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Chapter 23 Part Two Novella (1)-Heaven and Hell are not far apart

to chaos 从维熙 2715Words 2018-03-19
Looking back on the 20 years of Fengxueyi Road, the years I worked in the "Peach Blossom Spring" were, no matter what, the most relaxing days in my labor reform career.But those of my kind who stayed in Sanshezhuang, because of the hats on their heads, were still purely dictatorship objects.Especially in the summer of 1963, when the relaxed social environment came to an end, the drums of "don't forget class struggle" became louder and louder, and their living environment went from bad to worse. The happy atmosphere when Dong Weisen was the rightist political instructor and Gao Yuansong was the captain no longer exists (they have been transferred from Sanshezhuang one after another).Of course, the fundamental problem of this kind of impermanence and change in life lies in the impermanence of the general climate; but it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the change of cadres.I remember that when Dong Hegao presided over the work of Sanshezhuang, there was a rightist Yi Jiaxiang from the public security system. He was able to learn English from Liu Zuwei, Du Youliang, and Liu Naiyuan, the top Englishmen in his spare time. Dong supported this. manner.Another example is Gao Zuochun, a student from the Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University (he and Chen Duxiu’s granddaughter Chen Zhennian had a bitter love history for more than ten years). During this period of time, he completed all the courses of the Chinese Department of the university by himself.Afterwards, in China's political life, with the erratic monsoon and thick clouds rolling in, the ray of dawn that shone in front of Lao You disappeared on the horizon of China.

Occasionally, I could still meet my fellows from Sanshe Village in Tianwen, and I got the following news one after another: some of my fellows had reached the three-year labor camp period, and they couldn't be released as scheduled.According to the law, whether it is a prisoner or a reeducation-through-labor detainee, there should be a basis for extending the sentence and re-education through labor. However, with the turn of the political monsoon, the criminal law has become infinitely variable. Although farmers and workers are not really citizens).The old right, who could not be lifted when the time limit expired, naturally became dissatisfied, and raised limited inquiries out of dissatisfaction-dictatorship cadres, not only could not give a reasonable explanation, but instead adopted high-pressure methods and imposed punitive confinement measures on them.During these days, Gao Zuochun, Yang Lu, Li Tailun and more than a dozen others of the same kind suffered from this bad luck one after another (Yang Lu grew a beard in protest)—they were sent to the confinement room in the prison area to accept the injustice. Sanctions to be accepted.A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, two steamed buns at noon, and in addition to forcing them to confess their sins—this was unimaginable in 1962.After that, as the political situation continued to turn to the left, Sanshezhuang began a "ghost fighting" campaign to let the same kind expose each other. One of the same kind secretly reported that Tan Tianrong was smearing some ghosts when he was studying late. What, so the cadres who succeeded Dong and Gao later searched Tan Tianrong under the pretext of cleaning. As a result, they found some symbols that no one could understand from his notebook, and began to censor Tan Tianrong. Since Li Tailun was close to Tan Tianrong in daily life, and had taught Tan Tianrong how to play the erhu, the squadron organized a group of the same kind to attack Li Tailun: let Li expose Tan's reactionary secrets. Li Tailun knew that Tan Tianrong learned shorthand, but he Afraid of arousing even greater doubts about Tan, he kept pretending not to know—the incident became more and more troublesome, until Tan Tianrong was sent back to the labor camp, and returned to the furnace for a period of time before returning to Sanshezhuang. In this way, not only the normal reform atmosphere of the past disappeared, but also made everyone of the same kind feel in danger.

There is also an unjust case, which created the most "unnecessary" of Sanshezhuang.One day, Guo Yunde, a fellow worker, asked Wang Yuqi, the old right from the Iron and Steel Research Institute, how to write the word "rolling" for rolling steel in a steel factory on a piece of paper in a cigarette box, and is it the word "smashing"?Wang Yuqi told him that the correct Chinese character is "rolling".Originally, this incident did not constitute any political incident, but it happened very coincidentally. When Guo Yunde was studying at night, he accidentally wrote the word "Mao Zedong" on the paper of the cigarette pack (written down by hand while reading the newspaper). The box was dropped on the ground.The next day, this piece of paper was picked up by a fellow surnamed Liu, who immediately reported it to the squadron headquarters, and it became a counter-revolutionary incident.The reason is: the word "Smashing" and the word "Mao Zedong" appear on the same piece of paper.

