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Chapter 33 5.small town life

corn 毕飞宇 2091Words 2018-03-19
Before eight o'clock, the streets of Broken Bridge Town were actually a vegetable market, full of smells from beginning to end.After eight o'clock, the other side of the street immediately appeared, becoming clean and orderly.There are no orders.But daily life forms its own order, almost an iron law, which cannot be shaken.The tweeter in the middle school began to tell the time, and with a beep, it was an extremely solemn moment, "Eight o'clock Beijing time." Beijing time, it is far away, kind, sacred, contains a unified will, contains the people of the whole country. A planned and disciplined life.It belongs not only to the people of Beijing, but also to the people of the whole country.Chairman Mao and his old man are already on the top of Tiananmen Gate to manage everything.This is the end of the time for mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law in the town to haggle over the odds and ends.The sun was shining obliquely on the street, and the bluestone pavement was overflowing with the reflection of the newborn sun, glowing red.At this time, the streets were shrouded in a short period of tranquility, even silence, which seemed to be a necessary preparation.Then, the doors of grocery stores were opened, the doors of supply and marketing cooperatives were opened, post offices, credit unions, commune offices, hospitals, agricultural tool factories, iron and wood cooperatives, grain management offices, grain purchase stations, transportation stations, cultural stations, and pig purchase stations In short, all units related to the "state" slowly opened their big iron gates.At this time, the street is no longer a vegetable market, but a part of the "country" and begins to exercise the functions and powers of the "country".When all the gates were opened together, there was a sense of quiet ceremony on the street. Of course, it was hard for the people in the town to notice, bringing a lazy but a little solemn atmosphere.At this time, the new day has officially begun.

Every day at eight o'clock in the morning, at eight o'clock sharp, Guo Jiaxing came to the office on time.Sit down, make tea, cross your legs, and start reading "two newspapers and one periodical", word by word.Almost researched.Guo Jiaxing sits in his office all day long, but judging from the actual situation, he is in Beijing every day.He follows every move in Beijing.For example, the names of leading comrades have been moved forward and whose names have been moved back. This absolutely cannot be ignored.For example, there were seven leaders who accompanied Prince Norodom Sihanouk last year, but this year they changed, and three changed. According to the newspapers a few days ago, one went to Tanzania; one went to Inner Mongolia, "Talking cordially with the herdsmen"; the other one, I don't know.Guo Jiaxing always wanted to keep this missing name in his heart for dozens of days.If the time was too long, Guo Jiaxing would raise the matter with several leaders of the commune, saying in a very solemn tone that "so and so" had "didn't come out" for a long time.It wasn't until the next time the name or photo of "so-and-so" appeared in the newspaper that Guo Jiaxing could rest assured and inform other comrades of the news.Guo Jiaxing is accustomed to regard the names on the "two newspapers and one magazine" as "countries".Caring about them is actually caring about the "country".Guo Jiaxing's concern is not because he is ambitious and wants to climb up.no.Guo Jiaxing is not like this.As a leader, as long as he does not make directional mistakes and can stay in the commune for a lifetime, Guo Jiaxing is very content and satisfied with himself.Guo Jiaxing is just a habit, which has been cultivated for many years and has become a nature, so every day is the same.

Guo Jiaxing doesn't care about others, he doesn't care about himself, he is only used to keep his motherland in mind while looking at the world at the same time.Guo Jiaxing looked down on birth, old age, sickness and death, let alone oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.Those were trifles, pretty low-taste, meaningless.However, Guo Jiaxing has been tied down by "trivial matters" these days, and he is a little bit unable to extricate himself.The matter was triggered by another deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee. The deputy director met with Corn and joked about Guo Jiaxing, saying: "Middle-aged men are three fires, promotion, wealth, and death of their wives. Director Guo caught up with him." .” This is an old saying, handed down from the old society, and the style is quite unhealthy.When the words reached Guo Jiaxing's ears, Guo Jiaxing was very unhappy.However, Guo Jiaxing pondered over and over again, privately feeling that the general meaning was correct.Guo Jiaxing didn't get promoted, didn't get rich, but his wife died. It stands to reason that Guo Jiaxing should be disgraced.Contrary to Guo Jiaxing's own expectations, no, instead he became younger, more energetic, sharper, and "hot".for what?Just because his wife died.The old is gone, but the new is coming.Not only that, but the bride is so old that she can be her own daughter, and she is also beautiful, with skin as smooth as satin.Guo Jiaxing didn't say anything, but he knew in his heart that his happiness actually came from the bed, from the body of the corn.

If you look back and think about it, Guo Jiaxing has been quite slack in dealing with sexual affairs these years. He is an old couple, and they are familiar with each other. Every time is like a meeting.It seems to be of great significance, but in fact it is very tasteless.My wife is terminally ill, so the meeting will not be held.If you talk about it in detail, Guo Jiaxing hasn't been able to have sex for a year or two.Fortunately, Guo Jiaxing is not greedy or addicted to it, and he quits when he quits.Who would have expected that withered trees would be in spring again, and cycads would bloom again.Guo Jiaxing himself couldn't believe it, but at this age, he became more energetic.In the final analysis, it's better to be the girl Maize, who is careful and fawning on the bed.Corn is not only careful and flattering, but also very considerate. If Guo Jiaxing is too greedy, Corn will put Guo Jiaxing's head on her breasts, enlighten Guo Jiaxing, and say: "Be careful with your body, but know that water flows forever. Ugly wife, I’m afraid others will snatch her away.——What if I lose my body? I have nothing.” Speaking of this, Corn inevitably shed tears, a bit sad, but not Not sad, very lingering.Guo Jiaxing felt it was strange, he didn't even think about it at first, but after corn came like this, he thought about it again.As soon as Guo Jiaxing "thought", of course the corn couldn't stop him, he had to cooperate with all his strength, flatter him with all his strength, and sweat all over his body.The bed was damp.Corn himself couldn't understand why he was sweating profusely when he got to the room.Corn struggled a lot, and later said: "Go outside and find a woman, I really can't serve you by myself." Corn's words contradicted the previous meaning.However, the words on the side of the pillow cannot be measured by common sense.Guo Jiaxing loves to listen.Guo Jiaxing, who is over half a century old, especially likes this sentence.This sentence shows such a meaning, Guo Jiaxing is not old, he is in his prime.In order to rejuvenate the bed, Guo Jiaxing has quietly practiced push-ups.At first there was barely one, but now there are four or five.If this continues and persists until the end of the year, twenty or so will definitely not be a problem.

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