Home Categories contemporary fiction i have a covenant with god

Chapter 41 11. Language that cannot be shouted (1)

i have a covenant with god 北村 1808Words 2018-03-19
Liu Chunhong's sudden arrival and departure made Chen Busen very anxious.He wasn't sure whether Liu Chunhong would speak out about it out of desperation.Because Liu Chunhong's phone was turned off.In the morning, Chen Busen took his first leave of absence after starting work, and came to Liu Chunhong's bar to look for her, but she was not there.Chen Busen waited for another whole day in her new house, but she was still nowhere to be seen.His anxiety began to turn into fear, and from that moment on, he felt that everyone in the street was watching him, that they were his hunters.In the past few months, Chen Busen has experienced great joy and great sorrow.The so-called great joy is the happiness of being able to get along with Leng Wei's family that he has never tasted; the so-called great sorrow is that he has never been able to get rid of fear and pursuit.

Chen Busen was looking for Liu Chunhong all day long. At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Busen, who hadn't had a drop of water all day, didn't have any intention of eating, and didn't want to go back to the mental hospital even though he was hungry.He felt that two iron chains were pulling him, almost breaking him. Chen Busen thought of the song "Amazing Grace".He hummed this song when he was upset for a while, so now he thought of a place: the church.The songs sung there would at least relax him a bit.After thinking about it, Chen Busen came to Dongmen Church.There was no gathering in the church, only a few pastors including Su Yunqi had a small meeting together.When Su Yunqi saw him coming in, he came over to greet him, and Chen Busen said, I have something to ask you.Su Yunqi said that his meeting would be over soon, and he showed him a booklet called "Salvation" and asked him to wait a while.Chen Busen just read the book and waited there.He didn't quite understand the book, but there was a sentence that moved his heart. That sentence said: God's existence never needs to be proved, he only declares; just like life, whether it is proved or not, He exists, and He is source of life.Chen Busen thought this sentence was weird, but it made sense.

After the meeting, Su Yunqi called him to a small room and asked him if he had anything to say.Chen Busen hesitated for a long time, and said, there is one person, because he offended another person, he did a lot of things for this person.Su Yunqi said, this is very good.Chen Busen said that he must abide by the Ten Commandments you mentioned.Su Yunqi said, this is also very good.Chen Busen said, but he still has a lot of troubles.Su Yunqi asked him what was the trouble?Chen Busen didn't say anything, he just said that in short he was very troubled. Although he did good things to others and followed your ten commandments, he still had a lot of trouble and was in a bad mood.Su Yunqi said, have you thought about my advice to you to believe in the Lord?Chen Busen said, I'm obsessed with some things now, and I'm not in the mood to believe in it. Christianity is very good, so I can't disrespect it casually. I have to do better before I believe it, lest my mouse shit ruin you Pot of soup.Su Yunqi laughed, are you a rat shit?Then I'll tell you, I'm worse than rat shit.This sentence surprised Chen Busen, thinking he was joking.Su Yunqi explained, who is a Christian?Let me tell you today that Christians are not morally good people, nor are they reformed. Christians are people who know that they are worse than rat shit. Therefore, Christians give up and reform themselves because they see their sins. A point where there is no cure.Chen Busen said, isn't this the end?Su Yunqi said, no, if people can really think this way, God has a way. This is the so-called end of man and the beginning of God. If people can realize this, they also need God's mercy.Chen Busen said, people are bad, I know that.He thought of what he and the big stirrup had done, and also thought of his parents.Su Yunqi said, so you have to rely on God.Chen Busen said, I am too bad, how can I be like you, it is impossible, my cousin husband said, I am just different from him, I have to be at least half of him.Su Yunqi said, even if it takes 10,000 years, it won't work, because you can't do it, not only you can't do it, but your brother-in-law can't do it either, your brother-in-law and I have different views, we always write articles in newspapers to fight against each other , because I said he was also a sinner, and he was not happy.More importantly, your belief in the Lord is free of grace. What is grace?It is someone giving you something for nothing.why?Because you were originally the son of God, but now you are wandering outside. Who has ever seen a prodigal son who has returned home and reconciled with his father, who will do a lot of good deeds to show his father, or test his father’s genes before calling him dad?Chen Busen seemed to understand a little bit, and said, no.Su Yunqi said, therefore, your belief in the Lord is to admit an existing relationship, and then recover it, it has nothing to do with whether or not you do good deeds, and doing good deeds is just a manifestation of recovery, not a prerequisite.Chen Busen asked, so can thieves, robbers and murderers believe in nothing?Su Yun nodded, yes, of course, the Lord Jesus saved such people.Chen Busen kept quiet, he seemed to understand a little today, when he came to the church, his mood really improved.

Chen Busen asked, did the Lord Jesus you mentioned sing the song "Amazing Grace"?This song is very good.Su Yunqi laughed and said, I don't know about it, but maybe it's true, because the songs written by people are written only when they are moved.How about it?Are you clear about the matter of believing in the Lord now?Can you call on the name of the Lord with me and make a decision to believe in the Lord?Chen Busen didn't speak, as if his heart was about to burst.Su Yunqi said, trust him, he is our father.Hearing the word father, Chen Busen almost shed tears.But he calmed down and said, let me think again.Su Yunqi said, okay, I hope you can unload the burden as soon as possible.Chen Busen thought, this thing is so good, but I still don't believe that I can be saved with a single call. Isn't there no pie in the sky?I have to stretch out my hand even by stealing.Chen Busen said, thank you Pastor Su, I feel much better now.I want to buy a tape of the hymn, but I don't know if it is available.Su Yunqi said yes, I can give you a box, no need to buy.

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