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Chapter 14 page fourteen

so 池莉 1660Words 2018-03-19
My fast-talking sister-in-law straightaway said: Doctor Yu, why are you wearing such an old-fashioned color? Hanxian, you are young and beautiful, have capital, and look good in flowered clothes, I dare not! People in their 30s!Have to be steady. Aunt He still has insight, she said: Hanxian, you are wrong!This is Doctor Yu's modesty.As the saying goes: be pretty, a suit of soap.You know how to dress like a butterfly! The women laughed.The atmosphere came alive.Very active.Women, clothes, colors, and various topics came out one after another.Doctor Yu is the first person in their hospital to lead the new trend of clothing!Over the years, she is refreshing and beautiful in any era!

Well, let me take a closer look at it. This is a thin, fair, and kind-faced woman, with fluffy big flower perm curls, a spring dress with a swallow collar that pinches the waist, beige straight-leg pants, and half-heeled pointed leather shoes.Yo!is not that right?From head to toe, all the latest and most expensive things!The most important thing is that this woman has a sense of wholeness, an indescribable softness and illusion, a shadow, a sense of charm of a shadow.Not like my beautiful sister-in-law, but straight up strong and plump. My sister-in-law was pleasantly surprised to discover the Sea-Gull Cold Perm Serum for curly hair.She said enthusiastically: Oh my mother!Is this the effect of cold perm essence?It's so foreign!Can it really be bought back, can the sisters perm each other by themselves?Oh!Oh!Great!Ye Zi will tell me about your brother when the time comes, he will definitely not agree with my perm, he is just weird and rigid!

Ok.I perfunctorily agreed.Ye Zuhui definitely disagreed with Wang Hanxian's perm, as soon as she permed her hair, it would simply swell.To imitate the format of a famous saying: Ugliness is all alike, beauty is different. Yu Hongkuan didn't speak much.I understand.What can he say on this occasion?Just like me.I also have nothing to say.If I said please start to apply for my account and work as soon as possible, then I must be out of my mind.If I say I don't know if I can sleep with you, everyone will be scared away by me.In fact, we two men and women were introduced to meet by three women, the purpose is to let us feel whether we have the possibility of going to bed (sleeping for a lifetime), but absolutely, we can't speak directly!For example, theoretically speaking, a marriage certificate is a declaration and a passport for sexual intercourse, and anyone who wants to say that at someone else's wedding is afraid that his mouth will be torn apart.So the function of language is to conceal.Now, Comrade Yu Hongkuan, and I, can't hide the reality of being introduced as a couple. The reality is cruel and embarrassing, so there is no nonsense to talk about.

Therefore, it mainly depends on the matchmakers to speak.Among the matchmakers, the one who has the absolute right to speak is the intellectual Dr. Yu Shurong.Master He, the older female worker, and Wang Hanxian, the young conductor, are both incapable of keeping the topic within the scope of the topic. In fact, Dr. Yu Shurong said that for people, getting together and parting are all due to fate.Ye Zi, we have met before.A few years ago.You are still in college.Once your mother was sick and was in the emergency room for observation, and you came to see your mother (has it ever happened? Why can’t I remember?), I was the doctor at that time.I still remember you, you must not remember me.In your eyes, medical staff in white coats are all the same.It doesn't matter, when I was young and a college student, I didn't feel like this.

Ye Zi, you must greet your parents for me when you go back today, and we must pay a visit someday (implying courtship?)!Your brother and sister-in-law, we have long been friends.That means I haven't seen your sister.I heard Master He say that she is a little beauty!Now Guangdong is breaking into the world, right?Young people today have great opportunities! Ye Zi, you have to learn from your brother.It's Ye Zuhui, he's a great person!Every time he comes to the ward, he looks after and helps all the patients (ward? why?).Everyone likes him. Take care of your mother.Yes, your mother was sick and hospitalized several times, and it was your brother and your father who took turns staying with the vigil (is it? is it? is it?).Is her heart okay recently?How many premature beats?Is atrial fibrillation still frequent?

Thanks!She, she recently- Oh, Doctor Yu, Ye Zi doesn't know about her mother's recent situation.Ye Zi is in Xiaogan, she is very busy with work, they don't want her to be distracted (ah! It's too hypocritical! Let's reform your mind in Xiaogan! Endure hardship! Otherwise you'll just kill people and set fires at home!).My mother-in-law is doing well recently and her condition is stable.Anyway, the whole country is reforming. It is said that food stamps will be canceled in the future. It will be a matter of time before this small rice mill is merged into a grain and oil company (the Rouge rice mill is gone?!).My father-in-law is more open-minded.He happened to be 60 years old, so he went through the retirement procedure (How old is my father? Is he 60 years old? Is he that old? Retired? Retirement means that he can receive full salary and guarantee full medical expenses? The treatment is good Well! They don't tell me anything!).As for my mother-in-law, she can't figure it out, and she can't find anyone. This is the trend of the times, and the national economic system reform.Fortunately, they gave her a deputy director-level treatment recently, to appease her, and promised to think about being a director next year when they asked her to retire honorably.Oh, what can a woman do?The grade is high enough, the salary is high enough, and I have heart disease. If you want me, I will be satisfied.People, contentment and happiness.She is just too good and strong!

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