Home Categories contemporary fiction smoking pot
smoking pot

smoking pot


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 48453

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Chapter 1 first quarter

smoking pot 邓友梅 1602Words 2018-03-19
In recent years, due to the large-scale industrialized cigarette production, smokers have spread all over the world and from all walks of life, and the ancient life enjoyment of sniffing snuff has been squeezed out.This is something that makes people dissatisfied and helpless!From a hygienic point of view, snuff is far superior to cigarettes and cigars.Smelling snuff is just to smell its fragrance, so as to refresh the mind, drive away pollution and avoid epidemics.It does not ignite and smoke, and the poisonous mist penetrates deep into the lungs and infects the internal organs.Secondly, when sniffing snuff, whoever likes to smell it puts it under his nostrils, and enjoys himself.People who don't like to smell can't be choked or smoked even if they are close at hand. If you cover your nose and mouth tightly with a handkerchief when you sneeze, there will be no disadvantages of polluting the environment.Since snuff was brought into China by Matteo Ricci in the ninth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, it reached its golden age in the reign of Kangxi and Qianlong.At that time, people who don't know how to smell world smoke are probably regarded as fools like people who don't know how to dance disco today.When Emperor Kangxi came to Nanjing, Western missionaries presented many kinds of relics, and he rewarded all the foreigners.Only "SNUFF" was accepted.Learned people say these few foreign characters are "snuff".People who have read Qianlong Gengchen's "Guoluzhi Pingshi Ji" will also remember that after Qingwen caught a cold, she was dizzy and had a stuffy nose. Baoyu ordered Sheyue to bring her Western snuff to call her, and she sneezed a few times, and she passed. key.This is healing!Cigarettes have also been popular for many years. Has it ever had such a distinguished status and brilliant achievements as snuff?

There is another example that proves the superiority of snuff. Since the end of Ming Dynasty, due to the popularity of snuff, Chinese craftsmen combined their own national craft traditions to greatly develop the art of snuff bottle manufacturing.Don't underestimate the fact that a snuff bottle is too big to grasp, and as small as a thumb, it can't hold wine or rice.However, it combines jade carving, gold wire inlay, lacquer carving, porcelain firing, sculpture painting, cloisonne, Gu Yuexuan and various crafts into one, and has become a wonderful flower of Chinese arts and crafts, and a condensed crystallization of Chinese crafts and technologies. .Although after hundreds of years of dispersal and destruction, many treasures have been lost.Today, if we set foot in the world of snuff bottles for sightseeing, we will still be overwhelmed with beauty.According to the raw materials, there are metal pots, stone pots, jade pots, feeder pots, pottery pots, porcelain pots, and bamboo pots.Wooden pots, mica pots, goblet pots, ivory pots, horned pots, coconut shell pots, gourd pots, in addition to pearls, kidneys, shark skin, crane crest red...the list is too numerous to list according to their categories.If it is divided into details, the names and colors are more numerous.For example, the same porcelain pot is divided into official kiln, folk kiln, bucket color, famille rose, mold engraving, openwork, blue and white plus purple, rainy and sunny, enamel, kiln change... the same jade pot is divided into white jade, sapphire, Emerald, coral, agate, crystal... and agate pots are divided into tortoiseshell, algae, silk, rock sugar... If divided according to the shape, there are chicken hearts, fish baskets, brick squares, moon circles, double-connected, Beauty shoulders and more.There is only one round pot, but it should also be divided into flat round, waist round, peach round, egg round and so on.In a word, although the snuff bottle is small, it permeates a nation's cultural tradition, psychological characteristics, aesthetic customs, technical level and style of the times.Therefore, some good snuff bottles are often marked with priceless prices in the international market.In 1976, a snuff bottle was put on display in a German auction house, and it was bought within minutes for two million marks.After the death of Mr. Stevenson, a famous American snuff bottle scholar, his collection of Chinese snuff bottles was auctioned for 1.4 million US dollars.This Mr. Si never married in his life, and he has almost nothing else to do except to study Chinese snuff bottles.His research work on Chinese snuff bottles, in the eyes of his peers, is almost equal to Marie Curie's papers in the eyes of atomic energy scholars.There are two "International Chinese Snuff Bottle Societies" in the West.They meet regularly, read papers, and publish journals.Membership has increased every year.Mr. Stevenson was the chairman of the society in North America during his lifetime.It is not an exaggeration to say that snuff has pushed people to open up a new artistic field.

Thousands of people have never seen a snuff bottle in their lives, and they still study, work and fall in love.Getting married, having children, having children, that's a fact.But don't underestimate it.It can gain such attention at home and abroad, you have to admit that it has made achievements in a specific field.How many people spent mental and physical labor on this thing, and how many people's lives were transferred to this material, so that a pile of dead materials has a soul and a spirit.It doesn't matter whether you smell snuff or use a snuff bottle, but you have to admit that exquisite snuff bottles are also the crystallization of our Chinese people's hard work and wisdom, a contribution we have made to human culture, and a fortune for all our people... ...we seem to be off topic.Originally, it was about the "comparative hygiene" of snuff and cigarette smoking, but why did it suddenly turn into a snuff bottle?

I heard that there is a school of novel writers in the West who advocate not having any ideas or preconceived ideas before writing.After finding a topic to start, everything flows with the flow of consciousness and develops with the development of thoughts.This proposition is very similar to the realm that our ancestors said in "Three Religions Zhigui": "Whip the heart and horse to gallop to the eight extremes, oil the car and play in the sky".So, let's not bring the topic back to snuff anymore, let's go down the river and talk about snuff bottles.
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