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Chapter 41 Part Three Part 3 (3) - Misfortune caused Xiao Qiang to fry with "bean" and "kei"

to chaos 从维熙 2524Words 2018-03-19
Soon, a disaster that could not be described as sweet and bitter came to Mr. Jianyuan: it was early spring, and the wild geese returning from the north flew over the sky of Jinyang, day and night under the blue sky. ——Gah——" cried out.At that time, I was in the same group as him to build a new cell. The prisons in Shanxi are different from the prisons in Beijing. I don’t know whether it is out of historical habit or out of practical needs. The prisons are not built with bungalows, but cave dwellings are built one after another.It is said that it is a historical habit. Shanxi cave dwellings have a long history, starting from Wang Baochuan in the "Eighteen Years of Fenhewan Cold Kiln" in classical dramas, until the 1970s, local villagers always liked arched cave dwellings when building houses; From the perspective of the actual needs of the labor reform team, building a cave-shaped prison with walls around it and only one door and window is conducive to preventing prisoners from escaping.After pulling the earth trucks in winter, Mr. Jianyuan and I will be engaged in the labor of building such a prison in spring.He is very good at bricklaying work, and he works as a master who builds the wall. I work as a small worker for Mr. Jianyuan who throws bricks up and throws ashes under the slab.

Dong Chuang's incident did not occur at the labor site, nor did Xiao Qiang's accident occur at the work site.One Sunday, he was washing clothes in the yard, and a disaster came out: the "inner spear" Fu XX, who was entrusted by the captain of the labor reform team to serve as the monitor of the strict supervision squad, was chatting with Mr. Jianyuan by the water pipe that day.Mr. Jianyuan said: "The rest of the clothes are easy to wash, but the two parts need to use more soap." Fu ×× asked, "Which two parts?" "One is the neckline, and the other is the cuffs." Mr. Jianyuan replied, "These two parts are the dirtiest."

He does not mean that.In less than two days, under the horrific atmosphere of Zhizuo military management, these two common sense of life, which everyone knows, turned into "counter-revolutionary words and deeds" of "evil attack". The deduction formula of Fu ×× is as follows : If the word "mouth" is removed from the neckline and cuffs, the leader becomes the dirtiest. Li Jianyuan, a rightist, hates the great leader, but he dare not blatantly attack the great leader, so he uses curved attacks to vent his hatred and slander for the "Cultural Revolution" The "counter-revolutionary" purpose of the great commander, great teacher, great leader, and great helmsman.

Of course, today's readers will think that this is a horrific "Arabian Nights", and feel that Fu ××'s reasoning and deduction are absolutely absurd.But the absurd era produced absurd logic, and absurd logic deduced absurd reasoning. Therefore, Mr. Jianyuan's crime of "rebellion" is considered to be conclusive.It is conceivable what followed, small meeting criticism, big meeting fighting, "Yan Fei", "Su Qin carrying the sword" (a way of binding people)...all used on Jianyuan Jun.Mr. Jianyuan's eyes that shed tears when he saw the wind, in the cell without a breath of wind, the tears fell down his cheeks drop by drop like beads with a broken thread.

This was the first desolate incident I encountered in the Quwo labor reform team in Shanxi. I never thought that the second incident, which was more severe than Jianyuan Jun, would fall on Zhang Hu.Shortly after Mr. Jianyuan was baptized in spirit and flesh, the "One Strike Three Anti" movement began in the early spring of 1970.The burly and domineering "Left" Army representative Yu Company Commander, wearing an army green cotton coat, held a political training meeting in the empty field.He first read out the content of "One Attack and Three Antis" (I can only recall that "One Attack" was to severely crack down on "counter-revolutionaries", but I can't remember exactly what the "Three Antis" were against), and then mobilized the members of the reform-through-labor camp. In order to consolidate the great achievements of the "Cultural Revolution".

Originally, the meeting had not been held for a long time, and Company Commander Yu had already put on his coat and left his post after the political training. Hastily walked back.Because the moment he left the chair, someone handed him a note. He opened the note in his hand and looked at it for a few moments before saying, "Who is Zhang Hu?" She stood up dazedly. "You want to overturn your rightist counter-revolutionary case?" "Nothing." Zhang Hu was neither overbearing nor humble. "Then why would someone expose you!" Company Commander Yu widened his eyes, "No wind, no waves!"

