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Chapter 16 Chapter 3 White Sparrow (4)

grass house 曹文轩 2116Words 2018-03-19
In less than a week, Sangsang passed four letters between Jiang Yilun and Bai Que, and was about to facilitate a tryst. Sangsang is full of curiosity about the affairs between adults.He was like a person who loves to look around, and suddenly saw a crack in the door.He longed to see the world of adults through this crack of the door—an incredible world.When he shuttled back and forth between Jiang Yuanlun and Baique, he was often immersed in an exaggerated feeling.When he walked into a deep and empty village alley, when he faced a yellow dog staring at him closely with two eyes, when he met several people in the dark and pretended to be playing, he felt He's a kid with a lot of wit and can do great things.He didn't quite understand what the correspondence between Jiang Roundabout and Baique meant.But he was more than willing to run errands for them.Because he feels that he has also been involved in this world and has become a part of this world.He had a kind of superiority and pride in taking the admission ticket, passing through the bustling crowd and entering the arena in advance.

Even when Sangsang watched Jiang Yilun and Baique rehearse under the moonlight by the lotus pond that day, she already felt in her heart that Jiang Yilun and Baique should be together—they should be together! After dark that day, Sangsang rolled a wooden boat under a big tree on the other side of the river. Jiang Lun was sitting on the boat. The wooden boat stopped quietly on the shore.There is no moon, only wind.The wind blew the reeds on both sides of the river, and the water made waves, slapping the river bank all at once.There was a bird in the tree, which occasionally called out, knowing that it was the alarm of the wind, and became quiet again.In the village, occasionally there was a sound of calling chickens and dogs.There is one meaning everywhere: it is getting late, and the loneliness of the night is coming soon.

Like Sang Sang, Jiang Yilun was also experiencing a kind of tension.But he had to act like a teacher in front of Sangsang.He wants to give Sangsang a calm look instead of being excited, and also give Sangsang an impression that the relationship between him and Baique is the most beautiful and purest friendship in the world. Sangsang heard footsteps and stood up from the boat. The white bird came, and the white bird didn't look flustered at all, as if it was going to do something that everyone knew.She boarded the boat, then sat down, hanging her legs in the cabin, facing Jiang Roundabout in the same posture.

Sangsang steered the boat, and the boat moved forward in the dark.Like all children in water towns, Sangsang was able to paddle a small boat when she was eight or nine years old, and when she was a teenager, she was able to shake a regular script and run a larger boat.On the water in the water town, it is common to see a child who is very different from the boat shaking his regular script.The child buried his buttocks, leaned up and closed, and actually shook the Kai to make a big splash.If it was during the day, Sangsang would proudly show his Yao Kai to people on both sides of the strait.At that time, he would make his movements very rhythmic and presentable.But now he knew that no one could see him shaking his script, so he didn't care about his movements—he just wanted to shake the boat faster and get the boat into the reed marsh earlier.

Someone on the shore asked: "Who is rocking the boat?" Sangsang didn't answer.Jiang Yilun and Bai Que naturally couldn't answer.The boat continued on its way, and no one paid any attention to the people on the shore. The village and the school are gradually gone, and the boat is approaching the mouth of the river. "They can talk now." Sangsang thought. But Jiang Yilun and Baique did not speak. Sangsang was very puzzled: "It's hard to get together, why don't you talk?" Jiang Yilun and Baique just didn't speak, and sat face to face. The sky rattled.Sangsang knew that it was a nocturnal wild duck.Sangsang could imagine that the team of wild ducks were flying neatly under the sky, but all of them looked funny—the wild ducks always looked so stupid.

When the boat left the mouth of the river, the water suddenly opened up.The moon came up over the woods to the east, and there was an unsteady silvery path over the water.This silver road, stretching straight into the distance, was suddenly broken.Sangsang looked along the silver road, and already vaguely saw the reed marshes. As the water widened and the wind picked up, the boat began to shake. Jiang Yilun and Baique still did not speak. Sangsang thought: I don’t know what they are doing here? Your lord’s behavior is so weird that you can’t figure it out. The boat arrived at the reed marsh.

This is a large reed marsh, endless under the moonlight. Jiang Yilun went ashore first.Sangsang saw that Jiang Yilun stretched out his hand, intending to pull the bird, but the bird jumped onto the bank without his help.Facing the seemingly infinitely deep reeds, they stood there for a long time, not daring to go deep. Sangsang said: "I walked in alone and traveled very far." Jiang Yilun and Bai Que walked a few steps forward, Jiang Yiyuan turned around and asked, "Sangsang, how about you?" Sangsang said, "I want to see the boat." Jiang Yilun and Baique continued to move forward.Sangsang, who was standing on the boat, saw that they walked side by side as they walked, and gradually got close to each other.At that time, the moon was shining brightly on them.Sangsang felt that their figures were longer than those of the day.Later, the reeds became denser until they completely covered them.

Sangsang sat down.He looked towards the sky, and the sky was as clean as water.The moon seems to be stationary, but also seems to be floating.He guessed about Jiang Yilun and Bai Que: Are they sitting or standing? What are they talking about? Sangsang couldn't guess, so he stopped guessing.He still looks at the sky.He suddenly felt lonely guarding the boat alone.He wanted to sing himself a song.But before he could sing, a ray of flute sounded from the depths of the reeds, and was transmitted under the October night sky.Jiang Yilun and Baique did not speak.This made Sangsang very regretful: Is it just to come here to play the flute?

that is.After the flute sounded, it never stopped. Sangsang lay down in the cabin.Across a deck of boats, he heard the sound of running water, ding ding dong dong, as if accompaniment to Jiang Lunlun's flute.Later, Sangsang fell asleep staring blankly.When the cool wind woke him up, he suddenly woke up: How long have I been sleeping? There is no one around, only the sky and water, he got a little scared, got up immediately, and followed the sound of the flute that was still ringing walk over. Under the moonlight, Sangsang saw Jiang Yilun and Baique from a distance.Jiang Lun leaned on a remonstrance tree, still using the most graceful posture.But the white sparrow sat there.Bai Que didn't look at Jiang Yilun, but rested his chin with both hands, raised his head slightly, and looked up at the sky.The moon illuminated the tops of the reeds with silvery luster, as if gently enclosing Jiang Roundabout and the white sparrow in a dream world.

Sangsang plucked at the reed, wanting to take a few steps forward.The rustling sound alarmed Jiang Yilun and Bai Que.They suddenly realized the flow of time, looked up at the sky, and heard Jiang Yilun say "Oh", and then the white sparrow said: "It's getting late." When the wooden boat returned to the big river in front of the village, the village had already fallen asleep under the moonlight.
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