Home Categories contemporary fiction Empty Nest
Empty Nest

Empty Nest


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 27493

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 one

Empty Nest 从维熙 2891Words 2018-03-19
There is a knock at the door.I looked at my watch, it was already past eleven o'clock in the winter night. "It's me. Uncle, I'm Ni Hong, Ni Xiang's daughter." She announced her name with a soft voice, "I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my mother said, I must ask you to go downstairs. " "What's the matter? It's not that the dog ate the sun. Isn't there still tomorrow:" Although I said so, I went to pick the flower mirror on the bridge of my nose.Ni Hong's father went to Daxing'an Mountains, and there were no male citizens in the empty building with three bedrooms and one living room, only mother and daughter were left. I had no other choice but to go downstairs with Ni Hong.

"Is your mother sick?" At this time the elevator had stopped, and as I was going down the stairs step by step, I asked Ni Hong who was helping me down the stairs. "No." Ni Hong shook her head, and threw her long shawl hair onto my cheeks.She brushed back her perfume-scented hair, smiled and said to me, "If my mother is sick, I won't disturb you, and you are not a doctor. There is a problem at home that can only be solved by you. So I can only go to 'Wollongong' at night, please be Mr. Zhuge, uncle." Girls in fashion are all infected with the addiction of crosstalk actors on stage, and they like to joke and humor. Ni Hong is no exception. She works as a translation secretary in the Beijing office of a foreign business company, and her career requires her to be very eloquent.So, after going down a flight of stairs, she still hasn't clarified her intention of coming to me, just like a crosstalk actor "hanging the door" on the stage, "hanging" so that I desperately want to know the answer.

"Actually, if my father didn't go to drink ice and sleep in the snow, or to observe some birds in the snow country, he wouldn't have to visit the thatched cottage at night to invite uncle." Ni Hong revealed a slightly complaining tone, and it was in my ear like a night mandarin duck. He cried softly and said, "Uncle, let me tell you something that you may not like to hear. Your generation has lived a very hard and tiring life. How many years have you been reformed in the Xingkai Lake Labor Reform Farm? What are you doing in the meadow!" I didn't want to correct her visual deviation, but I couldn't help but answer a few words: "Your father studies the bird family in zoology. When Xingkai Lake was transformed, he never stopped collecting birds. Specimen. Remember, once your father was criticized for this matter. The labor reform team leader questioned your father and said: "You have the word 'Xiang' in your name, and you watch all kinds of birds in the woods every day, don't you?" Want to fly over Xingkai Lake and seek refuge with Suxiu on the other side of the lake (it was the early 1960s during the Great Sino-Soviet Controversy)? Let me tell you, no matter how fast a bird flies, it can’t keep up with the speed of a bullet. Ni Hong, you Daughter, you can't desecrate your father's lifelong pursuit."

Ni Hong laughed—a very loud laugh: "Uncle, don't you think my father is too close to the image of a rotten scholar?! Russia's Chekhov wrote an article "The Man in the Box". It's not trivial, but in my heart I'm quite like the protagonist of that novel." After she finished speaking, she laughed even louder.The laughter was like a gust of wind chimes blowing across the spring field, which made my heart beat faster and echoed like a pigeon whistle in the building. I don't talk anymore.It's not that I don't want to talk, nor that I have nothing to answer.It is already midnight in the severe winter, and the residents in the building have already gone to bed; if I express any objection to this crazy girl, it will be tantamount to provoking a "Gulf War".I don't want to be Saddam Hussein, and I don't want to be attacked by "Ni Hongpai" missiles, so that I can simply be silenced, so as to calm things down and move with silence.

This really blames my ignorance of contemporary "tide-makers".Who would have expected that Ni Hong's emotional radiation is based on the center of her circle, and she is not restricted by my silence at all, and continues to rebound on my words.If that posture is the same as the "cart" and "horse" threatening to "Zijin City", it seems that I must admit defeat in this dead game.She said, "Uncle, my dad has spent most of his life tracking birds in the sky. How much "Ocean" has the country rewarded him for his hard work?Not as good as the nail cap of my little thumb!There is only one life, and you can't be reincarnated and live again, why should you be an ascetic who is willing to go to the west to get some scriptures? ! "

Thanks to the fact that we had already descended to the third floor, Ni Hong's mother stood under the light of the corridor.Wearing a thick fuchsia sweater, she repeatedly apologized to me and said: "This girl is just crazy, laughing so hard that the whole building is like an earthquake, and she doesn't even look at the time, she really loses her shape as she grows." "Sister-in-law, what is the urgent matter for me?" "Come, let's talk in the house." After I sat down on the sofa in the living room, the chime clock in Ni Xiang's bookcase just struck twelve o'clock.This hour is not only the end of the day when the hour hand and second run, but also the beginning of the re-movement of the hour hand and second.I subconsciously looked up at the arc of the clock dial, as if I had a premonition that something unlucky was going to happen, and leaned on the soft back of the sofa anxiously, waiting for the call of Ni Hong's mother, Wu Jin.

