Home Categories contemporary fiction Wanshou Temple

Chapter 61 Section 3

Wanshou Temple 王小波 1558Words 2018-03-19
As mentioned earlier, the assassin leader is also an academic assassin. Since I decided to have goodwill towards the academics, I can't favor one over the other, so I have no choice but to have goodwill towards him.This guy wants to kill, which is of course not good.But it's not killing me anyway.He often regards people as bodies, which has a bit of Foucault's style──I don't remember who Foucault is.He looks human, always intentionally not looking at his (or her) face so that each person is more like a body and less like a person.The head assassin was blue from face to toe, so blue that it was a little purple.He was born with this blue color.If his body is broken, blue blood will bleed out, dripping on the ground like some blue paint—although his subordinates are also blue, but they are not born with blue color, but they are painted with blue color. Blue ink, once the skin is broken, is poured into the wound, pretending to be blue blood-this is to keep in line with the leader.This person's creed is: do things thoroughly.He decided to kill both bodies.He has a ruthless attitude towards the body, which makes him different from Xue Song.Xue Song has a crush on all bodies, so he has become a nice guy.In this story, Xue Song is like this.

In this story, Xue Song has always kept his hands and feet small. He is a brown-skinned boy with a cropped head.He ran around the village in a hurry, sometimes running into the sight of the old prostitute.Of course the latter would not give up this opportunity, so he said: Xue Song, come and play with me!Xue Song immediately agreed, and ran over and leaned on the old prostitute, holding one of her breasts with both hands, and carefully looked at the nipple between the thumb and index finger—like a watch repairer.Of course, he has to look elsewhere.The final conclusion is: Aunt, you are so beautiful.If this is flattery, it can explain the relationship between the liberals and the academics—Xue Song is a liberal, the old whore is an academic, and the liberals want to flatter the academics, and they have to say they are beautiful even if they are not beautiful.It's a pity that Xue Song doesn't know how to flatter her at all, he really thinks the old prostitute is pretty.

Later, Xue Song got up on his knees, untied the bamboo strips around his waist, and asked very politely: "Is it okay?"Then I made love with the old whore, which was very natural and very exciting.In short, he made the old whore feel that he really loved her; then he said: "Auntie, I have something else to do, I'll be with you later" and ran away.If he didn't love her at all, it would be a lie to say that he would come to see her later, and that would make a point.Aristotle said: A lie has its reasons, but a truth has no reason.Consider this reason: academics are too noble to be cured.In addition to flattering, he also said some sweet words to please her.But, unfortunately, he also really loved the old whore.He really wanted to come and see him soon.Since it is true, it cannot be said to be flattering.

What's even more unfortunate is that when he was walking, other women would call out from behind the fence: "Xue Song, come and play with me."He would also run in, lay down on people and say, "Eldest sister, you are so beautiful; after a while, I will go to untie the bamboo strips, and say: Is it okay?"If the other party says no (which is rare), he puts the strip back on, says: sorry, but you are beautiful; and walks away.In more cases, he wanted to have sex with that woman, and it was very natural and exciting; then he said: I'm sorry, I have other things, I will come to accompany you later; and then left.This is also the truth, if he hadn't been stumbled elsewhere, he really wanted to come back to see her.If an eighty-year-old lady called him: Xue Song, play with me; he would also run in, play with her aging body, and then say: Grandma, you are such a beautiful grandma.Then he doesn't make love to her and walks away.He's doing it right.If a three-year-old girl called him, he would run in and give her a hug, and then say, "Little sister, you are so beautiful, but it's a pity that I'm too young to play with you." Then he walked away.If he is walking on the road and hears a moo behind his back, he will look back and say to it: What are you doing, and then walk away.All the women in this village like Xue Song, because he has a deep love for women's bodies, and loves bodies of all ages and shapes.All the men in this village hate Xue Song because he has a deep love for women's bodies, and he likes bodies of all ages and shapes.As a man, he still has something to admire, but as the leader of the village, he is simply a jerk.A merciless figure like him certainly belongs to the wicked liberals.

The story as it stands satisfies me quite well, for not a single woman in it is repulsive.As a liberal man, I like all women, whether they are old or young, beautiful or ugly, whether they have a clear and soft voice or rough and hoarse, gentle or fierce temperament, I like them all.After singing these high notes, I have to admit that I like gentler and more beautiful women, no matter if she is a liberal or an academic.
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