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Chapter 21 Chapter 7 Theft (1)

anger 北村 1913Words 2018-03-19
I felt that car washing was too tiring and made too little money, so I joined a decoration team.Lao Liu and Zhang Debiao thought I was lively, so they joined the decoration team with me.We don't know anything, we can only start from geotechnical work.There are two calculations for the wages of laying tiles. If it is a manual worker, it is sixty a day for a big worker, and twenty-five for a small worker. I can only be a small worker.Later, I learned quickly, and soon began to work as a big worker; if the area was calculated as 12 yuan per square, I could only get 8 yuan, and the foreman took away 4 yuan.

Once we were decorating a villa, and I built a safe.This safe is hidden in the closet of his servant's room, so I can figure it out.I had heard stories about decoration workers being thieves, so I kept an eye on it and looked at its structure carefully. I became ill-willed.I admit that from that moment on, I developed a very vicious idea, for which I was prepared.This time, I had evil thoughts first and then acted.But I didn't say anything to Lao Liu and Zhang Debiao.I took out my previous ability to make master keys and made a total of more than a dozen.I tried it and it kinda works.

One night three months later.I dived back to that villa again.There is no anti-theft net in the villa, so I entered the door smoothly and came to the nanny's room.He hasn't hired a nanny yet.I committed the crime for nearly half an hour, but I was not found. They all slept to death upstairs.When I opened the door of the safe, what I saw was not a passbook, but cash. I looked at so much money and suddenly felt scared, as if it was a bomb.My hand trembled suddenly when I stretched it out, I didn't dare to take more, I only took a bundle, and quickly slipped out the door. When I came to the outskirts, I stayed in the field until dawn.I counted the money, and there were thirty thousand dollars in total.I was terrified, if the bundle in my hand was 30,000 yuan, then there must be at least hundreds of thousands or millions of money in the safe.I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my throat.

But I am very happy, the money came so easily, and just this one order, I became a rich man.I once swore that one day if I became a rich man, I would eat the best food, and then eat half and throw the half away.I want to buy a suit and two ties.I thought, what am I going to eat now?So I went to a roast duck restaurant and ordered two sets of roast ducks in one go, but I was full after eating less than one.I walked out of the roast duck restaurant and threw another packaged duck into the trash. But I couldn't go far, and suddenly felt very sad.I seemed to see the faces of my sister and my father.Their eyes were looking at me and they said, what are you doing.Do you have money to do this kind of thing?I was so ashamed that I picked up the roast duck and invited Lao Liu and Zhang Debiao to eat it.

They are happy.I said I would like to thank them for taking care of me this year.The sixth child said, where is this, brother.But when I put 30,000 yuan in cash on the table, they were all dumbfounded.I said, this is brought.The sixth child trembled and said, was it stolen?I said, it was brought, not stolen.Zhang Debiao said, you. . . . . .Where did it come from? I suddenly felt something to say to them.I said, do you know what a revolution is?Sometimes the revolution not only takes money, but also robs it, which is not called robbing, but expropriation.It is not a crime to deprive the landlord of his old wealth.Today I also take money, because I can't live anymore.And the money of those rich people can't spend it all, and it's still rotten in the cabinet, which is unfair.The sixth child said that he has the ability.When I say fart, I don’t believe in it. I don’t like to hear it. I, you, and De Biao all have abilities, but we don’t have a chance.I believe in one thing, God did not make us live on the earth to make us starve. There are so many things on the earth, but we will starve to death?This is something I will never understand. There is a problem here, there must be a problem.Zhang Debiao said, yes, there is a problem.I said, look, three days have passed, and the family did not call the police, why?Ill-gotten gains, why didn't he dare to call the police?It's a guilty conscience to be a thief, so, I'm not a thief, he is a thief!Lao Liu said that he must be a corrupt official.I said, let's wait and see, if a week passes and he still doesn't report the case, then he must be a corrupt official.We are not harming anyone, we are eliminating harm for the people.

I divided the money into three shares, saying, I took the money to start a revolution, not to get rich, and the money was divided into three shares, one for each of us.Lao Liu and Zhang Debiao were stunned, breathing unevenly.I said, are you still afraid?Is this money stolen?The sixth child said, no.I said, why don't you do it?I said again, don’t be afraid, I’ll say it again, I stole money before, you don’t know, I stole money from a car, but I was so ashamed, I gave all the money to beggars, and I didn’t give a penny stay by yourself.From today onwards, I will only target corrupt officials, and I promise not to steal a penny from ordinary people. Not only will I not take any needles from them, but I will also give them the money I get, just like I am giving you now.

The sixth child bowed his head and said, I know what you mean. Zhang Debiao said, after we took the money, are we going to work with you? I said, then you figure it out. Lao Liu thought for a while and said, Mu Sheng, how about this, you collect the money, we will do it with you, I have thought it through, you are right, we are fighting local tyrants, if you are really not for yourself, We can trust you. I said, in this way, we will keep a part of the money for us to use, and you will divide the rest into red envelopes, one hundred yuan each, and quietly distribute them to those poor people who come to the city to work and petition without money. Know that you gave it.

The sixth child said, okay, I will finish it at night. Zhang Debiao said, then I will find a few brothers. They used to be experts in this kind of work, and they have practiced touching soap in boiling water for three months. I said don't bluff, we are different from them, the people we want are good people, not bad people, and what we do are good things, not bad things, have you figured it out?We must first find out which one is a corrupt official. We must first conduct investigation and research. If he is a corrupt official, he will suffer from being dumb. Even if we will not be found out in ten thousand years, we must know their cash, jewelry and gifts. In what place, these things should be taken exclusively.

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