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Chapter 33 Chapter 6 Fine Horse (1)

grass house 曹文轩 4239Words 2018-03-19
The family that has the closest relationship with Sangsang's family is Qiu Yuanlong's second master Qiu's family. Qiu Erye's family lived alone, not too far away from Sangsang's house. The Qiu family opened a dental practice earlier, and they are also a family with a solid family background.Later, the tooth shop couldn't open, but Qiu Erye still worked as a eavesman, and went to the market to introduce the sale of cattle.A man surnamed Wang wants to buy a cow surnamed Li. The buyer is not sure about the temperament of the cow, and does not know whether the cow has any hidden diseases. At this time, a knowledgeable middleman is needed as a guarantee. A good price requires a knowledgeable intermediary to help him point out the various benefits of his cattle and let the other party know the goods.Qiu Erye is very reliable.When he looks at a cow, that is to say, he looks at the cow, and he never looks at the teeth, or slaps the hip bones.Selling or buying, as long as Qiu Erye is the introducer, everyone thinks the deal is fair.Qiu Erye is kind and kind, and there are no those eavesmen who rely on lip service to encourage people to sell or buy for their own benefit.He only said: "It's right for you to spend so much money on this cow." Or "It's right for you to sell this cow for so much money." The seller and the buyer all know that Qiu Erye is responsible for him.Therefore, Qiu Erye's business is very good and he gets a lot of commissions.

Qiu's second mother is a well-known pretty second mother in Yau Ma Tei.People in Yau Ma Tei say that Qiu Erma was the most beautiful woman when she married in Yau Ma Tei.Although Qiu Erma is now in her fifties, she is still very radiant.Qiu's second mother is always spotless all year round.Qiu Erma's hair is carefully combed every day, and oiled, it shines brightly when the sun shines.The bun is very delicate, as if it took a few days to make it.A black net was put on the bun, and a hairpin inlaid with jade was inserted.The jade is very moist and bright. Qiu Erye and Qiu Erma built a very good home: a good house, a good garden, and a good household.

But this family has a great shortcoming: no children. This shortcoming is unforgettable to Qiu Erye and Qiu Erma.They did everything they could, but in the end they couldn't have a child.When they finally gave up hope, they would often wake up in the middle of the night, and then, in a kind of loneliness, a kind of panic about the future, a kind of feeling lost after being compared with the prosperous people. In the inferiority complex I felt, I waited sadly and anxiously until dawn.Looking at a good house, a good garden, and good furniture, they feel that this is really meaningless. At the beginning, Qiu's second mother was thinking about children but had no children. When she saw other people's children, she couldn't help expressing her liking.She always called these children home and gave them peanuts or red dates and dried persimmons.If it is a child still in the mother's arms, she will say to the child's mother: "Let me hug you."But when she finally understood that it was absolutely impossible for her to have another child, she suddenly became indifferent to the child.She thinks that the child is too noisy, and that the child has messed up things in her house.Therefore, people with children remind their children: "Don't go to Qiu Erma's house. Qiu Erma doesn't like children coming into her house."

When they suddenly felt one morning that they were old and needed a young life around them, they had a premonition that a kind of sadness was coming to them step by step.They have almost seen a bleak old scene. They thought of Qiu Erye's eldest brother who lived in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River: he had four sons. So, Second Master Qiu set off with an intention he had established after discussing with Second Mother Qiu for a few nights—to adopt a son from everyone in Qiu. Only ten days later, Qiu Erye returned to Yau Ma Tei.He brought back the protagonist of this chapter, a boy named Xima.

This is the youngest son of Qiu Da, a very energetic boy, with a big forehead, slightly dim eyes, slightly yellow eyes, but surprisingly bright, two front teeth are slightly bigger, which indicates that he will grow up, he is a man of great strength man. However, just ten minutes after seeing the fine horse, Qiu's second mother suddenly came out of her pure liking for watching a boy, and changed her expression to a cold one. Second Master Qiu knew why Second Mother Qiu had such a look on her face.He walked into the kitchen shortly after Erma Qiu walked out of the house and into the kitchen.

Qiu's second mother was cleaning the pot and remained silent. Qiu Erye said: "The boss only agrees that I bring the youngest one back. Qiu Er's mother threw the scoop of water into the water tank: "When he is brought up, our bones will have turned to ashes long ago. " Qiu Erye sat on the stool, holding his head in his hands. Qiu's second mother said: "He can figure it out. Keep the big one, and the big one will be useful. If you give the young one to others, the young one will have to spend money to support him. We will raise him up, and then we will keep the family property. Give it to him. What are we going to do? Your brother is such a good idea too!"

