Home Categories contemporary fiction stronghold

Chapter 5 Fives

stronghold 邓友梅 3830Words 2018-03-19
Liu Siye borrowed a small room near a small restaurant, and wrote a signboard of "Tax Agency". When there was a collection in Mafengwu, he would hang up the sign, and when the collection was scattered, he would take off the sign and keep it. In a small restaurant.There is only a broken table and a few long benches in this hut.The tax is collected at the livestock market, and after collecting the money, he puts it in the bag and finds another place to settle the accounts. This house has never done anything related to taxes.Deng Zhiguang asked him: "Since you are not collecting taxes, what do you want this house for?"

He said: "My friends came to the fair to have a place to rest their legs and drink tea." Deng Zhiguang said: "If you rest your legs, you can rest your legs, and if you drink tea, you can drink tea. What are you doing with this bear sign?" He said: "With this signboard, you can be regarded as a prince along the way. The devils and puppet soldiers will lessen come to make trouble. With this signboard, I will be an official. They can't make money anymore." Deng Zhiguang asked, "Who are you collecting this tax for?" Fourth Master Liu said: "If the master doesn't let me talk, I can't talk too much. You will understand if you read more. If you understand, don't ask me. If you ask me, I won't say anything."

He asked Zhiguang in turn, "What are you doing here?" Zhiguang said, "Do something." "What are you doing?" "I can't say either." "Can I help you?" "It's useful." "If you can help me, you have to tell me." "I have to go into the stronghold." "Stay for a long time or just take a look and leave?" "It depends on the situation." "I can't help you with that." "Are you afraid of getting in trouble?" "So much, but I know who can help with that."

"Who?" "District Chief Deng, your own family members. He has a way." This mayor, Deng Mingsan, is Deng Zhiguang's clan uncle.In the twelfth year of the Republic of China, there was a severe drought in Shandong. He went to Tianjin to find a job. Deng Zhiguang's father was working in the Mint, so he recommended Ming San to join the factory.Later, when Zhifeng fought and Tianjin was in chaos, Deng Mingsan and a few fellow villagers wiped their faces with pot ashes and robbed the mansion of a teacher from the Anhui Department.After the Anhui Department gained power, they investigated the case, and some co-accused were arrested, and they confessed that there was no Deng Mingsan.Deng Mingsan had already run away with the money, so he arrested the guarantor.Zhiguang's father spent eight months in prison for him, spending all his belongings to pay for his life.Deng Mingsan returned to Shandong with his money, started a warehouse business, and became a small rich man ever since.After Zhiguang's father was released from prison, Deng Mingsan sent people to send hundreds of oceans to apologize to him.Zhiguang's father returned the money and declared that he would no longer recognize this clan brother and would not associate with him from now on.But Deng Mingsan always respected Zhiguang's father.As long as you meet him on the road, you still greet him with a smile, and say to your second brother: "Don't confess your hatred to your brother. If you have any difficulties, just talk about it. If you don't come, you can ask your eldest nephew to come."

The folks think that Deng Mingsan is loyal enough, and think that Zhiguang's father is too rigid. I don't know what kind of evil Deng Mingsan fell into when he was old. He suddenly wanted to be addicted to being an official.This ruined his good reputation for half a lifetime.It should be noted that people on our side do not underestimate being a bandit, but they despise being a traitor very much.When people are hungry, it is not shameful to use guns to force rich people to spend a few cents.Working as a dog for foreigners to bully the Chinese is an immoral thing that even ancestral graves will be scolded.

It was only when Deng Mingsan became the head of the district that he had a taste of what it was like to be fingered on the back, so he tried his best to find a way out.Before the August Festival, he asked someone to send a few boxes of medicines to the Eighth Route Army and the Anti-Japanese Government, forty student maps (we acted as military map envoys), and a letter, willing to secretly do something good for the Anti-Japanese Army and the people, and promised not to be a diehard Traitor.We accepted his gift and replied that whoever is good and who is bad, the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians have their own accounts, and we will treat them differently.

Liu Siye invited Zhiguang to eat hot and sour steamed bun soup, then locked the door, removed the signboard, put on the donkey, and led Deng Zhiguang to the pseudo-district office. The two of them walked around the alley with a donkey around the base of the wall, and came to the door of a big shop for mules and horses.There were two pieces of white paper pasted outside the door, one was written "Eighth District Office" and the other was written "Mafengwu Township Office".The township government occupies the front yard, where mats are laid out on the ground, and cabbage, pork, slaughtered chickens, and slaughtered sheep are piled up on the mats.Six or seven men are moving, dividing these things into several parts, and packing them into cars.A red note is pasted on each small unicycle: "Dedicated to the XX army's annual gift, a happy new year."

