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Chapter 12 Part Two Part 1 (2) - Chronicles of Sanshe Village

to chaos 从维熙 3679Words 2018-03-19
The place where we settled is called Sanshezhuang.At first, we all thought it was "Sanyuzhuang".As everyone knows, the difference of one word is a thousand miles away. The meaning of "surplus" is also the meaning of leftovers, some scum thrown into the trash by the society, which coincides with "sanyu".One is: the rest of the people's roster; the other is: the rest of the revolutionary intellectuals; the third is: the rest of the Tuanhe Farm.The former "two surpluses" is easier to explain, and the latter "one surplus" is our feeling after we came to Tuanhe Farm—because we are located at the northernmost end of the farm, far away from the labor reform team, we feel like a non-staff "independent brigade" .

Later, when we learned that the word She was Feiyu, Liu Zuwei, who had studied in Columbia in the United States in the past and was older in the Laoyou Middle School, gave this explanation: "She" in Chinese refers to farming two land over a year.This is a coincidence of fate, because we have come from a barren place to a good place. His words spoke out the aspirations of his peers, and almost no one expressed an opposite opinion on the reform-through-labor environment.Next to Sanshezhuang is the Fenghe River. Standing on the embankment of the Fenghe River, you can overlook the Tuanhe Palace on the other side of the river—this is the news that someone sneaked out of the cell to view the scenery just after arriving at this new station, and came back to report.The cell we live in is a knife-shaped courtyard made of blue and red bricks. The handle of the knife is the first team, and the other three teams live in the courtyard.There are no watchtowers around, not to mention the indispensable ditches and barbed wire fences around the labor camp prison.The only thing that is a bit irritating is that in the cadre office in our backyard, Dong Weisen, the instructor who is in charge of our transformation work, and the team leader Gao Yuansong, often pull a wolf dog.Both of these two reform-through-labor cadres have a bit of an intellectual temperament and a kindness that is different from the rough style of the Chadian reform-through-labor cadres, but the wolfhound still arouses our instinctive conditioned reflex.The reason for this is that the laoyous gathered here from various reform-through-labor stations are not only our community from Chadian, but also scattered laoyous from Baichengzi and other places in the northeast.Although they come from different places, the fear of "dictatorship" has seeped into their blood.It was only later that we found out that the place where we lived was originally the station where the farm armed police trained police dogs, and the wolf was a eliminated dog that didn’t bite, and it was purely a “deaf ear—a display”.

He was the knockout dog of the pack, we were the knockout people—and out of this spiritual realization, that dog became our friend. Looking back at that period of time with a rigorous historical eye, although the very detailed images have become blurred, the main context of the portrait of the group of intellectuals in distress has a clarity that never fades.First of all, when the "Typhoon" swept across China's east, west, south, north, and center in 1957, it did not distinguish between the varieties of flowers and trees.The "citizens" gathered in Sanshezhuang come from all aspects of society, but most of them are students from various colleges and universities in Beijing. From natural sciences to social sciences, almost every subject "enters the urn".Among them, science and engineering, literature and history, and foreign language students accounted for the largest proportion.For example, Tan Tianrong, a Peking University student who was named by Mao Zedong in 1957; Zhou Dajue, a Beihang student who was compared by Chen Yi to "Liu Jiemei who forgot his roots"; Lu Haoqing, a talented student in the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University; Zheng Guangdi; Sun Benqiao, Zhang Yongxian, Ha Changlin of Beijing Institute of Technology, etc.Most of the students in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​study Russian. In addition to Liu Zuwei mentioned above, there are also translators Du Youliang and Liu Naiyuan who work in Xinhua News Agency; The writing is very smooth.

The reason why I describe the above-mentioned science and engineering students as high-talented students is not based on their academic performance-I don’t know anything about this, but based on my observations in Sanshezhuang: after they arrived at Sanshezhuang Soon, "blind chess" was played back to back. Without high IQ and superhuman memory, it is impossible to carry out this kind of "Chu River Han World" battle.Because the displacement of each chess piece on both sides not only needs to be thoroughly familiarized with, but also requires careful planning and calculation of the overall situation of the battlefield—and all of this is done with their backs to the chessboard. One can imagine.

Most of the other members are from major ministries and commissions of the central government and various units under the Beijing Municipality.There are some veteran Communist Party members: for example, Dai Huang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency who came from the Liberated Areas in northern Jiangsu and later went to North Korea to conduct field interviews (he came later and was sent to Sanshe Village individually); Chen Ye, a reporter from the underground party and China Youth Daily; and Deng Cheng, an old party member from the political and legal cadre school... In addition to these "veteran qualifications", there is a group of professionals. Du Gao, a young playwright who was thrown into Wu Zuguang's "Second Class Hall" anti-Party clique; Xu Gongjin, a vocal music teacher at the China Academy of Drama; Zhao Huachuan, who was a beggar in childhood and later became a folk cartoonist; Guo Donghai, a dancer of the National Ballet of China... ...It can be said that such a group of intellectuals were originally the backbone of their respective jobs.

The other type who came to Sanshezhuang are mostly government officials and teachers of primary and secondary schools.They "shot the arrow" in 1957 for a number of reasons.As far as I know, there are certainly many people who have questioned the times because of their independent thinking spirit; but many of the same kind folded into the big wall in a daze, which sounds like a fairy tale today.Because when I first arrived at Sanshe Village, the labor reform team had a two-day rest. Next to the laundry sink, I talked with my newly weaved colleagues about each other's "original sin".A teacher surnamed Liu (more than 30 years later, I only remember his name as Da Liu) told me a joke: A teacher in his school, because of cervical spondylosis, read the big-character posters during the release period, Because of the pain in the cervical spine, the head had to wriggle up and down, so he was charged with sympathizing with the rightist speech.

