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Chapter 62 half rain 2

sky ladle 曹文轩 3697Words 2018-03-19
Qiu Zidong chose a good place in Yejiadu: in front is a big river with sails passing by, and fishing boats pass by from time to time; behind is the mulberry field; on the left is the reed marsh; on the right is the crop field.Qiu Zidong secretly asked a Fengshui master to look at it. The Fengshui master walked a few steps forwards and backwards, looked east and west, and said, "It's a good place." On the day the ground was broken, Qiu Zidong personally set off a string of firecrackers more than ten feet long.The land of Yejiadu is huge, and the people of Yejiadu thought that Qiu Zidong built the house on their land, and a thought floated in their minds, but this thought was superficial, and it passed away as soon as it passed.

Qiu Zidong did not buy a brick from a brick kiln in Yau Ma Tei, but relied on a friend to buy all the bricks and tiles he needed from a brick kiln far away.He swore that he would never use a single grain of soil or grass in Yau Ma Tei to build his new house in Yejiadu. Anyway, there wasn't much to do in Yau Ma Tei, so he simply devoted all his thoughts and energy to the construction of this house.He wants to use all his time and all his savings to build the most outstanding house in this area outside Yau Ma Tei.He wants this house to tell the world: Qiu Zidong will no longer be a Yau Ma Tei man, and he wants to be free, unrestrained and happy in another piece of land.He endowed this house with infinite meanings, including the derogation of Du Yuanchao's image: Du Yuanchao is not tolerated, and he, Qiu Zidong, was forced to move out with his family.

On the day the ground was broken, someone relayed the news to Du Yuanchao.After Du Yuanchao listened, he didn't speak for a long time.For many days after that, he did not express any opinion on this matter, as if this matter was purely a rumor. Qiu Zidong didn't show much, and worked day and night for the completion of this house. About the time the wall was built to the height of a person, it began to rain on this day.At first, I thought the rain would stop after a while, and the carpenters and masons who were working all ran to the nearby trees to hide from the rain for the time being.But the rain would not stop, and gradually became heavier. After a while, the leaves could no longer hold back the rain. The carpenters and masons had to rush to an abandoned warehouse behind the town to hide from the rain.But just after entering the warehouse, some carpenters and masons were secretly happy that they could not work this afternoon, but the rain stopped at once.They did not return to the construction site immediately, but quietly waited for the rain in the warehouse.Waiting left and right, but did not wait for rain, only a bright sun.They had no reason to rest in the barn any longer, so they yawned lazily out of the barn and walked to the construction site.The carpenters and masons dawdled for a while, remembering the good meal at Qiu Zidong's house at noon, feeling guilty in their hearts, and went back to their own work.Here, just as everyone regained the feeling of working, the sun sneaked into the dark clouds again, and the workers looked at the gloomy sky from time to time, with their hearts hanging.Hanging and hanging, there will be raindrops falling, first thin and then dense, first thin and then thick, first small and then large.The workers wanted to persist, but the rain started to pour again, forcing them to put down their work again and flee into the barn.

The four half-walls were washed by the rain. Everyone rested in the barn, some dozed off, and some stared blankly at the rain outside, the trees in the rain, or the birds struggling to fly.When fatigue hit the whole body and laziness filled the heart, the rain stopped in a hurry, and then the clouds opened and the sun rose, and the sun shone on the earth.They didn't want to be teased by the rain again, and insisted on guarding in the barn.However, the sky is just fine. Qiu Zidong appeared on the construction site. Someone in the warehouse saw him and quickly woke up the other people who were dozing off.Everyone yawned and left the barn, looked up at the clean sky, and was very angry in their hearts: "If you want to go down, you should go down happily, if you want to stop, you should stop completely, don't act like a woman." Say it, come, say it, stop it!"

One of the old men said: "This rain is called half rain. Just watch it. I don't know how many days it will last." When everyone rushed to the construction site, seeing Qiu Zidong's expression was unhappy, they hurried to work. Qiu Zidong took out a good pack of cigarettes, distributed one to each of them with half enthusiasm and half indifference, and left because he was going to buy wood by the river. As soon as Qiu Zidong's figure disappeared, it began to rain again. This time, the workers did not lose their anger with the sky and let the rain go away. The rain is more patient than humans. If you don’t let it go, you won’t let it go. If you don’t let it go, I’ll let it fall.

Everyone's clothes were soaked, but the rain was still stubbornly falling, showing no intention of letting go.As soon as the wind blew, everyone felt cold in their bodies and their hearts, and their dark lips trembled uncontrollably. The carpenter said: "The carpentry work in the rain is impossible. The doors and windows are out of shape. Don't blame us." The mason said: "It is hard to build a solid wall while laying it down." The master looked at the sky, guessed what time of the day it was, and said after a while: "Let's stop here today. " Everyone left the construction site one after another.

Withdrew the front foot, and the sky cleared again on the back foot. The carpenters and masons who walked halfway didn't know whether to return to the construction site or continue walking home, or slowed down or stopped.Finally, the master made a decision: go home.After the master made this decision, he immediately cursed: "God damn it!" When a group of people were walking on the road, they happened to meet Qiu Zidong walking to the construction site. At that time, the sun was warm and Lao Gao was still there, so everyone was very embarrassed. Qiu Zidong didn't say anything, just kept a cold face.

Since then, the sky has been fine, fine until the evening, fine until the next morning. In the morning, ten or twenty carpenters, masons, and small workers walked out of the house on an empty stomach as usual, and went to Qiu Zidong's house for breakfast.Qiu Zidong only wanted to build the house earlier, so that his family would not be stingy, and three meals a day were solid.Everyone ate their stomachs well before they staggered towards the construction site. Qiu Zidong cupped his fists and said, "Please." Everyone looked up at the sky and said, "Today is a fine day."

