Home Categories contemporary fiction who do you think You Are

Chapter 5 Fives

who do you think You Are 池莉 2141Words 2018-03-19
Under the auspices of Wu Guifen, an old textile worker with rich experience in revolutionary struggles, the family meeting was held as formally, solemnly and orderly as the meeting in the factory.The program is easy first and then difficult.First discuss the issue of Lu Jianshe.Lu Jianshe was born in 1970, an unplanned child of Lu Nigu and his wife.There are a bunch of people in China for a historic child like him.At that time, the Cultural Revolution shut down work and production, and there was nothing to do.Ordinary workers were not the focus of the revolution.The salary is paid as usual, there is no need to worry about food and drink, the social status is relatively high, and the spirit is extremely comfortable.As the saying goes: Hunger and cold steal the heart, full and warm think of lust.Lu Nigu and his wife often spend time together at home, and if they are not careful, they have Lu Jianshe.It is also in the dark, there is a spirit in the sky.This unexpected child just looks different from other children.It's not hard to see something wrong with Lu Wuqiao compared to women.The two brothers share the same parents. Lu Wuqiao was born tall and tall, with regular features and an imposing manner, while Lu Jianshe was born petite and short, with a pale complexion and a pair of triangular eyes that wandered wildly.Before graduating from junior high school, Lu Jianshe falsely reported his age to replace Wu Guifen.A repairman in a textile factory is a pretty good job, surrounded by female comrades, just like Jia Baoyu's living environment, going to work is like resting.It was not bad for the first two years, and the factory reported that everything was good except for taking advantage of young female workers.But later, he often issued false sick leave, went to work for three days to fish and two days to post on the net, gambled and wiped cards everywhere, and was arrested and detained twice by the police station for gambling and fined 500 yuan.Recently, the problem has become more serious. Someone saw Lu Jianshe set up a street booth where migrant workers gathered along Baofeng Road in Hankou, cheating money by guessing cards.Lu Wuqiao asked his younger brother: Is that right?Lu Jianshe said: No.Lu Nigu said; this little bastard!Someone saw it with their own eyes, and they can tell the time and place, but you still have a hard mouth!Lu Jianshe said: Damn it!Who saw it?Who do you say saw it?I wish the three of us would face each other and let him take a good look at me.Lu Nigu said: What?Do you still want to take revenge on others?Don't think about it!Don't you want to know who told us!Lu Jianshe said: That is spreading rumors!It's a false accusation!The father and son stretched their necks towards each other across the dinner table, both of them glaring and breathing fire.Wu Guifen said: Forget it, it won't solve the problem.Wu Guifen took the tea from Lu Zhangzhu's hand, took a sip, then handed it back, saying: "Damn old man, shut up."I don't understand any method.You are not a classmate or colleague of this scab.Jianshe, tell your mother the truth, did you do that?Lu Jianshe immediately said: No.Lu Jianshe stared at his mother with dark eyes for a long time. "Little scab" was a term he hated deeply all his life, had she ever thought about it?Lu Wuqiao said: It's fine if there is none.I hope not before, and I hope not in the future.Lu Jianshe giggled eccentrically again, and said: Boss Qiao speaks like an intellectual.Lu Zhangzhu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. She said: Jianshe, don't do anything illegal. If you break the law, you will go to jail. Once you go to jail, everything will be over.Fontaine will definitely not marry you.Lu Jianshe said: Lu Zhangzhu, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb, so let's go.Lu Zhangzhu stammered angrily, and said, "Look at you...you look at you... Wu Guifen picked up the scratching bamboo scratcher on the bed and hit Lu Jianshe head-on.Lu Wuqiao held his mother's hand in mid-air, and snatched away the scratch.Wu Guifen couldn't utter a word, so she covered her chest and coughed hard.Before Lu Jianshe left, Lu Wuqiao said something to him.Jianshe, Lu Wuqiao said: Jianshe, you are my blood brother, and I always wish you well.I dig my head and pout my ass to do business desperately, not for myself alone.The old man and the mother are retired old workers with little salary; my sister’s factory is not doing well, and she has been retired at home, and her monthly living expenses are 50 yuan; man.Lu Jianshe interjected and said: Boss Lu, please don't treat me like a big man.Lu Wuqiao continued as if he didn't hear his brother's words: Everyone knows that your factory is not profitable, but everyone knows a saying these days, called: Gold is everywhere.It depends on whether you are willing to work hard or not.Usually everyone is too busy to sit together, so it is not embarrassing to say such emotional words, who in the family does not understand?What else do I need to say?But today I'm going to bite the bullet and say something.Construction, let me put the ugly words in front, and we will erase the past: no!But from now on, if I catch the evidence, I will be sorry to you.Lu Wuqiao's words became more and more harsh, his voice was as cold as iron, and the room was silent, all staring at his face.Lu Wuqiao said: You can do whatever you want, but you can't do those illegal things.No matter what, the old man and the old lady gave birth to you and raised you for twenty-four years, you can't slap them in the face.Although they are only workers, in the history of China, in society, in this large area of ​​simple dormitories, among relatives and friends, they are honorable and decent. They are the only ones who say that no one else points their backs.Therefore, there is only one request for you: don't lose their face, and let them live their lives decently.Wu Guifen straightened her back and called out: Good!This is filial piety!Lu Nigu's eyes were full of tears, he turned his back and pulled up his sleeves to wipe the corners of his eyes.He said excitedly: Our Lu family has four generations of working class!Lu Jianshe said in a relaxed and polite tone: Can I go?He said: I am very busy, every inch of my time is precious.bye!After Lu Jianshe finished speaking, he left and slammed the door.

After a while, Wu Guifen said: If I had a gun, I would give this little scab a peanut!I really regret how I wanted this little evil back then!Four generations of dignified workers!Lu Nigu said: Four generations of dignified workers!My father's name will be immortalized in the annals of the "February 7th" strike. We have built a machine for the party and the people for a lifetime. I am proud!Chairman Mao said that the working class is the leading class, we should be proud!Now it's all right - come on!Lu Wuqiao poured cold water on Lu Nigu: I will open a dyeing workshop if I give you some color.Lu Nigu said to Wu Guifen: Look, look, look at how this little dog talks to his old man.Wu Guifen turned her face to the wall.Lu Wuqiao said: Old man, old lady, I also want to advise you to be kind to the construction.You were proud when you were a worker, but his current situation is very bad, really.At this time, there seemed to be a noise outside the door, Lu Wuqiao nimbly went over to the door and listened.He hurried to the balcony again and saw the back of his younger brother Lu Jianshe walking through the simple dormitory.He is in a bad situation in the old, monotonous and boring worker's residential area covered with the dust of the years. The younger brother of the worker who is not loved by his parents is walking alone. Where will he go?A kind of blunt pain wafted through Lu Wuqiao's heart.

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