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Chapter 44 Chapter 8 Red Gate 2 (1)

grass house 曹文轩 2760Words 2018-03-19
In the first days after leaving school, Du Xiaokang spent most of the rest of the time in the Red Gate except taking his father for medical treatment. The red door was closed almost all day.No one knocks on the red door anymore.Zhu Yishi, who once exposed the adulteration of the Du family grocery store in the Red Gate, took advantage of the collapse of the Du family grocery store, took out his family savings, raised a sum of money from relatives and friends, and opened a new small shop in Yau Ma Tei. grocery store.Just at the head of the bridge, the location is obviously better than "Dahongmen".At night, people no longer come to Du's house to hear about ancient times.The Du family can't afford the lamp oil now.

Inside the red door, it suddenly seemed empty. During the day, there are not too many noises in the village alleys, except for occasional footsteps or a few plain questions and answers.The outside world also seemed to be silent.Du Xiaokang always sat on the threshold, listening to the movement outside the red door.When he couldn't hear the movement outside for a long time, he had no choice but to return his thoughts to the yard again.The sun shines on a lonely persimmon tree in the yard, and the branches and leaves cast shadows on the courtyard. When there is no wind, the shadows of the branches and leaves are very clear. When there is wind, the shadows are shaken up and down, making the shadows dazzling.The wind passed over the branches, always making that monotonous rustling sound.The rustling sound seemed to have been ringing for a thousand years.Occasionally, a few birds landed on the branches, and stopped singing after two calls. Because of the silence, they stood on the branches and dozed off.Falling asleep and falling asleep, suddenly felt too quiet, woke up with a start, tightened his feathers, stretched his neck to look around, then screamed a few times in fear, couldn't stand the silence, and flew away into the distance.

Du Xiaokang couldn't tell whether he was sleepy or not.But Du Xiaokang was too lazy to move, so he stepped on one side of the door frame with his feet, leaned on the other side, stared in a daze, and narrowed his eyes as if sleeping. At night, the village alleys seem to be more lively.The sound of calling chickens and dogs, and yelling children to go home, one after another.And after dinner, the footsteps will be more chaotic.People are visiting and gathering in a certain place.As usual, the children had to be divided into two groups for "desperate" street fighting.For a moment, the alley was full of blood, people shouting and killing.Du Xiaokang, who used to always play the role of commander-in-chief, is now like a general who has been dismissed or left out in the cold. When he can't prestige the battlefield, his heart is full of sadness and sadness.Standing under the red door, he listened to the hurried footsteps, the clash of sticks like raindrops and the tragic shouts. He really wanted to rush out of the door and command his army to fight from the broken wall or haystack. He won the lottery, and then walked in front of his army with might. ... He was imagining behind the Dahongmen, reliving the feeling of Dahongmen yesterday.But he finally didn't rush out the door.Because it is no longer possible for him to be king and hegemony.Now, if he wants to join this game, he can only act as a small "cannon fodder".What kind of role to take on in the game is actually not random! Du Xiaokang knew that in the game outside the door, only children like Sangsang could play such a high-spirited role as commander-in-chief, so he left Dahongmen, sat back on the threshold, and then went to look at another shadow of the persimmon tree illuminated by the moon...

When the footsteps of the last child in the village alley also disappeared, Du Xiaokang walked out of the red door.At that time, in the village lane, there was only one lane full of moonlight.Alone, he picked up a wooden stick left by the children just now, chopped it casually a few times, threw it on the ground again, and then returned to the red door. After a few days like this, Du Xiaokang finally walked out of the red door, and exposed himself to the outside most of the time.He walks here and there.He wants all the children in Yau Ma Tei to see him.He was, as usual, dressed in the best and cleanest clothes of the Yau Ma Tei boys, and he could not help exaggerating his joy.

But during the day, he doesn't meet too many children.Because there are not too many children who do not go to school.He wandered around the village alleys, the threshing field, and the fields, but he couldn't meet enough children. At this time, Du Xiaokang hoped that his father Du Yonghe was still paralyzed, and then he left Yau Ma Tei on a wooden boat to treat him.But Du Yonghe has been able to stand up and walk while leaning on the wall.Logically speaking, he still needs treatment, but the Du family is really at the end of its rope, and he can no longer borrow money for treatment.

