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Chapter 54 Chapter 9: Pharmacy (4)

grass house 曹文轩 2695Words 2018-03-19
San Qiao left his job and took Sang Sang to Suzhou City to see a doctor.After a month, I went to several hospitals and used up all the money I brought, but what I got in exchange was the same conclusion as the county hospital.Sancho has read many medical books and knows about medical matters.With the same conclusion again and again, he no longer doubts the fact that Sangsang will leave him soon.Sancho no longer knew sorrow, but in a short period of time, his hair grew white.He always blamed himself in his heart for paying too late attention to Sangsang—even when Sangsang was already seriously ill, he beat him viciously for that little honor.He was full of pity and guilt towards Sangsang.

"This kind of disease may be cured by some folk remedies." With this fantasy in mind, Sancho bought some medicines that he knew were useless, and led Sangsang back to Yau Ma Tei, where he began to search for folk tricks .Not long after this operation started, the clues increased day by day, and in the end, there were countless clues.As in the past, clinging to any opportunity for glory, Sancho clings desperately to these clues that sound like they could take Sansang's life back. In the days that followed, the people in Yau Ma Tei often saw the scene: Sancho led Sansang out, or Sancho led Sansang home.Sometimes, it is Sancho who walks holding Sangsang's hand; sometimes, it is Sancho who walks with Sangsang on his back.Sometimes I come back on the same day I go out, and sometimes I don’t come back until a day or two or two or three.When returning, there will always be many people who come forward to wait and see.People have also seen hope from Sancho's face, but they see more of deep hopelessness.Sancho looked more and more tired day by day, and Sansang was also getting thinner day by day.Later, when people saw Sancho leading Sangsang back from the outside again, seeing Sancho's expression was a bit numb.Sancho still didn't give up any clues, and he was still looking for clues.His behavior has almost become a mechanical behavior, and he can break through the soles of a pair of shoes within a few days.

The children in Yau Ma Tei didn't know what kind of disease Sangsang was, but they felt what happened to Sangsang from the faces of Sangsang's parents and teacher.When Sangsang appeared, they always stood at a distance without speaking as if they didn't know how to treat Sangsang.A few children, such as Tu He and A Shu, would come over and call "Sang Sang", but soon they didn't know what to say to Sang Sang.That "Sang Sang" sound was strange, kind and tinged with pity. Sangsang found that he had never been noticed by children like today.He has an indescribable sense of squeamishness and inexplicable satisfaction.He sadly and sweetly accepted those eyes of blessing and comfort, and put on a powerless and vulnerable look of "I'm sick".He suddenly became quiet and hygienic, just like when Zhiyue came to Yau Ma Tei Primary School to study.The difference is that now, he is more delicate and weak.He accepted everyone's care with peace of mind, and looked at those who helped him with grateful and gentle eyes.He is still taking classes on and off.Teachers always praise him, even if his class answers are not ideal, even if he makes too many homework mistakes.Sangsang didn't think there was anything inappropriate about all of this, but she was a little shy.

Among countless eyes, Sangsang could always feel Zhiyue's eyes. Ever since Sangsang was declared ill, there was a kind of panic and sadness in Zhiyue's eyes.She would quietly go to see Sangsang behind the crowd.And when Sangsang caught her gaze by chance, she would still look at Sangsang instead of quickly turning her eyes away as usual.Instead, Sangsang turned her gaze to the side first. Zhiyue knew the day Sangsang was sick, so she told her grandmother: "Sangsang is sick." From then on, Zhiyue would walk into Sangsang's yard every few days, or put down a basket of eggs or a basket of fresh vegetables.She only said one sentence to Sangsang's mother: "Grandma asked me to bring it." She didn't say who she brought it to.When Sangsang's mother talked about these things with Qiu's second mother, she always said: "It's Zhiyue's grandma who brought them to Sangsang."