The operation of "fighting ghosts" has begun.There are so few people in the same kind who are eager to make meritorious deeds. At first, they were infinitely obsessed with the paper, and then they fought against Guo Yunde.Wang Yuqi, who studies iron and steel, explained the whole story at the meeting out of justice and conscience, and asked the squadron to deal with this issue in a realistic manner; another fellow named Shi Zhenhua also raised at the meeting: If Guo Yunde really hated Mao Chairman's Heart, why would you throw the piece of paper on the ground casually?This is enough to prove that Guo did it unintentionally.It is said that intellectuals all have meticulous thinking, and anyone can distinguish the absurdity among them-but Chinese intellectuals, with their inferior nature of fighting in the nest, will perform vividly and vividly when the harsh environment comes: a group of similar people swarm up , Wang Yuqi and Shi Zhenhua, who advocate seeking truth from facts, fought a lot of fists and kicks, causing these two people of the same kind to become "black-eyed and blue".The later results were palpitating: Guo Yunde, who asked about the difference between the word "smashing" and "rolling", was escorted to the prison team and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment (it was not until 1979 that he was rehabilitated).

At the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution", the situation of the rightist team became even more out of control.Those of the same kind who experienced the relaxed atmosphere in 1962 are completely desperate at this time.Lu Haoqing, a talented student from the Chemistry Department of Tsinghua University, is nicknamed "Hydrogen Chloride".He got this nickname not only because his name is related to this chemical name, but also because of the lack of blood on his face, which reminds people of the color of "hydrogen chloride". When the "Cultural Revolution" first started, he hanged himself from a beam in the warehouse while his colleagues were going to work—thanks to being found and rescued from the beam by his colleagues, he survived (but the breath of being alive does not mean that the solution is solved His despair of the future; after returning to Chadian, he committed suicide three times in a row, which will be described later).

Another piece of news that shocked me and made me sad for a long time—that was the suicide of Zheng Guangdi, the "sister Lin" I mentioned earlier.It looks like he is weak, but his thin bones can be compared to steel bars, which is enough to make me and my kind feel ashamed while I am still alive.He committed suicide after the lifting of the ban. No one would have expected that this gentle and elegant "Second Labor Reform", the former favorite of Peking University's chemistry department, would have the courage to go to heaven by himself: during a public holiday, he went to the city.After visiting the North Sea and the Forbidden City, he wandered by the embankment of Shichahai.When it was getting dark, he was in a very quiet corner, and suddenly plunged into the blue waves.It was not until a few days later that the farm came to collect his floating body.His choice of death made my soul tremble for a long time. There are many ponds on the farm. He insisted on going to the imperial city to perform this drama of farewell to the world. I think only people with very developed rational thinking , to make this regional choice—he wanted people to know that his suicide was a protest against that era.And his appearance is so weak, the contrast between this external image and his inner strength is as great as the South Pole and the North Pole.

Here are but a few examples of our kind in that harsh age.In a sense, they are the foresight of the same kind, and this kind of foresight is an absolute minority among intellectuals.In the past, the word cowardice was often used to describe self-inflicted behavior in books. This is actually a means for the weak to cover up their weakness-death is an act only for the brave, and the only difference between them depends on the value of this brave choice Big and small.These few words of Mao Zedong still have their irreplaceable meaning: some are as light as a feather, and some are as heavy as Mount Tai.Lu Haoqing and Zheng Guangdi's suicide is obviously a wordless novel of that era.

The reason why I call them two prophets is that they are compared with the same kind. In the Spring Festival of 1964, Mao Zedong held a multi-faceted symposium, and the majority of the entire intellectual class was once again characterized as "bourgeois intellectuals", "causing a tense atmosphere among the vast number of intellectuals. Everyone." ( (Quoted from Hu Sheng's "Seventy Years of the Communist Party of China") This is still the case in society, but the situation of intellectuals in the lowest-level labor camps has certainly become worse.After more than seven years of transformation, the old right was naturally extremely disappointed—they realized that China's warming up to the "left" has no end, only as Mr. Lu Xun said. "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood" means the blood sacrifice of a Chinese intellectual—so when I write the life memories of "Peach Blossom Spring", I can't forget to sacrifice my pen to these two of my kind.

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