Du Xiaokang has never experienced such profound loneliness. But Du Xiaokang is Du Xiaokang after all.He cannot pity himself, let alone allow others to pity him.He can only be the arrogant Du Xiaokang, the happy Du Xiaokang. When he heard the sound of reading and noise on the other side, and felt that after he dropped out of school, everything was as usual and they didn't take it seriously, he began to sing loudly by the river.He sang all the songs he learned in the literature and art propaganda team one by one.Sing it once, and sing it again.Fearing that the children on the other side would not hear him, he climbed onto a big tree on the bank.This big tree has several thick horizontal branches, almost reaching the center of the river.He sat on the horizontal branch and suddenly drew closer to the classroom, as if he was standing under the rear window of the classroom.He has played the witty reconnaissance hero and the heroic company commander.He still remembers what Sancho said when he was rehearsing the program: "Thinking of yourself as a hero, a great person, when you walk, you have to take big strides, hold your head high, look at the sky, there are clouds in the sky, you have to Think of yourself as a person who can fly through the clouds. Who can compare with you? You are a hero. Heroes don’t think about those useless little things. Heroes only think about big things. When you think about big things, you suddenly feel that you are taller than others, taller Many, but others, in your eyes, are obviously tall and big, but they suddenly become small. If you look at people this way, it’s as if you are standing on a platform, and all the people are standing on the platform. Under the table. Think about it, you are not an ordinary person. Don’t you feel proud when you think that you are not an ordinary person? Can you not be excited? When people are excited, their noses will turn sour, their eyes will turn red, I can only see the figure vaguely..." He continued to sing like this, and when he sang to the climax, he would stand on the horizontal branch, put one hand on the other oblique branch above his head, and really sing You have to impress yourself.

Bald Crane said: "Du Xiaokang is singing." Everyone heard it, and instead of listening to the teacher's lecture, they just listened to Du Xiaokang singing. "Du Xiaokang is still so happy." The children admired Du Xiaokang in their hearts. The teacher stopped lecturing, and just waited for Du Xiaokang to finish singing.But Du Xiaokang is endless.The teacher pushed open the window of the classroom: "Hey, Du Xiaokang, what are you crying about?" Du Xiaokang was embarrassed.He stopped singing.But I don't know whether it's better to stay on the horizontal branch or go back to the shore.Later, he sat on the horizontal branch and leaned his body on another slightly higher horizontal branch, making a comfortable and idle look. "I want to bask in the sun." His legs hung down, looking lazy.He tilted his head, half-closed his eyes, and looked at the river.

The river flows under the branches.A soft twig hangs down into the water, and several small, long and flexible fishes suck the branch with their mouths for a while, and circle around the branch one by one.Occasionally, a gust of wind came, and the few small fish were startled and disappeared in a flash.But after a while, he swam leisurely to the surface of the water again. School is over at noon. Many children stood by the river, looked at Du Xiaokang, felt that he was really comfortable, and thought to themselves: If only I could not go to school. After school, Sangsang used a boat to go fishing in the middle of the river, and drifted the boat under the big tree with the wind.

Since Du Xiaokang stopped going to school, Sangsang and him suddenly became less separated than before.Sangsang always remembered the scene when Du Xiaokang took his father to see a doctor that day, passing by him in a small boat.Sangsang is always a kind child.At that moment, the past immediately disappeared.When Du Xiaokang saw Sangsang standing by the river and looking at him for a long time, he suddenly felt that his best classmate was actually Sangsang. "Du Xiaokang, what are you doing sitting here?" Sangsang reached out and grabbed the branches to prevent the boat from drifting away with the wind.

"I bask in the sun." He opened his eyes, "It's nice not to go to school." Sangsang was always a child who didn't like reading, and he actually felt that what Du Xiaokang said was something he always wanted to say in his heart. "Study is really boring. It's always class, class, class, homework, homework, homework, exams, exams, exams, and if you don't do well, you'll be beaten when you get home. Now, I don't go to school. I play all day long, and I can’t get enough of it. Yesterday, I went to catch fish in the back pond, and I caught a three-pound black fish. I couldn’t catch it, it was too strong. I pressed it with my whole body, Only then did I hold it down. When it had no strength, I got up and grabbed it..."

Sangsang envied Du Xiaokang.He tied the rope of the boat to the branch, grasped the branch with both hands, turned over on the branch as soon as his body shrank, and sat on the branch to bask in the sun.
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