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Chapter 7 Chapter VII

life show 池莉 4918Words 2018-03-19
One afternoon, Lai Shuangyang walked into the housing management office. This is the moment when the housing management office is about to leave work, or in fact, it has already left work.The bottom line of government agencies is still the socialism big pot, and they can't always get nervous. Shuangyang came to invite director Zhang to dinner.But there were still two or three people in the office, and Lai Shuangyang didn't directly invite Director Zhang to dinner, nor did he secretly invite Director Zhang to dinner.Lai Shuangyang can't embarrass Director Zhang. Lai Shuangyang threw her bag on the desk of the housing management office, sat down on the office chair, kicked off her high-heeled leather shoes, and said with a tired look: "Oh, I'm exhausted. "Director Zhang is reading a newspaper.

He still insisted on reading the newspaper, without changing his posture.Director Zhang knew the purpose of Lai Shuangyang's frequent visits to their housing management office. She wanted to return to the old house that their family had rented out before, and also wanted to go through the transfer procedures of the house she is currently living in as soon as possible. There are four children in the family, she is the only one who runs frequently, and she has good reasons, she wants to monopolize the property, this woman is not easy. The housekeeper said with a whistle: "Go shopping? Did you buy something good?"

Lai Shuangyang said: "Nowadays, if there are any good things, everything is discounted, which makes people feel that everything is cheap." Whistle said: "Isn't it good to have a discount? I just like discounts. I don't buy anything that is not on sale now, and I just wait for it to be on sale." Lai Shuangyang couldn't let the whistle talk nonsense anymore.Whistle is a middle-aged woman who likes to talk nonsense, her voice is as shrill as a whistle, and when it comes to daily conversations, it is all trivial and endless.Lai Shuangyang skillfully turned the topic to his own thinking, and said: "You are right, whistle. What you did is not wrong. I will learn from you in the future. Now, I have a little bit in my bag. Here are some snacks, take them out and share them with everyone. Next, I will take a break here thanks to your blessings. How about we invite Director Zhang to have a game of 'Fighting the Landlords'? It's boring to be idle."

"Fighting the Landlord" is a poker game that is currently popular in the three towns of Wuhan.Lai Shuangyang has long known Director Zhang's love for "Fighting the Landlord".When the whistle took out a bunch of bags of beef jerky, potato chips and pumpkin seeds from Shuangyang's bag, Director Zhang put down the newspaper. Director Zhang is also a smart man.Director Zhang has been reading newspapers for a long time, and the shelf is full. It's time to give Lai Shuangyang a step up.Director Zhang doesn't need to offend Lai Shuangyang, Lai Shuangyang is quite capable in Jiqing Street.Director Zhang ate at Jiqing Street, so he was taken care of.Director Zhang is about to retire, and he doesn't want to walk on the street after retirement, and the neighbors will ignore him.Besides, Director Zhang really likes "Fighting the Landlords", and he really likes the "Fighting the Landlords" with Lai Shuangyang participating. This woman is generous, has virtue, and is quite beautiful.

Director Zhang put down the newspaper and spoke.He said: "Yangyang is still rich, and sent us relief." Lai Shuangyang said: "Whistle, look at your Director Zhang, are you broke? Bring some snacks to eat and play, and you will be punished by him." Ridiculous." Whistle is not a smart person, and he didn't feel the secret contest between Shuangyang and Director Zhang at all, so he ran over and slapped Director Zhang, and taught others: "Don't bully Yangyang, okay? You care about us like Yangyang does. How many residents are there?" Director Zhang did not compete with such an unintelligent person as Whistle, and quickly said in a friendly manner: "Okay, I am a bureaucrat, and I will review it." Lai Shuangyang said: "Director Zhang is really a good and approachable cadre."

