Home Categories contemporary fiction The snow falls and the Yellow River is silent

Chapter 3 two

I stared out the window in a daze, my mind full of random reveries.look!The smoke and clouds left by the train embraced, and they quickly merged into one in nature.Logically speaking, substances with the same life elements will combine into one: smoke and cloud!Yun and Xia!Xia is kind!Air and water!Water and smoke...and so on, and so on.But why did Fan Hanru and Tao Yingying violate this natural law?Is there any difference in his and her molecular arrangements?The two of them germinated love in the misery, waiting like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on both sides of the Milky Way in the sky. The Third Plenary Session has built a bridge for him and her!Why haven't you got married yet, but instead you wrote to me asking for help?Weird thing!

After the "Night Banquet of Fourteen Eggs", about three or four years passed—when our weak bodies had recovered, "six o'clock" met Tao Yingying. "Things don't go as they should," but at the moment when our fan chests were gaining muscle, we lost the most precious thing——"Hei Yaoqi" was transferred from this reform-through-labour team.The one who replaced the captain of "Hei Yaoqi" was a squad leader who had been demobilized from the army.His surname is Cui, he is from Sichuan, with a fair face and light eyebrows.This white-faced scholar who is full of "what's the matter" has neither the enthusiasm nor the straightforwardness of the "black Yaoqi".He always glanced at us out of the corner of his eye, as if all the "rightists" here were Lin Chong who would play "burning the hayyard" whenever he got a chance.If someone makes a statistics on his lectures, how many "counter-revolutionaries" and "shazi" he brings out in his hometown dialect, will be accompanied by "counter-revolutionaries": "What are you? You are 'counter-revolutionaries'; What kind of rightists are you? You are 'counter-revolutionary' rightists! You come from any place, no matter what place you are from, you are all 'counter-revolutionaries' who are not adulterated. What should 'counter-revolutionaries' do? Go down to the pond to rake the land and plant grain. Who called you to raise chickens? The chickens raised by 'counter-revolutionaries' lay eggs that smell like 'counter-revolutionaries'. From today on, you...you...what is your name? Come on? Yes! Yes! Your name is Fan Hanru...From today on, don’t raise any chickens for me! Those chickens are called criminals who are not ‘counter-revolutionary’.”

It's over. Fan Hanru, who was well-known in the labor reform farm, was inexplicably removed from the black hat of "chicken shepherd".When he went to the henhouse to carry his luggage, the "Shazi" captain surnamed Cui followed him closely, like Fan Hanru's close-knit horse.Originally, "six o'clock" was a little more interesting, and it was over after picking up the luggage; but Fan Zhiru is a "stubborn", before saying goodbye to the chicken coop, he went to see those "Laiheng" and "Australian Black" And "reed wing".Fan Hanru greeted them as if saying goodbye:

"'Big Black'! Fly over here!" "'Erhuang', come, let me take a last look." "'Hua Gu'! I'm leaving, we've changed captains, and you're going to change your parents too!" "What are you talking about?" Captain Cui, who was quickly nicknamed "Saburo Urgent" by the "rightists", was already impatient.At this time, his keen nose seemed to smell some new trend of class struggle from "six o'clock" and the farewell words of the chicken coop.He raised his arms, blasted away the flock of chickens surrounding Fan Hanru, and shouted at Fan Hanru, "Are you dissatisfied with the transfer of you to the paddy fields?"

"Satisfied." Fan Hanru said, "I just want to ask Captain Cui a question. You don't ask me to raise chickens anymore. I'm a donkey on a millstone—I just listen to you, but you said that the eggs laid by my chickens are all Counter-revolutionary smell, this is against genetic science. According to what you said, captain, if a thief is hired to raise chickens, won’t the eggs also smell like thieves?” "You react— "You are a 'counter-revolutionary'— "You are a double 'counter-revolutionary'!" "Reminding Saburo" can't speak out, but his political hat is very rich.Not only did he put a bunch of hats on Fan Hanru, but he also called on all members to strengthen supervision of him at the general meeting.Fan Hanru - this person who was regarded as a phoenix among chickens by "Hei Yaoqi", became a bald-tailed chicken in the eyes of "Reminder Saburo".

We are all aggrieved by this: Over the past few years, Fan Hanru has dedicated his blood to the research of raising chickens; he has contributed tens of thousands of eggs to the farm, but his own harvest is nothing.Does anyone in the team know that there is a chicken man with a big brain?He braved the wind and rain to go to various teams to teach chicken raising experience.Even the women's team, which was never allowed to be a male player, Fan Hanru often came and went. "Black Yaoqi" trusted him and restored to him all the intelligence a person possesses.And when this captain "Shazi" came, everything about Fan Hanru was wiped out. The "left-sighted eye" of "Reminding Saburo" emits a laser beam like a new weapon, and immediately wipes out the existence of Fan Hanru and everything he created.