"Listen—" Wu Jin looked very nervous. "It's the crying baby on the street." I smiled, and my expression immediately relaxed, "You're looking for me for this?" "Uncle, it's not a baby crying, it's—" I cut Ni Hong's words firmly, and stood up and prepared to go home: "The baby is hungry in the middle of the night, this is the low cry of looking for the mother's nipple. Wu Jin, you have been a mother before, how can you not distinguish this kind of sound?" The voice, and you are making a fuss upstairs to move troops!"

"Did you listen to what my mother told you!" Ni Hong coquettishly pushed me back on the sofa, and brought me a cup of boiling coffee. "Uncle, this is a bird singing." "What kind of bird?" I was confused by the mother and daughter, "There is no bird singing at night in this noisy city of Beijing." "It's the fault here." Sitting on the sofa opposite me, Wu Jin began to tell me what happened this afternoon: Because of the abundant sunshine in the afternoon, she opened the window of the balcony when she was retired at home, in order to change the air in the room .Unexpectedly, a bird floated into the window like a snow ball.If it was something like a sparrow, Wu Jin would show it out; what she never expected was that the little bird that flew into the glass window of the balcony was as white as snow, as cute as "Snow White" descended to earth.Seeing that the bird was very beautiful, Wu Jin closed the balcony window in time.The "Snow White" fluttered its wings for a while, knew the banging of the glass windows, and when it was exhausted and unable to break through, she easily caught it.Except for the rare bird specimens on Lao Ni’s balcony, there were birdcages and bird food bowls and other sundries. Wu Jin put them into the birdcage, and then imitated Lao Ni’s method of feeding birds, mixing them with egg yolk in a bowl. For millet, pour clean water into another small bowl to let it eat and drink.The bird initially refused to eat or drink in protest of being caged.When Ni Hong returned home from get off work in the evening, she was surprised to find that the bird had swallowed both the bird food and water.The mother and daughter looked around the birdcage, but they couldn't name the bird. Ni Hong immediately looked through her father's bird dictionary. There was no entry for this bird in the dictionary entry. After dark, the bird will cry like a baby crying.The voice was so shrill and long that the mother and daughter felt uneasy, so they went upstairs and carried me downstairs.The reason is very simple. I worked with Ni Xiang in the deep mountains and old forests of the Northeast. I often worked with birds. I would recognize the name of this strange bird.Otherwise, the mother and daughter would be so disturbed by the bird's night cry that they would not be able to sleep all night.

It's a little mysterious - such a "white angel" flies from the bustling Kyoto; a little exciting - a beautiful bird without a beautiful singing voice.I walked quickly to the balcony, turned on the lights, and turned around the birdcage.My first intuition told me that this bird was deceived and strayed into the balcony of Ni’s house, because there were model specimens of larks, thrushes, copper beaks, and pheasants on the balcony. It thought that there was a family of birds here, so it The second intuition surprised me. Not only did this bird have wings as white as snow, but its body was as small as a willow leaf.What is particularly eye-catching is that this "white dress and white skirt" bird has a cherry red beak and claw tips. To make an inappropriate comparison, it looks like a fashionable snow suit with red lips and red lips. Miss Jiaojiao of nails.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Ni Hong showed a somewhat smug expression. "It's so beautiful." I praised the bird sincerely, "This is a divine bird visiting your family." "I've read an Arab style book, and it's not auspicious for a bird to fly into a house." Wu Jin didn't have a daughter's complacent look on his face, and he said, "plus it crows like a bird at night. The baby was crying, and my heart was very disturbed." Ni Hong immediately corrected her mother and said, "That's a superstition. After you've been a teacher for most of your life, why do you believe in witchcraft?"

"Lao Ye, I just want to know the family of this bird." Wu Jin looked straight at me, "Maybe you have seen this kind of bird in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast?" "No." I shook my head. "If only her father was at home." Wu Jin was quite disappointed, "Look, because of a bird, I dragged you downstairs in the middle of the night. Xiaohong, let's take you, Uncle Ye, upstairs, he has already disturbed his life." It's time for a nap." I declined Ni Hong's support.He also suggested to their mother and daughter: "There is a bird market in Shuiduzi in the south, and there are many bird experts there. You might as well go and let the experts identify them."
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