Home Categories contemporary fiction Wanshou Temple

Chapter 70 Section III 1

Wanshou Temple 王小波 1575Words 2018-03-19
What Xue Song did made Hong Xian very disdainful, and I was also shocked by him, breaking out in a cold sweat.As you know, because of writing about him, my character is bad.But I can't believe he's really that bad.He was simply obsessed with his career.As a man, one must make contributions... As I said, Xue Song grew up in Chang'an City.Later, he often talked to Red Thread about the beauty of that city.He also said that he wanted to build an equally beautiful city on the grassland in western Hunan, with the same exquisite city walls, the same vertical and horizontal waterways, and the same beautiful water pavilions; this ambition moved Hongxian deeply.From the point of view of intelligence, Xue Song undoubtedly has such ability.It's a pity that he didn't have the virtues needed to build this new Chang'an—a big city like this cannot be built by two people.

In Fenghuang Village, Xue Song always wanted to talk about the snow in Chang'an City.He said the snow had a pleasant yellow tint, similar to the petals of magnolias in early spring.These snow flakes are sweet, but everyone doesn't eat them, because the snow is for viewing.When the land was empty, white mist rose above the black rivers; as if these rivers were hot springs... It would be great if the snow from Chang'an could be moved here── At first, the red line listened attentively and looked straight at She stared at Xue Song's face; later she showed impatience and began to sway her head and pose, her eyes were often attracted by the occasional butterflies flying by.

The city of Chang'an described by Xue Song is a vast expanse of white snow, with black river banks criss-crossing the snow.Between the banks, black and transparent water flows, like some flowing black crystals.But that doesn't help either.The people who live here have no real intelligence, their minds stuffed with the umbilical cord of history.The river is steaming, the colorful paintings are still in the river, and the beauties on the boat are like clouds.It's no use, these women's mission in life is to get close to the umbilical cord of history and make it weaker.They are no different from the Lafayette who built the Wanshou Temple...

Suddenly Xue Song exclaimed: My God!What the hell did I do... and then he sat on the floor, feeling sorry for shooting the old whore.First, he smashed his head on the ballista wheel, then wrapped it in a white cloth.On the one hand, it is to bring filial piety to the deceased, and on the other hand, it is also to bandage the head.Then, he slung a bunch of jute over his shoulders, which also means wearing mourning for the dead.This is the custom of the Han people, and the red thread is not understandable, but she can also see that it is an expression of grief.Then, Xue Song sat on the ground and wailed bitterly, and scratched his face with ten fingers, which was dripping with blood.Although these acts of mourning were sincere, Hongxian said coldly: "I shot someone to death with an arrow, so crying is a bit hypocritical."Later, Xue Song picked up the bronze sword on the ground and cut some wounds on himself, using this method to punish himself.But the red line is still not moved.In the end, he put his own historical umbilical cord on the overturned wheel, intending to chop it off with a sword, and kill the old prostitute, but the red thread came to dissuade her: She is already dead, so you don’t need to do this.Xue Song was very persuaded, and immediately threw away the sword.This shows that he didn't want to lose this part of his body.No matter how you feel about the above description, I still want to say that after Xue Song killed the old prostitute by mistake, he was sincerely remorseful.Actually, I don't want to defend Xue Song either.I'm also disgusted by his story.If my memory serves me correctly, this is not the first time.

Xue Song was in Fenghuang Village, repairing the overturned ballista.As mentioned earlier, the red thread cuts the bowstring with a single cut.If it had only broken a string, that would be easy; in fact, the mechanism is complex, fragile, and made of wood.Not as strong as iron; it breaks when it rolls over.Xue Song took it apart, and saw that it was densely packed with wooden gear wheels, waxed wooden poles, and various wooden parts.Flipping any of the wooden poles will trigger a series of complex movements.That is to say, in this massive wooden box, wood is also thinking.This thing is Xue Song's work, but he himself has forgotten its ins and outs.Therefore, Xue Song was immediately attracted by it.He leaned over it and explored it with all his concentration, but he couldn't respond to it. He couldn't touch it.Hong Xian found a bamboo stick in the ground and used it to stick Xue Song's ass.The first few times Xue Song responded, and without looking back, he used his hands to push the non-existent horsefly away; after that, there was no response.This incident made the red thread very happy.She also leaned over to Xue Song's compact buttocks, pierced it with a bamboo stick; then painted it with color, and finally a lifelike big fly was tattooed.Afterwards, when Xue Song moved his body, the fly would crawl up and down, and even spread its wings to fly.This work was very unfavorable to Xue Song—afterwards, people would often spank his ass, and after the spanking, they would say: Oh, so it's not a real fly!I'm sorry I slapped you blindly.From this point of view, if the red thread tattooed a turtledove on his body, he would be shot to death with an arrow.The archer will apologize and say: "Oh, it's not a real turtledove!"Sorry for shooting you...

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