The person in charge of the Anti-Rightist Leading Group mobilized him to explain the problem.The teacher was an honest person who didn't know what mistake he had made for a while.The person in charge of the Anti-Rightist said: "Look at the big-character posters attacking the party. Why do you agree?" The teacher said: "I didn't speak at the Mingfang meeting." "It depends on what you say, you have already expressed your position with actions." The teacher recalled it for a long time with a red face, but he couldn't remember any reactionary words and deeds of his own.

"Why do you keep nodding your head when you read big-character posters?" said the person in charge of the anti-rightist movement. "People's behavior is controlled by their thoughts. Your actions have already proved that you are also a rightist." "My cervical spine is sick..." the teacher explained timidly. "Don't pretend to be honest. You are a wolf, not a sheep. Generally, the rightists use words to oppose the party, but you use actions to oppose the party, which shows that you are more insidious." The person in charge of the anti-right said, "Counter-revolutionaries must be good at disguising, otherwise there will be nothing to do." It has become a magic weapon for counter-revolutionary affairs. How can I draw conclusions on you, you are a wolf in sheep's clothing among the teaching staff."

The teacher had no choice but to go to the hospital to find the orthopedic doctor and ask him to provide a medical record certificate.All blamed this teacher for being too ignorant of the evils of the world. He originally only needed medical records; but when this ignorant teacher asked for medical records, he told him that he came to ask for medical records to prove that he was not a rightist.At that time when there were turmoil and intellectuals were in danger, the doctor, out of self-protection (he was also one of the targets of the anti-rightist fire detection), actually wiped out the doctor's professional conscience and refused to issue a certificate.

As a result, the teacher's fate was very tragic.After the criticism meeting, he suffered from schizophrenia and committed suicide by jumping over the moat.Although I have heard of strange cases in the old right middle school in the past, this is the first time I have heard of "nodding rightists" who don't say anything.When I first arrived at Sanshe Village, I heard such a sad story from a newly weaved similar person, and I couldn't help but feel trembling.In fact, this is only half of what this new acquaintance told me, the half that belonged to him, which he told me after I sat with him in the warm winter sun after drying the clothes.He said that he had read my novel and was willing to share his thoughts with me.

"My stupid and stupid colleague is a type of intellectual; for him, the anti-rightist test is inevitable." He said, "I am different. A good teacher on weekdays said two sad words about the fate of that honest and unlucky guy, and then shook his head sadly. In fact, the anti-rightist upsurge had passed at that time, and various units were finishing their work. But with me The teacher who bit his ear, I don’t know what kind of mental state it is, is he wanting to join the party? Or want to be the dean of the academic affairs? I haven’t figured it out until now. He reflected that I sighed and shook my head when I dealt with that foolish colleague... So Another 'head-shaking rightist' like me came out of our school." A "nodding rightist" and a "head shaking rightist".Although these two rightist cases seem absurd, they have very rich connotations of the times.The teacher who was unlucky due to cervical spondylosis is a type of victim of the times, but how could an intellectual become so demented?Prescriptions written by doctors have stubs.Of course, it is not ruled out that the doctor destroyed it in order to protect himself, but according to Liu Jun, the teacher did not fight against the bad luck and went into the "trash bin" in 1957.At this time, this wronged soul has turned into a thread between heaven and earth, and I don't know which "constellation" has fallen into the vast sky-I think he should belong to the "Qu Yuan" constellation!Because in the end his statement was: I obey the correct decision of the Anti-Rightist Leading Group. As for Liu Jun, the "head-shaking rightist", the reason why he came to the labor camp is entirely his own fault.Originally, during the period of anti-rightist mopping up, one more class enemy appeared, just one more spoil of war.But in Liu Jun's body, there is no ignorance of "nodding rightists". He first slapped his informant "friend" across the face, and then simply broke the boat, pointing out that "nodding rightists" is an absurd farce.Unexpectedly, the first burlesque led to the second burlesque: the school pulled out "nodding rightists" to criticize "head-shaking rightists". "Hey! How should I tell you?" Liu Jun said, "I fully expected that he would agree with me, to tell the truth, to tell the truth; but I guessed wrong, and he turned around and criticized my position. .” I asked, "Was he already schizophrenic at that time?" "No." Liu Jun said, "At that time, he wanted to make amends at the end." We have been relatively silent for a long time, as if we have become a pair of dumb. "You said, is it me, the 'head-shaking rightist' who is pitiful? Or the 'nodding rightist' who is pitiful?" A wry smile flashed across his face.I thought for a long time, but couldn't answer his question.All kinds of political algebra questions in that era were really messy; Liu Jun’s questions, in addition to political algebra questions, were also mixed with the accumulation of ancient cultural traditions of Chinese intellectuals and the perversion of human nature under the pressure of the anti-rightist movement. Many deeper problems are really a humanistic equation that is difficult to solve.Therefore, I said vaguely: "The same kind of people who come here may have their own pitiful things; however, the times are correcting, otherwise how would you and I know each other! Maybe one day, I will write 'Nodding' and From the past of 'shaking your head'." "You really think so?" "This time the old right is concentrated in the outskirts of the imperial city, I hope it is a good omen." Liu Jun is from the Northeast, and he has a bold side in his character.He seemed dissatisfied with my answer; and because we were new acquaintances, he didn't want to hurt each other's face too much, so he stood up from the sunlight at the bottom of the wall: "I'm not as optimistic as you, so I only have nightmares at night. "
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