Mr. Liu gave the donkey to a man and said, "Tie it to the trough." Then he led Zhiguang through the front yard to the back yard.As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw that the door of the east room was open, and there were some people sitting and squatting inside and outside, smoking, drinking tea, peeling peanuts, all looking into the room.Strings and drums rang in the house, and a hoarse voice sang along the tune: Everyone sit down and don't make a sound. The drum board can be opened as soon as it is opened. Last time I sang half of the book and half of Hu Yanqing, There are still half and half books left that have not been explained clearly.

where lost and where to find, Wherever it is broken, continue to listen. ... ... ... As soon as he saw Fourth Master Liu, someone greeted him: "Fourth Master came by coincidence, just opened the book, listen to it?" Liu Fourth Master said, "You guys are going to have fun, is the district chief here?" The man didn't speak, but pushed his mouth further back and smiled. Liu Siye led Zhiguang out of the courtyard through the back door, and went east to a gate across the courtyard.Two young men were arguing over what, one was wearing a military uniform and a pair of patched chaps.The other person was wearing suspenders on his lower body, but a large-breasted cotton jacket on his upper body, and their guns were all leaning against the wall.

Fourth Master Liu said: "Don't talk inside if you have something to say, but make noise at the door. Does the district chief know if he will beat you?" The man in the uniform jacket said: "With this military uniform, the district chief ordered whoever was on guard to wear it. I came to pick up the guard, and he only gave me a cotton-padded jacket and didn't take off his trousers. Do you blame me for scolding him?" The man in the big-breasted padded jacket said, "It's not that I don't take it off. My padded jacket is fat inside, and the trousers of the military uniform are thin. If you don't take off the inside and outside, you can't take them off. If you take off your buttocks here, I won't be able to freeze four or two ounces of meat." Can't I go in and pick it up and bring it to him?"

