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Chapter 88 Chapter Sixteen - Son of the Dyeing Workshop 2 (2)

red tile 曹文轩 1945Words 2018-03-19
The literature and art propaganda team in Yau Ma Tei town has activities for almost half a year in a year, and it has almost become a professional.It's a place to raise people, and it's a great place to go.Others are working in the fields under the scorching sun, but they can pick a shady place to rehearse.And one day of activity, one day of work points.If there is a performance at night, there is also a night meal subsidy.It's also comfortable during rehearsals.Recite lines, practice singing, east-west-one, three in a group, five in a group, very casual and free.Men and women, people are also good-looking.Girls don't stop working, so they put on good clothes, sprinkle cheap toilet water, and walk away from people, leaving behind fragrance.Tired, with fine sweat crawling on their faces, they fanned themselves with fragrant handkerchiefs, making people feel that their sweat was also fragrant.Especially when men and women hold hands, or some other physical contact, like an electric shock, it is a pleasant thing.As for those who have been together for a long time and have developed feelings, there is inevitably a romantic atmosphere in front of and behind the scenes, and then they have entered a very good state.

Zhao Yiliang didn't think about this, he just thought: If he goes to the propaganda team, he won't work, and he won't neglect his huqin.He also has the qualifications to join the propaganda team: he can play the huqin better than any of them.But there is also one thing that makes me panic when I think about it: he will obey the yelling of his old enemy Xu Long-in the Yau Ma Tei Town Literary and Art Propaganda Team, it is Xu Long who holds the power and monopolizes it.He first suppressed the desire to go to the propaganda team for a few days, but the labor from early to late was too torturous (no wonder the most effective way to reform prisoners is to let them work——re-education prisoners).He didn't care about his face any longer, and went to the cadre's house, saying that he wanted to play the huqin in the propaganda team.The cadre said: "OK." He asked: "When?" The cadre said: "Let's discuss it, you wait for the notice."

Zhao Yiliang was very happy, thinking that he could finally stop working.He felt a sense of relief, as if he was about to jump out of the sea of ​​suffering. He didn't go to work anymore, so he was at home practicing the huqin while waiting for the announcement.But after waiting for five or six days, the cadres did not send any word.He met the cadre, and the cadre seemed to have forgotten that he wanted to join the propaganda team.After holding it in for another two days, he finally couldn't hold it anymore and went to find the cadre again.The cadre said: "You should go to work in the fields." He asked: "Why?"With a pair of dull eyes, he looked at the road under his feet until he walked to the big river in the south of the town, and then lay down on the river beach, watching the wandering clouds and lonely birds in the vast sky, until the sky was about to dark, As the birds return to the forest, the adults in the town call the children back to jump for dinner.

Zhao Liang had no choice but to go to work.He still wanted to be as energetic as before, but he didn't have the energy to do so.If a person wants to be energetic, he must have ample spare energy.The old man pulled a shoe, didn't bother to fasten the button of his trousers, revealing a belt of his underwear, looking sloppy, because he really didn't have the energy to pay attention to himself.After Zhao Yiliang worked all day, his body was exhausted and he had no thoughts of any kind. How could he care about maintaining his previous chic?Everything will be over.I met him twice, and I saw his hair was disheveled, his clothes were full of mud spots, a pocket was torn open, and his mother would not let his mother sew it on, and he just drooped like that, and he no longer wore straw sandals, but rubber shoes , one with a belt, one without a belt.When I saw me, I didn't have to put on a posture like before, but showed a very tired and boring look.It seems that labor is not always good.It is also natural to find some light work, do it for two days, put on a show, and then post a speech praising labor, or even retire to the countryside and be a farmer forever.But if he is allowed to cut wheat for one month (not more, just one month) continuously under the poisonous sun, and he still praises labor in his heart, then this person is really a good man.Zhao Liang is not a hero anyway.He's almost broken.

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the northwest wind suddenly blew for three days, bringing the whole world into the cold all of a sudden.Part of the double-cropping rice is still in the field and has not had time to harvest.The water in the ground was not drained, and a thin layer of ice formed.Zhao Yiliang had to stand in the water with everyone barefoot. When the thin ice was shaken, it shattered and shattered at the same time.In Zhao Liang's view, the water seemed to be full of razor blades.Those blades crowded to bite his feet and legs, causing beads of cold sweat to roll off his forehead.Several times he escaped from the blade and jumped onto the field ridge.But seeing being pulled further and further away, he had no choice but to let those blades tear himself apart again.The sky was dim, and the fields were lonely, except for the indifferent sound of these blades colliding.Zhao Yiliang saw that the others had gone away, and he was the only one who guarded the six lines of thin rice that was still yellow in the future, and he really felt that he had reached a desperate situation.

That night, he found my dormitory, said he had something to say to me, and called me out of the dormitory. "Lin Bing, go and tell Xu Long that we have forgotten about the past, and ask him to allow me to join the propaganda team. After I go in, I will give him a good bow." After he finished speaking, he left.I looked at his back with an indescribable taste in my heart. At noon the next day, I found Xu Long in the barber shop and told him what Zhao Liang meant.When he smiled, he slobbered out a long stream of saliva. "agreed?" Xu Long poured a basin of water onto the street, turned around and said, "Agreed! He wants to forget?

I can't forget it!Did I forget?He was so angry that I spit out a big mouthful of bright red blood! "He bit the word "bright red" very hard, and repeated a sentence: "Da De, at this moment, he saw the mouth of bright red blood again. It was as bright red as a flower that suddenly bloomed." red rose flowers!He kept nodding his head, looking very reluctant to say "Can't you forget?" "I can't forget!" I got up to go. "You, Lin Bing, have nothing else but a soft heart. With your appearance, you won't be able to get a girl from Tao Shorty's family."

I cursed - sentence: "Get out of your mother's egg!" Turned around and left. Xu Yilong said loudly behind me: "I can't forget that mouthful of bright red blood!" I knew he was drooling again, I even heard the slob of the saliva falling to the floor because he didn't quite get the last word "blood".
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