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Chapter 54 Part Three, Part 4 (4) - Zhu Xi who didn't know he was sentenced to death

to chaos 从维熙 3084Words 2018-03-19
Among the several hundred laborers on the Daxinzhuang Farm, only Zhu Xi was the oldest revolutionary and the one who had the earliest contact with the theory of Marxism and Leninism.His administrative level is thirteen, which is a bit higher than that of the top leader in Changzhi City.However, such an old revolutionary was classified as a counter-revolutionary during the "One Strike, Three Antis" campaign in Daxinzhuang. He was the biggest strange case of injustice I have seen since I joined the labor reform team.It is also another typical example of intellectuals who betray loyalty with loyalty.

Zhu Xi was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province in 1916 and joined the Party in Wuhan in 1938.Before that, he was engaged in the management of Progress Bookstore in Shanghai. He is a well-read and knowledgeable person.Due to the nature of his work, in Shanghai in the 1930s, he came into contact with a large number of left-wing intellectuals and became a very insightful Marxist.In April 1948, after the Party Central Committee moved to Xibaipo, Hebei Province, Chen Boda, Yu Guangyuan, Mao Anying and Zhu Xi also went to Xibaipo from Shijiazhuang. Under the instructions of the Central Committee, they planned the propaganda and publication after entering Beijing Work.After the peaceful liberation of Beijing on February 6, 1949, Zhu Xi entered Beijing with the Central Propaganda Department.He successively served as the manager of the International Bookstore and the director of the Book Inspection Division of the Publishing Bureau of the Ministry of Culture.It can be said that he has actively participated in the revolution since his youth, and has devoted his blood and sweat to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In the early 1950s, his work was going well.During the Da Ming Da Fang in 1956, he felt that the Communist Party was leading China towards freedom and democracy.Although he was very encouraged by this, but because of his busy work at that time, he regretted that he didn't have the opportunity to release the song.After the Anti-Rightist Anti-Rightist Movement began, his thinking began to be unable to adapt to the requirements of the situation. He believed that it was completely wrong to turn a large number of intellectuals who loved the new China into the category of the reactionary bourgeoisie. Wrong move.In particular, Chu Anping was classified as a rightist, which caused him an emotional shock: when he was the manager of the International Bookstore, Chu Anping was the manager of the Xinhua Bookstore; the two had a lot of contact, and he felt that Chu Anping was a patriotic democrat, Why did you become a rightist?Zhu Xi is a person who dares to speak out, just for Chu An's grievances, it is enough to be labeled as a rightist, not to mention that he himself has objections to the anti-rightist itself, so it is of course not surprising to be classified as a rightist.However, Zhu Xi refused the laurel crown on his head from the very beginning—can it be said that this act became the source of his tragic fate for the rest of his life? !

But he is a very serious person.Intellectuals are silent.When everyone was in danger, he started arguing with the supreme leader. After the "Cultural Revolution", although this Zhu Xi was taken into the Tiantanghe Forced Labor Farm because of "unstable factors", he was regarded as a revolutionary With the same courage, he still keeps writing to the Central Committee without changing his original intention.Not only did he disagree with the Anti-Rightist Movement, but he was still outspoken about the disaster the Great Leap Forward brought to China.Later, he was transferred to Daxin Village in Changzhi via Chadian, and he still kept writing about all kinds of inhumane behaviors during the "Cultural Revolution".The scope of his letter was not only to discuss with Mr. Mao Runzhi, but also to write the article "Chronicle of the 1970s" which directly criticized Lin Biao for "emphasizing politics in all work". "In the period of severely punishing counter-revolutionaries, Zhu Xi finally hit the point of the gun.

Constantly discussing with Mr. Mao Runzhi was something that no one dared to do at the time; Zhu Xi also threw out the "Chronicle" which confronted Deputy Commander Lin, and the consequences can be imagined.Zhu Xi was put on the current counter-revolutionary hat of "violent attack". First, he was fought to the death on the farm. The five big and three thick guys beat his whole body without head and face.Until the beating made Zhu Xi howl loudly, making the hearts of the meeting participants tremble.After the beating, the thugs used a rope to hang his hands behind his back (the labor camp called it "hanging chicken feet") and slammed upwards. Zhu Xi screamed again, as if he had died.Then, the thugs threw him onto the truck like a dead pig. In the next program, the armed police escorted him through the streets of Changzhi City.

Many years later, when Zhu Xi told me about the scene at that time, he still felt horrified.He said: "I don't know how the rope was tied. I just felt pain in my arms and hands. I lost consciousness. Beads of sweat immediately flowed from every part of my body. It was said to be like rain, It’s not too much, because my feet were soaked with sweat. After hanging like this, my head immediately hung down like a gourd. That’s how I hung my head and drove through the streets of Changzhi City in a truck Yes. But instead of pulling me back, the truck pulled me into a gate with a big wall, an electric grid, and a watchtower, and I was in jail."