"Then what should I do? Everyone has been brought back by me." "Let him play for a few days, then send him back." "It's easy to say, I moved all his household registration out, and it's in my pocket." Erma Qiu cleaned the pot, and cried while cleaning. At this time, Xi Ma stood at the door of the kitchen, and asked with a Jiangnan accent that Qiu Erye and Qiu Erma couldn't understand: "What kind of tree is in the yard?" Qiu Erye went to see Qiu Da, had been to Jiangnan several times, could barely understand Jiangnan dialect, and said: "Wu Sapium."

"Is it a bird's nest up there?" "It's a bird's nest." "What bird's nest?" "Magpie." "There are no magpies in the trees." "They flew out." The fine horse looked up at the sky.There are no magpies in the sky, only doves.As he watched, he asked, "Whose pigeons?" "Sangsang's family." "Is Sangsang an adult?" "About your age." "Is his home far away?" "There's a bridge ahead, over there." "I'm going to play with him." Just as Qiu Erye was about to stop him, the fine horse had already run out of the yard.

Sangsang saw the fine horse.At first Xima was very eager to speak, but when he found it difficult for Sangsang to understand his words, he stopped talking and stood aside watching Sangsang feeding the pigeons strangely. After the fine horse left, Sangsang said to her mother, "He is a little barbarian from the south of the Yangtze River." Qiu Erye led the fine horse to Sancho and told him about the transfer of the fine horse.Sancho asked: "What grade are you in?" Qiu Erye said: "It's time for the fourth grade, just like Sangsang." Sancho said: "Go to Teacher Jiang Yilun and tell me that I agree."

