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Chapter 44 Forty-four

save the breast 毕淑敏 2040Words 2018-03-19
"First of all, let me ask you, is the English word for the group 'EncounterCroup' or 'Theme-Centered'?" Before that, Cheng Yuanqing only knew that Cheng Muhai's Chinese sounds good, but now he knows that his English is also very idiomatic."It's EncounterCroup," she said. Cheng Muhai said: "The word 'Croup' for the group, the more I read it, the more interesting it becomes." Cheng Yuanqing said: "It has multiple meanings." Cheng Muhai said: "Yes. In mathematics, it means 'group', in law, it means 'group', in biology, it means 'family', in geology, it means 'boundary' , in the business world it means 'collective'..."

Cheng Yuanqing said: "Mr. Cheng, you have a powerful dictionary." Cheng Muhai went on to say: "In psychology, simply translate it as 'group', isn't it too simple? Can't cover its rich content?" Cheng Yuanqing said: "The more simple things are, the more vital they are. Simple and truth-rich things tend to last forever." Cheng Muhai said: "In philosophy, when this word is used as a verb, it means collision and confrontation." Cheng Yuanqing said: "Do you think there is still less confrontation in our group?" After speaking, she felt that she had made a mistake.When did Cheng Muhai become "our group"?It was too late to make amends, so I had no choice but to keep silent, hoping that Cheng Muhai would forget about it.What kind of person Cheng Muhai is, how could he ignore this change, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Cheng Muhai said: "You said our group is 'EncounterGroup', the accurate translation should be 'making friends group'?" Cheng Yuanqing said, "Cheng Muhai, are you a member of the Translation Association?" Cheng Muhai didn't react for a while, and answered honestly: "No." After the words came out, he realized Cheng Yuanqing's teasing meaning, and said, "I worked hard to study it because I love the group. You can tell the truth again." Pu Su said, I am also hard to convince. Ordinary people can't separate it from ordinary residents' groups."

Cheng Yuanqing liked Cheng Muhai's emotion when he said "love the group". He became serious and said, "Then, what do you think of the translation as 'knowing'? That's how Hong Kong and Taiwan translate it." "Cancer understanding group..." Cheng Muhai repeated in a low voice, as if facing a baby in swaddling. "Yes, it's called cancer understanding, the meeting of heart and heart. We have cancer, but our hearts can still meet happily. We can smile knowingly." Cheng Muhai said happily. "You said you had cancer?" Cheng Yuanqing was surprised.

"Sorry, I slipped my tongue. I don't have cancer, but Mumei has cancer. I can't help being with her all the time, please forgive me. Now that we're talking about Mumei, Mr. Cheng, do you think Mumei has a serious psychological problem?" Question? Always acting weird?" Cheng Yuanqing realized that there were a lot of circles around early in the morning, but this was actually what Cheng Muhai was most interested in.She said: "You love your sister very much. She is my team member and I love her very much. For her benefit, forgive me for not telling you my opinion."

Cheng Muhai said: "Your principle is not to talk about the team members behind their backs. I have a close relationship with Mumei. For Mumei, I wish I could work hard. I know that she is the slowest progresser in the group. She is eccentric and indifferent. , out of gregarious, I am anxious for her. You are her team leader, I am her elder brother, as the saying goes, elder brother is better than father, and both parents are dead. Although I am only 27 minutes older than Mumei, it is also equivalent to her Parents. Our conversation now is like a heart-to-heart talk after a parent meeting. It is all for Mumei's good. Don't worry about it. If you think she is mentally abnormal, just tell me, I will accompany her until she is mentally ill. Courtyard. Taking a ten thousand step back, it is Mumei who knows our conversation, and I can only blame you if you want to blame, and I can only thank you." Cheng Muhai is very earnest.

mpanel(1); Cheng Yuanqing stood her ground, no matter how much she disliked Cheng Mumei from the bottom of her heart, and how inseparable Cheng Muhai's brother and sister were, she could not criticize the team members with a third party.She said: "Your sister has her own logic. Everyone is an inner universe with too many mysteries and magic. As a clinical psychologist for many years, I am full of awe for people. Your sister is still not If she is willing to reveal her heart, there must be her big reasons and her big difficulties. The group is like a warm house. When you walk in from the cold night, you will gradually warm up by the fire, and you will take off your coat and take off your clothes. Take off the turban. If a person wraps himself up tightly for a long time, it can only be said that the fireplace is not hot. I want to add more firewood. Many people gather wood and the flame is high."

Cheng Muhai remained silent.After a long time, he said: "I like to take off my coat in a warm house." Cheng Yuanqing said: "This is a metaphor." Cheng Muhai said: "For your warm house, there is one thing I must report to you." His tone was serious, and Cheng Yuanqing was shocked. "In the group, there is an elaborate scam." Cheng Yuanqing was shocked and asked: "What did you say? A scam? In the group?" Cheng Muhai said: "For the healthy development of the group, you must reveal this secret! This is my advice to you!" Cheng Yuanqing wanted to ask again, but the answer was busy.

Cheng Yuanqing's arrangement for today was originally to study.Classic psychology works have an eternal fascination.Some of the words of the masters, when I saw them in the past, were like green fruits hanging on the treetops. They are just a beautiful existence, but they cannot be approached.When a person has the corresponding experience and meets the orchard again, the fruit will be ripe, with a fermented mellow aroma, which can be seen at a glance from a long distance.Take it off, read and read, and fell drunk between the lines. This kind of enjoyment is missed today. Cheng Yuanqing arrived at the Junyong, orderly building, it was a bit busy today, many people were bustling around like soldiers and ants.Chu Qiang was also about to leave, and Cheng Yuanqing briefly told him about Cheng Muhai's phone call.Facing Cheng Muhai's reminder of the scam in the group, the two were puzzled and couldn't figure out who was the suspect.Chu Qiang said: "Cheng Muhai is really weird. His sister is weird. This family loves to produce weird people. Teacher Cheng, don't worry. Let me think of a way."

Cheng Yuanqing said: "I'm not in a hurry, I'm just confused. You have to believe this, and you can't fully believe it. The group is developing well now, and we have to be more careful in the future. There is an old Chinese saying that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. As small fish and shrimp, I’m afraid it will be burnt if you don’t pay attention, this group is simply shrimp skin.” Seeing Cheng Yuanqing's anxiety, Chu Qiang said, "Mr. Cheng, whoever deceives the group will be a collective murder for everyone." As he was speaking, someone urged Chu Qiang to leave, so he had to break up.

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