌云一直趴在那里,两手抱着头,被邵越这么一撞,手中捏着的盒子枪哗啦就响了,一串子弹擦着邵越的头皮小鸟似地飞向天空,惊得邵越一缩脖子大骂道,你妈的对谁搂火?你想做了我呀? !乌云也不说话,趴在那里声都不敢作,人吓得差不多已晕过去了。 靳忠人驾着大车一气跑出一二十里地,跑得马大汗淋漓,直吐白沫,看看后面没有追来,这才放松缰绳,让马慢了下来。靳忠人说,狗日的,不会再追来了吧?邵越说,看来不会了,都打成那个样子了,捡尸都捡不赢呢。靳忠人说,要还来呢?邵越说,除非他生了十颗胆!这么一说,三个人的心定了下来,想想,按刚才那种打法,要没生十颗胆还真不敢再追来了,于是人松了一口气,邵越和靳忠人就开始回忆刚才那一场,怎么说的,怎么想的,怎么打的,谁打倒了几个,是死了还是伤了,两个人你说一样我说一样,没个统一,争得脸红脖子粗,倒把乌云一个人晾在了一边。 乌云被吓坏了。刚才枪响的时候,她一直是呆呆的,只知道趴在车板上发抖,直到现在还没缓过劲来。也难怪,一个十八岁的穷人家女孩,见过兵,见过匪,却没见过这种阵势,不说别的,光是那枪子儿嗖嗖地在身边飞过,那声音就够叫人心怵了,更别说邵越靳忠人一前一后三条枪在她耳边放鞭似的扫个不停,这有生以来的第一仗,乌云没把尿尿在裤子里就已经算好样的了。乌云后来想,如果邵越和靳忠人两个真把她丢在那里撒丫子溜了,或者没打赢让土匪们给掳了去,那结果还不知道会怎样呢,这么一想,好些日子她都手脚发凉。 天早已黑尽了,这回不用争吵,大家都不敢再提歇脚的事,邵越给枪换了弹匣,警觉地抱在怀里,靳忠人瞪大眼,赶着马车,直奔牡丹江而去。到鸡叫头更时,终于进了市里,找药科专门学校又花了一阵工夫,等安顿下来,天已渐亮了。 第二天,邵越帮着乌云把到报了,分了班,安排了宿舍,一切安置停当,便和乌云告别。有了昨晚那一场遭遇战,三个人已没有了生分,走时邵越把兜里的葵瓜子都掏出来,用块手绢包了给乌云,让她没事的时候嗑着玩。乌云也舍不得他们走,送出了很远,看着马车已拐过了大街,还站在那里红着眼圈依依不舍地招着手。 邵越和靳忠人当天便赶回了旅部。回到旅部天已很晚了,关山林等在那儿,要邵越汇报情况,邵越便一五一十地说来,路上怎么走的,说了些什么话,怎么和土匪遭遇上了,怎么打的,打完了怎么跑的,学校在什么地方,怎么安顿的,乌云分到哪个班,都学些什么,等等。关山林认真地听,也不大惊小怪,听到乌云差点儿把邵越脑袋开了瓢那一段,还嗬嗬地笑,听罢,满意地点点头,说,事办得不错,仗也打得不错,以后就照这样子办,现在没事了,你去伙夫老王那里,自己弄点儿好吃的,明天跟我到勃利,咱们又有仗打了。邵越答应着,出门叫了靳忠人,两人颠颠地去了伙房,找伙夫老王要狗肉吃。
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