Home Categories contemporary fiction Wanshou Temple

Chapter 47 Section 1

Wanshou Temple 王小波 2038Words 2018-03-19
When I come to work in the morning, my office door is wide open.On my desk ─ ─ that is the incense table ─ ─, put my work plan.Added to this was the smell of horse urine—the smell of the leader, who always smoked the cheapest cigarettes and left this smell everywhere he went.I remember that I carefully revised the plan and handed it in, and now it came back, which surprised me, and I was afraid that the few remaining memories might also be problematic.It's a good sign to open that blank booklet and see that the patch I made on that page is still there.But there is a worse phenomenon: I was marked with a big red cross on the three topics that I carefully drafted and reflected the noble sentiments.These three topics are: "Examination of Lafayette's Sexual Affairs", "Examination of Historical Umbilical Cord", and "Examination of Wanshou Temple".Next to the three big forks, there is a four-character comment: "A pack of nonsense!" This made me feel inexplicably wronged.Although these three topics may not be noble enough, they are the most noble topics that I can think of.Besides, I may not be able to do even such a topic.I really don't know what the leader's intention is, maybe, they want my life?I tried to look at it as sanguinely as I could, but resentment was inevitable.The whole morning passed in resentment.

Near noon, the woman in white walked into my house and raised her eyebrows when she saw me: What's wrong with you?I tried my best to answer calmly: nothing.nothing.She took out a small mirror and said: Take a picture yourself.In the mirror was an angry gray face, with gnashed teeth and crossed eyes—I didn’t know I had esotropia, especially when I was in a bad mood.This is terrible, people can see my heart at a glance-it seems that I should wear a pair of sunglasses.Then she walked around the room, saw the form on the table, and laughed: so it was because of this!You guy, don't be a rascal if you are not angry, you can't be angry with others, you are always angry with yourself.Now that I know I'm a slob, it makes me sad, but also wronged.I drafted these three topics not to play a rogue or anger the leader, but to be serious.

When my story restarts, everything is as it was before.In front of that little prostitute's house was a green world.Green bamboo blocked the sky, green grass grew in front of the door, and even the open space was covered with moss.From time to time, fallen bamboo shoot shells and withered bamboo leaves fell to the ground, and they were displayed brokenly on the ground, and the old prostitute immediately swept them away.Because of this, after dark, the front of the door will become a pure blue world, and this girl hates blue.She often walked up and down the open space, shaking every bamboo, not only the withered leaves, but also the half-withered ones.She thinks it's nothing, the leaves can continue to wither in the ground.But as soon as she walked back to the house and closed the sliding door, the old prostitute came out, carrying a dustpan made of wooden boards, and a short broom made of bamboo branches, walked around the open space, and took all the The leaves (both fully withered and half-withered) were swept away, and then they walked back grumbling.In doing this, the old whore is naked and bowed, leaving a white contrast against the green, so that she looks like a polar bear on all fours.Then, the little prostitute ran out to shake the bamboo again, and the old prostitute ran out to sweep the floor again, and they muttered more and more.Because the little prostitute was young and happy by nature, she took this as a game, and never thought that it would bring her own death.

In my new story, a group of assassins were hired by old prostitutes and came to Phoenix Village.But the old prostitute invited them here not to kill Xue Song, but to kill Hongxian.What’s true about this story is that same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts.Since the old prostitute is a woman, she shouldn't want to kill a man, she should want to kill a woman.The task she gave to the assassins was: Red Line must be killed, and Xue Song must be captured alive.If you say that Mr. Assassin is a man or a woman, they have their own opinions and think that Xue Song must be killed and the red line must be captured alive; then you are on the right side.A more correct opinion is: if an old prostitute hires someone to kill the red line, she should hire a woman to kill her, because women are more reliable.you are right.The old whore has done this once, and the right assassin's head has been hung.This shows that when hiring an assassin, one must not only find a reliable person, but also pay attention to the professional level of the other party.At first, the old prostitute wanted to invite a reliable person, so she invited the beautiful female assassin, but she was low in professional skills, did not kill the red line, and only cut off half of Xue Song's ear, and even gave her own life up.Later, she brought in the most prestigious assassins, but they were not reliable.

For this reason, when the blue fell after a long day, a man in pure blue would walk across the clearing.This man's head was huge, with a headband on his head, like a jellyfish in the deep sea, he swayed past and walked into the old prostitute's house.After seeing this scene through the crack of the door, the girl understood why the old prostitute had to sweep the floor—if there were dead branches and leaves on the ground, there would be a loud noise when people stepped on it. After hearing this, the little prostitute knew that the next door was coming. Unidentified men, and the old whore does not want people to know──this is the girl's understanding.In fact, it was not the prostitute but the assassin leader who came to discuss with the old prostitute about killing Xue Song; so this was a big misunderstanding.Because she always shook the leaves, the old lady thought she was Xue Song's eyeliner, so she decided to kill Xue Song at the same time.For this reason, too, the little whore was brought to the point of death, which made her feel bad.

That night she slept by the door, leaving the sliding door open and one eye in the door.In this way, you can see it even when you are asleep.At night, she saw more than 20 blue people passing by in her sleep. When she woke up, she was very surprised.She got up and wanted to see the excitement, so she slipped out of the door and into the corridor of other people's houses.In front of her is a paper sliding door that is illuminated from the inside.When she stuck out her tongue and wanted to lick the broken window paper, a big hand covered her mouth, another big hand wrapped around her neck, and more hands were touching her body, these hands were cold and cold Wet, palms seem to have some mucus.This girl is most afraid of this.Even so, she still struggled to turn her head, saw the blue figures behind her clearly, and muttered in a low voice: It's all because of that old thing! , and fainted helplessly.

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