Home Categories contemporary fiction Zhou Yu's shout

Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

Zhou Yu's shout 北村 1398Words 2018-03-19
The day after Zhongshan came back from Sanming, he called Zhou Yu and asked her to go fishing in Banyue Lake in the afternoon.Zhou Yu said that I don't like fishing, Zhongshan asked: If you don't like it, Chen Qing must not like fishing?Zhou Yu was taken aback, what do you mean? ——Chen Qing likes to play tennis.Zhongshan smiled on the other end of the phone: He also likes fishing, you don't even know this, what kind of wife is he!See you at Moon Lake at two and a half in the afternoon. I just came back from Sanming and I have something to tell you. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Yu arrived at Banyue Lake on time.When she arrived, Zhongshan was already sitting there, fiddling with a fishing rod in his hand.Zhongshan looked at Zhou Yu, she was wearing a very blue suit today, which made people feel more solemn than the black one, and she looked as if she was about to leave this world.Zhou Yu sat down and looked at the lake, and said, if you have anything to say, just say it.

Zhongshan waved his hand, and the fishing line fell into the water: Do you know whose fishing rod this is?Chen Qing's fishing rod. Zhou Yu was stunned, and stared at Zhongshan motionlessly.Zhongshan didn't look at her: he caught many big fish with this fishing rod. Zhou Yu interrupted him: Don't lie to me here, Chen Qing never fishes. Yeah?Zhongshan smiled and lit a cigarette.In the past, Zhongshan did not dare to light a cigarette in front of Zhou Yu face to face.He said, Zhou Yu, how do you know that Chen Qing doesn't fish?Do you remember, once he said to you, Zhou Yu, I really want to go fishing.

I can't remember.Zhou Yu said. Of course you can't remember clearly, because you didn't even pay attention to why Chen Qing wanted to go fishing and refused. Zhou Yu seemed to be recalling: He didn't mention it again after that—did he dare to mention it? Zhou Yu interrupted Zhongshan: enough of Zhongshan!This is about me and Chen Qing. We have never quarreled, let alone about fishing. He will not be angry about such things. Unlike you, he only has love in his heart. That's how you made him that way!Zhongshan also interrupted her.Yes, he didn't fish, but he caught a woman with this fishing rod, her name is Li Lan.

... Zhou Yu stared at Zhongshan.To be honest, she seemed to have not reacted for a long time, and her mind was blank.Zhongshan asked, what are you looking at me for?Only then did she suddenly realize that her body was cold and she collapsed piece by piece.The lake turned black.Zhou Yu tried her best to prove to herself that this might be an illusion, or that Zhongshan was talking nonsense, but both reason and intuition told her that it was all true. Zhongshan looked at her strangely: ——Why don't you speak? Zhou Yu opened his mouth, unable to speak anymore, looking silly.Only then did Zhongshan realize that his news was too cruel to Zhou Yu.He said, you have to hold on, Zhou Yu, in fact, this is nothing, people make mistakes, really, how can people not make mistakes?You have to regard Chen Qing as a person who also makes mistakes, maybe he won't make mistakes instead.

I don't understand what you mean.Zhou Yu stared blankly at Zhongshan, and said in an almost pleading tone, tell me, what's going on? Zhongshan briefly told the story of Chen Qing and Li Lan, and Zhou Yu fainted as soon as he finished listening.Zhongshan quickly carried her into the car and drove towards the city.Zhou Yu remained motionless all the way, as if he had died.Zhongshan felt her breath, which was very weak.Zhongshan drove the car to the Provincial Hospital, and just as the car stopped at the gate of the outpatient building, Zhou Yu woke up. Zhongshan took Zhou Yu home.When going upstairs, Zhou Yu looked sober, but her body was weak. Zhongshan carried her upstairs, and then she lay down without saying anything.When Zhongshan touched her body, her body was very soft. Zhongshan once ran over a dog to death, but there was no blood, and his body was hot to the touch, but it was also so soft.

...It was not until evening that Zhou Yu opened his eyes.Zhongshan said, why don't you eat something?Zhou Yu said, I can't move, Zhongshan, let me sleep here.Zhongshan said, you can sleep as long as you want.But... you have to calm down. Zhou Yu shook his head, I'm fine, nothing will happen to me.I just feel weak and have no strength. Zhongshan said that Chen Qing was actually—Zhou Yu suddenly screamed and hugged Zhongshan tremblingly: Don't mention him—then her tears welled up silently, layer after layer.It was the first time she had shed tears since the afternoon.She didn't cry aloud, but she kept shaking, and her shoulders shivered with cold.What Zhongshan heard was only a slight sob, which was low and depressing.He used up a roll of paper and couldn't wipe away Zhou Yu's tears, so he had to bring a towel.Seeing her grief, Zhongshan almost doubted whether Li Lan's existence and what she told were a scam. Chen Qing had no lover at all, and even Li Lan might just be Zhongshan's illusion.

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