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Chapter 22 page 22

so 池莉 1714Words 2018-03-19
It soon became clear to me that things were even more dire: I was imprisoned.Because Huang Fengju didn't go to work in the bureau the next morning.I wondered why she didn't go to work?She said: "Oh, it seems that you haven't understood the good intentions of the leader? My current job is here!" what!I see!I pretended to go to the bathroom, and sure enough, Huang Fengju said she wanted to go too.She clings to me as I make my way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.When it was time to eat, Huang Fengju said, "You don't need to go to the cafeteria, so that everyone will not look at you. I will go to the cafeteria and get two meals." After she left the dormitory, I hurriedly opened the door, but the door couldn't be opened.They have new latches that can be locked with a key from the outside.what!God!I can't see Hualin anymore!I am imprisoned!I lost my freedom!In the new socialist China, where the sky is bright and the sky is bright, I was put under house arrest by my work unit!

Huang Fengju used her practical actions to wake me up again and again.It turned out that the price for me to regain my freedom was to cooperate with them, sign the materials, and send Hua Lin to prison. And Aunt He, Wang Hanxian, thanked the leaders of our unit repeatedly.Our unit took such strong measures to protect my safety, educate and help me, and they felt relieved. "Are you stupid?" I yelled, "You have to save me! They are imprisoning me!" "You're the fool, kid." "Ye Zi! You are bewitched! Wake up, okay? How good is this!"--Look at my relatives and friends!Everyone is so childish and ignorant, what hope do I have?

Can the fire of love be extinguished by such fascist means?People are really stupid.I have nothing to say.My heart is so cold, I want it not to die, only to be warmed with passionate love.In the cold after being imprisoned, I missed Hua Lin all the time.To be honest, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm not that familiar with him, including his body.There were only two contacts, one was drunk, and he realized afterwards that he had done it, and one was close to holy maternal love, followed by thunderbolt and lightning, and the world was in chaos.There is no process, and the time is too fast. I can only find all his fragments of impressions one by one, and enlarge them one by one, so as to pass the long days and nights and miss a man who shouted to love me.Our dormitory is also home to some young singles from the Song and Dance Theater, Han Ying actor Xiaowei, looking forward to the re-run of "Honghu Red Guards", almost going crazy (the script needs to be revised!).Before falling asleep every night, she would imitate the voice of Wang Yuzhen, the first-generation Korean-English actor, and sing aloud.My insomnia eyes and ears are loyal listeners of Xiaowei's singing. "Thousand catties of iron chains can't lock me, Han Ying—thousands of high walls, can't stop my suspense for comrades! Han Ying doesn't think about anything, only thinks about comrades, I don't know what is going on now?"

Thanks!Thank you Xiaowei!Thank you lonely opera singer!Thank you for singing just for me.These lyrics express my heart, thank you to the author of the script!Who is it?I do not know yet.But I also want to thank him for his deep understanding of women.He knew that at the critical moment, if you annoyed the woman, once the woman's heart is broken, you will be completely useless!Women are more stubborn than men, less afraid of death, more daring to be responsible, more romantic, beheading is only a blow to the wind, Han Ying is an example. How could the leaders of the Cultural Bureau and everyone expect me to betray Hua Lin?

Liang Lijuan is here again.Huang Feng held it out.They muttered in the hallway.Huang Fengju came back and reported that Liang Lijuan wanted to talk to you.I turned around and refused: there is nothing to talk about! Female accountant Liang Lijuan was ashamed and annoyed.In the corridor, facing my door, she loudly declared her kindness: I am doing it for your own good!Now that I know that he lied to you, I'm here to kindly remind you.Hua Lin is a hooligan!A veteran womanizer!In the work unit, he always seduces young girls!He was spoiled at work and couldn't stay any longer, so he came out to make that kind of bullshit film!He made a film just to take the opportunity to find flowers and ask willows!Don't look at his flamboyance, don't listen to his sweet words, he can kneel down to young and beautiful girls.Don't look at pretending to be an artist with long hair, in fact, he is only a junior high school educated, and he only works as a odd job in the TV station because his parents went through the back door!What shit director?Self-proclaimed!In this world, whoever gets a little sponsorship fee can be the director of a TV series by himself!You fell for him!

Ye Zi!Today is December 12, 1988, remember this day!Today I have said this, fell here, and took root and blossomed here: Hua Lin, a bastard with a rogue nature like him, today you look young and beautiful, and you can betray and insult your wife.What about tomorrow?What about the future?How old are you?He will also hook up with younger and more beautiful women, betray and insult you (damn prophecy! terrible curse!)!Just remember it for me, if you are stubborn, cover him, protect him, and tie him up, you will be abandoned and humiliated worse than me in the future! December 12th, 1988, I hate this day!

Yu Hongkuan is here again.As fiancé, he wanted to have one last talk with me.Huang Fengju flatteringly "invited the chief" to come in.Yu Hongkuan persuaded me to sign a simple document, just to prove that the 35-year-old hooligan did not tell me her married status. "Is this the truth?" Yu Hongkuan said, "As long as you sign this document, you will make a clean break with that gangster from now on, and I can forget the past." I only have one word: Get out!
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