Home Categories contemporary fiction i have a covenant with god

Chapter 77 20. A criminal became a writer (1)

i have a covenant with god 北村 2227Words 2018-03-19
The miraculous speed with which Chen Busen's confessions were published is entirely attributable to Liu Chunhong.After this 100,000-word confession book was polished by Su Yunqi, there was no publishing house willing to publish it.This possibly best-selling book could not find a publisher because they would rather publish the memoirs of a corrupt official than build a monument for a criminal who killed the former deputy mayor, lest unnecessary political risks be caused.But Liu Chunhong actually found a publishing house. It is said that she invested in it herself, and used her own savings for this, and the first printing reached 50,000 copies.

Liu Chunhong said to Su Yunqi, although I also think Chen Busen is a fool, but I believe his book will be a hit.She urged the publisher to print the book in less than a month.Today, Liu Chunhong sent more than a dozen sample books to Su Yunqi, and it was she who asked Su Yunqi to write the preface.The title of this book is very long, it is called "I Confess to You and Ask for Your Pardon". Su Yunqi flipped through the book carefully, and told Liu Chunhong that it was written by Chen Busen with tears.Thank you, Liu Chunhong, he will appreciate you doing these things for him.Liu Chunhong said that if he was grateful to me, he would not do those stupid things. I am not asking him to be grateful, but I am going to appeal to the society through this book so that he can be treated with leniency. The launch ceremony in the library building this afternoon, You must attend.Su Yunqi said, yes, I will definitely participate, but I have to find someone first, that is Leng Wei.I want to give this book to her, she is the first person who deserves it.Liu Chunhong showed a bored expression on her face, and said, this woman is crazy, and she intends to kill Chen Busen.Su Yunqi said, not necessarily, Chen Busen's life is not in her hands, she lost her husband, she should be cared for.Liu Chunhong shook her head and said, it's no wonder you weren't kicked out.Su Yunqi said, let me give it a try, do you need our help in the ceremony?Liu Chunhong said that Chen Busen's cousin would go to help, and we invited a lot of media to come.

Su Yunqi found Leng Wei's home in Huanghe University according to the address, but he unexpectedly met Leng Wei downstairs. She carried a basket, as if she was going to buy vegetables.Su Yunqi introduced himself to her and said he wanted to talk to her.Leng Wei sized him up and immediately understood who he was: Are you Su Yunqi?Su Yunqi said, it's me.Leng Wei said, what are you looking for me for?Su Yunqi said, I just want to see you.Leng Wei didn't intend to invite him upstairs, so she sat down on a stone bench next to her and said, I heard you saved that guy?Su Yunqi said, it's not me, it's the Lord.Leng Wei didn't look at Su Yunqi, and said, it's not that easy, can you be saved?He is responsible for what he does.Su Yunqi said, of course, being saved means saving the soul, and he is responsible for what he does, that's it.However, Chen Busen was saved, and his person has indeed changed. He no longer hates him. He told me that he very much hopes that you can be saved like him.Leng Wei laughed, the laughter came from her nostrils: Saved?Why should I be saved?What did i do wrong?My husband is dead, I am crazy, I am sick, am I guilty?joke!Let me tell you, Mr. Su, if I believe in the same god as that guy, I will be ashamed.

After speaking, Leng Wei stood up and left.Su Yunqi also stood up slowly, and followed, saying, you have to believe in one thing, people will change, he didn't know what he did in the past, but now he knows.Leng Wei said, he knows what a fart!Are you going to partner with him to lie to me?Yes, that's what happened, you saved him and put a top hat on him, so he can escape the trial, right?You're colluding to get evidence in his favor from me, right?I tell you, don't even think about it.Su Yunqi said, you know best what he did... Leng Wei said, I know best, but I am also the most confused. I understand. I almost offended my dearest person. You don’t care about me as the victim, but you only care about the murderer. Do you still have humanity?Su Yunqi's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, he lowered his head and said, I came to see you today, it has nothing to do with him, I can't do anything about your pain, I can only pray for you, if my mouth can To comfort you, I am willing to speak without stopping until the moment your heart is at peace, but I know that it is useless to say that my lips are silent. Only God can comfort you in your wounds.

This sentence seemed to move Leng Wei, she stood there without moving, and said, thank you then, I'm going to buy vegetables, so I won't accompany you.Su Yunqi took out the book and said, this is the confession written by Chen Busen, which was just published, because more than half of what he wants to say is aimed at you, so I will send it to you today.Leng Wei was surprised, glanced at the book, and said, killing someone and still becoming a writer?It really kills two birds with one stone.Su Yunqi said, you can take a look.He gently put the book into her basket and said, I am sorry to cause you trouble, if you like, I will come to see you again, please take care of yourself.After saying that, Su Yunqi turned around and left.Leng Wei took the book out of the basket and threw it into the trash bin on the side of the road.

Su Yunqi saw this scene.But when he was about to go back and take out the book, he found that Leng Wei had turned her head.She looked around, but did not find Su Yunqi.Su Yunqi hid behind the wall, and saw Leng Wei walking slowly to the garbage bin, quickly picked up the book, put it in the basket, and walked away quickly. ... Su Yunqi used the remaining time to find lawyer Shen Quan. He wanted to know the progress of Chen Busen's case.Shen Quan was an old classmate of his. His law firm was located at No. 6 East Street, not far from the church, and the two often came and went.Su Yunqi gave him the book.Shen Quan made him a cup of black tea, and said that the current situation is not very favorable for Chen Busen, because he has no solid basis for repentance, what he did was against Leng Wei, not against the police, and Leng Wei also refuse to admit.Su Yunqi sighed, and said, no one asked why Chen Busen did what he did, it was so important for whom to show.Shen Quan said, however, the publication of this book should be beneficial to Chen Busen, so that the whole society can clearly see the true side of this case.Su Yunqi said, I went to see Leng Wei just now, she is not in a good condition, I think she is being tortured by herself.Shen Quan asked how to say this?Su Yunqi said that she always felt that she was sorry for her husband, so it was not entirely her own idea that she hated Chen Busen now, she should know that Chen Busen had repented.Shen Quan frowned and said, the problem is not that simple, she loves Li Ji too much, I have investigated, they are a couple who have hardly blushed, no matter who they are or what they do afterwards, as long as they take away Without her husband, she will not forgive him.Su Yunqi said, I don't think so, she just struggled a lot in her heart, just now I gave her this book, she threw it into the trash can, and when I left, I saw her pick it up again from the trash can.Shen Quan smiled, it was just curiosity.Su Yunqi said, I think there is hope.Shen Quan said, that's good, I wish it could be like this.Su Yunqi said, I was referring to the salvation of her soul.Shen Quan said, I'm not in the same position as you. What I mean is that this situation is beneficial to Chen Busen and can save him from the death penalty. We each take responsibility for it.

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