That's how "Fight the Landlord" started.Once the cards are played like this, the relationship will become closer.Everyone laughed at each other, accused and complained, and their words became inappropriate, and they poked their fingers on other people's foreheads at every turn. Director Zhang also poked Lai Shuangyang a few times with his fingers, and Lai Shuangyang also responded a few times.Lai Shuangyang's fingers were inlaid with diamonds, and Director Zhang said that he had been poked with "luxury", and everyone opened their mouths to laugh.Sitting together to play cards, when the atmosphere comes, opportunities will also come.Taking advantage of the whistle to go to the toilet, Lai Shuangyang said to Director Zhang, "I'm sorry, I beat you too much today, I'm sorry."

In fact, coming to Shuangyang didn't win much, she just came to lose. Her strategy is to win a little bit first, and then lose a lot, so that the loss seems real. Director Zhang said, "Just saying I'm sorry is enough?" Lai Shuangyang said, "May I treat you to dinner? You are so honest, do you dare to go out to dinner with me?" The poker field, like the wine field, is a place for fighting wits and courage, and the loser cannot give in to the winner.Director Zhang said: "Why dare not? Incorrupt government doesn't eat? Jiang Zemin even entertained Clinton. Isn't it just a meal?"

Lai Shuangyang said: "That's good. Then it's settled." Lai Shuangyang's first step was successful.In fact, I didn’t visit any shops in Shuangyang today, and the high-heeled leather shoes didn’t hurt my feet.If Lai Shuangyang didn't come to such a meticulous foreshadowing, I'm afraid Director Zhang would not accept her invitation.It's not that Director Zhang doesn't like to eat, Director Zhang loves to eat.There are also dozens of pending accounts for "Jiu Jiu" in the housing management office.Director Zhang is too smart, he knows the purpose of coming to Shuangyang.

He didn't want to offend a lot of people, so he came to Shuangyang alone.Besides, Mr. Liu's nephew is not mean to him. He can't just drive him out of the house and let everyone live on the street?Didn't Lai Shuangyang already have a house to live in? A single woman will sooner or later find a rich man on Jiqing Street. Why do she need so many houses?Director Zhang has worked in the real estate department all his life and has accumulated a wealth of experience: First of all, our cadres do their work not to solve any problem immediately, but to strike a balance, make peace, and maintain a good situation of stability and unity.

Secondly, if you don’t make it more difficult for the person involved, everyone will love to make trouble in the future; besides, if the difficulty is too high, the client’s legs will be broken, and the person concerned will only be more grateful to you at that time. Lai Shuangyang knows Director Zhang's working methods very well. I don't know much about Lai Duan.He has been a soldier in Shuangyuan for so many years, and after being demobilized, he is still in the provincial government’s convoy, but he is still simple-minded and arrogant. He once questioned Director Zhang: “You procrastinate in doing things, and you only embarrass the common people. This is the style of our Communist Party. Is it?" Director Zhang pushed Lai Shuangyuan back with a single sentence.

