Home Categories contemporary fiction Wanshou Temple

Chapter 95 Section 2 5

Wanshou Temple 王小波 1259Words 2018-03-19
On a winter night in Beijing, the time to part is at the edge of the rockery in the park.The black coat lay on the ground like a snake's slough, and there was a thin layer of white powder on the ground, which was more like frost than snow.Dawn coated her body with a layer of gray, and because of the cold, her breasts were squeezed on her chest. For a woman, beauty is the demeanor when she is naked and standing upright-with this demeanor, she wears a pair of dough sacks on herself. Cotton underwear—then red wool trousers, red sweater, and blue overalls.In the end, she wrapped her head in a long velvet scarf, leaving only her face exposed—you must remember that girls in the 1970s used a wrapping method that looked like a kelp roll, but it is rare now ──Put on woolen gloves, push out a bicycle from the bushes, say: See you in the factory, and ride away.I vaguely remember that when I was in the factory, she didn't know me, and she looked at me like a dead octopus.She didn't know me when we met on the street, at most she turned her head and looked at me with disgust.At night, when we met in the park, she didn't know me either. At most, he said something businesslike: wait for me at the old place.It was only inside that coat that she knew me and gave me infinite warmth and tenderness.

Beneath that old overcoat, I am a modest gentleman.I always put my hands behind my back, like a first-grade pupil listening in class.Soon I forgot that I had arms.I can really understand what a male snake can experience from sex, and I always feel that only snakes know what sex is.I am not a snake, that is my misfortune.Sometimes she invites me, saying: Touch me!I wanted to stretch out my hand, but at the same time, I thought that I was a gentleman like a snake, so I turned my hand away and replied briefly: "No touch."This kind of argument can last for a long time, and in the end, she only said one word: touch!I just say two words: don't touch.That's what it sounds like: touch! ──Do not touch.There was a minute between the responses.According to this plot, she was able to maintain her virginity only because I was not disturbed in her pregnancy--that's how I recall it, but I have a vague feeling that something is wrong.It could also be that I want to touch her and she won't let me.It needs to be explained that whether it is a park or a campus, there are often more than the two of us.After listening to this question and answer dozens of times, others will naturally become interested in us.In the pre-dawn light, often a boy (and sometimes a girl timidly followed) would come by.Hearing footsteps, she poked her head out of her collar and sat next to me, like a two-headed freak.The boy smiled and said: Let me see what you are doing.She replied: Nothing.Nothing.Then, the boy smiled again and said: Nice to meet you.She replied quickly: We are also very happy.Then he stretched out his hand from the sleeve and shook hands with him to say goodbye.I wanted to shake this guy's hand and say goodbye too, but I couldn't - in this kind of place, you meet people who don't come home at night.And those who stay out at night are all civilized people.But I had a vague feeling that something was wrong with my telling the story.

Closely connected with the season of breaking up is the season of meeting—there is a boring day in the middle, which is easy to forget—it is also on the edge of this rockery, night has just fallen, and the tourists have just left.She just wouldn't get into the black coat.The initial lights at night were not bright, so the white body was particularly eye-catching.I said: Come in, don't let others see.She said: I don't.Bad thing, how can you make me trust you.I said: I am not a bad thing.I am mother kangaroo.But she said: Who is the mother kangaroo?In the end, I had no choice but to turn my back as I had discussed in advance, and let her tie her hands behind her back with a cotton rope.Then she was willing to get into the coat, pinched the hard guy, and said: "It's so vicious... Fortunately, I defended it."Do you still want to help it lie to me?As I sat on the bench, I thought it would be kind of bad to get caught like this, and then I just forgot about it.

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