There is a model prison founded by Yan Xishan in the past, and it is an iron prison famous for detaining Communists.It was a cave-shaped cell with no windows and only one ventilation hole.Every winter, a fire is lit inside to keep warm. It is a stove without a chimney—because it is not ventilated, once it almost smothered all the prisoners in the prison to death.Thanks to someone who felt dizzy and asked the supervising cadres to release the air—all the prisoners came to the yard, so they were able to breathe a sigh of relief. In the same cell as him was the director of the Huaihai Arsenal, who was also an old revolutionary.The reason why he went to prison was because of the loss of weapons, which turned into a big fight in Changzhi.However, Zhu Xi’s letter was submitted to the central government through the Farm Revolutionary Committee. Even if his views were wrong, how could he become an active counter-revolutionary against Deputy Commander Lin? Zhu Xi has an upright nature, and he has never been able to figure it out.Therefore, he refused to check it. He believed that the anti-rightist movement in 1957 was wrong, and now it is wrong.According to the old revolutionary's conception, the Communist Party will correct its mistakes-so he has been waiting for the farm to bring him back to the field.

The first year has passed, but there is no news; the second year has passed, and there is no news... He has been a prisoner in the prison for more than four years. It was not until he was imprisoned for 50 months that someone from the farm came to unidentify him. Bai Di took it back.In the past four years, he wrote letters continuously, because the new prisoner told him that Lin Biao's defection had killed Ondur Khan.Before leaving, he asked the supervisory cadres, but the answer was "no comment".Therefore, Zhu Xi, who had been tortured so much, entered the prison as a "rebellion", and then got out of prison in a daze.

The story that happened in the future was not only unexpected to me, but Zhu Xi himself was also taken aback: When the central government rehabilitated the rightists in 1979, the State Press and Publication Bureau encountered a very difficult problem when reviewing Zhu Xi’s files—the file It stated that Zhu Xi was a death row prisoner who was sentenced in secret by the local public security bureau at that time.It's just that the case of Lin Biao's defection happened before the death penalty was executed - Zhu Xi lost his life because of this.What is puzzling is that there is no written material in the dossier to overturn the death penalty.What a worthless person, Zhu Xi, who has been a revolution for most of his life, did not know at the time that one day he would be dragged to the execution ground and eat a bullet!

The official seal and big seal are all there, which makes it difficult for the rehabilitative unit.They lived and returned to Changzhi three times, and only then did they get back an official document that read, "I was wrongly arrested and declared not guilty."Therefore, Zhu Xi did not return to the cadre team until May 1979.When the author visited Mr. Zhu’s home to write this memoir of the mental journey of an intellectual, Mr. Zhu said with emotion: "How is it so difficult to be an upright Chinese intellectual! I have read a lot of history books, but how can there be more than 550,000 intellectuals in the past dynasties who have been labeled as enemies? Have you ever found it in the history books? "

"I haven't read it." I said, "The figure of more than 550,000 was published in the newspaper. The actual figure may be even higher." The reason why I say this is not without basis.When the rightists gathered at the Tuanhe Farm, some rightists from the most basic level told me that in the frontier area far from Emperor Shangao, there were still elected rightists in order to complete 10% of the units.Whoever happens to be away from work that day will be selected.I said: "Of course, the death penalty like Mr. Zhu is rare. But during the period of 'One Attack, Three Antis', four rightists were executed in Nanjing. In October 1997, I reported in the "Jinling Evening News" Published an article, in which I hope that someone who knows the news will tell the situation of the deceased. After the article was published, only one reader of the "Yangtze Evening News" sent me a letter, describing how she saw the deceased before the execution. The members of the 'Cultural Revolution' who participated in the incident at that time were all like dumb, silent." I told Mr. Zhu the names of the four old rightists and the situation when they were shot. "I almost became such a ghost. I lost my head, I'm afraid I don't know why!" Mr. Zhu subconsciously touched his head. Zhu Laoji is over eighty years old, and almost all the furnishings in his home are from the 1950s.With trembling hands, he found me a photo of him serving his sentence in prison.Looking at that photo, although I forced a smile on my face, I couldn't hide the sadness in my heart.I asked Mr. Zhu: "Before leaving the farm, the cadres of Daxinzhuang didn't show any conscience. For example, I apologize to you, or..." Mr. Zhu interrupted me and said, "No, they drove me back to Beijing in 1978." I don't remember which philosopher once said such words: "Despotic politics can turn human morality and conscience into whores." In Zhu Xi's experience, it can be proved that these words are not false; otherwise, why Those thugs of the "Cultural Revolution" didn't even have any feeling of self-ashamedness? !
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