He said, "Then you think our housing management office is the Kuomintang?" Lai Shuangyang, who grew up on Jiqing Street, would never behave and talk like Lai Shuangyuan.She will not argue with Director Zhang, will not use big words to suppress people, and will not search for various policies as evidence.She often comes to sit and sit, only talking about family affairs, showing the pain of running a broken leg, and at the same time small favors and small favors.She caught Director Zhang by ear, and once she was caught, she would plead with all the soft words in the world. Today, Shuangyang came to arrest Director Zhang. Today, Shuangyang can't follow the routine of begging. Today, Shuangyang will use his trump card. Director Zhang thought that the dinner that came to Shuangyang was only on Jiqing Street.But unexpectedly, Lai Shuangyang asked the taxi driver to drive the car to the Shangri-La Hotel.Director Zhang still likes eating in five-star restaurants. But coming to Shuangyang is so grand, Director Zhang is a little flustered, is there any new and excessive request for coming to Shuangyang? As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, Director Zhang said that he needed to go to the restroom. In the bathroom, Director Zhang washed his face. Facing the gorgeous mirror in the bathroom, Director Zhang cheered himself up: Isn’t it Shangri-La?Shouldn't Lai Shuangyang be invited?Over the years, how much money and painstaking effort has their housing management office invested in maintaining these centuries-old houses for Lai Shuangyang?Shuangyang should be invited.In a restaurant like Shangri-La, if the residents are not entertaining guests, there is very little chance for a cadre of the housing management office like Director Zhang to come in. Director Zhang is not a fool, so of course he has no need to give up this opportunity. What new requirements can Shuangyang have?Isn't it the property rights of the two houses? Director Zhang knows what to do about work.Lai Shuangyang wants to own the property rights of two old houses, what a troublesome thing!Not to mention inviting Director Zhang to eat at Shangri-La, it is not too much to eat at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Nowadays, people ask others to think for him and serve him. Can he consider other people's interests instead?The woman who came to Shuangyang is not bad, and she is quite sensible.She has already said that her treat today is because she has won too much.Treating guests on the poker field is just for fun.go eat! Director Zhang had done his own ideological work by himself, sitting at the dining table covered with a snow-white tablecloth, his expression was very natural.Come to Shuangyang to ask Director Zhang to order, but Director Zhang refused to order, reasoning that he has no research on the dishes and knows how to order. How can Director Zhang order food?After all, he is the director, and Lai Shuangyang is a woman who sells duck necks.When Director Zhang goes out to eat with people of lower status than him, others always order.He just said detachedly: "What should I eat? I can eat whatever I want." Besides, when he comes to Shuangyang to treat guests, Director Zhang orders, he is embarrassed to order too expensive dishes, but since he eats Shangri-La, he should eat a little Expensive dishes, otherwise, it is better to eat in Jiqing Street. Director Zhang refused to order, and Lai Shuangyang did not insist.Coming to Shuangyang to ask Director Zhang to order food is also a gesture of respect.Lai Shuangyang was like a candle in the dark, with a light in her heart. Of course she lit this dish by herself. Since we are here in Shangri-La, and since we are going to use our trump card tonight, we will go all out.Lai Shuangyang ordered a dish of cod from Hokkaido, Japan, arctic shellfish, and soft-shelled turtle stewed with Chinese caterpillar fungus and red dates.Director Zhang was reading the recipes, and he was really moved when he heard this. He is not a big cadre, and Shuangyang paid so much money to order dishes, and his face is glorious enough.Director Zhang quickly interrupted Lai Shuangyang and said, "That's all right. Two people can't eat that much. Besides, these dishes are too high in protein. I can't handle them at my age, so it's better to eat light. Let’s replace the soft-shelled turtle with wax gourd and preserved egg soup. I like this kind of light soup the most.” Lai Shuangyang said, “Director Zhang, don’t don’t! A winter melon and preserved egg soup will do.” With the waiter on the side, Director Zhang was embarrassed to insist.He had no choice but to tell the waiter, "That's enough, miss! That's enough, miss!" It was at this time that the conversation started smoothly.Lai Shuangyang's language expression has a remarkable ability, that is: appearing particularly sincere.In terms of the beautiful voice and the coordination of body and language, Lai Shuangyang is not as good as her younger sister Lai Shuangyuan.There is a folk song in Wuhan, which says: out of ten women, nine are babes, and one who is not a babe is a bit silly.The key to a woman is to be flirtatious.Lai Shuangyang is because she is very good at whining.A woman who knows how to whine is not acting like a baby indiscriminately, but knowing what gesture to use on what occasion.Lai Shuangyang is well versed in whine, and her sincerity in speaking comes from her proficiency in whine.Lai