The man in the military uniform said: "The guards are not allowed to move the place. I can't find you unless you send it. When the district chief comes out and says that my military appearance is not correct, why don't you shave my ears again?" Liu Siye acted as a guarantor and told the man to take off his trousers and definitely deliver them, so he and Zhiguang entered the Kuayuan. Although the courtyard is small, the house is very tidy. The doors of the three east rooms are marked with "Financial Office", "Secretariat" and "Government Affairs Office" respectively.The three west rooms are next to the "Military Department". A note from the "Self-Defense Forces", the three rooms in the main room read "The district chief's office is important, and idlers are not allowed to enter." The room was bright and dark.In the middle of the open room, there is a round table for eating, and there are several chairs and coffee tables along the walls around it. An embroidered door curtain was hung, which was embroidered with "mandarin ducks playing in the water".Fourth Master Liu motioned for Deng Zhiguang to wait, and he lifted the curtain and walked in.After a while, the door curtain was opened again, and it was Song Mingtong who poked his head out from inside.Song Mingtong said, "Your third uncle called you!" When Zhiguang entered the room, he saw a red lacquered tent table with brass locks on the drawers.There is a square table and two chairs under the north wall, and Song Mingtong is sitting on one. On the square table are teapots, tea bowls, cigarettes, dishes and matches, and there is a small kang under the south window.There is a kang cabinet at the top of the kang, and pictures of female stars are inlaid in the four glass doors.They were Zhou Manhua, Chen Yunshang, Li Xianglan, and Bai Guang in order.On the other wall is a Japanese Shiseido cosmetics advertisement painting, which depicts female singer Kayo Watanabe.In the middle of the kang are cigarette trays, copper smoke lamps, mahogany bongs, small teapots, and fruit bowls.The third girl who had just met at the fair was squatting on the ground, supporting the bucket, and poking the bubble, while Deng Mingsan leaned to the side, breathing out clouds and fog, the sound of breathing was orderly, and the room smelled of burnt sesame seeds.Fourth Master Liu was sitting on the other side of the cigarette tray, counting the money, smoothing out the big and small bills he had collected.Zhiguang sat on another chair next to Song Mingtong. Deng Mingsan sucked up all the bubbles in one breath, quickly took a sip of tea, and let out a long puff of smoke.Then he said: "My man, why don't you come in without invitation?" Zhiguang said: "Third Uncle is now an official, it's better to be at home." Deng Mingsan smiled and said, "Men, don't make trouble with your uncle. Isn't my life in the hands of the Eighth Route Army? I hope you have some kind words over there!" Zhiguang took a look at the third girl and got a little angry.Deng Mingsan sensed it immediately, and said with a smile: "This is the third girl in the Cuihua class. She is the most loyal, conscientious, and strict with her mouth. Let's tell jokes, don't carry her on your back!" The third girl stood up vigilantly and said, "Master, what are you doing with me? I don't understand. Just now Captain Jin sent someone to pass me. I'm about to ask the district chief for leave. Let me go and have a look." Without waiting for Deng Mingsan to agree, he nodded to the others in the room, filled everyone's teacups, and went out. Deng Mingsan sat up, sipped his tea and said, "This woman has a heart. She never picks up customers when the Japanese go to the team. Don't be afraid of her leaking. Let's be serious, your third uncle is afraid that the devils will confiscate my business, so he spends money as a last resort." Buying a traitor is not intentional to betray the country, what do you want to do? Use my help and just say it." Zhiguang said: "Since the third uncle said so, if I try to be stubborn again, it will be obvious heretics. Can you find a way to send me to the stronghold of the Japanese and puppet army?" Deng Mingsan said that Mafengwu is a big stronghold, and it is divided into several places.The highest one is the "Imperial Army Unit". It is a triangular castle built with bricks, tiles and cement in the east of the village. People call it a foreign building.The outside is surrounded by trenches and barbed wire, with sufficient firepower and security, and the inside is full of devil soldiers.The second class is the "Gendarmerie Task Force" and the "Communist Suppression Squad", which are puppet troops with guns and power.They occupied the house of a landlord in the north of the village, and the peasants rammed soil to build a small enclosure with a blockhouse on the enclosure, a moat outside, a gate in the middle, and a suspension bridge outside the gate.When it got dark, the suspension bridge was lifted, the enclosure door was locked, and they didn't open the door after a day of turning outside, so they could sleep peacefully.The third category is small civilian offices, which have neither guns nor people, so they can only occupy a few private houses and set up a facade.During the day, they gesticulate and show off their power, and when it gets dark, they take off the sign and rush to find a safe place to find a place to stay.The Communist Suppression Squad in Tuweizi was born in kidnapping. Seeing that this was a source of income, they built a few bungalows in the enclosure for rent.He paid five yuan for a one-night stay with a banknote, and took a prostitute in for another flower donation. He also rented out mahjong tiles and arranged supper for him.Ordinary clerks could not afford to live there, and they were not the target of the martial arts team, so naturally they would not spend this money.But those bosses came here to make a fortune, and none of them wanted to risk their lives. Knowing that it was a bit unfair to feed the dogs from the wolves, they still went to live every night. Zhiguang asked Deng Mingsan: "Are you going to live too?" Deng Mingsan said: "If I don't live there, they will suspect that I have colluded with Eighth Road. Why am I not afraid of others being afraid that Eighth Road will block the bed?" Zhiguang said: "Can you think of a way to send me to the devil's mansion?" Deng Mingsan took a sip of his teeth and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. Even if I go to work in the past, I have to make contact first. They send someone out to take me in. If something goes wrong, I can't explain it to the Eighth Route Department." Zhiguang said: "Third uncle is full of talk about contributing to the resistance against Japan, but if he moves, it will be over. How can I explain it for you?" Song Mingtong had been listening calmly, and then he interjected: "Nephew, don't blame me for talking too much, this matter is really difficult for your third uncle, find someone who is easier to ask him, he will help." Zhiguang pretended to be helpless and said: "Okay, my man, can I make things difficult for you? Take me to Tuweizi tonight!" Deng Mingsan immediately agreed, "It's on me." Zhiguang said, "To be clear, I want to join the gendarmerie work force." Deng Mingsan pulled down the corners of his mouth that had been hanging up with a smile, lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "You can really show me the eight formations. The soil is easy to enter, and it is difficult for the gendarmerie team. They Although they lived in the same enclosure with the Suppression Squad, the house was divided into two courtyards, and another wall was built inside. People from the Gendarmerie Team could freely pass through the courtyard of the Suppression Squad, but those from the Suppression Squad were not allowed to enter. Gendarmerie. The rented house is in the courtyard of the Communist Suppression Squad. Those who seek lodging can only work in this courtyard and cannot enter the gendarmerie work team.” Zhiguang said dissatisfied: "According to this, you won't do any strenuous work?" Song Mingtong came out to smooth things over again: "Don't be in a hurry, the district chief will bring the elder nephew into the small enclosure tonight, and play by ear. As long as you can seize the opportunity, let the elder nephew go in. Then again, elder nephew, you have to be careful, in case If something goes wrong, be a good man and do good work, don't implicate third uncle." Zhiguang said: "That's natural. Are you afraid of death and still resist the Japanese?" After a few more gossips, Deng Mingsan dozed off.Song Mingtong insisted that Zhiguang go to the office of his hometown to rest, and then come to see Deng Mingsan at night.
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