Home Categories contemporary fiction Wanshou Temple

Chapter 22 third quarter 4

Wanshou Temple 王小波 1296Words 2018-03-19
As mentioned earlier, the assassin may also have been a beautiful woman.When Xue Song went to conquer the Miao Village, she sneaked into Xue Song's bamboo building again and was caught by the red line.Everything that happened because of this was very different.After Xue Song woke up, Hong Xian asked him to go downstairs, and saw the female assassin standing in the yard, facing the hedge and back facing Xue Song, with no hair on her body, only her hands were tied by a bamboo strip Living.This time it was Hong Xian who suggested to Xue Song to use torture to extract a confession, but he just stared blankly at the woman's back.Seeing that he was absent-minded, Hongxian scratched him with his nails, and scratched a lot of blood on his back.When the red line got tired of grasping and stopped, he turned around and said: Why are you grabbing me?

Later, the female assassin turned her head and said: Kill me anyway──The voice was extremely soft and thick.Xue Song was stunned for a moment, then said: All right.please follow me.He turned and walked out, followed by the female assassin, her hair hanging down one shoulder.She was taller and fuller than the red line, and white as snow, so she was a woman, not a girl.Walking the red line at the end of the line, holding a long knife without a scabbard in his hand, he chased after the woman's footsteps and told her: It is only right and proper to kill the one who misses the assassination.And the woman replied softly: I know.Her manner was almost tender.The red thread also said, since you came to assassinate, it is better to suffer some torture before you die, the woman just smiled and didn't answer.When they reached the center of the village, Xue Song turned around and stood still, while the female assassin continued to walk towards him, almost standing in his arms.Xue Song put his hands on her shoulders, like a hug, but pressed her down gently.So the woman knelt down and spread her legs apart on the ground so that the center of gravity was more stable.In this posture, the thing that Xue Song lifted with the toilet equipment was facing her face, which made her chuckle softly, and then immediately regained her composure.At this time, the sky was dim, and the woman's fair body seemed to be emitting white fluorescence in the darkness.So Xue Song leaned down, searched behind her head, and finally gathered all the hair, held it in a bunch in his hand, lifted her head like this and said: Are you ready?The woman closed her eyes.So Xue Song led her head forward, and at the same time, Hongxian chopped off her head with a knife.At this time, Xue Song hurriedly dodged her fallen body and spurted blood.He raised his head and turned to the dim light of the sky.The woman's head suddenly opened her eyes, and said to him silently: Thank you.Xue Song wanted to bring the woman's head closer to his lips, but she closed her eyes and showed a refusal look; and the red thread was also watching.He had to lift it away.

The body without the head is still beautiful, and under the beautiful breasts, you can still see the beating heart; as for the head without the body, although it quickly loses its color (this is mainly reflected in the color of the lips), it still looks beautiful Feiyang's face became even whiter.Between the two things, there was a pool of blood.The pretty woman's blood was very thin, so it seeped into the ground quickly.This makes people feel that this is a great atrocity, and the meaning of brutality is obvious.Later, they buried that body, and poured the dirty black soil on the white body, which looked like blasphemy; this scene made Xue Song lose his sense of normalcy again, and became straight, the red line looked very strange. is angry.Later, they hung the head high, and the woman was killed.

Xue Song tied her hair with a bamboo rope, threw the rope over a branch, and then pulled the rope.For that human head, this is a wonderful experience that it has never had in its life, because every time Xue Song pulls her, she grows a few feet taller (it still regards itself as a complete person), this action is so real The effect on itself is not comparable to making love; it smiled and thought: I have become a giraffe.It's a pity that after a few tugs, it rose to the top of the tree.Then Xue Song tied the rope to the tree, and that was done.Then there is no text.I couldn't contain my disappointment: it was such a mess.Is this me?

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