Sitting in the men's line, my heart suddenly beat wildly.According to what Zhang Hu told me, during the winter law-abiding and confession study, Captain Shen, who supervised them, mobilized those female accounts to confess their sincerity to the party.Zhang Hu had to routinely explain her anti-rightist conclusions in 1957 among the women's accounts.For example, she said that "May Day parades are a waste of money and people", "Secretly read novels while listening to Peng Zhen's anti-rightist report", and imitated Mr. Tao Zhixing's poems. Veteran officials ride in small cars/little veterans ride in big cars/the ones who don’t have cars eat ashes” and so on.Captain Shen, who was in charge of them, felt that a female reporter from a revolutionary family was labeled as a "rightist" based on these few items, and was a little puzzled, and even showed some kind of sympathy.Under such circumstances, Zhang Hu said: Now the leaders who designate me as a rightist have all been picked out by the masses as "capitalist roaders".Captain Shen was just listening and didn't comment on Zhang Hu's statement, because it was all true.After the meeting, the female captain surnamed Shen expressed regret for Zhang Hu's experience -- of course, this was an emotion that could only be expressed when she was alone with her.

Unexpectedly, Xu Shengzeng's wife, Sun Ximin, who is honest and kind, is not as kind as her husband (who used to teach in a middle school in Beijing). She was in the "one strike, three anti" meeting, whether it was out of desire for performance or between women. Instinctive hatred, or Xunzi's "evil nature" is easier to be verified in this special environment. Anyway, she hurriedly handed this note to the military representative. Shanghai sent to the guillotine.The reason why the author did not continue to write those historical events in time after I finished writing is because the memory of the past events often caused my soul to tremble; to this day, the vivid scene can still make my heart beat faster and my blood pressure rise suddenly ...

The military representative asked, "You used to be a reporter?" Zhang Hu nodded.say!yes.I used to be a reporter for Beijing Daily.Let me test you, tell me about the relationship between politics and economy."Which is the foundation, between politics and economics?" In fact, on such an occasion, the reason why the military representative made a "montage" of torture was nothing more than to show that he was not a big boss, and it was a subconscious self-promotion.Zhang Hu studied political economics at Renmin University in 1951. He had a thick stack of notes, so he answered 1+1=?Kindergarten-style simple questions that can be blurted out.But in the chill atmosphere at that time, on the basis of the Cultural Revolution, where politics commanded everything. "

Among all the reform-through-labor personnel present, except for the fallacy that the criminals did not know their answers, the "Old Right" knew that her answers were wrong.The army representative immediately smiled contemptuously: What kind of reporter are you? You don’t even know the ABC of Marxism-Leninism.Please keep your mouth clean.Handcuff her. Captain Shen stood up hesitantly, trying to ease the tension.But before she was allowed to say anything, the military representative had already lost his temper with her: "Did you hear that? Execute immediately." Captain Shen spread out her hands, indicating that she did not carry handcuffs with her.What do you eat?This is a dictatorship!

The cadres were stunned. The reform-through-labor team members looked at each other in blank dismay. The entire venue was silent, and the venue with hundreds of living people was as solemn as a tomb.I was secretly anxious for Zhang Hu, hoping that she could say a few words to admit her mistake without handcuffs at the scene.Another army representative present, Platoon Leader Wu, even stood up and reminded her loudly: "Zhang Hu, you should know that you made a mistake, and repent now--" It's not too late, take the handcuffs, and take her to quarantine for self-reflection! " The moment I handcuffed her, my heart broke. ... What happened afterwards is unimaginable for today's readers: Zhang Hu's luggage was removed from the No. 4 cabin where we lived together.The "inner spear" Zhang Lihua (nicknamed "Little Mouse") who we also came to Fenhe Bay will supervise her; Zhang's "inner spear" husband Zhao Guangdi (nicknamed "Little Heizi") moved to my small room and treated her well. Implement regulation.
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