Home Categories contemporary fiction i have a covenant with god

Chapter 119 31. No future without reconciliation (2)

i have a covenant with god 北村 1790Words 2018-03-19
Hello, Leng Wei.I don't know why I thought of writing to you. In fact, when I enter the detention center, our story should be over.Or so my story is over.Now, I am waiting for the final judgment, but this is not important, because the possibility of my appeal being successful is extremely slim, so please treat this letter as a suicide note.As for why my suicide note was written for you and not for my other relatives, even I don’t know. I just think that when I am about to leave this world, you are the one I want to talk to her most. During the few months in the detention center, I was still surrounded by a deep sense of guilt. The fact that I hurt you is an eternal fact. I know that once things are done, they will not change.Although God forgave my sin, but the result of sin is still there, this is what Su Yunqi said, it will have an impact, it hurt you, your family, hurt Taotao, he lost his father forever, so, I know that if I were shot ten thousand times I would not complain, I deserved it.Not to mention you and my family, but also to myself, it has caused unexpected harm to me. Although I was forgiven by the Lord, I know that I am a sinner. Every time I think of what I have committed Sin, the heart is like being pierced.Only now do I realize that I was actually a sinful person in my mother's womb, otherwise how could I be so cruel!I really am like a bruised reed, the pain of the wound is always there.I often think, if I had known God from my mother’s womb, how many fewer sins would I have committed in my life!Leng Wei, I want to tell you, how good it is not to commit crimes!I now understand that I was made in the image and likeness of God, not in the image of a ghost. I am noble not because I have money, and wear good clothes and expensive jewelry. I am noble because I am made according to God. Created in the image, walking on the street is like God walking on the street, I smile at people like God smiles at people, people will say, how holy is that person, because he was made in the image and likeness of God .

However, I have lived in another dark place for thirty years, like rolling in a pigsty for thirty years. During these years, I thought that one day I would find happiness, be free, and be happy. However, I ended up with empty hands until the day I saw you.From seeing you to following you to the mental hospital, that period of time was the happiest time in my life. Only then did I know what happiness is, and what happiness is. It turns out that happiness is like this, which is completely different from what I imagined before. I used to think that it was happiness to have money that could not be spent, but now I find that it is happiness to work for you in a mental hospital. I used to think that no one cares about me and I do what I like is happiness. Now I realize that being loved Happiness is when people are in charge.Leng Wei, you are right that you don't want to testify for me. I didn't do anything for you. I was the one who hurt you, but you provided me with a chance to change my life. Come to understand the meaning of life, I want to thank you.

Soon, we will be separated, Leng Wei, I really hope I can do something for you, but I know it's impossible.I can only wish you sincerely, although you have lost your dearest person forever because of my sin, but I know in my heart that even a scum like me will eventually gain happiness, and your future happiness will definitely be even better than mine A lot, because even though I am the scum of scum, I still get so much love from everyone. What am I, do I deserve such love?But I got it.So, I'm sure you'll get it, you'll get more love than me. I heard that you have been in a bad mood recently, and some things have happened to you. Please listen to me, a sinner, and live a good life.Even if I can't do anything for you, I will comfort you, because I believe that you will regain happiness.Leng Wei, in the end I want to say to you, to Taotao, to grandma, I am sorry, I hurt your whole family, I am now convicted, although I am in prison, I am freer than ever before, I understand Only when we realize that life really has a higher side, can overcome sorrow, sorrow and hatred, and can purify the soul, such a life is dignified.Otherwise, it would be a strange thing for people to appear in this world, and it would not be worth living.Leng Wei, my heart misses you all the time, I think, even if I die and burn into a puff of smoke, I will become a soul that loves you and confesses to you, please accept a sincere one at last Repent of the person who hurt you, because he didn't know what he did in the past, and now he understands everything.Chen Busen.

After reading the letter, Leng Wei stuck the letter on her face, unable to speak for a long time. The Chen Busen case was opened for supplementary evidence in the Intermediate Court.The director hurriedly sent Pu Fei to follow up and interview in the court: You have to film me carefully, there may be a good show to watch today.Pu Fei asked, what is a good show?The director said that because Leng Wei was going to speak at the scene today, the best scene was her and Chen Busen's quarrel on the spot, which was their last show.Pu Fei said that it might be the opposite. What if Leng Wei was willing to testify for Chen Busen?The director said, this is also big news, but it is not easy for me. I have never seen a victim as evidence in favor of the assailant in my life.

Park Fei arrived at the court scene and found that all the relevant people were present.Leng Wei sat in the first row, her face was gray and expressionless.When Chen Busen was escorted in, he glanced at Leng Wei, but Leng Wei didn't look at him.After the court has completed some prescribed procedures, it will supplement evidence.The judge announced that the witness Leng Wei needed additional evidence.Leng Wei stood on the witness stand. When she stood up, her body suddenly softened and she almost fell down.Then she bowed her head in silence for a while, and said, I am Leng Wei.Li Ji's wife.Testify in court today.She took out a copy from her pocket, which she seemed to have written.The following is Leng Wei's testimony:

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