The old man whispered to himself: "Not necessarily. Half the day, half up, ten days and half a month is still a half." The next day, the sky played tricks on people all day long: it rained as soon as I worked, and cleared as soon as I left. It's endless, if you don't do it, the sun will shine that day.At the end of the day, the wall was only increased by one brick, but people were tired from running around.I can't stop thinking about eating other people's food, but I don't see any work, and everyone is in a bad mood.In the evening, a group of people came to Qiu Zidong's house. Although the food was as good as usual and served early, they all glanced at the host's face from time to time, eating very dull, and there was only the sound of chirping in the room. .

For the next three days, the situation was roughly the same. Thinking about eating and drinking for 10 to 20 people three times a day and paying wages, Qiu Zidong, who was burdened by such a huge expense, had to make a decision: stop work for three days, and resume work when the sky fully understands. For the next three days, it became clearer and clearer day by day. Qiu Zidong was very annoyed: work will be suspended for another two days. The next two days were still sunny and sunny. Qiu Zidong thought that this half-day was finally settled, so he sent someone to notify the carpenters, masons and small workers to resume work.

On the day of resumption of work, the weather in the morning is indeed encouraging. But when everyone arrived at the construction site and just connected the work, Tian Ze relapsed again, tossing these carpenters, masons and small workers in a strange and capricious manner. The next day, the sky was still naughty and tossing people. The people running around in the rain felt that they were eating and drinking from Qiu Zidong's house for nothing, and they felt very uneasy seeing the house not only seeing no progress but being drenched by the rain as the days went by.The master said to Qiu Zidong: "Mayor Qiu, why don't we stop working for a few more days?" "Damn it! People are against me, and the sky is against me!" Qiu Zidong is in a bad mood these days, and he is a little out of control. He threw the cigarette butt in the mud and said, "Don't stop!" He wanted to see how capable the bastard Tian was. Everyone felt a little funny when they saw Qiu Zidong's look of competing with the sky. Qiu Zidong put on a pair of high rain boots and held a black cloth umbrella, and stayed on the construction site all day long. The rain comes when it is said to come, and it comes when the carpenters and masons are working; it stops when it is said, and it specifically stops when the carpenters and masons are resting in the barn. When the rain came, Qiu Zidong didn't go to hide from the rain, but stood motionless on the construction site with an umbrella, looking like a giant black mushroom growing in the rain. Seeing that he would not leave, everyone persisted.The rain seemed to be very angry, and poured down like a torrent, rushing down from the head, blinding the eyes, making people see nothing, making this persistence a pure futility. Qiu Zidong had no choice but to shout: "Get out! Get out!" Everyone withdrew. But Qiu Zidong still stood arrogantly in the rain.That Yu really wanted to kill his temper, and it became more and more rampant.This cloth umbrella can also cover the drizzle, how can it withstand such a heavy rain, the heavy rain is pouring outside the umbrella, and the inside of the umbrella is also dripping, and Qiu Zidong has long been drenched into a water man.He was already thin, but after working hard these days, he became thinner and thinner. After being drenched in the rain, his clothes were all clinging to his body, making him pitifully thin. He was stuck in the ground like a stake. The rainwater didn't have time to flow away for a while, it accumulated and flooded his feet. Later, the rain finally became smaller and turned into a drizzle.Three or four swallows flew over from the rapeseed field, not knowing who the man holding the umbrella was, they flew around him lowly. Seeing that the rain was about to stop, he walked out of the muddy water and walked into the warehouse: "Masters, it's not raining anymore." Everyone yawned and walked towards the construction site with their heads shrugged. After a while, the rain came again. First, the rain fell, and after a while, the thick and heavy rain fell down. When the world was covered with rain and fog, Qiu Zidong had no choice but to use his already hoarse throat to shout: " Withdraw! Withdraw!" After several times of tossing, the people who were not at ease at first became a little unhappy: giving up for a while, giving up for a while, the sky tossed people, and people tossed people! One by one, their emotions began to turn bad. Qiu Zidong's mood was even worse. He began to pick on the carpenters and bricklayers, saying that the walls were crooked, that the work was too rough, and his tone was blunt. He held a black umbrella and stood on the construction site all day, which made everyone feel very depressed and upset. This afternoon, the two sides finally started fighting.The direct cause of the conflict was that Qiu Zidong knocked down a section of the wall that had been built three times and twice, on the grounds that the wall was not straight.The master quit and asked, "Why did you bring down the wall?" Qiu Zidong said, "It's crooked." "Why do you say it's crooked?" "You can tell it's crooked just by looking at it!" "I'm not wrong!" "It's all crooked to Java, and it's not crooked! What kind of masons are you!" "It's all built with threads, so it can't be crooked!" The wall has been knocked down, so it is not certain whether it is crooked or not.The master grasped this principle: Who told you to pull down the wall first, now there is no basis, and it is not up to you to decide whether it is crooked or not. In the end, Qiu Zidong became angry: "If you don't want to do it, get out!" The master said to the other masters and apprentices: "Pack up your things!" When the situation was getting out of hand, fortunately, it was the old man who came forward to smooth things over, which calmed down the anger of both sides. When it rained again, everyone would die and refused to leave the construction site. Ren Qiu Zidong yelled "withdraw" when the rain was rampant, but they did not.They huddled together, or squatted on the ground, or squatted on the scaffolding. Qiu Zidong didn't shout, he threw away his umbrella, and crouched in a ball in the rain. Everyone felt sorry for Qiu Zidong, and Qiu Zidong felt even more sorry for everyone. On a nearby dead tree, a dozen or so crows whose feathers were soaked by the rain also huddled together, motionless. Qiu Zidong stared blankly at the trickle of rainwater on the ground rushing past his eyes...
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