Home Categories contemporary fiction Sister-in-law Yuqing

Chapter 12 twelve

Sister-in-law Yuqing 白先勇 1046Words 2018-03-19
Yuqing's sister-in-law was knitting with her head bowed in the room, and she didn't even feel that I stepped into the door.She has been getting thinner recently, her cheeks have sunk in, and under the lamp, she will appear in a dimpled shadow. I ran up the stairs, gasping for breath, and before I could breathe, I rushed into her arms, Pulling her sleeves, she ran out and shouted out of breath: "Quick, quick, I found something very new tonight, you must go and see it." "What's the matter!" Yuqing's sister-in-law was dragged staggeringly by me, and she asked, "How can I go out in the middle of the night—"

I interrupted her conversation and shook my hand and said, "No! No! You must go, this is your own business!" We sat on the rickshaw, no matter what sister-in-law Yuqing said to me, I always refused to show it. I always said: "You'll know when you see it for yourself." We got off the car on the street opposite Ha Shengqiang, and I dragged Mrs. Yuqing behind the telephone pole, and said to her in a low voice, "Just wait and see, there will be a good show." In the row of small restaurants on the opposite side, several restaurants are already cleaning up and preparing to close.

Only Ha Shengqiang and another larger family still lit the bright gas lamps, and there were still many people inside who were supper, and the steam from the steamer still wafted out of the shop from time to time. After a while, Qingsheng and Jin Yanfei came out from Ha Shengqiang. Jin Yanfei walked in front, and Qingsheng followed closely behind her. Jin Yanfei kept turning his head as if talking to Qingsheng.Qingsheng also leaned forward, the faces of the two were so close—— It's like they're about to touch each other.Jin Yanfei was wearing a bright red short jacket, the waist was so thinly tied, and she walked lightly, which looked tight.Qingsheng carried the waistcoat for her, and the two looked very affectionate.

"Here, did you see it?—" I said, pointing at them with one hand, and grabbed Yuqing's sister-in-law's sleeve with the other hand, and when I grabbed it, it was empty. Get up: "Oh! What's wrong with you?" Yuqing's sister-in-law slipped and fell to the ground at some point, her back limply leaning against the wooden pole, her hands crossed and her chest tightly clutched, her entire body trembling. When I got closer, I saw that her face became scary, the white reached the ears, the eye circles and the corners of the mouth were gray, and a lot of white saliva flowed out of her mouth.Her eyes were tightly closed, her upper teeth were exposed, and she bit her lower lip desperately, biting so hard that the blood was dripping out, and the foam was hanging from the corner of her mouth, her chest heaved and fell, His clothes trembled.

I was so frightened that I wanted to cry, I shook her shoulders desperately and shouted at her, she opened her eyes after shaking for a long time, sighed a long time, then climbed up with trembling support, I quickly hugged her She raised her head and asked her what's wrong, she stared at me and shook her head, her eyes were dazed, as if she didn't recognize me, she grinned and nodded, her face twitched so ugly, her throat constricted. Li always made a strange snoring sound, like crying and laughing, so miserable and ugly. She stood there in a daze for a while, then suddenly pulled her hair together, and murmured:

"Go—go—get him back—go, go, go—" As she spoke, she started running without touching the ground, staggering, as if drunk, I ran after me and called her, but she ignored me, running faster and faster, her hair scattered in the wind , so high up.
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