Home Categories contemporary fiction Sister-in-law Yuqing

Chapter 15 fifteen

Sister-in-law Yuqing 白先勇 944Words 2018-03-19
I was woken up early in the morning by urination, the sky was still bright, the window was dark gray, and the fog was so heavy, I opened the curtain and found that Yuqing's sister-in-law's bed opposite was actually empty.I thought about it blankly, and was startled in my heart—she probably went away and didn't come back all night. I vaguely remembered the dream at night, and I was very puzzled. I put on a small jacket, slipped out of bed, quietly went downstairs and walked into the back garden, the back door bolt was open again, I opened the garden door and slipped out. The mist smeared the face wet and greasy; the sun had just risen, and through the gray mist, a few patches of pale light shot out. The alley floor was sticky and wet, slightly reflecting the light of the sewage, and it was slippery to step on.The roosters of several families were crowing anxiously, and the trailers had creaked out of the alley. But the butt of the cigarette flashed a dim red light in the mist.I was so cold that I cleared my nose and squeezed my neck into the collar of my cotton-padded jacket.

When I walked to the door of Qingsheng's house, my hands were almost numb from the cold. I took a deep breath to warm myself up, and then patted on his door, but there was no sound from inside.I waited for a while, I became impatient, turned around and slammed the door hard with my butt, the door was not fastened, and it burst open, I staggered, fell in, sat on the ground, when I turned around, my mouth I only yelled "Oh!" I crawled on the ground and couldn't yell a second time. The candle on the table was only half an inch long, and the table was covered with cakes of dark yellow wax tears. The candle was dying and emitting a light blue flame.Both Qingsheng and Yuqing's sister-in-law were lying on the ground. Qingsheng was lying on his back. There was a hole in his throat as wide as a cup. Yuqing's sister-in-law was lying on Qingsheng's body, with a short knife stuck in her chest, the blood continued to flow drop by drop onto Qingsheng's chest, and a large area of ​​her moon-white clothes was stained red.

Qingsheng's face was blue and white, his lips were black, his curly hair and feet stuck to his forehead, but his eyebrows were furrowed together.His mouth was tightly closed, and the bluish beard on his lips was still neatly falling to the sides, looking so tender.Yuqing's sister-in-law tightly held Qingsheng's neck with one hand, and her face was crookedly pressed against Qingsheng's chest. Even her white earring was stained with blood from Qingsheng's throat.All the blood on her face had faded, and her lips were slightly tinged with lavender.Her eyebrows were drawn flat, her eyes were closed, and her face was very peaceful, as if she were sleeping comfortably.Qingsheng's eyes were slightly open, his hands were clenched into fists, he turned his head, he didn't look like he was dying at all, he seemed so young, so frizzy, as if he was struggling with something all the time of.

I fell beside them and touched the red blood mixed with them, and I was about to fall asleep. I felt my hands were clammy, very cold and in a trance, and the sun seemed to be warming from outside the door again. Like crawling in.
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