Shuangyang said that duck neck is delicious, and everyone can believe it. Now it's time for Shuangyang to speak.She said: "Director Zhang, let me tell you a word of conscience, you are really a good cadre. You are so honest.For ordinary cadres, how could he think that there are too many good dishes for dinner, and he didn't pay for it himself.There are too many dishes to eat, so it's good to just taste a chopstick and experience it.Director Zhang, I just ordered a few dishes, and you are in a hurry for me, for fear that I will be poor.Director Zhang, there are too few cadres like you now!I come to Shuangyang, and I am lucky to live in your pipe section. Thinking about it, I am really lucky.Come, let me toast you! "Lai Shuangyang's sincere words brought director Zhang to tears. He is such a person. He has been the director of housing management for so many years and has done so many good things for everyone. Now he is about to retire. , Isn't it a breeze? The family is just a three-bedroom house, and my wife also works in the neighborhood committee, which is not a lucrative unit; my son is still a mental patient, and is supported by the old couple. When he is not sick, he can only stay at home. Chasing girls all over the street, and crawling on his mother's bed at night, he had to hire a strong male nanny to take care of him.Hiring a male nanny now costs twenty-five yuan a day, which really kills Director Zhang! As a grassroots cadre, Director Zhang has done a good enough job. He has never complained about family difficulties. But for so many years, he has not received any promotion or honor.Those outstanding party members who were promoted and established, Director Zhang knew them too well, and he would do some superficial articles to gain fame.In fact, their benefits are not small at all. Director Zhang met an outstanding party member three times in a certain sauna. How does this make Director Zhang feel balanced? Director Zhang blinked, and Lai Shuangyang touched the wine glass and drained the glass in one gulp.Director Zhang was emotional.He said: "Yangyang, I believe that the eyes of the masses are discerning. Your evaluation of me today makes me more happy than the praise from my superiors. After working for a lifetime, I am satisfied with the satisfaction and support of the masses. Come, let me toast you." After eating and eating to such an extent, Lai Shuangyang and Director Zhang almost talked about everything.What made Director Zhang relax his vigilance step by step was that Lai Shuangyang did not make any new excessive demands.Lai Shuangyang hardly talked about her house. What he talked about with him was worldly morals, life, and family routines. They were cynical and had a good time together. The topic was entangled by Director Zhang on his biggest heart disease.Director Zhang's biggest concern is his son. Director Zhang wiped his face with a slap, and said shyly, "Look at him crawling on the fucking bed, how embarrassing it is. I wish I could kill this bastard, lest he do something outrageous one day!" At this time, Lai Shuangyang, who had always expressed deep sympathy for Director Zhang, suddenly drank a glass of wine by herself, and punched her diamond-encrusted fingers together.It's time for Shuangyang to use her trump card.Lai Shuangyang said: "Director Zhang, I can't stand it for you! Well, I'll go all out, and I'll help you solve this problem!" Director Zhang said: "You?" Lai Shuangyang said: "Isn't your son a nymphomaniac? If he has a good wife, he will be fine. Even if he gets sick occasionally, he will be taken care of by his wife. If the young couple stay at home and make trouble, your wife won't worry about it." There is danger." Director Zhang said with a wry smile: "Oh, Yang Yang, the idea is good, but who would want to be his wife? Besides, he is educated, and he knows that he doesn't want country women, but beautiful girls. This is impossible!" Lai Shuang Yang said: "Director Zhang, there is nothing impossible in the world. I will help you with this favor! I will find you a young and beautiful daughter-in-law." The wise Director Zhang immediately pushed away the chair, stood up, greeted Lai Shuangyang vigorously, and said, "Yangyang, as long as you can really solve this serious problem for me, my wife and I will have a good relationship in the next life." Both cows and horses will repay you." Lai Shuangyang helped Director Zhang to sit down, and said, "Director Zhang, don't say it so scary. What afterlife? Don't we all just hope that this life can be a little smoother?" Director Zhang said sternly: "Yangyang, smart people don't need to talk too much. My duty at work is that you don't have any friendship with me, and I will handle it according to the policy. Your house problem is obvious to all. Your request is very reasonable, and I have been actively handling it. It’s just that there are too many problems left over from history, and it takes a little longer to solve. But it’s almost done now.” Of course, Lai Shuangyang didn’t say anything more up.Just say thank you! Thanks!Then he served wine for himself and Zhang Suoman, and then they touched each other lightly, and they were all fucked. Lai Shuangyang said: "Director Zhang, do you know that Jiumei is my god-sister? How about I marry Jiumei to you as your daughter-in-law?" Director Zhang said overjoyed: "Jiumei?!"
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