Home Categories contemporary fiction black umbrella
black umbrella

black umbrella


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 19758

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Chapter 1 one

black umbrella 从维熙 3774Words 2018-03-19
It was midnight, and the phone in the duty clinic rang.I put down the classic ghost novel I was reading in my hand, picked up the phone receiver: "Hello! I'm the infirmary, please tell me if you have anything to say." There was no reply from the other party.At first, I thought the phone was malfunctioning, but I quickly dismissed that idea.Our hotel here is a four-star hotel with international standards, and the telecommunications connections extend in all directions, leading to the ends of the world, and there has never been a phone accident.Listen carefully, and clearly heard the other party's slight snort, which proves that there is no obstruction, and the other party obviously deliberately did not answer.

"Hello, hello, I'm the infirmary..." With a "click", the other party hung up the phone. I am very annoyed.But dare not attack.The general affairs manager who directly manages our logistics department has repeatedly warned us: Passengers are the supreme God, and any logistics department should be like the service staff in restaurants and guest rooms, pay attention to the appearance of every smile and demeanor.In particular, doctors, in addition to having the above conditions, must also have a noble humanitarian spirit, and treat patients among passengers as parents, brothers and sisters.I first passed the examination of appearance and speech, and then passed the rigorous examination and defense of medical experts before entering this crystal palace-like hotel.Under the dual high standards of the doctor profession and the restaurant profession, I had no choice but to obediently put down the phone receiver and reopen the novel.

Just as I was opening the book, the phone beeped for the second time.I still asked "Hello" first with a humble and soft voice for the first time, but the other party was still silent.With my ears, I can hear that the other party seems to be breathing heavily. Only a thick man can breathe at such a frequency.oh!It was that "male dog" that loves heat again, I couldn't hold back my temper immediately, and shouted at that "male dog", "Please be more self-respectful, or I'll have to call your 'Agents'!" Come on, hang up the phone with a bang.

The reason why I showed the explosives was entirely out of self-love.More than a month ago, an employee of a business organization in the hotel country M made unreasonable demands on me during the night consultation. I threw the pile of dollars he put on the consultation table towards the door like a goddess. , and immediately informed the hotel security office to summon its business agent.The "male dog" with yellow hair on his chest not only apologized to me repeatedly, but almost lost his job because of it.That day, he grunted and panted like a pigeon about to step on an egg. Unexpectedly, after dozens of days, this "male dog" came into heat again.Get the hell out of here!If you want to find it, go find that prostitute in heavy clothes!

I resentfully put down the phone and immediately dived into the novel.For some reason, I can no longer calm down. Those chapters in the novel where people turn into ghosts and foxes into people make me feel cold and lonely.After the beginning of winter, the tourism industry enters the off-season, and the number of doctors on night shift is reduced from two to one.The restaurants run by people from Shanghai are really budget-conscious. The general affairs manager removed a doctor to go to the branch during the day to make rounds, and I was the only one left on the night shift.No wonder Shanghai is the only country in the country that has invented the half-two food stamps.

Is it a monster?When I was staring at the book in a daze, the phone chirped like a bird.I still use the soft voice like a cloud, and ask "Hello" first, because I can't tell whether the caller is the yellow-haired male dog.A shrewd hotel manager often conducts fire reconnaissance on the service personnel. A pharmacist in the pharmacy mistook a teapot for a chamber pot. When the manager called for a reconnaissance call at midnight, the pharmacist was dozing off and forgot the polite words in a daze. I was fired the next day and went to find another job.I am a demobilized military doctor who came to the local area, and I know better discipline than my counterparts from the local hospital, so "Hello" has become my mantra.Once when I was squeezing the bus, a man stepped on my foot. Due to the conditioned reflex of the central nervous system, I said "Hello" casually.This was originally an unconscious mechanical reaction, but it caused the butter boy to follow me after getting out of the car, handed over a business card, and insisted on inviting me to drink coffee.I politely took the business card and declined his invitation.This is the trouble I get with the idiom "hello".Trouble is trouble, the word "hello" should still be used.

At this time, after I finished saying "Hello" to the phone receiver as usual, I said the name without hesitation: "This is the infirmary of the hotel, please speak." To my dismay, there was still a violent panting sound through the receiver.My professional instinct suddenly made me feel another kind of vigilance: Maybe the other party is a patient with acute pneumonia?If he is a passenger in his seventies and eighties.Or a mute with an acute attack of emphysema, who can only pant but cannot speak, I hung up the phone in a hurry, that would be a doctor's negligence. "Hey! Hey—" I called.

"Please speak into the microphone!" I increased the volume. "If you are unable to speak, please press the electric bell next to the bed." I shouted anxiously to the other party, "After ringing the bell, the attendant on your floor will come to your room. You can tell him what you want. Let the waiter speak to me for you." I first said in Chinese what a doctor should say, lest the patient be a "foreigner", I expressed the above meaning in English.Then, hold the phone receiver tightly and wait for the other party's answer. All my sincerity was not rewarded as expected, and the other party remained silent.I thought, maybe this patient was following my instructions, calling the waiter with the electric bell, and then focused on the earpiece, waiting for the answer with love and patience.

The other party coughed, indicating that he did not put down the phone, but still did not answer.I waited, just seven or eight minutes, like half a century, until my ears and neck were slightly sore when I was holding the phone receiver, and when I was about to put down the phone, the other party heard an echo: "I'm really sorry, are you Miss Liu Qi?" It was my turn to be silent.After the silence, gunpowder exploded: "What kind of prank is this? Look at your watch, it's 1:20 in the morning. Please be respectful and don't disturb the work of the night shift doctor." The assistant of the hotel manager is a creamy boy.From the first day I arrived at the hotel, he chased me like a shadow, and I assumed the call was from him, and it bounced back like a missile.

