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Chapter 85 26.Yuyang's sense of accomplishment

corn 毕飞宇 1577Words 2018-03-19
Love is important.However, sometimes, hiding love, avoiding love, and avoiding other people's eyes and ears is the most important thing.The head teacher made an agreement with Pang Fenghua not to meet each other again.We will wait until Pang Fenghua "graduates".They hugged each other, and the way of expressing love began to be weird, and it became a vow.Both men swore never to see each other again, over and over again.Their minds are full of fantasies, fantasizing about the day when Pang Fenghua "graduates".But I dare not think about it.The more I think about it, the more sad I feel.It's too slim.

The oaths are all firm and firm, and the oaths are equally powerful, but when you turn around, the oaths are so ridiculous and wishful thinking.The homeroom teacher and Pang Fenghua both overlooked one point, how involuntary people are when they are in love.I can't help myself, I can't help myself.It's about to die.Can't wait to see you every day.I can't wait to stay together every minute and every second.They kept dating, kept crying, kept repeating their vows.It seems that every meeting is not because of love, but to review and consolidate their vows. "This is the last time, definitely the last time."But it didn't work.Both of them are going crazy.

Pang Fenghua's eyes were bright like glass for a while, and dimmed like frosted glass for a while.Everything depends on whether they can "meet".She steadied herself as best she could, suppressing herself.However, her abnormality did not escape Yu Yang's eyes.Judging from the actual situation, it can be said that Pang Fenghua really tried his best to cover up people's eyes and ears.In fact, those efforts were in vain.Yuyang knew about Pang Fenghua's situation.Even more detailed and specific than Pang Fenghua himself knew.Wang Yuyang's diary recorded Pang Fenghua's whereabouts as follows:

Of course, there is no Pang Fenghua's name on the diary, only an English letter: P.This "P" is now Pang Fenghua.Don't look at this "P" talking about it now, after a long time, it will definitely not be good.How can there be any good, there will be no good.Yu Yang is not just a record.The important thing is that Yu Yang will analyze.From a logical point of view, comparing the timetable in the diary, the conclusion will be clear.Pang Fenghua must be in love.When it comes to Saturdays, I clean myself so clean, even my teeth, what else can I do if I don’t go out and fall in love?this is one.Second, although the person who is in love with Pang Fenghua is still hiding in the dark, in Yuyang's view, the head teacher is very likely. Among other things, the head teacher has not asked Pang Fenghua to answer a question in class recently. , I deliberately didn't look at Pang Fenghua in class, it wasn't like this in the past, these were all problems, if I did it too well, it showed my flaws instead.Three, except for Saturdays, which are their firm dates, with occasional maneuvers.Generally speaking, it's either Monday or Wednesday.As for the place where they meet, Yu Yang is not sure yet, this is where Yu Yang's timetable needs to be further improved and further investigation is needed.But Yu Yang believes that as long as she follows and observes for a while, all the secrets will come out by themselves.Just like a seed is bound to germinate.The longer the time, the more cyclical the situation can be found.Periodicity is the law.Laws can best explain the problem.Law is the biggest thumbtack and the most powerful thumbtack.A hard push can push you against the pillar of shame.

To be honest, Yu Yang's initial tracking and excavation was just to complete the "work" and had no special ideas.After tracking for some time, Yuyang was surprised to find that she had an indelible love for this "job". The "job" is so good, so glamorous, and addictive, I can't put it down.Even if Pang Fenghua hadn't offended Yu Yang, Yu Yang believed that she would still like it.I can't hide anything from myself, and I can see everything.This is life's special gift to jade seedlings, an extra reward.There is a different sense of accomplishment.No wonder Wei Xiangdong wants to cultivate and develop ears and clairvoyance among his classmates.What Wei Xiangdong likes, Yuyang has no reason not to like it.How beautiful it is to be able to see other people's secrets clearly while hiding in the dark.How vivid, how colorful, how frightening, and how soul-stirring life is.Yuyang is grateful for life and for her "work".

However, Yuyang was not happy.not at all.Yuyang is thoughtful.It is still because of the money order.Money Order was a zombie, and now, it's back to life.It opened its eyes to Yuyang.Yu Yang could see it, it was a blue light.It's a death ray.Yuyang heard the "remittance slip" again during the extracurricular activities in the afternoon. Teacher Wei Xiangdong came over and hoped that she would "go there" in the duty room.Yuyang didn't want to go.Yuyang never wanted to go to that place again.Every time Yuyang sees that house, she thinks of her naked buttocks.But it doesn't work if you don't look at it.In fact, as soon as Wei Xiangdong mentioned the "remittance slip" Yu Yang quietly followed Wei Xiangdong.

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