Jiang Lun wanted to find out the bottom line, so he sent out a few papers for Xima to do.The paper was placed on Jiang Lunlun's desk, and Xi Ma sat on the chair where Jiang Yilun sat, staring at the paper for a long time before starting to answer.Answered for a while, then stopped again, picked his nostrils, or touched his ears, looking very helpless.Jiang Yilun collected the paper, looked at it, and said to Sancho: "A fine horse can only study in the third grade at most." Qiu's second mother came to Sang Sang's house and said to Sang Qiao: "Let him study in the fourth grade."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up," Sancho said. Qiu's second mother said: "I don't think he is a material for studying, so he just followed the gangsters and dragged him down." " Sancho smiled bitterly: "I'll talk to Teacher Jiang again." Xima became Sangsang's classmate. When Xi Ma was brought to class by Jiang Lunlun, the children looked at him with fresh but strange eyes.For he is a little savage from far away. Xi Ma and Bald Crane share a desk. Xima looked at Bald Crane's head and smiled, showing a few front teeth. The bald crane said in a low voice: "Little barbarian!" The fine horse can't understand, look at him, look at you, which means: what is this bald man talking about? The children just laughed. Xi Ma didn't know what the children were laughing at, and felt that he should laugh too, so he laughed with the children. The children laughed. Bald Crane said again: "Little Barbarian!" Xima still doesn't know what the bald crane is talking about. The children yelled together: "Little savage!" For some reason, Xima learned to say: "Little savage." The children immediately burst out laughing.Sangsang laughed so hard that her bottom left the stool, the stool lost its balance, and one end of the stool tilted up, throwing a child sitting on the other end of the bench to the ground.The child's face was ashamed, and he wanted to be annoyed, but Jiang Round, who had been cleaning the blackboard, turned around: "What are you laughing at? Be quiet! Class is on!" The laughter gradually subsided. After class for a while, Jiang Lunlun, who had always expressed doubts about Xima's learning level, planned to try Xima again, so he asked him to stand up and read the text.Jiang Yilun said it three times in a row, and only then did Xi Ma understand that the teacher was asking him to read the text.He groaned for a long time, picked up the book, and suddenly began to read aloud with a loud voice.His accent is so different from that of Yau Ma Tei that the children in Yau Ma Tei couldn't understand a single word, only Ji Li Wa La. Jiang Lun could barely understand a sentence.He tried to understand, and his expression seemed very focused.But to no avail.Hearing it later, he found it funny at first, and then got a little annoyed. The fine horse was so straight that there were blue veins on his forehead, and the blue veins on his neck swelled out as if he had blown enough air, his face was flushed, and there were beads of sweat on his nose. Jiang Lun wanted to wave his hand to make him stop, which showed that he was reading very hard, but he couldn't bear to let him stop. The children were laughing at the bottom, and without knowing why, someone occasionally imitated the fine horse and said something, which made everyone laugh, and saw Jiang Lunlun's displeased face in a blink of an eye, and swallowed the laughter . Although Jiang Yilun couldn't understand, he could tell from Xi Ma's pauses, babbles, and repetitions that it was very difficult for Xi Ma to read this text. The children were either secretly laughing or talking in whispers, and the classroom was a mess. Jiang Yilun finally waved his hand, telling Xi Ma to stop and stop reading. The fine horse clearly saw disappointment on Jiang Roundup's face.He didn't know what he wanted to express, so he repeated a sentence to Jiang Yilun over and over again.Jiang Yilun couldn't understand. After shaking his head for a while, he looked at the children, meaning: Do you understand? All the children below shook their heads.Xi Ma finally understood: he was thrown into a world where he could not communicate with language.He looked anxiously at dozens of blank eyes, lowered his head, and felt the depression and loneliness that only a mute can have. Jiang Yuan waved his hand and let the fine horse sit down. In the later time, Xi Ma stared blankly at the blackboard. After class, the children felt that they had been holding back for forty-five minutes, and finally had a chance to speak, either screaming loudly, or using a kind of gesture with each other like a pot of water boiling, and the lid of the pot was bouncing. Talking at a high speed, the entire campus was so noisy that no human voice could be heard. Xima leaned against a plane tree alone, thinking about the small town in the south of the Yangtze River, the elementary school, and the children who spoke the same accent as him in a state of speechlessness. The next class was arithmetic class, and Xima couldn't understand almost a sentence of what others said. The next day, when Xi Ma thought of going to class, he felt a little apprehensive and didn't want to go to school.But Qiu Erye didn't allow it, so he had no choice but to come to the school reluctantly.He became more and more afraid of speaking, and became withdrawn day by day.After about seven or eight days, he said nothing and refused to go to school.Qiu Erye thought, it's nothing to delay for a day or two, so he will go.But after three or four days, I didn't see that he wanted to go to school, so I refused and dragged him to school.When he was pushed to the door of the classroom by Master Qiu and saw a room full of children looking at him in a strange silence, he felt a deeper strangeness, put his feet against the threshold, and refused He went in, and was slapped on the back of the head by Qiu Erye, and Jiang Yilun stretched out his hand to pull him, so he sat back beside the bald crane. Jiang Lunlun and all the other teachers, fearing to embarrass Xi Ma, were cautious, and no longer asked Xi Ma to stand up to read or speak in class, and the children no longer laughed at him, but just watched him quietly when he was not paying attention. looked at him, and did not speak to him.Such a situation only further strengthened Xi Ma's loneliness. The fine horse is always standing outside the group of children, either watching the children doing things, or looking for another fun thing by himself. That day, Sangsang came back and said to her mother: "The fine horses are always on the field, playing with the flock of sheep." Mother and Sangsang came to the gate of the courtyard together, looked towards the field, and saw a fine horse sitting on the field ridge, and those sheep were grazing peacefully beside him.Those sheep seemed to be very familiar with the fine horses, and none of them walked away from him. Mother said: "Go and play with the fine horse." Sangsang stood still.Because, he felt that when he was with Xima, he always felt very strange.There is nothing to say, it is a very uncomfortable thing.However, he still walked towards the fine horse. After a quiz, the little horse doesn't come to school again.Because he couldn't understand the teacher's explanation, his Chinese and arithmetic scores were almost zero.That day, after school, he didn't go home, but went directly to the field and into the flock of sheep.After he sat down, he didn't move again. Qiu Erye asked him to go back to eat, but he didn't return. Qiu's second mother came to the school and asked Jiang Yilun if Xi Ma made a mistake at school or was bullied, Jiang Yilun told her the result of the quiz.Qiu's second mother said: "I think it's almost the same whether you read this book or not." Qiu Erye didn't drag the fine horse back to school.He knew that Xi Ma was not a child who liked reading when he was in Jiangnan.Since he refuses to study, forget it. Qiu's second mother said to Qiu Erye: "You have to ask him whether he is still studying or not. Don't say in the future that we didn't let him study." Qiu Erye walked to the field, came to Xi Ma, and asked, "You really don't want to study anymore?" Xima said, "I don't want to." "Have you figured it out?" "Think it over." Xi Ma took a sheep house and replied without looking at Qiu Erye. That day, Erma Qiu saw a big boat selling goats parked by the river, so she bought ten young goats and said to the fine horse, "Go and herd the goats."
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