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Chapter 3 1. The Zhangzaka Murder Incident (3)

i have a covenant with god 北村 2040Words 2018-03-19
When entering the elevator, they put on masks.No one spoke.Li Ji lived on the 3rd floor, and the elevator went up bang bang, Chen Busen felt that the time seemed very long.When we reached the twelfth floor, an old man in a Chinese-style Tang suit walked into the elevator. He looked at these people wearing masks strangely.The big stirrup smiled at him and said, which floor do you live on?He said, 25th floor.The big stirrup pressed the elevator for him.The man was still looking at him. The elevator finally stopped at the thirty-first floor.Chen Busen breathed a sigh of relief.They got out of the elevator, and the earth cannon knocked on the door of 3101.It was like ringing Li Ji's death knell.

Li Ji and his wife were restrained in the bedroom. Chen Busen was holding the child. The child didn't cry, but stared at them intently, because Chen Busen told him that his mother wanted to talk to his uncle.Li Ji's mother-in-law was tied up in her own room.Their mouths were all taped.The earth cannon pressed Li Ji with his knees, and then the big stirrup could see clearly that the former mayor was such a short man, only about 1.6 meters. His eyes kept looking at the ground, surprisingly calm.His wife, Leng Wei, was struggling non-stop, making whirring sounds from her mouth.The big stirrup rummaged around, and he found 20,000 yuan in cash, two passbooks and three cards in the drawer, totaling more than 300,000 yuan.The big stirrup asked Li Ji to tell the password for the transfer.Li Ji didn't say anything.The earth cannon started kicking him hard until he fell down.Leng Wei broke free from control and rushed to Li Ji, with an indistinct cry from her mouth.Snake jumped over and grabbed her hand, and tied her to the bedpost.Li Ji reported the password.

Snake went out of the room and went to the bank to transfer money.For the next suffocating period, the air in the room seemed to slowly gather and freeze.Everyone sit down and rest.The big stirrup saw a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes on the coffee table, and there was still more than half of the pack inside.He said, the smoke is good.He pulled one out and lit it.The air is immediately filled with the smell of high-grade tobacco.He asked if he wanted one of the earth cannons?Tu Pao shook his head solemnly, his hips clamped Li Ji tightly, like riding a horse.Leng Wei looked at her silent husband, her eyes filled with despair.

At this time, Li Ji suddenly expressed that he wanted to speak.The big stirrup didn't want to unseal his mouth and let him write with a pen.Li Ji wrote a few words on the paper: Please don't hurt them.The big stirrup smiled.Li Ji wrote again: You can get the money. At this time, the child in Chen Busen's hands in the hall began to feel uneasy.He struggled to find his mother.Chen Busen said that his mother and uncle were still talking.But the child didn't do it, and started scratching with his hands. Suddenly his hands grabbed Chen Busen's mask, and Chen Busen was shocked.He quickly let go of the child and put the mask back on in a panic.But by this time the child had jumped off his knees and was at the door of the bedroom.Chen Busen was so frightened that he rushed up to grab the child and picked him up, walked into the child's room, and closed the door tightly.He wasn't sure if the child saw his face when the mask fell off.

Chen Busen began to comfort the child in a low voice, saying that this was a sanitary inspection.He explains to the children why their parents spend so much time in the bedroom.He asked what the child's name was?The child said his name was Taotao.He asked why do you have to wear a mask?Chen Busen said, SARS.The child seems to understand. Chen Busen felt that time passed very slowly.This may just be a perception error.He's never been around a toddler during "homework" and it's not something he's used to.He found that using teasing to control children is more effective than other methods. Children are very noisy and harder to control than adults.They also used the method of sticking tape before, and one of them was smothered to death.Chen Busen didn't want to do that, so he decided to chat with the kid and found it very effective.He finally convinced the child that adults should not be disturbed when they are discussing important matters in another room.

It was an odd experience.Murder is brewing next door, but there is a murderer chatting with the child in this room.Chen Busen suddenly felt a strange and unreal feeling, as if trapped in a dream.Taotao asked him how long it would take to find his mother.Chen Busen said it would take a while.He said, let me do a magic trick for you.Chen Busen really performed a magic trick of hiding his fingers in front of the children, but suddenly people found that some of his fingers were missing.The magic trick became very successful, and Taotao actually giggled happily.He wanted Chen Busen to change again, but Chen Busen couldn't do other tricks, so he had to change the magic of hiding fingers again and again, Tao Tao kept laughing.

The big stirrup heard laughter.He felt very strange, walked slowly to the door, opened the door of the children's room, and saw a scene that surprised him: Chen Busen was doing magic tricks to the child, making the child laugh non-stop.The big stirrup and Chen Busen looked at each other, but he opened his mouth and slowly closed the door without saying anything. Chen Busen said to the child, I have done magic tricks, now you can do a magic trick and let me see.The child said, I can't do magic.I will draw a picture for you to see.Taotao started to draw with the crayons on the table.At this time, Chen Busen felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He felt that it was abnormal and inappropriate for him to chat with this child at such a time.He hadn't even expected a scene like this to happen - that might just be a solution to a crisis - teasing a child doesn't seem legal at the moment, even though it might be a proven method of controlling a child, otherwise it would be kill him.Now, Chen Busen doesn't want to kill people.

Taotao showed him the finished picture.But now Chen Busen has no interest in looking at paintings.He didn't know why it took so long outside, he couldn't take it anymore.But he can't go out of this door.At this time, Chen Busen saw the child's drawing: he drew a sea, and there was a person in the sea.There was a bearded man in the sky, and he touched his face with his hand.Chen Busen asked, who is this person in the water?Taotao said, it's you.Chen Busen looked a bit like him.Chen Busen asked again who is the man with the beard?Taotao said it was my father.He asked why the man in the sky touched the face of the man in the water.Taotao said, because my father loves you.He wrote four more words on the painting: Dad loves you.Chen Busen said, the one in the water is not me, but you.After speaking, he felt a little bit in his heart.Because the next door is working, Chen Busen is very uncomfortable because he talks about whether he likes it or not.He asked the child, who taught you how to draw?The child said, grandma.This painting is for you.As he spoke, the child stuffed the painting into Chen Busen's pocket.The child said, take off the mask and let me see if you have a beard.Chen Busen said, no.

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