That day, when Sancho came back from the outside with Sangsang on his back, it happened to be raining and the roads and bridges were slippery.Zhiyue had seen them walking hard a long time ago, braving the rain, pulled a large bag of straw from the haystack beside the playground, and spread them thickly on the slippery bridge.Sangsang, who was lying on Sancho's back, saw all this from a distance.When San Qiao walked into the campus through the soft straw with Sang Sang on his back, Sang Sang saw the paper moon standing under the sycamore tree: her hair was wet by the rain, and a few strands of it were attached to her forehead by the rain. On the thin round chin, there are glistening raindrops dripping.

When the winter was coming to an end, Sangsang's body obviously deteriorated.He started to have a fever every afternoon, and when he slept at night, he was sweating all over his body at every turn, as if he had just been fished out of the water.Waking up in the morning, Sangsang had a feeling of lightness, as if she would soon float into the air like his dove.In these increasingly hopeless days, when Sancho took Sangsang out to seek medical treatment, he accidentally got an important clue: in a place called Yatang, more than a hundred miles away from Yau Ma Tei, there is a The old doctor, who obtained the medical knowledge and secret recipe passed down from his ancestors, specially cured Sangsang's disease and cured many people.

On this day, Sancho led Sansang to set off again. At the beginning, Sangsang refused to leave.He cried loudly: "I won't go! I won't go!" He didn't want to treat himself any more.These days, he has suffered countless hardships.Bitter medicine, he had already drunk how many bowls.He even bravely took the Fire Needle.A needle as long as it was burning red, pierced the lump on his neck straight down. ... It was Wen Youju who called him into her "medicine room" again. She didn't say anything, but just said to Sangsang like her grandmother did back then: "Don't be afraid!" In front of me, looking at the medicine jar, I sang the song without words that I sang that night...

The frail Wen Youju gave him mysterious power. Along the way, Sangsang could always hear that song in her ears. As the distance from Yatang shortens, things seem to be getting more promising.Sancho inquired all the way, and the result of inquiring all the way is: the place of hope is becoming clearer, more certain, and more and more convincing.People described to him more and more carefully the family history of the old doctor named Gao Debang and the legendary medical skills of the Gao family.Sancho even met a patient who had been cured by Gao Debang.It was a patient in his forties. He looked at Sangsang's lump and said, "It's exactly the same as my lump at that time, and it also grew on the neck." Then he told Sancho about the miracle of Gao Debang, and let Sangsang Joe looked at his neck--the bare neck without any signs of disease.Seeing such a neck, Sancho laughed and shed tears.He hit Sangsang's ass on his back hard twice.

And Sangsang, who had felt unable to walk for a long time, asked to get down and walk by herself. Sancho agreed. They walked to the edge of Yatang on the morning of the third day.When they identified the small town in front of them as Yatang from the passers-by, they stood still and looked at the small town with smoke from the cooking houses and the roofs of the houses were almost entirely made of blue tiles.In Sancho's eyes, this strange and ordinary town has become a city of hope that makes his soul tremble. "Yatang! Yatang!..." He repeated the word in his heart because it was closely related to his son's life.

Sangsang felt that her father's hands, which had always been cold and dry, were now sweating. They went into town. But only half an hour later, the hopes of the father and son were suddenly shattered—— Before they entered Gao's courtyard, they heard the news when they asked where Gao Debang's family lived: "Gao Debang passed away in the first year." But Sancho still pulled Sangsang and insisted on walking into Gao's courtyard. .It was Gao Debang's son who received them.When he understood the purpose of Sancho's visit, he said with great sympathy and regret: "My father passed away last autumn." He also told Sancho that Gao Debang died suddenly, and no one in his family took over from Gao Debang The medical skills of my ancestors.After Sancho heard this, he didn't know how he took Sangsang's hand and walked out of Gao's courtyard.

That day, Sancho didn't take Sangsang home, but found a small hotel in the town to stay.He suddenly felt that he could no longer resist the heavy fatigue.His legs were so weak that he could hardly walk. Sangsang was also exhausted, went into the small hotel, went to bed with her father, and fell asleep right away.
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