"'Six o'clock', don't be sad." When I came back from work in the evening, I lay on the big kang that was crowded with people. I comforted him and said, "The sky is cloudy and sunny, and the moon waxes and wanes. Bad luck!" He looked at the roof.not moving at all. "What's wrong? You take honor so seriously?" He still opened his eyes wide open. "Where did your kid's open-mindedness go?" I punched him. "Ah!" Fan Hanru breathed a sigh of relief, "What should I tell you! After raising chickens for several years, of course I am nostalgic for chicken coops. But you don't know, there are things that are more worthy of my attachment than those with wings. .I didn't tell you any of these things."

"I know, you want 'Black Yao Qi'." "The whole team thinks. It's not about this." He shook his head. "So... it's your exclusive idea?" "correct." "I'm guessing. In February and August, cats make trouble in spring. You probably remember the female function that loved you before the anti-'right'?" He squirmed uneasily, licked his thick lips, and said with a wry smile: "Look at me, is it the girl's goal? But, you guessed it is close... No, I have to say It's an unknown." "So, you have a goal?"

"It's like a cloud of fog." He corrected it immediately, "No, it's more vague than a fog." "What kind of riddles are you playing with me?" I propped myself up on my arms, and looked down at his face, "Forget about our fellow chicken—" "Shhhhhhh" he leveled me up. Captain Cui came to check the night.In the past, when "Hei Yaoqi" came to check the night, people had no defense against him; those who read books and those who wrote, did whatever they wanted.Captain Cui's first fire after taking office was to confiscate the books of all members.Regardless of whether it is literary novels, or science, engineering and medicine, they are accepted without error, and no receipts are given.Now, in the dormitory of this group of hard-to-find talents, there are no more printed pieces of paper.He also often appeared in front of us suddenly at night, looking at every member who was not asleep with the slanting light from the corner of his eye.Now, his sharp eyes fixed on Fan Hanru's face.He walked to the edge of our kang and said suspiciously: "What are you talking about? Why didn't you say anything when you saw me? Needless to say, I know that you are venting your dissatisfaction with Ye Tao that you were transferred from the chicken coop." !"

I didn't want him to stay in front of us for a long time, so I said calmly: "No. He has never been in a paddy field, and he can't tell the difference between rice seedlings and barnyard grass. He is asking me about the difference in shape between straw and barnyard grass! Captain, shall we go tomorrow? Pulling weeds from the paddy field on the farthest edge?" The question I asked to divert his attention had an effect, and he gave an order: "Tomorrow there will be a rice field weeding competition, and food will be delivered from the ground at noon. After eating, you will be dry. Don't put on a dragon gate array, and go to bed quickly."

After he left, we continued the conversation we had interrupted just now, and "six o'clock" confessed to me the secret hidden in his heart. "How should I tell you! Maybe where there are people, there will be love. You see, our primitive ancestors drank blood, surrounded trees, and lived in caves; life was much harder than our modern people. But they He didn't stop breeding because of the extremely difficult environment." Fan Hanru opened the "Dragon Gate Formation" and began to describe the romance he just started, "I really can't imagine that such a thing will happen in this barren place. It was a year ago. I was ordered by "Hei Yaoqi" to go to a female labor reform team to help the female chicken coop to control the spread of chicken plague. Around their prison buildings, there are not only barbed wire fences like ours, but also watchtowers and Soldiers guarding with guns. Brother, to be honest, I was a little apprehensive when I saw this formation. But after their female captain surnamed Tian led me into the "big wall", it was a different world—— We are full of men here and women there. Old, young, beautiful, ugly... bro! Let's not talk about these 'daughter country' perceptions, let's just talk about the star that is connected to my destiny . In front of the door of an infirmary in the corner of the cell, Captain Tian ordered me to stop. "Tao Yingying!" she called into the room. "Yes." A young female prisoner with a red cross medicine kit on her back came out of the infirmary and stood in front of Captain Tian with her head bowed.From the looks of it, she was ordered to cooperate with me, and she was already on standby in the infirmary. "This is to help our team..." The female captain was obviously looking for the most suitable title. Her words got stuck in her throat for a long time before she found the correct word...the labor camp personnel who helped our team control chicken plague.You have to listen to his arrangements for disinfection of chicken coops, injections and medicines for chickens.He's...he's...an expert at raising chickens. Their team's chicken mortality rate is only 3 percent; ours is as high as 57 percent. " "Yes!" She still lowered her head. "After you served your sentence, you have been doing well." Captain Tian seemed to be admonishing her, but in fact he was warning me, "Pay attention to prison rules and discipline, and you are not allowed to talk about things that have nothing to do with raising chickens." "Brother! I really don't know what this female captain means. The chicken coop is clearly outside the 'big wall', but she took me for a walk inside the forbidding 'big wall'. Is it trust? There is no such thing The way of trust... I suddenly understood in my head, this is a self-evident reminder to me: "Hey! Men who come to women's prisons should know that the law is iron. If you are a reeducation through labor, Do something wrong, I'm sorry, you will also come from the 'barbed wire' to this 'big wall'!' I can't but admire the shrewdness of this female captain, she is at most thirty-four or five years old, but Her silent warning to me has fully demonstrated that she is a very experienced cadre of labor reform work. Compared with our captain, 'What', it is almost impossible to put it on a weighing pan to calculate the weight."
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