It was an unlucky long winter night. Few patients came to see the doctor, but the devilish phone calls kept coming.It shattered my peace and disturbed my tranquility.I opened the curtains and looked aimlessly at the street. The night was quiet and deep, only the arcs of red taillights of cars going south and north, east and west were flickering around the overpass. My eyes followed those moving and shining arcs for a long time, and for the first time I felt that the hotel I was in was like a cage with no water flowing.I like the noisy rushing river.In the past, the sanatorium of our military region stood on the bank of the Hun River beside the forest.I am willing to wear the military uniform known as "green leather", and I am willing to wear a female soldier's big shell cap. In a word, I like green.The forest is dark green, the river is light green, and the female military doctor wears olive green between dark green and light green.I once swore with my girlfriends that I would live here for the rest of my life, only for the poetic green shade in my life.

Fate is twisting and turning like that overpass bridge. I never dreamed that one day I would bid farewell to the Hunjiang River and the forest, and come to this dusty big city.One day two years ago, I received an urgent telegram from the Luoquan Hutong Street Committee, saying that both my parents were critically ill and told me to return home as soon as possible.When I first read the telegram, I was not very surprised. I thought it was an excuse for my parents to ask me to go home to visit relatives; because my parents had just turned 50, and when I returned to Beijing to visit relatives during the Spring Festival, the factory where they worked had just made a job for them. After a comprehensive physical examination, the two elders found nothing wrong with them.I remember my father said to me excitedly: "Xiaoqi, it looks like your mother and I can strive to be birthday guys. My eyesight in both eyes is still 1.5, and your mother's eyesight is 1.2, ranking first in the whole factory." crown!" Now that the telegram says that both parents are critically ill, isn't it a new fairy tale made up of "Arabian Nights"? After reading the telegram a few times, cold sweat dripped down my forehead. What can't be ignored is: my parents lied to me to go back, why bother to sign the name of "Street Committee"?Why send an "urgent" telegram?I was vaguely aware that some accident must have happened at home, not in the factory but in the house.My brother is doing business in Zhuhai in the south, and his parents live in a single-family house with only six bungalows. If any accidents happen, the street committee is naturally duty-bound, so this telegram is absolutely true! The train rumbled southward, amidst the sound of rolling wheels, I had countless guesses: Was it a gas tank explosion?Or a cable fire?Maybe hit by a car?Or it is that the old houses are not repaired, and the houses collapsed in the rainstorm. From the TV, we know that Beijing has been a summer of continuous rain this year. Unexpectedly, when I rushed back to Beijing, the bodies of my parents had already been cremated, and both of them entered the Laoshan columbarium in Babaoshan.This sudden blow caused me to have a big quarrel with my brother, because he flew back to Beijing from Zhuhai two days earlier than me, and he presided over the cremation and burial of ashes.I complained why he didn't wait for me to come back and let me meet my parents for the last time?The street cadres, together with the factory cadres, gave a detailed explanation for my brother: When they found my parents, their bodies had already decomposed.The neighbors on the street smelled the stench from the small courtyard and refused to open the door, so they broke in.Afterwards, the street neighbor called the criminal police.Street cadres, forensics and factory leaders.The reason why it is so motivating.It's all because the parents died very badly: the two elders didn't die on the bed or in the kitchen, but in the air-raid shelter dug in the courtyard during the war preparation period in 1960.After criminal investigation and forensic examination, there was no trace of murder or homicide, so it was judged that when the two elders passed through the five-meter-deep air-raid shelter, the cover suddenly collapsed, causing the two elders to collide and fall to death.Neighbors, however, disputed that judgment.One: A shovel and a flashlight were found in the air-raid shelter, both new and without any rust, which shows that they are not relics from when the whole people dug the air-raid shelter in 1960.Second: If the death of the two elders was caused by the sudden collapse of the cave cover when passing by the entrance of the cave, the body of the deceased should be on top of the stone, but the scene of death was the cement board mixed with falling soil, covering the body of the deceased.The street cadres couldn't write all these details on the telegram paper. In fact, when they sent me the "critically ill" telegram, my parents had already died in the underworld. puzzle! Totally a mystery! A death mystery that is difficult to explain clearly! Both my brother and I believed that there was something hidden behind the death of our parents.Judging from the flashlight and the shovel, it was probably at night that the old couple went down to dig and bury something in the air-raid shelter, and the air-raid shelter suddenly collapsed.Dad is the deputy director of a medium-sized factory, and mother is the director of an inner kindergarten. She has been poor all her life. What treasures do you need to bury? !In the People's Republic of China, they can only be regarded as two little people among hundreds of millions of ordinary beings, and no one will further decipher this "mystery".The only thing they managed was to demobilize me and return to Beijing to live in this old house with the gray walls. The chirping phone rings, calling me again.My soul came back from wandering under the overpass where life and death intersected, and slowly approached the phone.I reckoned that it was already four o'clock in the morning, and no matter how energetic that young cream boy was, he could only take a nap in the manager's duty room. He had absolutely no interest in continuing to pester me, so he grabbed the receiver without hesitation: "Hello--" "Hi—" The other party replied politely. "Are you a patient? Please tell me the room you live in." "I...I...can't be called a patient." The other party was a man.Panting and stuttering, he said, "No, you can call it a patient! I live in room 1208. If you can come here, I will wait for you." I notified the switchboard, and if there are patients seeking medical treatment, please dial 1208.Then he picked up the medicine box and walked to the door of the elevator.I wanted a patient to seek medical advice to get rid of my disorganized and lonely thoughts, and now the time has come.
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